Medical records of our deceased 33yo son showed he got 2 moderna shots in the 4 weeks b4 his death from cardiomyopathy. These shots are killers of the young.

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I am not sure what to make of this. Does this imply that as a rough estimate the half-life of vaccine induced spike proteins is approximately 4 months? Anyone understand this enough to extrapolate?

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I am ignorant about medicine and about the immune system. But I keep wondering lately, how does having the spike protein manufactured by your cells help? My poor understanding of the alleged virus is that the spike protein is the bad part of the virus, so how does teaching your body to mass produce the spike protein help? It seems that most people would not have ever gotten sick or only mildly so without vaccination. Instead they are spiking all over their body organs and systems, and leaking spikes all over the place. A deliberate set up and exploitation of our medical ignorance and our meek social compliance? (Never mind the indications that the spikes go places in your body that it is supposedly not supposed to, or that it penetrates the blood brain barrier. I never took the vaccine. My anecdotal experience is that I get mildly sick after being around people who have recently gotten ‘boosted.’ All these months I have been reacting against the propaganda and the forced narrative and the alienation, but I didn’t really think about the medical premises. I just didn’t want to take something that seemed rushed in an atmosphere of censorship and coercion. I got damn sick with what I think was Covid in January of 2020, so I figured I should have had natural immunity. I think I have caught every variant, but nothing was as bad as the first bout. Incidentally I am the sort who is mostly healthy but just seem to catch most colds and flus, and have always been that way. I take supplements and flush my sinuses with salt water. I still get sick. A Japanese person insisted that it’s because of my blood type. I don’t know. I don’t really care. The blessings of Covid are the revelations of the corruption and rot in our governments and institutions. It’s a Matrix decision moment.

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Can someone explain about exosomes? Aren't they transmitted too by breath, skin, etc.?

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

And what permanent damage is being to a body that has mRNA spike proteins coursing through it for 4 months? And what further damage is done with boosters that only boost the number of spike proteins? What is the long term prognosis? Only your scumbag big pharma loving doctor knows or more likely couldn't care less.

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The spike protein of a coronavirus is only one of many proteins your body will recognize as foreign when infected with a coronavirus. Different viral proteins serve different purposes eg. cellular entry, capsular, replication etc. The mRNA transfections selected only part of the spike protein (which they edited also) and make your body make that. This is a wholly different immunological mechanism from a natural infection at a mucosal barrier.

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The human body is turned into a permanent spike protein factory sir. This is the permanent dna transcription from the original God given genetic code to a new operating software. No one knows how much damage will occur ongoingly until death of the host body. There is a whole new medicine for human 2.0 being engineered as an experiment that will be forever more. This was made insilico and will continue insilico until the planet s devoid of Godly life.

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Nov 2021.

We are just talking about this now?

The authors felt this was a good and healthy response?

Who discovered and implemented to pseudouridine to be used in the mRNA?

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