AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Alright we're back to the cheery subject of excess deaths. It's not going away, you know. It's something we have to look at. A lot of people out there, they just can't believe it's happening, they think we're a load of cranks and nutjobs and we're just saying this, you know, for the good of our health. If only that was the case. If only. But we're looking at these excess deaths, and we're exceptionally lucky, we've got somebody new on board, somebody very special. Big noise in the academic world. Dr. Sean Ó Nualláin, professor at Stanford and Berkeley, no less.* And you've done quite a bit to earn a fantastic reputation, and we're absolutely delighted that you can break down these numbers for us. Because so many people out there won't believe us. And when we get somebody with your academic record they might listen.
So would tell you tell us why, Dr. Ó Nualláin, have you decided to throw your name in the hat and speak up?
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Well, mainly because the whole Covid-19 thing was obviously a complete fraud right from the start. And we did statistical analysis very early on in 2020, so I was able to say in June 4th, 2020 with Pat Barry and LíR Media** that basically you'd better open up everything now, and you're going to be closing everything in the autumn again, that's very clear, but you better open it up now, because it's now as good as it's going to get. So this actually was the first fraud. They were using the wrong statistical method.
And the second fraud then came when we found ourselves able to predict the number of cases way through the autumn and winter, and they had no interest in that whatsoever. We contacted North Dakota, and we contacted Ireland, we contacted, this is the authorities now, we contacted Spain.
So then, of course, the injections started. But I'm getting ahead of the story now, actually.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, we want to look at your CV because we're delighted really to have somebody new, and somebody of your stature to be able to deliver this news to the people of Ireland, who really don't want to hear it. They really don't. So will you tell us a little bit about your career to date, because you have written 15 books and you're a highly credentialed individual.
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Written and edited 15 books, yes, and a lot more besides which came out in web journals and independent publishers. There's 15 books with academic publishers. And so I ended up in molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley, I ended up at neuroscience in, in U C Berkeley. And then the students at Stanford had heard a talk that I gave there, and said, look, man, that's really great, could you teach a course on this? And I said, look, you're going to have to go back to your professor and ask him that. So as a result of that I got appointed to be a professor at Stanford teaching two courses, Neuroscience and Experience, and Biosemiotics. They're currently taught for credit at the University of Pisa, and so that's their summer school in Consciousness and Cognition, they're my courses that are taught.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: You know the court system, you know the academic system, so like so many of us, our careers to date are helping us understand what is going on. And you know, it's no accident that you're here at this moment to help the wider public understand what is going on. Now, it's something incredibly serious. A black—
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: —swan event. A one in a 10,000 year event we are looking at with these excess deaths.
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: So what's going on is a lot of people are dying actually, and an awful lot more people are going to die this winter. I mean, we haven't even started the excess deaths yet. But, I mean, I just I want to anticipate the responses I'm going to get, you know, for this.
The response we already know from Anthony Staines is, they're going to say the data we're using from Eurostat and the European Commission— remember, we're using European Commission data, that's the executive of the European Union. That's a serious body. And he's saying, no, that those data are all wrong.
There's other data from EuroMOMO*** which is European Mortality. And I phoned them, I did everything you meant to do, there's no response.
So we can now say that they're taking those data from their ass. This is bullsh#t. You know, our data are actually right. If they, if they want to give me their data, I will process them just as I processed this.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: And also, you have to say that Anthony Staines, he would say that. Because I do, I was looking at one of his latest international studies. And what was the conclusion? And this is a man who gets on air, he gets a lot of air-time, and he gets wheeled out, you know, as this voice, as this great academic voice. And what was the conclusion? More vaccines!
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Yeah, and I mean, I mean, the man is a fool apart from everything else. I mean, it's not, you know, we knew as early as, like, January, February 2021 that these injections were not going to work. They're not vaccines, actually, according to the Oxford English dictionary, they're not vaccines. Vaccines immunize and Pfizer admitted in public they did not even test for immunity. So they're not vaccines. They changed the American definition of English, but that's not really English, you know, that's the Webster Dictionary.****
So, if, uh, just getting back to the figures here, the black swan. Aisling, so basically we have a figure here, we have 37 deaths in 2022 versus normal 31,000 and they could actually argue that's just an anomaly.
The third fallback position they have is, they will say, correlation is not causation. And they were told to do this by the, there's actually a manual for handing the media in a, in a pandemic. It's called the SPARS Manual and it came out in 2017* and it's blow by blow what they eventually did in Covid-19.
So if you're, if you're losing the argument, well you say, correlation is not causation. Well, you know, basically, Stats 101, we've got ways around that. It's called Granger Causality. We've got the R squared. But these guys don't know any of those stats, they're just ignorant people being paid a fortunate to tell lies.
Now getting onto the specifics of this. The statistical test you can use is on the web, it's, it's actually a T-test. It's very, very simple. It's one of the simplest tests you can do. And there's a site called GraphPad** which is free. And you can, you can do that. So basically what you can do is key in, month by month, the deaths in 2022, say, and key in month by month the average deaths for those months. And you get incredible results. You get, you get a probability of 0001, that's one 1 in 10,000, They tell you the probability of this happening by chance is less than 1 in 10,000. Or the analogy I would use, it's like like tossing heads 13 times in a row. It's greater than that. So for 2022 we can say for sure that that's actually a, a black swan event. Something incredible happened.
What's even more disturbing is Ireland versus the EU. And in, from 2022 to so far in 2023 there's a a 1 in 2,500 chance that that happened by chance. So that's actually more than the chance of throwing 11 heads in a row. It's more unlikely than that.
So for some reason, the Irish are getting killed, and we're getting killed at a rate that is actually exponentially greater than our fellow members of the European Union. Why? That question really needs to be asked. There is not a more urgent question anywhere in this country, Aisling.
# # #
* About Seán Ó Nualláin:
"Sean O’Nuallain holds an M.Sc. in Psychology from University College, Dublin (UCD) Ireland & a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He holds a visiting scholars' position at Stanford and directs the independent non-profit Nous Research. He is the author of a book on the foundations of Cognitive Science: "The Search for Mind" (Ablex, 1995; 2nd ed Intellect, 2002; Third edition Intellect, 2003) and editor of "Two Sciences of Mind" (Benjamins, 1997); editor of "Spatial Cognition"; co-editor of "Language, Vision, and Music" (Benjamins, 2002) and of "Mind in Interaction" (Benjamins, in preparation). His "Being Human: the Search for Order" (Intellect, 2002) sold out its first print-run immediately; the second edition was launched at Stanford Bookstore on May 19, 2004." — source:
"Sean O Nuallain holds an MSc in Psychology from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, and a PhD in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He has been a Visiting Scholar at both Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley (2002-2012), eventually being appointed a faculty member by academic senate in both institutions. He directs the independent college trading as University of Ireland in the US. He has held visiting positions at Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley in computer science, philosophy, molecular and cell biology, and neuroscience. In 2014, he ran the Foundations of Mind conference at UC Berkeley, with proceedings published by Cosmos and History (Volume 1, 2014) and CSP (Volume 2, in press). One Magisterium is the third Volume in this series."— Source:
O'Nuallain's latest book, co-authored with David Bernal-Casas, is Follow the Sun: How Two Rebel Neuroscientists Solved Covid-19 (Red Books Press)
From the website: "EuroMOMO is a European mortality monitoring activity, aiming to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats. Official national mortality statistics are provided weekly from the 28 European countries or subnational regions in the EuroMOMO collaborative network, supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and hosted by Statens Serum Institut, Denmark."
**** The CDC's definition of "vaccine" as of Sept 21, 2021:
"A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases."
See also: Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, explains how, by this definition, your yogurt is now a "vaccine"
In answer to a direct question by Rob Roos, Dutch Member of the European Parliament, a Pfizer official publicly stated such. For video and transcript see:
* SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators
Why are there so many aircraft crashing all aroud the developed world Dr. Alexander? Could these tragedies have been prevented if the pilots had been up to date with their shots?
'Brilliant' pilot, 28, killed in shock helicopter 'tragedy'
Witnesses reported hearing an explosion in the sky with smoke trailing behind the aircraft.
Interesting on many levels. I want to see raw score deaths, comparing 2019 death stats by nation and age, with all death stats by nation, age and for each year after and including 2020. Then use that date for further analyses.
I’m not aware of any other Covid skeptic who has asked this question: WHY would it be so important to push the start date of virus spread back several months? In this speculative deep dive, I identified several possible answers to this question.
One of my answers/explanations: The producers of this faux pandemic HAD to have all these excess deaths. The most important parts of the program couldn't commence until the excess deaths happened.
Aisling O'Loughlin News, September 22, 2023
See also related Substack post:
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Alright we're back to the cheery subject of excess deaths. It's not going away, you know. It's something we have to look at. A lot of people out there, they just can't believe it's happening, they think we're a load of cranks and nutjobs and we're just saying this, you know, for the good of our health. If only that was the case. If only. But we're looking at these excess deaths, and we're exceptionally lucky, we've got somebody new on board, somebody very special. Big noise in the academic world. Dr. Sean Ó Nualláin, professor at Stanford and Berkeley, no less.* And you've done quite a bit to earn a fantastic reputation, and we're absolutely delighted that you can break down these numbers for us. Because so many people out there won't believe us. And when we get somebody with your academic record they might listen.
So would tell you tell us why, Dr. Ó Nualláin, have you decided to throw your name in the hat and speak up?
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Well, mainly because the whole Covid-19 thing was obviously a complete fraud right from the start. And we did statistical analysis very early on in 2020, so I was able to say in June 4th, 2020 with Pat Barry and LíR Media** that basically you'd better open up everything now, and you're going to be closing everything in the autumn again, that's very clear, but you better open it up now, because it's now as good as it's going to get. So this actually was the first fraud. They were using the wrong statistical method.
And the second fraud then came when we found ourselves able to predict the number of cases way through the autumn and winter, and they had no interest in that whatsoever. We contacted North Dakota, and we contacted Ireland, we contacted, this is the authorities now, we contacted Spain.
So then, of course, the injections started. But I'm getting ahead of the story now, actually.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: Yeah, we want to look at your CV because we're delighted really to have somebody new, and somebody of your stature to be able to deliver this news to the people of Ireland, who really don't want to hear it. They really don't. So will you tell us a little bit about your career to date, because you have written 15 books and you're a highly credentialed individual.
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Written and edited 15 books, yes, and a lot more besides which came out in web journals and independent publishers. There's 15 books with academic publishers. And so I ended up in molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley, I ended up at neuroscience in, in U C Berkeley. And then the students at Stanford had heard a talk that I gave there, and said, look, man, that's really great, could you teach a course on this? And I said, look, you're going to have to go back to your professor and ask him that. So as a result of that I got appointed to be a professor at Stanford teaching two courses, Neuroscience and Experience, and Biosemiotics. They're currently taught for credit at the University of Pisa, and so that's their summer school in Consciousness and Cognition, they're my courses that are taught.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: You know the court system, you know the academic system, so like so many of us, our careers to date are helping us understand what is going on. And you know, it's no accident that you're here at this moment to help the wider public understand what is going on. Now, it's something incredibly serious. A black—
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: —swan event. A one in a 10,000 year event we are looking at with these excess deaths.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: What's going on?
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: So what's going on is a lot of people are dying actually, and an awful lot more people are going to die this winter. I mean, we haven't even started the excess deaths yet. But, I mean, I just I want to anticipate the responses I'm going to get, you know, for this.
The response we already know from Anthony Staines is, they're going to say the data we're using from Eurostat and the European Commission— remember, we're using European Commission data, that's the executive of the European Union. That's a serious body. And he's saying, no, that those data are all wrong.
There's other data from EuroMOMO*** which is European Mortality. And I phoned them, I did everything you meant to do, there's no response.
So we can now say that they're taking those data from their ass. This is bullsh#t. You know, our data are actually right. If they, if they want to give me their data, I will process them just as I processed this.
AISLING O'LOUGHLIN: And also, you have to say that Anthony Staines, he would say that. Because I do, I was looking at one of his latest international studies. And what was the conclusion? And this is a man who gets on air, he gets a lot of air-time, and he gets wheeled out, you know, as this voice, as this great academic voice. And what was the conclusion? More vaccines!
DR. SEÁN Ó NUALLÁIN: Yeah, and I mean, I mean, the man is a fool apart from everything else. I mean, it's not, you know, we knew as early as, like, January, February 2021 that these injections were not going to work. They're not vaccines, actually, according to the Oxford English dictionary, they're not vaccines. Vaccines immunize and Pfizer admitted in public they did not even test for immunity. So they're not vaccines. They changed the American definition of English, but that's not really English, you know, that's the Webster Dictionary.****
So, if, uh, just getting back to the figures here, the black swan. Aisling, so basically we have a figure here, we have 37 deaths in 2022 versus normal 31,000 and they could actually argue that's just an anomaly.
The third fallback position they have is, they will say, correlation is not causation. And they were told to do this by the, there's actually a manual for handing the media in a, in a pandemic. It's called the SPARS Manual and it came out in 2017* and it's blow by blow what they eventually did in Covid-19.
So if you're, if you're losing the argument, well you say, correlation is not causation. Well, you know, basically, Stats 101, we've got ways around that. It's called Granger Causality. We've got the R squared. But these guys don't know any of those stats, they're just ignorant people being paid a fortunate to tell lies.
Now getting onto the specifics of this. The statistical test you can use is on the web, it's, it's actually a T-test. It's very, very simple. It's one of the simplest tests you can do. And there's a site called GraphPad** which is free. And you can, you can do that. So basically what you can do is key in, month by month, the deaths in 2022, say, and key in month by month the average deaths for those months. And you get incredible results. You get, you get a probability of 0001, that's one 1 in 10,000, They tell you the probability of this happening by chance is less than 1 in 10,000. Or the analogy I would use, it's like like tossing heads 13 times in a row. It's greater than that. So for 2022 we can say for sure that that's actually a, a black swan event. Something incredible happened.
What's even more disturbing is Ireland versus the EU. And in, from 2022 to so far in 2023 there's a a 1 in 2,500 chance that that happened by chance. So that's actually more than the chance of throwing 11 heads in a row. It's more unlikely than that.
So for some reason, the Irish are getting killed, and we're getting killed at a rate that is actually exponentially greater than our fellow members of the European Union. Why? That question really needs to be asked. There is not a more urgent question anywhere in this country, Aisling.
# # #
* About Seán Ó Nualláin:
"Sean O’Nuallain holds an M.Sc. in Psychology from University College, Dublin (UCD) Ireland & a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He holds a visiting scholars' position at Stanford and directs the independent non-profit Nous Research. He is the author of a book on the foundations of Cognitive Science: "The Search for Mind" (Ablex, 1995; 2nd ed Intellect, 2002; Third edition Intellect, 2003) and editor of "Two Sciences of Mind" (Benjamins, 1997); editor of "Spatial Cognition"; co-editor of "Language, Vision, and Music" (Benjamins, 2002) and of "Mind in Interaction" (Benjamins, in preparation). His "Being Human: the Search for Order" (Intellect, 2002) sold out its first print-run immediately; the second edition was launched at Stanford Bookstore on May 19, 2004." — source:
"Sean O Nuallain holds an MSc in Psychology from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland, and a PhD in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. He has been a Visiting Scholar at both Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley (2002-2012), eventually being appointed a faculty member by academic senate in both institutions. He directs the independent college trading as University of Ireland in the US. He has held visiting positions at Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley in computer science, philosophy, molecular and cell biology, and neuroscience. In 2014, he ran the Foundations of Mind conference at UC Berkeley, with proceedings published by Cosmos and History (Volume 1, 2014) and CSP (Volume 2, in press). One Magisterium is the third Volume in this series."— Source:
O'Nuallain's latest book, co-authored with David Bernal-Casas, is Follow the Sun: How Two Rebel Neuroscientists Solved Covid-19 (Red Books Press)
** LíR Confidential with Pat Barry & Guest Prof. Seán O'Nualláin 5th June 2020
*** EuroMOMO
From the website: "EuroMOMO is a European mortality monitoring activity, aiming to detect and measure excess deaths related to seasonal influenza, pandemics and other public health threats. Official national mortality statistics are provided weekly from the 28 European countries or subnational regions in the EuroMOMO collaborative network, supported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and hosted by Statens Serum Institut, Denmark."
**** The CDC's definition of "vaccine" as of Sept 21, 2021:
"A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases."
The CDC's definition of "vaccine" on Aug 26, 2021 (and prior):
"A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease."
Source: screenshot of CDC page from the "wayback machine"
See also: Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph, explains how, by this definition, your yogurt is now a "vaccine"
In answer to a direct question by Rob Roos, Dutch Member of the European Parliament, a Pfizer official publicly stated such. For video and transcript see:
* SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Why are there so many aircraft crashing all aroud the developed world Dr. Alexander? Could these tragedies have been prevented if the pilots had been up to date with their shots?
'Brilliant' pilot, 28, killed in shock helicopter 'tragedy'
Witnesses reported hearing an explosion in the sky with smoke trailing behind the aircraft.
Plane Crash Today: Latest & Breaking Aeroplane Crash News Updates & Headlines from Australia
Three people killed in light plane crash in Queensland
Teahupo'o in Tahiti only requires a single lethal dose:
Driving by a perfect sunrise along the inner city motorway in Tokyo is even safer than flying:
Couldn't be the vaccines.
Forget mRNA; all they need is a triple dose of Star Guitar:
I'm sure it's probably just insomnia. Maxi Jazz explains what happens if you can't sleep.
Or perhaps they were all trying the very dangerous "Superstylin' " mid-air manoeuvre...?
Interesting on many levels. I want to see raw score deaths, comparing 2019 death stats by nation and age, with all death stats by nation, age and for each year after and including 2020. Then use that date for further analyses.
The life insurance industry has the data on the deaths during the administration of Mrna shots and
boosters- the increased death rate between the ages of 25-65 is the highest ever in world history
according to the actuaries-
If you're not jabbed, fight to stay that way.
I’m not aware of any other Covid skeptic who has asked this question: WHY would it be so important to push the start date of virus spread back several months? In this speculative deep dive, I identified several possible answers to this question.
One of my answers/explanations: The producers of this faux pandemic HAD to have all these excess deaths. The most important parts of the program couldn't commence until the excess deaths happened.
Silence by lucifer & demonic sidekicks.
Manufacturing consent...hey someone should write a book about that 😉