How do we kill off those nasty nano-particles that may be accumulating in our blood even if we haven't been vaxxed for 50 years?

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Nattokinase & serrapeptase dissolve arterial plaque & can reverse arterial sclerosis. But not overnight. It can take a year or more depending on severity.

They must be taken on an empty stomach. The treatment is dose-dependant and one needs to exercise.

I have arterial sclerosis & intermittent claudication from 30 years of having an autoimmune inflammatory disorder. Exposure to cold, and cold water is excruciatingly painful. Or was. After taking nattokinase & serrapeptase for 6 months, circulation in my extremities has significantly improved, cold weather is not painful, I don't have to bundle up, and the intermittent claudication condition in my legs is gone. I now feel my whole body including extremities warm up with exercise due to improved blood flow. I went swimming in a cold lake last week and it was not painful. Last year I couldn't stand up to my waist in the same lake for more than a minute and it hurt like heck, like my feet & lower legs were being crushed in a vice.

Statin drugs do not reduce existing plaque or reverse hardening of arteries because cholesterol is not the cause. Inflammatory & oxidation is. Plaque in arteries is akin to rust scale inside iron pipes.

! Canada to ban sales of all supplements by 2025, including nattokinase.

We must fight to prevent the US government from ever doing the same.

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I will loading up on all my vitamins before Canada bans them.

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Thanks & now do the bio weapon part. Is there any way to break down the rubbery non blood clots ?

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With all due respect, for simple folks like me and those in my circles, $65.00 + shipping for a one month supply isn't cheap!

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Again, why is nattokinase better than serrapeptase?

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hey guys - I am here at the Pfizer HQ aka the Death Camp... I am screaming Baby Killers and holding up a sign MURDERERS! as the staff walk past my one-man protest... I'm on the sidewalk - a public space - so far nobody has tossed me out...

Maybe the Thought Leaders could rally the troops and send some reinforcements????

Nah... let's just continue to bleat on about the latest side effect of the spike protein shall we.

Most A Vaxxers believe the spike protein acts like a multi vitamin ... we need some more horror stories to convince us that it's deadly before we grasp the implications.

Apologies to the PR Team writing this stuff... raining on your parade... feel free to ban me.

Just like ya'll did when I called out Kirsch asking him to offer Dover One Million Dollars to interview her (you know - after she did the Freebie -- apparently using a body double cuz she's dead).

Nah... Steve was not keen on that... that is NOT allowed. Stick to the storyline right Steve... NEVER take any action that might threaten the extermination plan.

Let's all remain on Substack and high five each other. We are WINNING!!! (not)

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My understanding is that Nattokinase specifically dissolves fibrin clots. Those ugly, rubbery looking white things that undertakers have been finding in deceased vaccinated people. Blood thinners have no effect on these. A lot of the SADS appear to be caused by these type of clots restricting blood flow.

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Does this stop the DNA from creating new spike proteins?

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