IMO, people like Weissman, Sahin, Bourla, Sahin etc., Kariko with their mRNA technology and the mRNA vaccine, if courts show they were reckless, dangerous & they caused deaths, impose death penalty
I believe that no big pharma product, be it a drug, vaccine or mRNA gene altering substance is safe for human consumption. If you were to stop for a moment and ask you precious and well constructed body if it likes or desires any big pharma drug, it will tell you to go to the devil, you fool. Why the heck are you letting these moronic medical idiots murder me?
It’s the fibrin... in every case... fine strands of protein.. (maybe joined up spike proteins) that clog up your life giving blood supply to organs.. slowly but surely like going broke.. it’s gradual...then sudden.... look into proteolytic enzymes.. and start to incorporate these into your daily routine until the facts come out...proteases “eat” plaque formation...nattokinase or serrapeptase.. is a good place to start.
Is it just the fibrin? Some of it seems very unnatural , the rubbery clots.and can it be broken down .
(I had morgellons a while before lockdown & it’s not natural, it’s a man made “cross domain bacteria” . I can minimize it but not get rid of it completely. Components of morgellons is related to the vaccine mystery ingredients!
Not it is not.. but fibrin is causing micro clotting… what you need to do is buy time… because most mRNA gets burnt out after 6 months.. which is why these evil sods krept telling everyone to get a booster… only real issue now is reverse transcription.. altered dna will continue to make spike proteins.. so far recorded at 30 months.
Look into Nano Technologies, were in the Aerial Spraying, resulting in the Morgellons, now in the Covid "Vaccines" Foods,Medicines, Dental numbing applications, permiating the World. As a test,a Squirrel was caught, a blood sample taken, it's got Nano Tech in its Blood..
Check out the FLCCC post jab protocols. BTW, intermittent fasting is in them too. Evidently, it increases apoptosis, the body's process of autonomous cellular dismantling of "bad" cells.
Yes , Ketone bodies dismantle the spike protein, so it is wise to do IF at least every week and for sufficient time for ketosis to start, not less than 20h
Yes the Nattokinase is supposed to be good but I just read from Dr. Ana that these enzymes don’t work the way we thought because the clots are rubbery....hmmmmmm....
Well that is still a vaguely known issue... but it has been shown to dissolve fibrin.. so these “rubbery” clots seem to be fibrin (protein strands) on steroids.. they grow without stopping which suggests many cells are pumping out spike protein... and inflaming the endothelial surfaces of the veins and arteries.. which cause the body it needs to repair using fibrin.. bad combination of spike protein and endothelial repair proteins could be what’s causing these rubbery clots... they are not really clots because clots can fall apart when you try to pick them up with tweezers.. these strands of fibrin do not..
There is evidence that scar tissue (fibrin) from old surgeries will dissolve using proteases.. the strongest is actually lumbrokinase... but nattokinase is choice because Japanese have very low amyloid plaque ... lastly serrapeptase which is the weakest form.... but also good at removing biofilm.. which is part of the acts like a shield against the immune system and antibiotics.. now you know why people are becoming antibiotic resistant.. by design.. big pharma.
It is so easy to rely on someone else than to take responsibility for your own body. Just take a pill and get a shot or an infusion and you are good to go.
Jennifer Wexton, Virginia Dem congress rep, has "parkinson's on steroids" now, Covid double-vaxxed in Jan 2021. Darwin + Eugenics + Karma = DarGenicsMa. KarGenicsWin? What's most amazing is Dr Sheri Tenpenny said in 2020/21 that anyone who took the vaccine would be dead in 5 years. I thought that was a bold prediction, but it appears, like Babe Ruth, she knew where the ball would land.
If the term 'spike protein' didn't set off a red flashing light and siren in your head when you first heard it, or when you saw an 'image' of the Covid virus, then you've never stepped on a Goat's Head in your bare feet or had your socks filled with cockleburs.
That some of the same people and companies responsible for terrible things like selling baby powder laced with asbestos wanted to inject everyone on earth in warp speed with a drug that causes ones own cells to manufacture 'spike proteins' and blood vessels to fill up with them, so that they can stick in tissues and puncture pressurized pipes that distribute life sustaining blood, and instigate a conflagration of billions of antibodies, just so that someday, possibly, in the future, if you happen to get a cold, it might not be as bad of a cold, or not, is a very, very bad idea in theory. The actual practice of it proved that it is indeed a very, very, bad idea indeed.
Dont pull on Superman's cape. Dont piss in the wind. And don't ever, ever mess with Mother Nature.
And if a garden gnome ever appears and claims an attack on science is an attack on him, pick the little bastard up and shatter him into a million pieces against the ground.
Moderna's new mRNA EBV jab is not looking great and it doesn't even create spike protein. Moderna's paused its Phase 1 trial. But all you jab lovers out there don't despair, there's a sh*load of new LNP and other jabs under development right now
Australian researchers develop a highly effective new EBV vaccine
I would avoid any and all new "vaccines" whether nRNA or nanoparticle platform. (As well as the old vaccines.)
From a post yesterday by Dr. Pierre Kory's writing partner Jenna McCarthy:
"Dr. Marcia Angell, the long-time editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, resigned over twenty years ago after two decades in the post. She left because of what she described as the rising and indefensible influence being exerted by Pharma at the prestigious journal and its powerful affiliate societies. Back then.Dr. Angell wrote a remarkable book about the widespread corruption she witnessed. In The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, she wrote:
"Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, big Pharma uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers and the medical profession itself."
In her book, Dr. Angell brilliantly and unapologetically summarized the sorry state of the medical industrial complex:
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Further, Angell had no qualms pointing out something that’s becoming clearer by the year: sick care is big, big business. In fact, Angell wrote, “In 2003, the profits of the top 10 big Pharma exceeded that of the cumulative profits of the other 490 Fortune 500 Companies.”
Let those numbers sink in for a moment. This deep-seated corruption is hardly new. The late Dr. Arnold Relman, another former editor-in-chief of the NEJM, said this in 2002: “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
I took care of a parent who had been run over by a truck for 25 years. I found out the hard way that Dr. Angell is totally correct. These doctors and pharmaceuticals would have killed my mother long before her time had I not been advocating and thinking clearly. It is a horror.
I appreciate the link to research on an EBV vaccine. I like to know what researchers are up to. Like HPV, this seems to be another common virus successfully fought by the immune systems of most people multiple times during their lifetime, such that the marketing for this vaccine would likely be concentrated upon scare tactics related to the rare link to MS.
The fact that a great number of people confuse Epstein-Barr virus with the more frightening and incurable Guillain Barre syndrome is a subtle factor that might unfortunately result in greater sales of an EBV vaccine.
Thank God there are those of us left doc who have common sense and who are educated enough to question medical ethics/conduct seeing this scamdemic unfold.
The 🚩 was the “BIG PUSH” and the fact that corporations that had NO RIGHT to force anything on anyone especially their “JAB or JOB” BS. The lawfare has been quite a spectacle to watch.
The first thought was Nuremberg Code, and who gains vs. loses. Money, power and control at all costs was the agenda. This was premeditated murder at its finest led by a sinister elf whose trial run was the HIV/AIDS pandemic. DOD and Dr. Malone know way way more. Dr. Mullis also warned us about the sins of Fauci early on. Is it any wonder how he really died right before this scamdemic? 🤔
You are so right. Plus it is not even a vaccine except that dictionaries changed the definition when that point was made...I also don’t allow anyone to tell me that someone has Covid....and I tell them that there is no Covid and when the word is used it is on purpose to bring up the fear again, if one was afraid to begin with....
The Nano Technologies, interacting with the 5G, and higher G cell towers will we become Cyborgs? Electronic Zombies? If an Elitist commands something, and it's refused, will a kill response be sent ending the Nano infected persons life?
Sad. So sad. I tried too. All three of my daughters double jabbed and one of them 1 boosted. All three are having issues.
My husband is constantly (every 3 or so months) to podiatrist for cortisone shots in his ankles/feet. The worst is step daughter. She has C.I.D.P. which has left her permanently(?) injured. Shw can walk fairly hood when she gusty starts her day, but, as the day progresses she regresses. She is taking gamma globulin sessions every other month. She is double vaxxed and I know at least one booster.
I believe that no big pharma product, be it a drug, vaccine or mRNA gene altering substance is safe for human consumption. If you were to stop for a moment and ask you precious and well constructed body if it likes or desires any big pharma drug, it will tell you to go to the devil, you fool. Why the heck are you letting these moronic medical idiots murder me?
You can bet your Ozempic butt on that!
I’d like to know what your comment means.
The good new is we do not need them for (nearly) anything:
In other good news, at least they do not have the technology to do this:
Terrific site...thank you for sharing....
Most welcome!
Well put....thank you.....peace...
It’s the fibrin... in every case... fine strands of protein.. (maybe joined up spike proteins) that clog up your life giving blood supply to organs.. slowly but surely like going broke.. it’s gradual...then sudden.... look into proteolytic enzymes.. and start to incorporate these into your daily routine until the facts come out...proteases “eat” plaque formation...nattokinase or serrapeptase.. is a good place to start.
Is it just the fibrin? Some of it seems very unnatural , the rubbery clots.and can it be broken down .
(I had morgellons a while before lockdown & it’s not natural, it’s a man made “cross domain bacteria” . I can minimize it but not get rid of it completely. Components of morgellons is related to the vaccine mystery ingredients!
Not it is not.. but fibrin is causing micro clotting… what you need to do is buy time… because most mRNA gets burnt out after 6 months.. which is why these evil sods krept telling everyone to get a booster… only real issue now is reverse transcription.. altered dna will continue to make spike proteins.. so far recorded at 30 months.
Thanks for reply! Good point “recorded so far, “, have seen people misunderstand because the studies stopped too soon.
Look into Nano Technologies, were in the Aerial Spraying, resulting in the Morgellons, now in the Covid "Vaccines" Foods,Medicines, Dental numbing applications, permiating the World. As a test,a Squirrel was caught, a blood sample taken, it's got Nano Tech in its Blood..
Dr Ana and Clifford Carnicom are a blessing to humanity.
Check out the FLCCC post jab protocols. BTW, intermittent fasting is in them too. Evidently, it increases apoptosis, the body's process of autonomous cellular dismantling of "bad" cells.
I'm still looking for a link to whether those "bad" cells include mRNA "infected" cells and what the role of Nrf2 plays, if any.
Thank you....
Yes , Ketone bodies dismantle the spike protein, so it is wise to do IF at least every week and for sufficient time for ketosis to start, not less than 20h
Awesome, thank you for the recommendation.
Yes the Nattokinase is supposed to be good but I just read from Dr. Ana that these enzymes don’t work the way we thought because the clots are rubbery....hmmmmmm....
Well that is still a vaguely known issue... but it has been shown to dissolve fibrin.. so these “rubbery” clots seem to be fibrin (protein strands) on steroids.. they grow without stopping which suggests many cells are pumping out spike protein... and inflaming the endothelial surfaces of the veins and arteries.. which cause the body it needs to repair using fibrin.. bad combination of spike protein and endothelial repair proteins could be what’s causing these rubbery clots... they are not really clots because clots can fall apart when you try to pick them up with tweezers.. these strands of fibrin do not..
There is evidence that scar tissue (fibrin) from old surgeries will dissolve using proteases.. the strongest is actually lumbrokinase... but nattokinase is choice because Japanese have very low amyloid plaque ... lastly serrapeptase which is the weakest form.... but also good at removing biofilm.. which is part of the acts like a shield against the immune system and antibiotics.. now you know why people are becoming antibiotic resistant.. by design.. big pharma.
I appreciate your sharing all of this in such a clear way. (Oh those biofilms!) Thank you. 😊 🙏🏼
It’s the vaccine stupid !!!
If we could only make the “stupid” understand, the whole house of cards would come tumbling down.
People are dumbed down. Maybe these folks are lemmings that jump on every vax that is introduced.
I think my hubby is one…
I hear you.
All three of my siblings ran off the cliff even after being warned multiple times.
All 7 of mine and their spouses
One quoted this “ we are big fans CB of vaccines “
It is so easy to rely on someone else than to take responsibility for your own body. Just take a pill and get a shot or an infusion and you are good to go.
We should do a partner swap. My wife thinks the vaccinations are great!
Do you feel any effects of her shedding on you? It’s no longer just a theory.
Is your wife a religious vaxxer? My husband is!🙄
No, she just trusts government to care about her welfare.
Sad. My husband too.
😂 cute.
The stupid are now dead or on the way. Culling of the 2 digit IQ sheeple
Jennifer Wexton, Virginia Dem congress rep, has "parkinson's on steroids" now, Covid double-vaxxed in Jan 2021. Darwin + Eugenics + Karma = DarGenicsMa. KarGenicsWin? What's most amazing is Dr Sheri Tenpenny said in 2020/21 that anyone who took the vaccine would be dead in 5 years. I thought that was a bold prediction, but it appears, like Babe Ruth, she knew where the ball would land.
If the term 'spike protein' didn't set off a red flashing light and siren in your head when you first heard it, or when you saw an 'image' of the Covid virus, then you've never stepped on a Goat's Head in your bare feet or had your socks filled with cockleburs.
That some of the same people and companies responsible for terrible things like selling baby powder laced with asbestos wanted to inject everyone on earth in warp speed with a drug that causes ones own cells to manufacture 'spike proteins' and blood vessels to fill up with them, so that they can stick in tissues and puncture pressurized pipes that distribute life sustaining blood, and instigate a conflagration of billions of antibodies, just so that someday, possibly, in the future, if you happen to get a cold, it might not be as bad of a cold, or not, is a very, very bad idea in theory. The actual practice of it proved that it is indeed a very, very, bad idea indeed.
Dont pull on Superman's cape. Dont piss in the wind. And don't ever, ever mess with Mother Nature.
And if a garden gnome ever appears and claims an attack on science is an attack on him, pick the little bastard up and shatter him into a million pieces against the ground.
Nuremberg 2.0
What are we waiting for... millions of more deaths?
Apparently they are coming.
Moderna's new mRNA EBV jab is not looking great and it doesn't even create spike protein. Moderna's paused its Phase 1 trial. But all you jab lovers out there don't despair, there's a sh*load of new LNP and other jabs under development right now
Australian researchers develop a highly effective new EBV vaccine
I would avoid any and all new "vaccines" whether nRNA or nanoparticle platform. (As well as the old vaccines.)
From a post yesterday by Dr. Pierre Kory's writing partner Jenna McCarthy:
"Dr. Marcia Angell, the long-time editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, resigned over twenty years ago after two decades in the post. She left because of what she described as the rising and indefensible influence being exerted by Pharma at the prestigious journal and its powerful affiliate societies. Back then.Dr. Angell wrote a remarkable book about the widespread corruption she witnessed. In The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, she wrote:
"Now primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, big Pharma uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academic medical centers and the medical profession itself."
In her book, Dr. Angell brilliantly and unapologetically summarized the sorry state of the medical industrial complex:
"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine."
Further, Angell had no qualms pointing out something that’s becoming clearer by the year: sick care is big, big business. In fact, Angell wrote, “In 2003, the profits of the top 10 big Pharma exceeded that of the cumulative profits of the other 490 Fortune 500 Companies.”
Let those numbers sink in for a moment. This deep-seated corruption is hardly new. The late Dr. Arnold Relman, another former editor-in-chief of the NEJM, said this in 2002: “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
I took care of a parent who had been run over by a truck for 25 years. I found out the hard way that Dr. Angell is totally correct. These doctors and pharmaceuticals would have killed my mother long before her time had I not been advocating and thinking clearly. It is a horror.
I appreciate the link to research on an EBV vaccine. I like to know what researchers are up to. Like HPV, this seems to be another common virus successfully fought by the immune systems of most people multiple times during their lifetime, such that the marketing for this vaccine would likely be concentrated upon scare tactics related to the rare link to MS.
The fact that a great number of people confuse Epstein-Barr virus with the more frightening and incurable Guillain Barre syndrome is a subtle factor that might unfortunately result in greater sales of an EBV vaccine.
Seriously. Those two diseases get confused by people....🤦♀️...Lysine is the best for EB..
If they had not given us the sickness, they would not have needed to sell us the cure!
Thank God there are those of us left doc who have common sense and who are educated enough to question medical ethics/conduct seeing this scamdemic unfold.
The 🚩 was the “BIG PUSH” and the fact that corporations that had NO RIGHT to force anything on anyone especially their “JAB or JOB” BS. The lawfare has been quite a spectacle to watch.
The first thought was Nuremberg Code, and who gains vs. loses. Money, power and control at all costs was the agenda. This was premeditated murder at its finest led by a sinister elf whose trial run was the HIV/AIDS pandemic. DOD and Dr. Malone know way way more. Dr. Mullis also warned us about the sins of Fauci early on. Is it any wonder how he really died right before this scamdemic? 🤔
I refuse to call it a vaccine. It is a Bioweapon, made to kill.
You are so right. Plus it is not even a vaccine except that dictionaries changed the definition when that point was made...I also don’t allow anyone to tell me that someone has Covid....and I tell them that there is no Covid and when the word is used it is on purpose to bring up the fear again, if one was afraid to begin with....
Yes It was the seasonal cold and flu, they just changed the name to covid and made it sound more deadly.
The Nano Technologies, interacting with the 5G, and higher G cell towers will we become Cyborgs? Electronic Zombies? If an Elitist commands something, and it's refused, will a kill response be sent ending the Nano infected persons life?
The S-l-o-w-e-r I W-a-l-k
Sad. So sad. I tried too. All three of my daughters double jabbed and one of them 1 boosted. All three are having issues.
My husband is constantly (every 3 or so months) to podiatrist for cortisone shots in his ankles/feet. The worst is step daughter. She has C.I.D.P. which has left her permanently(?) injured. Shw can walk fairly hood when she gusty starts her day, but, as the day progresses she regresses. She is taking gamma globulin sessions every other month. She is double vaxxed and I know at least one booster.
So sorry to hear all of this.....God bless...