The last few days I've sat and watched your passion get crushed. I've been beside myself watching this administration unfold. The mixture of good and bad leaves me unsettled. I'm abhorred by the Transhumanist Gritters and Trump pushing AI like they are. So the tradeoff is we end gain of function but we get AI vaccine modifications in return. Are you kidding me!! Not a word of this during his campaign. Not a word about OWS. Now we know why. A deal was being conceived behind the scenes that could literally send humanity off the deep end.

I'm sick of politicians. I'm sick of the feudalist elites who want to control our lives.

Trump has put himself in a position to usher in the destruction of our nation by chasing the idols of money and greed. The future Antichrist couldn't have done it better.

Better continue to sleep with one eye open folks!!!

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A man cannot serve 2 masters, he will love the one and despise the other.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/TIWGYsYZYy

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That is highly inflammatory and it assumes you know things you do not. AI already controls many things in everyday life, this is a method to get control and reign it in, give it a few months, he's either revealing bad actors or seeking to get control over very dangerous technology, THAT WE ALREADY HAVE. HE IS BRINGING IT OUT IN THE OPEN, IT ALREADY EXISTS.

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It's really so through elons neuralink and gates patented network (patent #060606, get it? 666 the mark of the beast) they can put a chip in everyones brain and begin schwabbs (and satans) 4th industrial revolution of transhumanism. He's not on your side, unless you're on the side of pharmakia and satan?

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Anyone with half a brain knows to avoid any pharma products, so there is that. Just call it natural selection: if people don't know this by now, after everything we have all been shouting about for years, then maybe they really do deserve a Darwin Award?

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It goes deeper than that. He has said we (i don't vote) won't have to vote in four years. Will he outlaw all parties like Hitler did, so the US becomes a 1 party state? I believe his starforce was dew weaponry against the people and his stargate will be his transhumanism weaponry against the people so, "everyone will have a biometric id." -Donald Trump

The good thing is I believe he will usher in the end of times, so we have that to be excited about! I don't believe he's officially been sworn in as he didn't place his hand on the Bible(s) might be a small technicality, but believe like raising your right hand, just as important. People don't realize that since the beginning all presidents are free masons, same beast just a different head. None serve the people, they serve pharmakeia, satan. That's why the AMA uses the same logo that is on the demon baphomet. Pharmacology takes your soul, and that's the battle. It's a battle of souls.


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You hit the nail right on the head. However, for every noteworthy plan by Trump, there is an unfortunate and hidden plan or accomodation to the big money deep staters. Donnie has in so many words guaranteed more US rapaciousness in the Middle East with attack dog Israel walking point. Why? Because his betters want to get their slimy hands on Middle East oil. Blaming Israel makes good cover. Rest assured, Marco Rubio will push for aggressive US action against the oil rich nations. Marco leads the US in butt kissing Israel and supports genocide against Palestinians. Secretary of State is now chief rah-rah boy for aggression all over the world. US imperialism rocks!!

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So if I understand correctly, someone gets a simple blood test, then AI will analyze and determine what future cancer that particular person will likely get, then devise a custom (mRNA) tailored (untested) vaccine specifically for that person to thwart the cancer before it does harm. Yet AI is programmed by the same “experts” who insist the covid “vaccines” are safe and effective and very rarely cause adverse effects. And Trump is endorsing this?

No wonder the “father of the covid vaccines” never utters a harsh word for OWS.

He’s in on the big nasty play, folks.

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yes, what you said is roughly the plan...its outrageous and will not work...they know it too...but they will make money...and they know it will fail

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And how many people will they give an injection designed to kill rather than save? We have to take their word about what they're injecting, I haven't found them trustworthy so far.

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Of course They will coerce people…threaten to take away their cancer treatment if they don’t take the cancer vaccine.

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Like sounds like Fraudchi all over again!

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Oh, Wait! Isn't he the guilty one pardoned by JOE? If he did nothing wrong, why does he need a pardon? For good health?

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What kind of autoimmune disease did you contract? I have fibromyalgia.

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undifferentiated connective tissue disorder

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Thanks for sharing aj. Can this qualify for disability? I never knew of this disorder. I'm going to read about it. Take Care...

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Reminds me a bit of Elizabeth Holmes and her blood test scam, Theranos. She went to jail for that.

(Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes has been sentenced to over 11 years in prison for defrauding investors in her blood testing start-up that was once valued at $9bn.)

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And the US citizenry will be forced to accept vaccines that are untested.......people insist on saying Donnie was "misled". He had bad advisors, yet the same people give Donnie credit for being incredibly smart and aware. I call this incongruency, Donnie is compromised and an honorary Chabadnik. What is more obvious than the deepest recesses of his mind and intentions?

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And kill people before their time? Is that part of the agenda?

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You don't know what you are talking about. This is incendiary. Give it time, there are always reasons behind what he does. There are technologies out there that people are not aware of, He reveals bad actors, he tries to control negative possibilities, he gave the people the real treatment for covId before vaccines were developed so we all wouldn't be sent to FEMA camps for non compliance, he stopped real ID, He revealed covid cures and trials that have now proven there are cures for cancer that have been withheld for decades. Do you not think billionaires are aware of info we are not and that the President is privy to information we are not. He has already educated people on propaganda media, he has educated people on our weaponized law enforcement and Intel agencies by taking the hits himself so people could see, he has already revealed to the people that the intelligence community and military industrial complex run the world, this is part of the military domain, he is going to get control of it for good. He cannot reveal it all at once, nor can he gain control of it all at once. This is guerilla warfare for control of these agencies and businesses that not only control our country but the world. Before Covid did you know how corrupt the medical industry was? Did you know the peer reviewed journals, Dr's, and scientists were owned? No you did not. Were people really given informed consent no they were not. We do not need sunshine Patriots or summer soldiers, we need battle hardened warriors with wisdom and intelligence, things will be made known when it's time. Give the man a few months. AND PRAY FOR HIM AND SUPPORT HIM. If asked for an opinion give it to him honestly but don't trash him out of the gate. This brings these businesses under control of the USA and eventually under control of RFK jr, you can't give it all away at once. Wise as serpents harmless as a dove GIVE IT A FEW MONTHS BEFORE YOU SIT IN JUDGEMENT.

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Good grief. You are so screwed up. I never saw such twisted thinking. All of it FALSE!!!

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April you said it all!

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It sounds very different to the Russian mRNA anti-cancer treatment which, as I understand it, is given to people who already have tumors, which in Russia are unlikely to have been caused by Trump-Malone anti-covid mRNA shots, which the Russians refused to touch. The Russian AI analyzes the tumor characteristics against a database of 30,000 tumors and devises a personalized treatment from the results. The Russians have completed pre-trials and have data. They don't offer a prophylactic anticancer vaccine as the US apparently proposes to do. I know which approach I'd trust more if I had to choose between the US v zRussian approaches.

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The Ellison press conference was so brief and lacking in detail I have no clear idea what his cancer treatment theory is. Who are the research scientists behind this? I'd like to hear their presentation.

I got the impression Ellison's plan is similar to fake PCR testing followed by mRNA injection (paraphrasing him: 'finding early cancers floating around in the bloodstream' and then pro-actively curing them with personalized mRNA injections designed by AI).

Either Ellison is naive and becoming senile or he's selling the public on a new venture designed to enrich himself further. His statements on Tuesday remind me of Elizabeth Holmes' earlier scam with a magical box completng a hundred blood tests from a mere drop of blood.

In comparison, my impression of the Russia reseach was that it was, at this point, a last resort for terminal cancer patients.

I'd like to see Ellison & and partners' official prospectus that garnered them the American people's investment.

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"finding early cancers floating around in the bloodstream' and then pro-actively curing them with personalized mRNA injections designed by AI" in individuals who are at high risk for cancer based on a combination of predictor variable such as genes or family history, medical history, age, lifestyle factors etc actually sounds like a great idea to me if it works and is safe. I wonder if President Trump will be discussing it in his online address to the WEF in Davos. It appears he is their star speaker. Maybe he and Schwab can release a joint statement.

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How could I possibly disagree now that you've added the following conditions?

"in individuals who are at high risk for cancer based on a combination of predictor variable such as genes or family history, medical history, age, lifestyle factors etc actually sounds like a great idea to me if it works and is safe."

But of course it's still science fiction at this stage. Which is not to denigrate it. I've often noticed that science fiction can drive the imagination of technical innovators.

You've likely have already seen Dr. McCullough take on the Ellison plan:


Quoting the:linked article re Moderna's research in this area:

"mRNA-4157 has all the limitations of COVID-19 vaccines including inability to target specific tissue and no way to shut off production of its protein library which over time is likely to cause systemic toxicity."

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Where dud you get Trump is star speaker for Davos? I'm concerned?

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You need to see this show from Shannon Joy from yesterday. She breaks it all down. She plays video clips of Larry Ellison a few months ago, at a forum, explaining EXACTLY what they plan to do. There is no mystery here. It's in plain view. And it's NOT GOOD!! Check out this show. You'll see it all pretty clearly after that.


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Thank you, Margaret. I'm not familiar with Shannon Joy.

Although I am familiar with Ellison's plan to monitor every one of us via a chilling AI surveillance structure, if that's what you may be referring to.

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Don't forget, mRNA triggers your body to produce toxic spike protein that will probably cause multiple turbo cancers on your organs. I can't image that mRNA would change from a gene therapy bio-weapon to actually preventing cancers...nope, it won't.

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s r -- I hope I get this simplistic explanation right (and hope to be corrected if not).

In the natural human body, our own messenger RNA gives our cells encoded instructions to produce natural proteins necessary to life.

In mRNA-platform covid jabs, mRNA with artificial components, mixed with other toxic substances and delivered in a lipid nano-particle itself toxic to the human body, intentionally yet indiscriminately tricks cells of the victim into producing the foreign viral spike protein component of the SARS- CoV-2 coronavirus. It didn't work to immunize the recipient against "covid." It corrupted the immune system making the recipient not only more likely to get "covid" but also more vulnerable to other diseases since the natural immune system had been compromised.

I fear this proposed "cancer vaccine" will have similar disastrous results but the coronavirus spike protein would not be a factor in this potential new disaster.

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Paul, whats this story about 2 of RFK Jr's picks for the vaccine advisory committee, being booted, right after Trump met with Bill Gates:

From Redacted:


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YOU are up-to-date!

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That's what someone told me, too. I heard someone in the new administration did.

But, who?

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination for health and human services secretary has stalled as Senate Democrats and Republicans take issue with his views. He will be the hardest person to get through, so people, You might start praying! It’s highly probable he might not make it through. Geez, why don’t you people understand government!?

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we do understand, these are beasts

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In my opinion, they are far worse than beasts! I haven't worked in the government for years, but I know the vast majority in DC are as evil as Satan.

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They are Satan's soldiers

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No! No! There are NOT all Satan soldiers! Maybe I should call you a deliverer of evil! How would you like me to assign evil to you? There are many deep-state evil people in DC, but our government has some good people in place! Even they recognize the evil and pray for it to be removed. Several have quit, but others remain! Maybe we should all pray! Or do you even pray? There's evil all around, even if you can't recognize it!

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Not too sure 'Government' understands government.

.....other than the " $-in-my-pocket " part of it.

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Lol, I get it!

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And if he doesn’t make it, President Trump should make him a Deputy Chief of Staff with HHS reporting directly to him. There’s a way if Trump really wants MAHA…. And I understand government

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sure there is a way...I think RFK Jr. is the only option

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Kennedy wouldn't do that. He stated he would go back to his life —if not confirmed.

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I would want him to run

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Pray he's confirmed! Both sides D’s and R’s are having issues with Kennedy. They don't want Kennedy to expose the evil harms in the food industry. Kennedy knows all of their evil schemes!

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No, he can’t put Kennedy in a position that has to be confirmed by the Senate!

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There could be a groundswell in favor of John Bolton for health czar. John favors war against the population but only after inoculation with the beautiful vaccines.

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I don't think RFK jnr was every going to be what he said he was. He's a trojan horse, just like Musk who wants everybody to have a chip in their brains.

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I'm a Republican, and I have been since my teens. I'm 61 and don't support Kennedy except in this situation. I want him to fix our food system so millions get healthy. Millions suffer, including children! This is absolute insanity!

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Get ahold of your political representatives...

Unfortunately they're already paid off by pharma lobbyists...but you have to try.

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I've already done it. I did it several times.

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Me too, their silence is deafening! But I'll continue to harras them.

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No, you will harass their aides! I was one of them from 18 to 22.

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Unreal! The administration hasn't even been in office for two weeks! I believe you people are just as evil as the last administration!!

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Holy crap, the Stargate AI thing just got really weird:


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More people are screaming about this mRNA platform disasters and yet President Trump is “Doubling-Down!”

Why? Why rather how can a man, Donald J. Trump the man, not understand how deadly this mRNA platform has been and will be?

This complete “SILENCE” tells me all I need to know. We can all jump for joy about all the “niceties” of EO’s being signed in rapid succession, but please, don’t be so blinded to how the

“end justifies the means!”

There’s more, as I’ve been saying, there’s lots and lots more. Always remember,

“things aren’t always what they seem to be.”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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All I can say Dr Alexander is this, the powers to be should either “prove mRNA worked or it didn’t work.”

We know / we have the answers, mRNA KILLED MILLIONS WORLDWIDE! More than ONE MILLION in America alone!

It doesn’t work! It was flawed decades ago and it’s flawed today. Or have we all been lied to about the viability of this mRNA platform?

Were these “Bioweapons” concocted to make all the leading Doctors and Scientists think they are deadly, by design? Or is this mRNA platform exactly what’s been proven, a flawed and deadly technology?

Either way, nobody has said anything, except Trump and his “OWS and me saved the world” nonsense!

This leads me to believe the ultimate truth is, there’s no one better than Trump to lead America into the

“New World Order!”

This may be where America is headed towards. There’s far too many pieces of this “elation-moment” and silence about the most deadly attack on Americans, ever in the history of the world!


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I'm thinking the only way they will get mRNA to fly is if they get Digital ID's and CBDC's in place, and make the shots mandatory thru those modalities. Too many people are hip to phony vaxxes to trust that science any more. Trump does not like mandatory medicine, but it looks like he can be convinced that mRNA medicine has a place. CBDC's he has vowed to fight, no way, he said. But Dr. Yeadon says that Digital ID's are the Hill to Die on. If they get those, then the rest will follow. What's Trump's cure for the monetary system ?

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That too, but insurance companies will simply cancel your policy if you don’t take the live saving, save and effective, miracle cancer vaccine. And those who are afraid to die from cancer will kick you out of polite society. PCR test and live saving Covid vaccine, but AI exam and Cancer this time.

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Exactly this. Hence the push for digital id & cbdc's globally. Although I think k they will also add chipping of us in to the mix.

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Stargate ... 1/2 TRILLION dollars!! Once they achieve that goal, we will be as deep-fried as one can get (if we aren't already!). You people are probably tired of reading my words, but here they are again: "If we don't take THEM out, they will 100% certainly take US out. Just a matter of time."

The biggest problem that I see today is that it may already be too late to take them out.

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Too many people are too apathetic. They love to talk, but don't want to do the work.

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As if the mRNA covid injections don't already cause enough cancers.

I don't want my health care decided by some junk tech. I want human involvement so there is culpability. AI is the tech the government's delegation of responsibility.

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There is no substitute for the human interaction between a doctor and a patient. Larry Ellison wants to get rid of all of that. I was so creeped out listening to him talk about how he hopes in the future there will be robot nurses and robot caregivers and robot everything. His plan sounds like something right out of China or Frankenstein. We need to rise up and not comply with this call our representative and tell them exactly how much we hate this idea. I feel so betrayed. RFK Jr-, where is he? Surely he does not go along with this.

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I never thought Trump could do worse than Biden's last four years. But he's outdone Biden's evil in two days.

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Trump was duped into believing that the USA would beat China.

Let China have this technology. Please.

China for the most part didn't use mRNA technology. They had their own Covid vaccines for which most people took 4-6 jabs. Imagine if there were 4-6 mRNA jabs.

Regarding treating Cancer, that might be the only application for mRNA technology, where the benefit outweighs the risk for people who have serious cancer.

However, there would have to be years of testing, and never mandatory.

And not for prostate cancer, for which radiation is very specific and successful.

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If you think a Big Pharma vaccine for cancer is a good thing, you are deluded. The Covid injections cause cancer so this is just another way to make more money when the cancers explode in the vaccinated. They know it's coming so they are prepared to cash in on it.

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Trojan horse Trump, brining in the NWO agenda at warp speed!

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I’m scared shitless by this. Big Pharma has moved at lightening speed. This will be like Covid on steroids. IT will now be fused with bigpharma. Larry Ellison is an extremely capable man. ( CEO of ORACLE ). His aim is to use AI plus networks plus cameras to ‘ make sure humans behave’. By this he means to catch criminals. Except it will be used to control humanity and kill free speech.

Then these personalised cancer vaccines are a huge threat. Will they become obligatory to get a job, travel, decide which school your kids go to? Ivermectin and fenbendazole and Modified Citrus Pectin are doing a great job against cancer.

I note Billy Boy Gates had a ‘fascinating dinner’ with Trump. Another headline says Bourla is cozying up to Trump.

What’s left for Kennedy to do? He’s been totally outmanoeuvred. He’ll be fed crumbs. My bet is Fauci could be sacrificed to keep Kennedy and Johnson busy. Then that female ( can’t be bothered to look her name up ) with a bigpharma background will be in overall charge.

How can Trump be so dumb. mRNA is a failure. It cost Trump his last presidency. It could cost him this one. People are going to get sick again in their millions. American is right now not replacing itself with new births.

I could weep.

It’s not ’God bless America’. Now it’s ‘God help America’


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Susie Wiles?

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Not sold down the river by the big money men. The (s)elected have been bought us mere plebs are the money, money in so far we are cash cows and the elite will suck us dry, both figuratively speaking and, in some cases, physically I have now doubt.

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The globalists self-proclaimed elites continue their culling of the world's population WEF/UN agenda 2030/2050....has RFK/Trump been a psyop by elite controlled CIA. The next month will tell the truth.

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