This is only good in the event that the 10 million illegals allowed in by the Biden admin do not have access to legal purchase or ownership and they are not part of this number. If they have constitutional rights, we are over.

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The government supplies them with free guns like free everything else.

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Paul and all,

Of course guns sales are increasing! Thank God because we are going to need 2, not just 1 fun behind every blade of grass in America when hell is unleashed on us soon!


Because we look no different than Nazi Germany right now with the massive DC protests last week, many chanting death to Israel and Jewish people!

Again, massive terrorist enemies protesting at the White House and in and around DC last week!

All the mess we are in is because We the People allowed a person who was NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN to take office as ‘president’ in 2008!

This can NEVER happen again!

Follow writer, Lex Greene @newswitviews! Click on his name for past pieces teaching citizens critical information the schools used to teach!


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Made a mistake in above comment so I am reposting again!

Paul and all,

Of course guns sales are increasing! Thank God because we are going to need 2, not just 1 GUN behind every blade of grass in America when hell is unleashed on us soon!


Because we look no different than Nazi Germany right now with the massive DC protests last week, many chanting death to Israel and Jewish people!

Again, massive terrorist enemies protesting at the White House and in and around DC last week!

All the mess we are in is because We the People allowed a person who was NOT a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN to take office as ‘president’ in 2008!

This can NEVER happen again!

Follow writer, Lex Greene @newswitviews! Click on his name for past pieces teaching citizens critical information the schools used to teach!


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The government should be passing out vouchers and tax credits so that citizens may arm themselves. After all, not only are we fighting illegals and terrorists, but our own tyrannical government. If congress can afford to give themselves a hefty $34,000 raise, they can afford to give us a $250 credit towards buying a gun. Hey, it's only equality for the unarmed. And our fascist government is all about fostering equality in every area of our lives.

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With the significant passage of time, I'm under the impression that the kibbutzim people were quite liberal and employed and befriended Palestinians.

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Train like your life depended on it. Stock up on amo. Be alert of your surrondings. Stay safe everyone!

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I'm way more concerned about the medieval feral Mossad agents INSIDE.

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Nov 7, 2023Edited
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The jihadists whose mass legal and illegal immigration to the US you neocon RINOS faciltate in the aftermath of US defeat after toppling or attempting to secular regimes based on your lies have a delusion that they go to paradise and are welcomed by 72 virgins if they are shot dead, blow themselves up or are executed. They become martyrs to their delusion, as much as you are a martyr to yours. Your beloved McStain didn't make the US any safer when he helped arm jihadists in Syria. He and Bush, who empowered jihadists in Iraq while butchering up to a million civilians, promoted the rise of ISIS. So explain how the death penalty is going to deter jihadists. But of course you can't. All you can do is deflect. F you RINOS and F Joe Biden. Trump 2024. MAGA!

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"most criminals won’t carry a gun" Have you been to Chicago lately, more guns than cars. All illegal and they don't care about the law. We need strick enforcement of the current laws. And by the way, Third precinct police station (Minneapolis) was burned down on May 28, 2020 during riots.

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Yeah, exactly! Have you ever heard such bullshit? Snap Factor needs a reality check. I think his brain may be addled by too much spike protein. He really should be more wary of shedding and learn to spit instead of swallowing.

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