
because republicans are as bad as democrats they want the illegals in USA...to pay cheap wages so they can make more profit

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one party want illegals for votes, the other for money profits...none of them want to stop illegals or will stop them from voting

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The big business people who do all the hiring are Democrats.

Think Amazon, Apple, Disney and all the investment firms who prefer to hire engineers and computer tecs from India. When was the last time that you called Amazon Customer Service and spoke to a native English speaker?

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Good observation. Can never get a problem solved because can’t understand what they are saying. If they do have the skills to solve the problem is not known because they just recite pre written stuff that doesn’t apply. Also, most of the fraud stuff can be traced back to India.

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OMG yes. 100% correct.

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Yes, businesses can get tax breaks for hiring certain immigrants and pay them lower wages. Big win for biz except when DEI causes quality issues.

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I want to see a list of those 14 Republicans who voted against it.

On the other hand, there was a lot of crap in that bill that should not be passed. I say, go ahead and shut down the government. Boebert says the same thing.

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The tipping point was perhaps the budget not the mandate.

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Government needs to be shut down.

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complete now...use the power of the purse

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deleted22 hrs ago
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Why is she sleazy? She is a conservative who has to deal with living in a state that has been overthrown by the communist and marxist Dems. I agree with her when it comes to shutting down the government. Johnson doesn't think that is a good idea.

There has been no ban on AR-15's.

By the way, did you think I was Awake Not Woke?

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As you can see I took it down.

Sorry Dave.

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So I did Dave. That will teach me to type without my glasses. As for Boebert, sleazy to me means she doesn't think of the needs of the people like voting against the VA budget.

I thought they banned AR 15s there.my bad . I'll Take down that post.

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They only want their funding and could care less about the citizenship requirement for voting.

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that SAVE Act...why would republicans vote against it?

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There was a good bit of stuff on hold,including VA funds,

If I remember right.

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There are lots of people who will vote for Harris because she is promising people $25,000 for buying a home. Forbes is even pushing it. Somehow people’s ability to remember the 2008 housing crash was short lived. Zombie loans were made to people who didn’t have employment history that could ensured they were capable of making payments. It was centered around justified by DEI policies. Banks were bailed out by taxpayers who were bilked by bad mortgages ensured by the government! https://www.forbes.com/sites/eriksherman/2024/08/31/why-kamala-harriss-25k-house-down-payment-plan-isnt-a-disaster/

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excellent reminder...and the killer was most who took the loans knew it was free rent, had no intention to pay anything

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This will also raise the prices of homes!!!!

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Thanks for that Link !

We're already in a desatorous situation, why not add fule to the fire.

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yes, the idiots posing this have zero understanding of the market and its pure vote getting

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Can I waltz across the border and vote in MX elections? Ask for MX free food card and free Healthcare, monthly cash? Or try this in Venezuela, Honduras, etc? Hell no.

Yesterday went to local gun store to pick up pistol I ordered. Of couse people in their not speaking English (Hispanic) looking at rifles. Were they legit? Who knows? I've heard from their /some arecshowing up with papers and pass the background test yet are not citizens?

We need gun store owners to step up and more people showing grocery receipts with the large EBT food and cash balances, seen both Hispanic and Haitians getting vast amounts in their accounts. 13k food balance, anywhere from 4 to 20k cash balance.

Some Haitians shown on u tube in Ohio had very nice cars. And just checked flight tracker, seen Kalitta Air leaving Haiti and heading to Miami. Anyone who watches Monkeywerx knows Kalitta Air is predominantly US govt contractor for various duties like transport equipment and people. This was a passenger jet so I figured Biden/Harris STILL bringing in Haitians.

I kept screenshot of flight and jet ID numbers.

Now 2 horses in Florida were stolen and carved up for meat. Seen on Doug & Stacy u tube channel which showed the news broadcast.

Watch ur pets, kids, daughters, always be armed when out and do not answer door even if they have uniform on as some are wearing fake uniforms.

CIA must be investigated maybe even dissolved as it's too corrupt. Obvious they leaked Trumps position.

Boycott ABC news, Fire David Muir, charge ABC with election interference.

Hillary is mouthing again on Russia election interference calling for Americans to be arrested for colliding with Russia. Can we just send her to Siberia she wants to talk about Russia so much especially since she sold Uranium to Russia and Clinton Foundation got big suspicious donation next week.

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Thanks for this info. Yes, the government is committing wholesale treason against the people by flying these illegals into the country and then taking OUR money and giving it away to them for nothing. They ALL must be deported.

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You hit the nail on the head with this post ...

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He is too weak to be speaker. Such a milk-toast. He is NOT a leader. We need an alpha male with brass balls and a brain!

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never was...he is like pee wee Herman

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Trump needs to be Speaker, until Jan 20.

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yes yes yes

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we got the answer but these beasts dont care

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Shut the government down until it passes. Traitorous reps should be tossed.

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So then no social security checks during shutdown.

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Insead, no paycheck for elected officials.

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excellent, no pay for the elected officials...all in house, all in senate

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The Facts are in the open now.

Do you think any of these people care about us?

We are just a small source of income in their eyes. What they really care about is the payola they get from being in office.

So look ar our future. When the illegals don't volunteer to go home, who will stop them from burning your cities down?

And go one step further, these same assholes have underground bunkers,do you?

They aren't afraid of Russia bombing us back to the stone age.

Their bunkers are filled with Champagne and Caviar.

Maybe we should fire the lot.

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yes, we must fire them, all of them IMO now. all are crooks.

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You obviously didn't read my article on what is in that SAVE Act and how it affects American citizens.

To register to vote or if you move, or change your name, you will need the same verifications the REAL ID requires. READ BELOW ABOUT THE FACIAL RECOGNITION AND TRACKING PHOTO YOU WILL HAVE TO HAVE. THESE ARE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS!

When Obama came in, they came up with this clever idea that you cannot fly without an ID. Legislators didn’t stand up for their people. If you have a “Star Card” type of Real ID Driver’s License, it is a federal identification and tracking card.

The globalists are getting tired of the delays and will shove this through causing a nightmare at airports one day. What people don’t realize is that there are 16 different IDs that can get you on an airplane. It is on the TSA website. One of them is a passport, so realistically, American citizens will need a passport to fly anywhere in their own country. Remember when we thought of this as a “communist plot?”

The Real ID card distinctive is that the photograph that is taken is a facial recognition, digitized photograph taken in a special way that is linked to actual international standards that come out of the United Nations. Remember too, that United Nations Agenda 21/30 wants to eliminate all travel, including cars. They want you walking or riding your bicycle for their climate change lie of “saving the planet,” when in reality, it’s all about control.

Their ultimate goal is to put this on your phone, control your life through your phone, digitize the Real ID and have it at a national level. This is very, very dangerous to America. All of us must refuse the real ID or exchange the one that you have and get the old-style regular DL.

The Real ID would ultimately be for medical care, for purchases, for registering at a hotel, for everything. And once it’s digitized, like in the CCP, they can shut you out with a flip of the switch.


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I understand what you say but lets make it more basic...I and many are really talking about some kind of ID...these bitches want illegals to walk up to a booth and just vote and if you question makes you racist etc. we want some EFF in ID...something...

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We get that Doc, but they are ultimately punishing and crippling American citizens, especially women who change their surnames, but all of us. Do you really think they're going to do that with these illegal aliens? Biden went and got the Islamists Trump kicked out of the country and brought them back! He's flying them all over the country, planting them in Red states. They don't have IDs, nothing. You know they throw them away when they get here and plead asylum. And any baby they drop, whether the CCP people or the Islamists will be allowed to vote as a citizen...this changes the 14th amendment where only American citizen's children were considered citizens when born here. Read the whole article. It's short and concise and has been picked up all over the web.

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Great info, we must realize this.

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Hi Kelligh, thanks for that link 😊

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They're all traitors.

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I hear it was a few you wouldn't expect

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hhhmmm, do you have al ink or names? I am looking

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I'd like the names

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I guess I can imagine that, Doc. Rinos or traitors


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same horse, different saddle

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It's because even though it was in there that they would ask for proof...the time line was implausible...voting already has begun. At least that is what I heard one conservative say....it was a shill plan

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Right. They’ve had 4 years to do this. Why did they wait till now … all RINOs .. making a fortune off the illegal immigrants in Ohio & other states …

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Here's yet MORE evidence (not that I personally need any more evidence), that the reigning paradigm today is **NOT** DEMs versus REPs, but rather that it's Globalists versus Nationalists (Collectivists versus Individualists). 14 Republicans voted AGAINST the measure to require proof of citizenship. Those 14 Globalist criminals made all the difference for this bill.

However, there are MANY more Globalist Rinos than just 14. Do the math. 14 was the number needed to insure that bill would fail, and the 3 "DEMs" voting in favor of the bill was for optics.

Our country was taken over by the Globalist Cabal the day Trump boarded his private jet, waved goodbye, and told the Cabal, "There you go fellas, it's all yours!" Trump did that without firing a single bullet in defense of our country. Think about that - other than words, the Cabal got *NO* resistance from our Prez to take over our country. We've been living that legacy ever since.

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I have worked at the polls for 10 to 12 years in a state in which "ID is required to vote." However, when the prospective voter presents with a discrepancy in the name on the registration and the ID they usually say "Oh, the DMV made a mistake on the spelling of my name, OR the name on the registration is wrong." They then sign an attestation saying they are who they say they are and VOILA..they get a ballot. That ballot is labeled as a PROVISIONAL BALLOT and goes into an envelope as opposed to the counting machine. At the end of the day all the PROVISIONAL ballots are separately taken to wherever they go and the veracity of what they attest to is ostensibly checked and counted IF true.

The problem however is that no one seems to really check anything and if so we cannot tell. I have personally called the SOS office and was told the same story that the "voter" attested to and given the song and dance about how we cannot DISENFRANCHISE anyone. So their votes all counted!


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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

Paul, The expectation was that the bill would get to the Senate and they would just strip out the voting part. Then the pressure to pass on reconciliation without the voting part would be overwhelming because there would be so few days left. This speculation is probably correct which is likely why the repubs voted against it. The Democrat votes are just to vote against anything they do not like and they do not like votes they cannot control So understanding that part is easy. But the repubs who voted no included people like Banks, Rogers, MGT, Massie. These are solid Americans who have been at the forefront of the proof of citizenship movement. They are KNOWN supporters of the right thing. They were just pretty confident that this would be another scam. They should get plaudits from you, not denigration.

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another scam for sure...and we the people are fed up with the games and fraud....I am a simple guy...I understand one thing...you need ID to vote. some kind of proper ID.

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its that straightforward....what is the most basic ID one can have in US to demonstrate you are a citizen and thus are eligible? the rule is to vote in a fed election one must be a citizen. so the plan was to fuck us in the senate? right? if so I understand...but they need to bring it to the public and explain...Trump needs to not waste time on the stump and explain this...exactly who you just did

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In other words…it’s complicated?

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but to screw us

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