Well there is just one way to stop them. NO business or school should EVER again close down no matter what Newsom says or what law is passed. Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void and we do not have to follow it. But what will Newsom do? Lock up every employee and every teacher? No he cannot. Not one business should ever again close their doors. If we would have done this the first time we would not be facing this again. If the American people act like sheep they will deserve what they get.

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Agreed. Unfortunately this state, California, is full of sheep ( many of whom are STILL wearing masks) and the rest of us suffer the consequences. We’d leave if we could.

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It is time to resist. Period. As with all perpetrators, compliance never leads to better situational outcomes. First they get you in their car at gunpoint, then they drive to the woods, then you walk down to the lake... You get the picture.

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Could we start with the income tax? And the Federal Reserve?

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So, no one should have control over our body, but a mother should have unfettered control over the life of an unborn child?

PS It's not a 'women's right' / gender issue. 450,000 of the 900,000 babies aborted annually in the USA are female.

Personally, I am pro-choice. People can choose whether to engage in intercourse in their fertile cycle. They can choose whether to let someone ejaculate inside. They can choose whether to be using contraception. I have some sympathy for the ability to choose after the first missed period, even the second. But, then the choice of the mother has been exhausted - there is now a developing human involved. Other complexities such as genuine mother's health risk then come into play. But at some stage, a moral society has to say, you've made your choices.

It's a complex issue for sure. Worthy of a little more thought Dr Alexander - particularly for someone so devoted to 'saving the kids' from these vaccines.

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Very well put. Agree.

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The big question is: Does the small baby's right to life trump the mother's right to convenience?

I say it does. In most cases I support people's right to make stupid choices. But life is a more fundamental right than convenience.

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That's the exact same logic the ALCU uses to argue for forced masking of children, forced vaccines on all, and whatever else the State wants to "keep everyone safe" a societal right ahead of the individuals convience of freedom.

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Yes. Using the a priori fallacy that masks, clot shots, and distancing save lives. And silencing those with evidence to the contrary. Masks, clot shots, etc. kill people. Too proud to admit they were wrong.

I prefer to let them lead unnatural freakish "lives" while I stay among like-minded fellow humans btw. I support the Faceless Ones right to be miserable.

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Correct. I was, frankly, shocked to read Dr. Alexander's comment. I had just recommended another of his articles moments before reading this.

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Actually, this is what I thought was my full reply. I will try it again:

An astonishingly incoherent statement:

"'As much as I might lean more pro-life, I don't want the government to tell me I can't smoke a cigar, I can't have a drink of alcohol, I can't choose my own medical decisions. And if I'm a woman, don't f***ing tell me what to do..."

Others have already pointed out the incoherent aspect of the comment.

What I found revealing (with angry outburst added) was how once again, the soup of irrational pro-abortion sentiments are subtly helping to underpin the whole, hysterical mania of pandemia porn, masker-raiding, socially destructive distancing and closures and pseudovaccinating.

It was as though the COVID scam was a huge opportunity for the pro-abortionists to write large their tantrum for abortion on the whole world in the form of COVID and COVID restrictionas and the so-called vaccination.

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They've taken great joy in traumatizing children with their self dramatizing hysteria and masks.

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lol, you really get a kick out of calling someone pro-abortionist, don't you. Right after you copy and past where he says what he leans pro-life.

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Mr. Armstrong, "leaning pro-life" is not pro-life. As for the rest of your comment, I cannot quite find a serious enough statement to respond to. Perhaps you could re-write your comment suitable for critical conversation.

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So what do you want society to do David? Put women in prison who decide to have an abortion, take away the Dr's liscence, jailtime? From my perspective, it looks just as anti-bodily autonomy as those who try to force mask wearing, injections, distencing... Just another means of power and control over the other.

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Mr. Armstrong, thank you. I do think that the present discussion is primarily about, but perhaps there is some point to tidying up the area where there seems to be overlap with the issue of abortion. I do believe that other comments here have made the point that the "our bodies; our choice" argument does not hold turning on the equivocation on "our bodies." I think, too that the point has been made that abortions involve, mostly, behavioral choices that individuals have made.

There are societal and civilizational changes that can be put into place to address your concerns.

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Amen. It’s a baby. What about their choice?

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It is such a non-issue, really. There are so few abortions late-term. Just political football designed to be around forever.

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Sure—people absolutely have a right to control all medical decisions about their bodies! But they DO NOT have a right to control OTHER PEOPLES' BODIES!

When a woman gets pregnant, she is steward and caretaker for ANOTHER human being. If she didn't want this responsibility, she had no damn business getting herself pregnant. It takes two to make a baby, remember? Simple!—Keep sperm out of you and you will never have to deal with growing another human being! For the irresponsible bit*hes who can't keep their legs together, get your tubes tied! Otherwise, look for an adoption agency. With all the fertility problems that the COVID shots are causing and will continue to cause, there will be plenty of couples desperate to adopt!

For women who allow themselves to get pregnant: honey, that thing growing inside of you is NOT YOUR BODY! it BELONGS to SOMEBODY ELSE, and you have NO RIGHT to destroy HIS or HER body!!! So grow up and stop being an evil, murdering monster!

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“We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, killings, of wars, or of hatred…If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other?”

“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love but to use violence to get what they want.”

“Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.”

“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”

“By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.”

Mother Teresa quotes

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Mother Teresa used children for manual labor and was obsessed with death of the elderly. She'd love this reset. You can read - Lost A Dead Hand: A Crime in Calcutta by Paul Theroux - to get the fiction version.

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The above quotes are accurate, IMO, even if the author was not a good person. I'm not interested in her history at this time, but thank you for the book recommendation.

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One of my kids lost two jobs during the Covid lockdowns in California. We also lost several restaurants and other businesses close during that time and never opened again. These politicians are disgusting.

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God gave me freedom, if man tries to take it away, I morally have to fight. Death is not a binding issue.

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We are talking personal responsibility here, Dr. Alexander. The decision to have sex while in a highly fertile state is risking becoming pregnant. Once pregnant, a woman's body becomes home to a developing human being. It is high time we stop looking at pregnancy as a curse or some kind of inconvenience. If you do not wish to become pregnant, woman up and practice restraint for a few days. For the love of God, quit crying over the loss of life due to cv jabs while at the same time treating the unborn child like a left over happy meal in need of a dumpster.

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Exactly. The first month my teenager had her period, I explained ovulation again. I explained the signs her body shows to indicate fertility. I explained that it *can* begin on the first day of the cycle and to watch for its ending.

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Abortion isn't a lifestyle choice like smoking or drinking...it's taking the life of another human being.

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Years ago when we, women, were fighting for our right to control our own body regarding abortions, my comment then was simply "if you don't like abortions, don't have one!" Same is true today. This applies to birth control, mandated drugging of any sort, or abortions. One of the hypocrisies is that self-righteous people get judgemental and even violent about their right to impose their belief systems on other people but then refuse any responsibility to help pay for the results whether it is medical care for mandated drug damage or babies forced to be born to people no ready to care for them. The real issue with Roe is the ongoing efforts of reactionary forces to regain control over women depriving us of the right to our independence and freedom of choice. You would hope that men who can relate to their freedom from mandated drugs or the right to poison themselves with cigar smoking would have the same respect for women's rights but sexism always gets in the way!

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What about the baby’s rights? As far as not helping once the child is born, that’s a flat out lie or woeful ignorance. Many people and organizations exist, even outside of churches, that help the mothers who choose not to kill their baby with support of all types. That’s a line every pro death person uses and it’s completely unfounded.

It’s NOT a matter of sexism. I am a woman and I won’t judge you for killing your baby but it’s not just men who consider abortion murder. It’s not a woman’s “right” to kill another human being.

And in case you are unaware of all the violent protests by pro-choice activists, violent and obscene, at crisis pregnancy centers AND the homes of Supreme Court Justices, you are the lone person in this country to NOT know about them.

And you ARE the same people who shout “my body, my choice” and the same ones who demanded that others get the clot shot. The hypocrisy is astounding but typical.

Women can poison themselves with cigars and be mandated to take experimental gene therapy, just like men. The analogy is false.

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There are a few of us who are consistent in our worldview, and grant bodily autonomy to everyone. There's plenty of hypocrisy to go around on both the other sides.

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Bodily autonomy for everyone; including unborn babies. And yes, hypocrisy is completely non-partisan.

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That logic allows for the government to decide all sorts of draconian health measures, ala handmaid tales. I just don't understand what you'd like to happen? Arrests, jailtime, for ex-mothers and doctors? There's no place for the Government to be in this issue other than an enforcer of law.

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Meanwhile in New York --

They have declared a state of emergency because there was ONE polio case about 6 weeks ago and they have recently found poliovirus in the waste water.

Emergency? What a joke!

I guess they couldn't create enough fear with Monkey pox so now they have to push Polio.

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Dr. Alexander

I want less Govt ( more efficient, more accountability to taxpayers) and less Govt control over our lives.

However, we need some laws to ‘save people’ from corrupt Governments and themselves.


1. Forbes- Aug 15,22- Canada’s extremely liberal euthanasia laws are set to expand in 2023 to include people suffering from mental health conditions and to include ‘potential minors’. In 2021 there were 10,000 deaths from Euthanasia. Total Deaths were 307,132.

2. CBC Report- Jan 23.17- Medically assisted deaths could save $136.8 M in health care spending. Possible correlation to point 1.

3. Woman Euthanized for Chemical Sensitivity as she couldn’t find adequate housing for 2 years. This was on Vivafrei - Rumble a week ago and happened in Toronto, Canada.

4. Covid Deaths & Injuries -I can’t be silent and not tell people about this issue even though it’s their ‘body’.

5. My 12 year old niece tried committing suicide twice during the lockdowns. How many suicides occurred during this time when people were losing their businesses, homes, relationships and hope.

6. Abortions- I can’t be silent when people are having ‘Sex Select Abortions’, or Abortions that are occurring 30 days after birth. I just want to adopt them all.

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It is a slippery but short slope from abortion on demand to euthanasia on demand...or at the state's direction.

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I have no inkling to tell anyone what they can or can't do with their bodies. BUT, abortion involves ANOTHER life, ANOTHER human being. A life that does not have a voice. Killing a helpless human being with no voice should sadden and madden everyone. But it does not. Think about that. Really think about how depraved our society has become.

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I see this view as the exact same logic as the ACLU makes for forcing masks on others, and others make for mandating vaccines. The "protect the vulnerable at the expense of individual liberty" invites the boot of the government into our bodies.

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Then you see it wrong. Do you believe pregnant women should be vaccinated to protect the baby growing in her womb? I do not, because that baby does not have a voice on whether it wants that protection or not. And besides that, abortion causes death. No ifs ands or buts. Death. While a vaccine is a crapshoot on whether it will kill you or not, you and I can hopefully make an informed consent. A baby cannot.

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'Do you believe pregnant women should be vaccinated to protect the baby growing in her womb?'

No, but its their choice, and its unfortunate. I agree with everything you said. I just don't agree with your wanting the government to step in to enforce that worldview on others.

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I answer to God so I follow Him. While He says we should follow our governments, He makes exception when "they" go against His law. Taking the life of an unborn baby is evil in His sight. While I have absolutely no control what anyone does with their lives and bodies, I will use my voting power to stop such heinous acts. There are already legal ways one can get an abortion if they so desire. The abortion rule has only brought the decisions back to the states, where it should have stayed all along.

And life of the mother is already covered at every hospital so that excuse needs to be put to rest. Doctors have total leeway to end the life if the mother's life is in danger and she agrees to it. The government already steps in in many areas. That's what laws are all about. Do you want them stepping in if your loved one gets murdered? Do you want them stepping in if this whole covid fiasco finally has light shone in on it and they wake up to the harms done to any and all individuals? I'm all for limited government but we do need "some" laws and regulations otherwise we would have an anarchist country. If someone wants to do something that harms themselves, hey, that's their choice if it doesn't break a law. But when you are harming another human being, there has got to be a line.

Maybe we will just have to agree to disagree, and that's totally fine. Last I checked, it's still a free country.

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Abortion is different from smoking a cigar or taking a drink! The taking of human life is a crime. Our bill of rights upholds the fundamental right to life. Otherwise, a mother can snuff out the life of her baby when she no longer feels she can take care of it, whether that be at 6 weeks in utero, 6 minutes before it is born, or 6 weeks after it is born! Scripture considers abortion evil, and if we believe in the divine inspiration of Scripture, we accept such a pronouncement. This is not difficult to accept. Just look at the pictures of aborted fetuses, and if you don’t have a heart-wrenching reaction, then you have a heart of stone!

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An astonishingly incoherent statement:

"'As much as I might lean more pro-life, I don't want the government to tell me I can't smoke a cigar, I can't have a drink of alcohol, I can't choose my own medical decisions. And if I'm a woman, don't f***ing tell me what to do..."

Others have already pointed out the incoherent aspect of the comment.

What I found revealing (with angry outburst added) was how once again, the soup of irrational pro-abortion sentiments are subtly helping to underpin the whole, hysterical mania of pandemia porn, masker-raiding, socially destructive distancing and closures and pseudovaccinating.

It was as though the COVID scam was a huge opportunity for the pro-abortionists to write large their tantrum for abortion on the whole world in the form of COVID and COVID restrictionas and the so-called vaccination.

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Or what light bulb I use, or what my toilet flow is, etc. etc. etc. I lean very very pro life, but it is NOT

my decision to make. That is is used as a form of birth control horrifies me. But I also firmly beleive

that we have to change hearts and minds, which some brave people have endevoured to do.

And I also think it your state outlaws abortion, you are free to move to another state that allows it, although I will do my best to convince you it is wrong.

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a QB with an IQ.

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