Hello, this is Rupert Sayre -- the associate of The Shadow.

This is an update on Pfizer One Dose 2021 Man's Covid Poison Injection Illness and it's treatment with the Zelenko Protocol. This is a rather long discourse.

This is starting where Pfizer One Dose 2021 Man's (P.O.D.) feet and ankles started to become very swollen after stopping the Zelenko Protocol for about a month:

I said to P.O.D. and his wife that in four day's he'll be limping if you don't do anything. They didn't do anything on the first day. The second day P.O.D.'s wife got him to take the Zelenko Protocol. The day after this I looked at one of his feet and it was very, very swollen. I thought it looked like edema (fluid buildup) but with red skin. The blood inflammation and swelling then started to reduce as he took the Zelenko Protocol.

P.O.D. then stopped taking the Zelenko Protocol again due to his doubts but the blood inflammation and swelling returned again. So, he decided now to take double the Zelenko Protocol amount he was taking before. His blood inflammation and swelling reduced at twice the usual rate; but as I saw in my microscope research the the Covid Injection Blood Clots are partially comprised of Cholesterol, I got him to take his blood pressure. It was at a high 180 systolic/pumping. He stopped taking the Zelenko Protocol for two days and took his garlic and vinegar remedy to help lower his blood pressure.

P.O.D. then started taking the original dosage of the Zelenko Protocol and the Blood Inflammation and Swelling in his feet and ankles have been reducing a bit every day now. This is except for when he stopped taking the Z.P. for one day to take another medication. The Blood Inflammation then increased again. He then went back to the Zelenko Protocol and continues to do take it daily.

In looking at P.O.D.'s blood in the microscope:

When P.O.D.'s feet were starting to become troublingly swollen, I saw lots of tiny grey sphere rectangular clumps. I took these to be mRNA Spike Protein vesicles. I also saw the black Graphene Oxide clumps and tubes; as well as quite a number of light brown objects which I took to be Cholesterol.

When P.O.D.'s foot was very, very swollen, I looked at his blood again. The tiny grey sphere clumps had grown in size and now looked like tiny bunches of grapes. There was also more Graphene Oxide forms, as I recall.

When P.O.D. took the Zelenko Protocol (zinc, zinc ionophore [quercetin], vitamin c, vitamin d) for about a week, I saw that the tiny grey sphere clumps were again rectangular-sized. So, they had reduced in size. The Graphene Oxide forms were also lessened.

As P.O.D. continued to take the Zelenko Protocol, I saw that the tiny grey sphere clumps were then half the rectangle size. So, they had reduced in size again. The Graphene Oxide forms also continued to reduce.

Just recently, I looked at P.O.D.'s blood again and either the tiny grey sphere clumps have mostly disappeared or they have turned black and look confusingly similar to the black Graphene Oxide clumps. There were still a lot of black Graphene Oxide clumps in his blood but I recall the black Graphene Oxide tubes have lessened in amount.

So, based on my research findings: The Zelenko Protocol is causing these Foreign Forms (Spike Protein Clumps, Graphene Oxide Forms) to become smaller and smaller. The implication to this is that they can continue to be reduced hopefully to being gone and Covid Poison Injected people being fully cured.

Another thing I should mention is that when P.O.D. had very serious Covid Injection Blood Inflammation, Swelling and Blood Clotting in both his hands and feet, I examined his blood and there was a huge Black Graphene Oxide Tube & Clump along with light brown Cholesterol Mass that I saw in the bottom drop of his Blood-Saline Mixture. I still see these forms but they are much, much smaller now. (The black Graphene Oxide, Red Blood Cells and Cholesterol Filaments.) This huge mass might have been one form of the infamous new blood clots seen in the Covid Poison Injected by embalmers.

I'll give an update on my microscope findings on my own blood at a later date.

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For those who need it, but cannot afford to order the formulation: Natto is widely available in Asian markets, in its natural form.


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This is proving a life line for families

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Rupert Sayre: This was interesting.



First published at 04:32 UTC on April 24th, 2023.

#infovacunas #vaccines-aqueous-base #the-graphene-demon

(WOR) World Orders Review

https://patents.google.com › patent › ES2745211T3 › en

ES2745211T3 - Vehicles for the controlled administration of different pharmaceutical agents

https://patents.google.com › patent › US8246995B2 › en

Hydrophobic nanotubes and nanoparticles as carriers for drug delivery to cells. US8246995B2.

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Anyone still writing medical exemptions in Canada based on all the knowledge we have?

I can pay for a consult.

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Dr. Paul, this is a little confusing. You are discussing spike detox but then you bring up nasal oral washes. It is my understanding that the nasal oral washes are for getting rid of virus, not spike detoxing. Is this correct?

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yes you are correct, but if you read it I am saying para these types of products and options as the science matures could be important to people who need help now...as an example, a purist would say lets run clinical trials on NATTO and I would say of course, but it will take 4 years while we have good data now even observational, and also from experience...so in the meantime, with caution, consult your clinician and consider it...also, these are OTC natural productds always...so often already safe.

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I argue it can help with dissolving spike from virus or vaccine.

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