Speaker Johnson is a RINO TRAITOR all day. What a disgusting human. No different than Nasty Nancy The Inside TRAITOR....

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kaboom, traitor at large...

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he comes across meek and quiet but he is subverting USA...IMO

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I'd be willing to bet he likes to dress up in little girl clothes in his private life, complete with patent leather shoes.

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Whether intentional or not, subversion IS the result.

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Not sure if Speaker Johnson can look himself in the mirror and not see Satan.

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The hurricane victims need EMERGENCY help NOW. Not AFTER "taking time to calculate the actual damages."

Johnson's excuse for waiting until after the election when Congress reconvenes is incomprehensibly and callously dismissive.

My guess is that he doesn't want to interfere with the politicians' re-election campaigns back home.

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I agree fully

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but he can call congress to vote on Ukraine aid

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Many things don’t add up. We must go with believing our eyes and his action and inaction.

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Something strange about Johnson, bad vibes. Funny Trump invited him to MarLago. It doesn’t add up. I cannot believe Trump is that ignorant.

Oprah is buddies with all the pedos in LaLa Land and Brasil remember. And she was part of the Maui Fire murder plot and the missing Maui children.

I swear there are Us and Them, and one of us isn’t Human, Children of God…

I’m not sure this Oprah is the original, I read around social media reports.

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I think Johnston has been walking with turdo along the Ottawa River sucking farts out of dead seagulls and learning the fine art of using their teeth to strain out the maggots as they like that protein and desire to swallow the little rotten flesh eaters. And did anyone see this?


Ya just gotta read that link. I always despised these stupid rap crappers singing sh*t lyrics and living like pigs. Diddy or whatever its name is is a proven pervert but what about "Doperah?"

Made of the same mold, scum of the earth and hell bound. Judged already but that is not my place. But last time I looked, I saw God has a special place in hell for child abusers and just what does that sow Doperah want with such perverted pictures of a rap crap meathead raping a young boy? Is she a twisted sister? Does she get off looking at such garbage?

Well scriptures say that all that is secret shall be made known. The Word never lies.

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RAV host Ben Harnwell calls the Speaker "No-Johnson Johnson"--because he doesn't have one.

Apparently he was also AWOL when the testicles were passed out, since he has a bad case of Woeful Testosterone Deficit (it's kinda like a Budget Deficit--they both immobilize the country).

Republicans should hang the Biden-Kamela hurricane aid failure around their necks like a millstone.

The first duty of any government is to protect its citizens.

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At least I'm not the only who sees in Johnson what you see too. I think, where did they get this 'man'? Its obvious he's one of those Dems who ran as a Republican and the comatose Louisiana voters didnt pick up on his 'vibe'....I'm no psychic but It hit me like a ton of bricks when first saw him that he was a FRAUD

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He comes across as very slick and smooth, like a corporate lawyer. I don't see much evidence of his "Biblical worldview" but I'm an Old Testament guy. Something happens when elected officials get to D.C., they become part of the Swamp without realizing it.

They don't want to risk losing the donor $$$, the prestige, the social events, and so on.

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"No-Johnson Johnson". It says it all about the Speaker.

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It seems like everyone involved with one thing or another has something to do with, well NOT HELPING AMERICANS! Am I the only one who thinks and or feels this way? I think NOT!

The end of the 100 year plan / war to “Fundamentally Transform America” is nearing. Even President Trump seems, reluctantly involved or forced to speak “Untruthfully”!

Especially when it comes to the "Bioweapon Injections”! With all the evidence, evidence I downloaded from the beginning of lockdown, points to a massive bioweapon attack with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction”!

Still, only a week or so ago, while speaking with Sheryl Atkinson, President Trump continued praising “OWS & The Hundreds of Millions of Lives” he saved!!

It’s as though he’s oblivious, sadly or something far worse, something more sinister, far more likely has happened to him.

Whether it’s Speaker Johnson, the MSM or Trump, there’s a consistent pattern of, “lying” to deceive! Nobody with any “face-time” will speak “truthfully”!

Certainly Substack is filled with honest, sincere and genuinely intelligent, in the know Doctors and Scientists openly admitting everything “We the People” have known for a few years now.

There’s an “over-arching” narrative I call, the

“derelicts of misinformation” being perpetrated against

“good & decent” Americans. This started with lockdowns and has continued since lockdowns! And still, we hear or read or watch, trickles of “pushback”

Yes, I am convinced, things are not what we think they are. Nor, what we believe will be and should be, largely a “massive-blowout” in Novembers Election! If we have an election. I still suspect something will disrupt our “unfree & unfair” election process this November.

From the “Summer of Love” to “Geo engineered Hurricanes” to a DoD agreement worth $90 million dollar’s with the owners of a Lithium Mine in Kings Mountain North Carolina.

This area was devastated by Hurricane Helene, coincidence? I think Not! Because this deal can be found in the “inflation reduction act”! And there’s overwhelming evidence supporting the use of “Devices and Methods for Influencing Weather Conditions”! Pattern application dated 11/02/2001.

In part it reads: “The Sound Waves generated at a frequency to affect the formation of the weather system in a manner to disrupt, enhance or direct the formation. The Sound Waves Can Also be projected in a manner to cause the system to produce rain”!

There’s a plethora of evidence supporting the “enhancement” of Helene! A little research goes a long, long way!

With everything happening at the borders, inner cities and the numerous wars abroad, the “Globalist Elites” are at the end of, the final phase of, Their 100 YEAR WAR” on the Western World Nations!

This answer why so many people have been “Compromised”! The rest have been “BRAINWASHED”! And a few are desperately trying to get the word / the truth out to the masses!

Thank You Dr Alexander, always I thank you Sir!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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they have no intent on helping USA...last on the list

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Why? Because the money won’t be used for Hurricane relief anyway. The request would include some relief funding and also everything and the kitchen sink. Majorkas will use the money to advance more Marxism and further the aid to illegal immigrants. It’s a game they use to get more money and power.

They learned the technique from the Air Force, when they build a new airbase, they build the the golf courses and recreational areas first and the runways last. Then when they run out of money, they are guaranteed to get more. Albeit a much less nefarious act in their case, the marxist don’t care.

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NEWSMTG’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Shocking Facts Revealed!

This is a MUST READ deep dive into the history of weather manipulation.

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is there a link?

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I also posted two screenshots:

One is who owns the most shares in the lithium mine which was just decimated by Hurricane Helene and the other is a screenshot of the DoD release statement about entering an agreement with the said mine decimated last week.

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Yes, I posted on my homepage a documentary called “The Dimming”. You’ll be shocked Dr how this impacts us all.


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The last screenshot I posted was a patent in 2001 titled: Hurricane and Tornado Control Device. It’s shocking how easily these storms can be enhanced and directed where the “Evildoers” want them to go.

Clayton Morris’s YouTube channel has literally become, IMO, the most “verifiable” channel presently available.

I double and triple check the content Clayton and his wife provide. The only way we can keep the “honest people honest”!


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I also posted a short video from General Douglas Macgregor speaking with:

Dane Wigington explains to Col. Douglas Macgregor how Geoengineering may be just in Hurricans and Weather warfare.


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He’s Nancy Pelosi’s pussy boy.

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I would agree

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Johnson is a member of the Uniparty, and will only do what his masters command, not what he swore an oath to do. Dump his ass.

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Any political hack that places funding for foreigners in front of needed aid for Americans deserves a rope.

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Speaker Mike Johnson should be impeached for failure to perform the job. Traitor to all the people. Bring congress back to emergency session to deal with natural disasters especially funding. He along with congress should be held accountable for any deaths, murder first degree pre meditated.

#NO Johnson

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The very first time I saw Mike Johnson chosen as the Speaker of the House, my jaw dropped. I thought who the hell is this vanilla wafer of a man? That's the best the House republicans could do? His name should be PERCY not Mike, he certainly doesnt look the Mikes I've ever known. I thought what in the hell is going on with Louisiana voters to choose this PollyAnna of a male to be their representative? Is the whole damned state fagged out? With the exception of Senator John Kennedy, was there NO ONE else eligible on the GOP ticket than this Johnson simp?

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He's either dumb or complicit.

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Johnson is an infiltrator. A RINO. It’s obvious. They’ve got Democrats posing as Republicans across the board. To subvert the people & keep rolling along with their plans.

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