"Just one more drink and I'll be able to drive home" is about the same mentality as the absolute madness being perpetrated by the medical-political complex upon humanity.

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The half-lives of human classical, intermediate and non-classical monocytes are ~1.6, ~4 and ~7 days, respectively (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28606987/). It means that non-classical monocytes, participating in phagocytosis of infected or dead cells, pick up S spike from these cells for 15-16 months post infection. Meaning that the S spikes keep coming in large numbers in the long Covid "convalescents". It's possible that SARS-CoV-2 S spike code is embedding into the human DNA and continues to be expressed in the long Covid persons. Ot that the virus finds ways to evade the immune system when embedded in some tissues. That ivermectin is helping these ppl may indicate that Covid is still with them, on a slow burner. Luckily for them, it seems that the condition is curable with ivermectin (according to FLCCC).

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And this is a tweet from Dr. Robert Malone back in July that reported the circulation of S spike for up to 5 months post "vaccination": https://twitter.com/RWMaloneMD/status/1419737880889643015

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Here's my scoop (that I sent to my friends back in July):

- The S1 spike protein is present in the long Covid patients’ epithelial cells for 16+ months at least (as this is the max observation period)

- ...which would mean that there is a continuous supply of the S1 spike in such patients. The elevated levels of intermediate monocytes indicate elevated inflammation processes ongoing in the Long Covid patients. This may be due to the kill-off process of the S1-infected epithelial cells.

- If the virus itself is gone by that time, this means that S1 spike protein is being produced by the same RNA code contained in the mRNA Covid vaccines, and must have come from the S1 RNA embedded in some of the host’s cells’ DNA (being originally a “gene therapy” technology that should imbed into host’s DNA code to do its “magic”)

- As nonclassical monocytes are in charge of mopping up killed S1-infected epithelial cells, they pick up the S1 spike expressed by these cells

- ...therefore presenting significant concentration of S1 protein in nonclassical monocytes.

- Important to note: the intermediate and classical monocytes, not involved in the mop-up process, do not contain the S1 protein, as is corroborated by this study.

- The elevated levels of nonclassical monocytes (infected with S1 spike protein) cause the blood-brain-barrier damage and inflict neuronal injury similar to HIV-associated dementia...

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Bank your own blood if you're unvaxxed and will be needing surgery.

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Why is the spike protein still in the system at 15 months? Is it still produced? Or the immune system, at some point in time, can't deal with?

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