Sadly, the majority of people in Israel have been pumped full if Pfizer's COVID vaccine, and will probably have increased risk of dropping dead on the battlefield due to blood clots, myocarditis, etc. The Israeli leaders chose to use their people as human guinea pigs for the COVID vaccine, and now it appears that they are rolling out massive propaganda campaigns to trick Israelis into supporting war and to boost morale among young Israelis.
It is simple in my opinion. The Israeli leadership, including Netanyahu, are evil to their core. That is why they allowed the Israeli people to be human lab rats for the COVID vaccine. I wasn't necessarily referring to the Hamas attack as being the propaganda, though I do suspect that the Israeli Mossad had undercover agents inside Hamas (similar to how the FBI has undercover agents inside the Oath Keepers to take part in the Jan 6th protest (like Ray Epps), and I suspect that Israeli Mossad knew the attack was going to take place before it occurred and let it happen as to use to rally support for more war. In regards to the propaganda, I was referring to the over-the-top response from many pro-Israel news outlets, which often seems to imply that Israel's right to defend itself includes killing several thousands innocent women and children civilians. I believe around 1,300 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Israel has now killed over 5,000 Palestinians in their carpet bombing response, the majority of whom are sadly innocent women, children, and people not affiliated with Hamas. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Israel has only killed a few hundred actual Hamas people out of that 5,000+ Palestinians they have already killed.
Almost every part of Hamas' war equipment is underground... Weapons, fuel, etc, and there are hundreds of tunnels, most on the north end of Gaza, from what I read. Israel needs to take out those tunnels, and all the nasties in them.
Israel makes efforts to minimize civilian casualties, and it warns civvies to move, but some do and some don't. That's on them.
AS ALWAYS, Hamas was the instigator in this incident. Israel would not have exercised any aggression at all had they not been horribly attacked. So ... If the Gaza civilians want to live in peace, get their gov't to stop making war with Israeli civilians.
Israel has a right to retaliate against attacks on their civilians and children, but it's probably not their preference.
The solution has always been for radical Islamists to stop killing Jews and stop trying to drive every last Jew into the sea.
I personally believe in separation of church and state, and I don't think that it is a good idea to have religious states, be them Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Jewish States. I think that the best solution would be for Israel to change their constitution from being an apartheid Jewish state to being a secular state, like America, Canada, Australia, and every other civilized country in the world. After Israel changes from being an apartheid, Jewish state to a secular state with freedom of religion and voting rights to all citizens, regardless of religion, then I think that will be a step in the right direction and encourage more peace. On the other hand, indiscriminately bombing the Palestinians and killing thousands of innocent people for every one Hamas terrorist seems like it will probably unite the Muslim world against Israel, and ultimately Russia will likely have Iran's and the rest of the Muslim world's back if it comes down to it. In my estimation, the US and Israel would likely lose going up against Iran, Russia, and the rest of the Muslim world, and possibly China as well.
India has over 200 million Muslims in the country, and I seriously doubt that India, with their huge Muslim population, will side with the US and Israel in taking on the rest of the Muslim world, Russia, and China. Also, don't forget about Pakistan. Which side do you think they will be on? Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons? You bet your ass they do. I would give it around 90% or greater odds that the US and Israel lose if they decide to go forward with this fight.
"Although women are drafted and serving in the military since 1948, Israel still lags behind other nations insofar as women in combat roles remain an exception rather than the rule, and they are still not allowed to integrate into all units and military roles."
Remember Jessica Lynch? Propagandists in this country claimed she was injured in combat. Truth is, she was injured when her truck overturned. She never even fired her gun.
Israel tried out women in combat roles early on around the founding of the state in 1948 War of Independence and found that it didn't work out well at all, so apparently they shelved that idea. Women have since then served in communications and in other roles vital to the war effort that did not involve direct front line combat, and that was a better fit.
I probably read more than most. I also remember reading about the Israeli army in some feminist magazine back in the 70s. The focus was on how the women in the military were taught to apply make-up. The feminists were not amused.
The "early sabras?" Who exactly are you referring to? Native born Israelis are referred to as sabras....what are you talking about? There have been Jews born in Palestine since their parents made Aliyah coming from Russia to settle in the Land. What's your point exactly?
What is your problem?? I made a simple statement about the article.
All you people related to the Israel issue are hostile and rude as hell! What gives you the right to come on a public group and berate people you don't even know over a relatively trivial matter??
We're you never taught any matters. Grow T F up, and be a civilized person. I don't owe you shit.
Yeah? Tell us about it. Cite some examples: for instance...How many women were involved in the hand-to-hand street-by-street capture of the Old City of Jerusalem during the 6 Day War?
Lol. Who exactly are you to come up in here in a public forum and order me or anybody else to shut up?
I will point out to you that you yourself are being "rude and hostile" to others as you accuse others like me of being but apparently you are not able to see it?
Reread your offensive comments and see how you'd feel if what you said in apparent retaliation was directed to YOU. What you say reflects more on you as a person than it does on anyone else....just saying....
Not everyone in any given comment section is going to agree with you.
Others should be allowed to question or challenge what you, me or anyone else puts out there in a public forum, dispute it, or ask for clarification as necessary. That is what exercising free speech and getting to understand someone else is all about.
It is what we need more of instead of adding to the sum total of hate and strife that is already in the world. We need to be and do better than that
Please do rethink using inflammatory speech and anger as your default position when you feel challenged or's only a comment section but the implications of it reverberate around the world
I wasn't comparing women & men, just extolling her bravery. You heard something that was not present in my post. Sounds like a little offended male ego there...
Re your ego... A pity. You won't grow into maturity until you do.
And when a young Israel was founded, every able-bodied person had to fight. I suggest you read some good historical novels or straight history books until you understand what those days we were like. Everybody fought, if they wanted to live. It was survival.
When manufacturing consent becomes absurdity. Sounds like the Israeli boys were drying their nail polish so the girls had to step up. Tom Clancy must be rolling over in his grave...
Pappe's scholarship seems to be in question, in several of his works. Before I take the time to read something like this, could you recommend a more academically honest author? Thanks.
That dribble about Pappe has been going on almost since The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine came out in 2006. That is their way of diminishing his scholarship. He had zero motive lie or misrepresent the facts. He was born in Israel in 1955 to parents who had escaped Nazi Germany, and thus he was raised in very zionist home. He used government documents that led him to his conclusions and his position on events.
hmm ... the "Hamas terrorists" link sends me to a screen reading, "502 Bad gateway" ... seems appropriate; however, the link for the squad of IDF combat troops does the same; could this be A.I. political commentary, one wonders? ;)
They may have some good snipers among the women, but in hand to hand combat against Hamas fighters, probably women would not have much of a chance. Women are flat out not the same as men in body strength no matter what anybody would like to say.
Fortunately, the invincible ladies here werent required to do hand to hand combat in this situation. Lets have some stats on how well women fare in that, as well as in heavy artillery and tank fighting.
Wouldnt Hamas fighters in such a close-in situation fight all the harder to avoid being taken down by a woman? Just curious
“Spotless Bride of Christ”! 🤪🤣 Oh, my, we have a winner, here! The Annointed Perfect One has arrived and walks among us, people! Guess you, of the billions of humans who walk the planet, are The One to teach us all? Is that your claim to modesty and selflessness?
Don’t worry, the nice men in the white coats will be arriving soon to bring you to the hospital for help. They’ll be putting you on the ward next to the gentleman who claims to be Napoleon Bonaparte.
If you could answer me (the “filth” as you have so compassionately anointed me) just two last questions: one, can people tell yoiu’re “the Spotless Bride” in a public toilet because your shit doesn’t stink? And, two, what flavor is that Kool Aid that the church serves up? It must ne mighty good if it can mask the flavor of the sun and irony of the pride you take in imagining that you’re so superior to everybody else. And then yes, we will part ways.
But it’s been fun. Maybe if you tried not carrying around and flaunting such a huge chain, others would feel less tempted to yank it! 😁
OK, you just keep repeating the narrative that covers for the ugly earthly realities of the Church (religions are human constructs and therefore imperfect at their cores), but you can’t change the truth and history. Only cover for it so you don’t have to face realities you’ve been deprived of the opportunity to reason about.
Anyway, how did this conversation start? Oh, yes, by the prairie chickens having to sour grapes or qualify their support for women who did the heroic. The chickens can’t simply say “Hurrah for the eagles, and glad they were there when needed.” PERIOD, no qualifiers! Enjoy who you are, we need all species of birds in this world, and stop putting conditions on your support of those who step off your ethical plantation to do what needs to be done but which you aren’t capable or willing to do. Stop laying your limitations on others. That’s just prejudice and in the end, we’ll all be the worse off for listening to general doubters rather than applauding and being grateful for the cream, and simply letting it rise as it will. .
Based on the evidence, the Catholic church also cannot teach its priests to keep their frocks zipped, or their hands off of little boys, either 😂😂. Wonder which cannon THOSE teachings come from? 😁
A duty in your culture, not in everybody else’s. Sorry, the world really isn’t your oyster. I feel the same duty for what I believe in; shall we claim equality be enacting the laws on each other that mean so much to each of us? Or are you saying that you have self-evident moral superiority over everyone else, and the only experiences if life and death that count are the ones that you, personally care about?
Didn’t your god say something about hubris and its dangers?
Oh, and how many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? Or are you going to continue picking MY pocket, via the police powers of the state, to obtain the tax money to pay for the programs to repair the damage done to unwanted kids who weren’t aborted? What will you say to a girl who was molested or killed by a man whose mother wanted an abortion but couldn’t get one? So she raised a kid in a crappy, real world fashion instead of experiencing the miraculous change of heart and falling in love with her son and raising him as a model citizen, like in the fairy tale world you talk yourself into seeing? Will you claim responsibility for helping to perpetrate the act? No, of course not. Any more than you’ll close the ironic distance between your self-congratulatory self sitting in your comfy armchair and the 24/7 reality of the flesh and blood you’re “protecting”. Feeling great about your moral superiority does bupkus for the very real human beings whose lives you want to play god over. Life is messy. Deal with it, and let others do the same in the ways they see fit. Offer help, if you wish, but don’t impose and then walk away. Try controlling your own appetites and live without consuming flesh for a while, before deciding that your way of looking at things is perfect and we must all conform.
It took a little while because I actually have other things that also need to be accomplished today. But here I am now.
As for your Catholic Church boasting, wow, what a boatload of self congratulatory pride! Ever consider that maybe your god could get a little tired and annoyed of the incessant hedonistic yapping of how great you all think you are? And of all the corruption and death spread around the globe by the church in his name? Oh, I forgot, nobody else counts to the Alpha and Omega. He’s everything, but nobody is allowed to view the All One and unknowable in any ways except those that you personally, or the very specific branch of the particular religion you’ve been trained in, see fit. Everyone else on the planet is self-evidently stupid, wrong and bad, no matter how morally they may behave, unless they live under the thumb of the globalists in religious garb. We talk about secular globalism all the time, yet somehow are blind to the religious globalists hiding in plain sight!
Then don’t bring up an argument that isn’t relevant to the situation at hand!
Not all men are suited for all military positions, either. Some guys are better at running radar installations or repairing tanks than karate-chopping the enemy in hand-to-hand close quarter combat, but we don’t temper our support of guys who do outstanding things by pointing out that some military men really aren’t Rambo’s, or even all that good at whatever job they do while in uniform.
Tacking the argument that most women can’t perform like men into the acknowledgment that some DID perform like men, is as stupid as downplaying the achievement of the kicker on a football team who sent the ball sailing through the goal posts, because most kickers can’t tackle a 300-lb. linebacker. Allow individuals to move along their own lines of talent and praise them for what they, as individuals, did well. Most people, both men and women, will conform to conventional roles and standards, but occasionally one will surprise you. Some big guys can really kick, and some tough, wiry little guys really know how to move in and tackle. So give them their due when they perform, and don’t worry if they don’t conform to the usual. Teams that focus on organic development usually perform the best and most consistently over time. Say “YAY, congrats and THANK YOU” to the women who did a good job, and move on. No qualifying “buts….” are necessary.
So let me translate, if I’m not pushing your boundaries by being f male and literate. (Remember, in most societies throughout most of history, it was considered deeply improper to teach the self-evidently intellectually and spiritually inferior half of the population to read and write):
“WAAH! The ladies did a MAN’S job just as well as the MEN did it! That, in the narrow and insecure minds of some men, renders men something less than self-evidently superior in this realm, so we must play sour grapes and ignore their achievements, minimize the impact of their success, and continually move the goal
Posts to protect the narratives from ce that men are better.”
Well, keeping them believing they’re not strong, can’t defend themselves, can’t handle a weapon, are made to be dependent, etc., is a great way to prevent that, right?
BUMBLE: You just regurgitate feminist talking points. What is your actual experience in war, combat? Have you ever been in the military, deployed to a war zone where the combatants were engaged in guerrilla warfare?
Does MY lack of experience negate any other person’s accomplishments? If so, how? I once brought a black female Air Force chopper pilot as a featured guest at a women’s aviation event. She was slim, tall, poised and gorgeous in her uniform as a fashion model. At the time, she had landed her helicopter three times behind enemy lines in Afghanistan to pick up wounded male soldiers and fly them back to safety.
How does my lack of chopper experience affect what SHE accomplished? Perhaps you would have enjoyed contacting the families of the downed soldiers to extend your condolences because there was no pilot to fly in and pick them up as women were deemed too delicate to handle an aircraft (once believed to be true!), so there was nobody available to rescue their sons? Tell me what difference in this case, the pilot’s gender or raw muscle strength made? If the person is right for the job, let them have it! And they understand that sometimes brains, character and beauty can happily coexist without any deterioration in performance!
Thank you for sharing that experience. You are quite right in putting forth her as a good example of a job well done by a woman in the military. I am glad she faithfully and expertly executed her mission, bringing many soldiers to safety that otherwise would have been doomed.
I never said that women could not of should not perform that or other jobs in the military that THEY ARE SUITED FOR. Not ALL women in the military or otherwise are an appropriate placement for ALL positions.
I just wanted to see what the nature of your involvement with the question was, that's all.
Perhaps allow individuals to decide for themselves how to handle their own life crises, instead of laying down your version of morality on all and then washing your hands of the situation and leaving the affected to deal with the boots on the ground reality?
I feel similarly about the torture and murder of innocent, and very conscious, non-human animals for food and clothing, that you do about abortion. Watching someone eat the body if a tortured and painfully slaughtered animal evokes the same sort of reaction in me that abortion dies to you, but my tears aren’t crocodile tears brought up to score points and I do walk my talk. Perhaps we could strike a deal: you get to outlaw abortion if I can outlaw the consumption of slaughtered flesh? Would you be OK with that? Or is only your moral circle correct, and mine so “self-evidently wrong”, that we all get to live only your way (benevolently for our own good, of course)?
BTW, I don’t “like” abortion. I’m just honest and fair enough to admit that people do what people do, and sometimes abortion is the best of the few sad long-term outcomes possible in a real (not ideological) world that’s mostly shades of gray. Fetuses in mothers considering abortion won’t be entering the world with the best chances to begin with. Sometimes a better than expected outcome does occur, and that’s great, and sometimes the consequences are, well, what one might imagine. It’s not possible to predict beforehand but the Utopists will always insist on trying to engineer social perfection, and we all know where the road to Utopia actually leads.
So maybe instead of trying to micromanage our neighbors’ morality, the righteous anti-abortionists might focus on abolishing social welfare programs that hurt black women(and burden them with kids they can’t raise) that encourage fathers to be absent from the home? And perhaps the Catholic Church could accept and restore the women’s gospels to the Bible, and stop perpetuating the myth that women are created to be subservient? Jesus himself set an example of treating women with greater respect than was widely shown during his lifetime. And women, in turn, provided much of the funding for his ministry. And there is now suggestive evidence that he was, in fact, married, which would have been socially required of a man his age in Jewish society. So maybe the Catholics should pipe down a bit. They’ve already done enough damage in this world. Oh, and the Vatican has a Bank that’s one of the wealthiest, most powerful and most secretive banks in the world. A bank that has been known to quietly provide funding for some pretty unholy conflicts around the world. Pretty good for an institution that pushes poverty, passivity and humility on its sheep. Did you know that?
Anyway, the original discussion wasn’t about abortion, but about praising a group of women for being brave and capable warriors. They probably prevented their enemy from overrunning, raping and killing their sisters. Yet somehow we can’t just give them the same full-throated approval for their actions as we would have given to men for doing the very same thing? Women who are bothered by the idea that they and their sisters can exercise the option of rising to the occasion, are like prairie chickens who are fearful of discovering the power of flying and comfort themselves by casting aspersions on eagles.
Yeah, frightening the sheep with blasphemy. (How delightfully medieval!) is the way to stop anybody from inquiring and honestly evaluating evidence when it arises.
The herd is easier to control when it’s too intimidated to think. But, nothing about religion is about control, is it? “Do as we say, don’t ask questions, don’t look too closely at what we do behind the veil of secrecy we erect around you, and we’ll intercede with the great king in the sky so you won’t be punished. Pledge us your body, soul and wealth and we’ll take care of you.” Sounds a wee bit totalitarian to me. Oh, but it’s all for your own good, of course. How gracious of those in charge.
Oh, and never see our lies, manipulation, sin and shortcomings. Just give us our tithe and indulgences, and we’ll take care of you. The mafia’s got NOTHINg on the church! 😂😂
Then praise these women for what they accomplished, instead of deliberately tearing them down by stating they’re ‘not as strong’ as men, implying that that made a difference in their performance when clearly it didn’t.
As stupid and prejudiced as the claims that the WASP and Night Witches, who accomplished aviation feats that the men couldn’t or refused to do, were of less importance than the male fighter pilots because women aren’t as strong as men.
BTW, do you even know who the WASP and Night Witches were? If they were men, we can be sure their feats and contributions to “winning” the bankers’ WWII. But, heck, they were just girls so of course their skill, bravery dedication and crucial achievements in wartime aviation don’t count. Should have been sitting on the home front baking cookies for the all-important soldiers, I suppose. That’s what all females are supposed to earn our praise and complements on? Nothing wrong with that, but what makes you so terribly fearful of giving credit where credit is due? What’s the big deal about gender? Why do you have such a grudge against a woman who dares step off your gender plantation?
Sadly, the majority of people in Israel have been pumped full if Pfizer's COVID vaccine, and will probably have increased risk of dropping dead on the battlefield due to blood clots, myocarditis, etc. The Israeli leaders chose to use their people as human guinea pigs for the COVID vaccine, and now it appears that they are rolling out massive propaganda campaigns to trick Israelis into supporting war and to boost morale among young Israelis.
first 2 sentences are likely correct
The 3rd sentence is likely correct too. This news article about Israeli female troops killing terrorists seems like pro-war propaganda.
I can't for the life of me figure out the vax mandate there.
As far as propaganda... Are you saying the Hamas attack is "propaganda"?
It is simple in my opinion. The Israeli leadership, including Netanyahu, are evil to their core. That is why they allowed the Israeli people to be human lab rats for the COVID vaccine. I wasn't necessarily referring to the Hamas attack as being the propaganda, though I do suspect that the Israeli Mossad had undercover agents inside Hamas (similar to how the FBI has undercover agents inside the Oath Keepers to take part in the Jan 6th protest (like Ray Epps), and I suspect that Israeli Mossad knew the attack was going to take place before it occurred and let it happen as to use to rally support for more war. In regards to the propaganda, I was referring to the over-the-top response from many pro-Israel news outlets, which often seems to imply that Israel's right to defend itself includes killing several thousands innocent women and children civilians. I believe around 1,300 Israelis were killed by Hamas. Israel has now killed over 5,000 Palestinians in their carpet bombing response, the majority of whom are sadly innocent women, children, and people not affiliated with Hamas. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Israel has only killed a few hundred actual Hamas people out of that 5,000+ Palestinians they have already killed.
Almost every part of Hamas' war equipment is underground... Weapons, fuel, etc, and there are hundreds of tunnels, most on the north end of Gaza, from what I read. Israel needs to take out those tunnels, and all the nasties in them.
Israel makes efforts to minimize civilian casualties, and it warns civvies to move, but some do and some don't. That's on them.
AS ALWAYS, Hamas was the instigator in this incident. Israel would not have exercised any aggression at all had they not been horribly attacked. So ... If the Gaza civilians want to live in peace, get their gov't to stop making war with Israeli civilians.
Israel has a right to retaliate against attacks on their civilians and children, but it's probably not their preference.
The solution has always been for radical Islamists to stop killing Jews and stop trying to drive every last Jew into the sea.
I personally believe in separation of church and state, and I don't think that it is a good idea to have religious states, be them Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Jewish States. I think that the best solution would be for Israel to change their constitution from being an apartheid Jewish state to being a secular state, like America, Canada, Australia, and every other civilized country in the world. After Israel changes from being an apartheid, Jewish state to a secular state with freedom of religion and voting rights to all citizens, regardless of religion, then I think that will be a step in the right direction and encourage more peace. On the other hand, indiscriminately bombing the Palestinians and killing thousands of innocent people for every one Hamas terrorist seems like it will probably unite the Muslim world against Israel, and ultimately Russia will likely have Iran's and the rest of the Muslim world's back if it comes down to it. In my estimation, the US and Israel would likely lose going up against Iran, Russia, and the rest of the Muslim world, and possibly China as well.
dont forget India is on side with US...changes calculus...moreover, I do feel we are very close to WW III...with use of nuclear bombs...even suitcase
India has over 200 million Muslims in the country, and I seriously doubt that India, with their huge Muslim population, will side with the US and Israel in taking on the rest of the Muslim world, Russia, and China. Also, don't forget about Pakistan. Which side do you think they will be on? Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons? You bet your ass they do. I would give it around 90% or greater odds that the US and Israel lose if they decide to go forward with this fight.
Israel is already a secular state!! Very secular. With judicial reform, will likely become even MORE secular.
Please note that Israel is a Jewish state, which is the opposite of a secular state.
The whole damn thing is propaganda!
likely correct too
His approval ratings are really low. The Israeli people have been trying yo get rid of him for a long time.
Sounds like propaganda to me.
Exactly. I call Bee Ess on this.
No, just hanging out on substack, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Something wicked this way comes.
Just exactly what I I was going to say.
The entire episode is propaganda.
You should research the history of the brave Sabras in the 60s. Fierce as hell. It's in the blood.
And how do you know that isn't based on propaganda?
Women in the Military in Israel
"Although women are drafted and serving in the military since 1948, Israel still lags behind other nations insofar as women in combat roles remain an exception rather than the rule, and they are still not allowed to integrate into all units and military roles."
Remember Jessica Lynch? Propagandists in this country claimed she was injured in combat. Truth is, she was injured when her truck overturned. She never even fired her gun.
The bottom line is that women are at a disadvantage in combat. They lack the strength and the endurance to be as effective as men.
Israel tried out women in combat roles early on around the founding of the state in 1948 War of Independence and found that it didn't work out well at all, so apparently they shelved that idea. Women have since then served in communications and in other roles vital to the war effort that did not involve direct front line combat, and that was a better fit.
As I said above, I wasn't making any comparison to men. You heard that, but I didn't say it.
As far as the early sabras.... I'm old. I saw it. In person. In the 70's.
You said, "You should research the history of the brave Sabras in the 60s." Now you're saying you saw it in the 70s? I call bullshit.
Uh...DUH. Guess what! I can walk and chew gum at the same time!
They were there in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and on. Do you even read much??? LOL.
I probably read more than most. I also remember reading about the Israeli army in some feminist magazine back in the 70s. The focus was on how the women in the military were taught to apply make-up. The feminists were not amused.
The "early sabras?" Who exactly are you referring to? Native born Israelis are referred to as sabras....what are you talking about? There have been Jews born in Palestine since their parents made Aliyah coming from Russia to settle in the Land. What's your point exactly?
What is your problem?? I made a simple statement about the article.
All you people related to the Israel issue are hostile and rude as hell! What gives you the right to come on a public group and berate people you don't even know over a relatively trivial matter??
We're you never taught any matters. Grow T F up, and be a civilized person. I don't owe you shit.
Yeah? Tell us about it. Cite some examples: for instance...How many women were involved in the hand-to-hand street-by-street capture of the Old City of Jerusalem during the 6 Day War?
Oh, shut up. You contribute nothing but shit. Go away.
Lol. Who exactly are you to come up in here in a public forum and order me or anybody else to shut up?
I will point out to you that you yourself are being "rude and hostile" to others as you accuse others like me of being but apparently you are not able to see it?
Reread your offensive comments and see how you'd feel if what you said in apparent retaliation was directed to YOU. What you say reflects more on you as a person than it does on anyone else....just saying....
Not everyone in any given comment section is going to agree with you.
Others should be allowed to question or challenge what you, me or anyone else puts out there in a public forum, dispute it, or ask for clarification as necessary. That is what exercising free speech and getting to understand someone else is all about.
It is what we need more of instead of adding to the sum total of hate and strife that is already in the world. We need to be and do better than that
Please do rethink using inflammatory speech and anger as your default position when you feel challenged or's only a comment section but the implications of it reverberate around the world
I wasn't comparing women & men, just extolling her bravery. You heard something that was not present in my post. Sounds like a little offended male ego there...
Re your ego... A pity. You won't grow into maturity until you do.
And when a young Israel was founded, every able-bodied person had to fight. I suggest you read some good historical novels or straight history books until you understand what those days we were like. Everybody fought, if they wanted to live. It was survival.
Founded, that's a funny word to use.
When manufacturing consent becomes absurdity. Sounds like the Israeli boys were drying their nail polish so the girls had to step up. Tom Clancy must be rolling over in his grave...
Here is a key book to read for those who want to understand the real history here: A book by Ilan Pappe, called The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.
Pappe's scholarship seems to be in question, in several of his works. Before I take the time to read something like this, could you recommend a more academically honest author? Thanks.
That dribble about Pappe has been going on almost since The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine came out in 2006. That is their way of diminishing his scholarship. He had zero motive lie or misrepresent the facts. He was born in Israel in 1955 to parents who had escaped Nazi Germany, and thus he was raised in very zionist home. He used government documents that led him to his conclusions and his position on events.
Highly highly recommend this book. Thanks for posting.
hmm ... the "Hamas terrorists" link sends me to a screen reading, "502 Bad gateway" ... seems appropriate; however, the link for the squad of IDF combat troops does the same; could this be A.I. political commentary, one wonders? ;)
They may have some good snipers among the women, but in hand to hand combat against Hamas fighters, probably women would not have much of a chance. Women are flat out not the same as men in body strength no matter what anybody would like to say.
Fortunately, the invincible ladies here werent required to do hand to hand combat in this situation. Lets have some stats on how well women fare in that, as well as in heavy artillery and tank fighting.
Wouldnt Hamas fighters in such a close-in situation fight all the harder to avoid being taken down by a woman? Just curious
Hmm. Somethink this is false or propaganda. Israeli men and women are required to serve in their military.
“Spotless Bride of Christ”! 🤪🤣 Oh, my, we have a winner, here! The Annointed Perfect One has arrived and walks among us, people! Guess you, of the billions of humans who walk the planet, are The One to teach us all? Is that your claim to modesty and selflessness?
Don’t worry, the nice men in the white coats will be arriving soon to bring you to the hospital for help. They’ll be putting you on the ward next to the gentleman who claims to be Napoleon Bonaparte.
If you could answer me (the “filth” as you have so compassionately anointed me) just two last questions: one, can people tell yoiu’re “the Spotless Bride” in a public toilet because your shit doesn’t stink? And, two, what flavor is that Kool Aid that the church serves up? It must ne mighty good if it can mask the flavor of the sun and irony of the pride you take in imagining that you’re so superior to everybody else. And then yes, we will part ways.
But it’s been fun. Maybe if you tried not carrying around and flaunting such a huge chain, others would feel less tempted to yank it! 😁
OK, you just keep repeating the narrative that covers for the ugly earthly realities of the Church (religions are human constructs and therefore imperfect at their cores), but you can’t change the truth and history. Only cover for it so you don’t have to face realities you’ve been deprived of the opportunity to reason about.
Anyway, how did this conversation start? Oh, yes, by the prairie chickens having to sour grapes or qualify their support for women who did the heroic. The chickens can’t simply say “Hurrah for the eagles, and glad they were there when needed.” PERIOD, no qualifiers! Enjoy who you are, we need all species of birds in this world, and stop putting conditions on your support of those who step off your ethical plantation to do what needs to be done but which you aren’t capable or willing to do. Stop laying your limitations on others. That’s just prejudice and in the end, we’ll all be the worse off for listening to general doubters rather than applauding and being grateful for the cream, and simply letting it rise as it will. .
Based on the evidence, the Catholic church also cannot teach its priests to keep their frocks zipped, or their hands off of little boys, either 😂😂. Wonder which cannon THOSE teachings come from? 😁
A duty in your culture, not in everybody else’s. Sorry, the world really isn’t your oyster. I feel the same duty for what I believe in; shall we claim equality be enacting the laws on each other that mean so much to each of us? Or are you saying that you have self-evident moral superiority over everyone else, and the only experiences if life and death that count are the ones that you, personally care about?
Didn’t your god say something about hubris and its dangers?
Oh, and how many unwanted babies have YOU adopted? Or are you going to continue picking MY pocket, via the police powers of the state, to obtain the tax money to pay for the programs to repair the damage done to unwanted kids who weren’t aborted? What will you say to a girl who was molested or killed by a man whose mother wanted an abortion but couldn’t get one? So she raised a kid in a crappy, real world fashion instead of experiencing the miraculous change of heart and falling in love with her son and raising him as a model citizen, like in the fairy tale world you talk yourself into seeing? Will you claim responsibility for helping to perpetrate the act? No, of course not. Any more than you’ll close the ironic distance between your self-congratulatory self sitting in your comfy armchair and the 24/7 reality of the flesh and blood you’re “protecting”. Feeling great about your moral superiority does bupkus for the very real human beings whose lives you want to play god over. Life is messy. Deal with it, and let others do the same in the ways they see fit. Offer help, if you wish, but don’t impose and then walk away. Try controlling your own appetites and live without consuming flesh for a while, before deciding that your way of looking at things is perfect and we must all conform.
It took a little while because I actually have other things that also need to be accomplished today. But here I am now.
As for your Catholic Church boasting, wow, what a boatload of self congratulatory pride! Ever consider that maybe your god could get a little tired and annoyed of the incessant hedonistic yapping of how great you all think you are? And of all the corruption and death spread around the globe by the church in his name? Oh, I forgot, nobody else counts to the Alpha and Omega. He’s everything, but nobody is allowed to view the All One and unknowable in any ways except those that you personally, or the very specific branch of the particular religion you’ve been trained in, see fit. Everyone else on the planet is self-evidently stupid, wrong and bad, no matter how morally they may behave, unless they live under the thumb of the globalists in religious garb. We talk about secular globalism all the time, yet somehow are blind to the religious globalists hiding in plain sight!
Then don’t bring up an argument that isn’t relevant to the situation at hand!
Not all men are suited for all military positions, either. Some guys are better at running radar installations or repairing tanks than karate-chopping the enemy in hand-to-hand close quarter combat, but we don’t temper our support of guys who do outstanding things by pointing out that some military men really aren’t Rambo’s, or even all that good at whatever job they do while in uniform.
Tacking the argument that most women can’t perform like men into the acknowledgment that some DID perform like men, is as stupid as downplaying the achievement of the kicker on a football team who sent the ball sailing through the goal posts, because most kickers can’t tackle a 300-lb. linebacker. Allow individuals to move along their own lines of talent and praise them for what they, as individuals, did well. Most people, both men and women, will conform to conventional roles and standards, but occasionally one will surprise you. Some big guys can really kick, and some tough, wiry little guys really know how to move in and tackle. So give them their due when they perform, and don’t worry if they don’t conform to the usual. Teams that focus on organic development usually perform the best and most consistently over time. Say “YAY, congrats and THANK YOU” to the women who did a good job, and move on. No qualifying “buts….” are necessary.
So let me translate, if I’m not pushing your boundaries by being f male and literate. (Remember, in most societies throughout most of history, it was considered deeply improper to teach the self-evidently intellectually and spiritually inferior half of the population to read and write):
“WAAH! The ladies did a MAN’S job just as well as the MEN did it! That, in the narrow and insecure minds of some men, renders men something less than self-evidently superior in this realm, so we must play sour grapes and ignore their achievements, minimize the impact of their success, and continually move the goal
Posts to protect the narratives from ce that men are better.”
There. Fixed it for you.
Well, keeping them believing they’re not strong, can’t defend themselves, can’t handle a weapon, are made to be dependent, etc., is a great way to prevent that, right?
BUMBLE: You just regurgitate feminist talking points. What is your actual experience in war, combat? Have you ever been in the military, deployed to a war zone where the combatants were engaged in guerrilla warfare?
Does MY lack of experience negate any other person’s accomplishments? If so, how? I once brought a black female Air Force chopper pilot as a featured guest at a women’s aviation event. She was slim, tall, poised and gorgeous in her uniform as a fashion model. At the time, she had landed her helicopter three times behind enemy lines in Afghanistan to pick up wounded male soldiers and fly them back to safety.
How does my lack of chopper experience affect what SHE accomplished? Perhaps you would have enjoyed contacting the families of the downed soldiers to extend your condolences because there was no pilot to fly in and pick them up as women were deemed too delicate to handle an aircraft (once believed to be true!), so there was nobody available to rescue their sons? Tell me what difference in this case, the pilot’s gender or raw muscle strength made? If the person is right for the job, let them have it! And they understand that sometimes brains, character and beauty can happily coexist without any deterioration in performance!
Thank you for sharing that experience. You are quite right in putting forth her as a good example of a job well done by a woman in the military. I am glad she faithfully and expertly executed her mission, bringing many soldiers to safety that otherwise would have been doomed.
I never said that women could not of should not perform that or other jobs in the military that THEY ARE SUITED FOR. Not ALL women in the military or otherwise are an appropriate placement for ALL positions.
I just wanted to see what the nature of your involvement with the question was, that's all.
Perhaps allow individuals to decide for themselves how to handle their own life crises, instead of laying down your version of morality on all and then washing your hands of the situation and leaving the affected to deal with the boots on the ground reality?
I feel similarly about the torture and murder of innocent, and very conscious, non-human animals for food and clothing, that you do about abortion. Watching someone eat the body if a tortured and painfully slaughtered animal evokes the same sort of reaction in me that abortion dies to you, but my tears aren’t crocodile tears brought up to score points and I do walk my talk. Perhaps we could strike a deal: you get to outlaw abortion if I can outlaw the consumption of slaughtered flesh? Would you be OK with that? Or is only your moral circle correct, and mine so “self-evidently wrong”, that we all get to live only your way (benevolently for our own good, of course)?
BTW, I don’t “like” abortion. I’m just honest and fair enough to admit that people do what people do, and sometimes abortion is the best of the few sad long-term outcomes possible in a real (not ideological) world that’s mostly shades of gray. Fetuses in mothers considering abortion won’t be entering the world with the best chances to begin with. Sometimes a better than expected outcome does occur, and that’s great, and sometimes the consequences are, well, what one might imagine. It’s not possible to predict beforehand but the Utopists will always insist on trying to engineer social perfection, and we all know where the road to Utopia actually leads.
So maybe instead of trying to micromanage our neighbors’ morality, the righteous anti-abortionists might focus on abolishing social welfare programs that hurt black women(and burden them with kids they can’t raise) that encourage fathers to be absent from the home? And perhaps the Catholic Church could accept and restore the women’s gospels to the Bible, and stop perpetuating the myth that women are created to be subservient? Jesus himself set an example of treating women with greater respect than was widely shown during his lifetime. And women, in turn, provided much of the funding for his ministry. And there is now suggestive evidence that he was, in fact, married, which would have been socially required of a man his age in Jewish society. So maybe the Catholics should pipe down a bit. They’ve already done enough damage in this world. Oh, and the Vatican has a Bank that’s one of the wealthiest, most powerful and most secretive banks in the world. A bank that has been known to quietly provide funding for some pretty unholy conflicts around the world. Pretty good for an institution that pushes poverty, passivity and humility on its sheep. Did you know that?
Anyway, the original discussion wasn’t about abortion, but about praising a group of women for being brave and capable warriors. They probably prevented their enemy from overrunning, raping and killing their sisters. Yet somehow we can’t just give them the same full-throated approval for their actions as we would have given to men for doing the very same thing? Women who are bothered by the idea that they and their sisters can exercise the option of rising to the occasion, are like prairie chickens who are fearful of discovering the power of flying and comfort themselves by casting aspersions on eagles.
Yeah, frightening the sheep with blasphemy. (How delightfully medieval!) is the way to stop anybody from inquiring and honestly evaluating evidence when it arises.
The herd is easier to control when it’s too intimidated to think. But, nothing about religion is about control, is it? “Do as we say, don’t ask questions, don’t look too closely at what we do behind the veil of secrecy we erect around you, and we’ll intercede with the great king in the sky so you won’t be punished. Pledge us your body, soul and wealth and we’ll take care of you.” Sounds a wee bit totalitarian to me. Oh, but it’s all for your own good, of course. How gracious of those in charge.
Oh, and never see our lies, manipulation, sin and shortcomings. Just give us our tithe and indulgences, and we’ll take care of you. The mafia’s got NOTHINg on the church! 😂😂
Then praise these women for what they accomplished, instead of deliberately tearing them down by stating they’re ‘not as strong’ as men, implying that that made a difference in their performance when clearly it didn’t.
As stupid and prejudiced as the claims that the WASP and Night Witches, who accomplished aviation feats that the men couldn’t or refused to do, were of less importance than the male fighter pilots because women aren’t as strong as men.
BTW, do you even know who the WASP and Night Witches were? If they were men, we can be sure their feats and contributions to “winning” the bankers’ WWII. But, heck, they were just girls so of course their skill, bravery dedication and crucial achievements in wartime aviation don’t count. Should have been sitting on the home front baking cookies for the all-important soldiers, I suppose. That’s what all females are supposed to earn our praise and complements on? Nothing wrong with that, but what makes you so terribly fearful of giving credit where credit is due? What’s the big deal about gender? Why do you have such a grudge against a woman who dares step off your gender plantation?