Africa with its mistrust and bad history with western jabs, knew exactly what it was doing and so avoided antigenic fixation, VAIDS and ADE.

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beautifully said!

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yup! i think so too!

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IMO, we would have been over this BS if there was never a VAX! Definitely not the way they wanted it. It's going as planned. More vax = more variants and more compromised immune systems.

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This is not surprising that vaccinated people get sick. Eleanor McBean documented vaccine toxemia in her book “The Poisoned Needle,” which she wrote in the 1950s. You can read her book online for free here http://www.whale.to/a/mcbean.html

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Thank you for this.

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Jul 19, 2022
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I just got tested for SARS CoV 2 antibodies. 1 year later I still have a positve antibody response and it's robust. At this point any variant is just the people who received the bio weapon are having individual illness. Their Innate Immune Systetem has been destroyed.

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For those of us that got naturally infected, we may or may not have developed specific antibodies. Regardless of that we have all exposed/trained our innate immune system's defenses in addition to any development of antibodies. This is the big difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed.

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What if there is a good reason for all of the killing from the vaccine and the upcoming killing of millions by starvation? Could it be that the world population is now to big to be sustainable and we could cause the extinction humans and maybe all life on earth.

Remember, you can't have infinite population growth on a finite planet.

For how starvation could be engineered see https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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According to many depopulation IS precisely the goal here. WEF, Gates, Schwab, Great Reset, CFR, etc.

Seems to be the only plausible explanation. Around the world the messaging has been almost identical even in the same time frame. Almost like a Wizard of Oz is directing this debacle.

It’s pure evil I do know that😡

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If humans become extinct, I'm down with it. If animals become extinct, too, that is the worst possible outcome.

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I am suddenly not getting my substacks to my email, had to sign in again... anyone else getting this?

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Makes sense to me, but I am not a doctor or a scientist. Thank you for putting it simply Dr. Alexander.

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Some great Doctors hit it hard in the beginning with alternative methods. But has since been closed down.

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Thank you for all the truth you share!

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I had commented a few times before that Indian data is not to be trusted. India stopped collecting inconvenient data a while ago.

If you talked to people from India, you'd have spotted the following:

1. They are thoroughly brain washed with what they get from the experts. Covid vaccines are safe is a settled science for them.

2. Getting vaccinated is a matter of pride for the educated middle class Indian. The vaccines they get reflect their status in the society. That is why a lot of them said no to the Indian vaccine and opted for Astrozeneca, a foreign product. Why? Because anything foreign made is good, so the thought process goes (British from the Raj days did a good job on brainwashing here).

3. Then there is the Novavax and its variant for schools. They are force vaccinating school children. Kids are reporting adverse events and hospitalization etc. Twitter et al are now policing anybody who questions.

Indians will ask good questions that they are *supposed* to ask. So they do well in frameworks. They never question why the framework is required at all. The attitude is to accept a problem to be true and then solve it. Does the problem exist is a question that is rarely asked. Happens because of intellectual laziness and offloading critical thinking to experts. As in US, the credit goes to the education system in India.

IMO, India will have fertility problems soon and won't be the second populous country for long.

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It's a big place and there are cultural differences in different areas, though. So I think it is harder to pin down. People I know from India really distinguish their area as being different than other parts of the country, don't like to see it all thought of as the same

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The size of the place is not important. Neither are cultural differences in this case. From the Wikipedia page:

Over 80% of the population of India have a positive response for getting anti covid shots. India has one of the lowest vaccine hesitancy in the world.[195] There was vaccine hesitancy in the initial months of 2021, especially in rural India and among poor and tribal populations. Constant government and public awareness drastically reduced vaccine hesitancy

Check out the data too. You’ll see which vaccine had the most uptake.


I was explaining why the uptake was strong and why Covishield topped.

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