Perverted fetish. Demonic. Spiritual warfare.

John 14:6

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Utterly Satanic though there are no horns or hooves! Baal or Molach re-dressed in a more “motherly” image. Disgusting! That the royal family of Denmark would go along & not condemn this statue is revealing. The Danes need to get rid of their royals or the royals will get rid of them!

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This is so sick. They spit in God's face.

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What’s next? The man will be jacking off while the baby is breastfeeding?

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US cultural imperialism imposed on the cradle of civilization, on the great Teutonic race! Yes, you are right. That will be the next step. Europeans no longer need go to Detroit, Chicago or San Franciso to see what depravity and degeneracy looks like. The US ideals of satanism and communism have been transplanted onto their home soil. America has won its forever wars. All we can hope for now is that its jabs take effect quickly. That would be merciful. There is no hope for this planet now.

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It seems to me that The Netherlands was in the forefront of the public acceptance of the depravity and degeneracy you reference, rather than the U.S.

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The US Rockefeller funded Tavistock Institute unfortunately had early success in Holland in brainwashing the Dutch people of the noble European race there that the sodomy that the US founding fathers enshrined in the US consitution (as determined by SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas) was acceptable. Holland was the first domino to fall. But US foreign policy required more than to corrupt and pervert and to convert the noble race to sodomy. The US began to threaten and bully countries that objected to pedophilia. It has taken many years for the US to achieve in Denmark what this statue represents. It represents Biden's US led rules based international order. You have to keep in mind that the US ranks 29th in cross national comparisons for mean IQ and that American mean IQ is subnormal by nearly 1/4 of a standard deviation. However, the wise always are careful not to attribute to mere incompetence or stupidity that which arises from malice. This is satanic and every single aspect of satanism and of foreign depravity is American. Every single aspect, every single time. Denmark was chosen by the US for this statue as punishment for Denmark's recent rejection of the mRNA clot shots.

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Jesus is merciful. That’s why He’s coming back to destroy this fallen world. Get to know Him now while you can. You want to go with Him when he calls His bride home.

John 14:6

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There is *always* hope, as long as there are people with a moral compass, a conscience, people who hear that still small voice like a trumpeting elephant and are enraged like a roaring lion because they acknowledge there is only right and wrong.....and then, in some way, any way, make an effort to stop the degeneracy of things and make changes for good, which *do* and *will* always have an effect..... so do not despair, be disgusted ok, but do not despair, there *is* always hope.

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Well said! Thank you.

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I hate this. As a mom who has breastfed for 10 years and not always been afforded respect, I am angry.

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It is good to see that you realize that this deviance is not okay MrsS.

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Pedophilia is Global.

Sex Trafficking is Global.

Satanism is Global.

The Gender Assault on children is Global.

"The Whole World Lies Under The Sway Of The Evil One"

-1 John 5:19

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Yes but the world knows from where these global threats originate. The world knows who sits in the Oval Office and who may follow him. The world knows who sniffs and gropes little girls and who cannot be trusted around little boys. The world knows who Soros funds, both Democrat and Republican. The putrid stench from DC and the growing stench from.Florida now envelops the world.

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Maranatha ✝️

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Something's rotten in Denmark.

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Angels and ministers of grace defend us!

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This is so wrong that I just don't know where to start. This is full on abuse of an innocent child. That child is acting naturally. That man (if it were real) is not.

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Now the insane are pushing their agenda onto the straight world. And what's worse is some of the straight world are accommodating these freaks of nature who need a psychiatrist, NOT a surgeon because it's their brain is messed up, NOT what's between their legs because those parts work perfectly well as nature intended. Since humans evolved there's ONLY DNA for male or female, nothing in between and no surgery is going to make you well.

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Thousands of years from now, future archeologists will dig up that statue and not know what to make of it. A statue of an androgenous figure nursing a small infant? Did these "Danes" worship some kind of bizarre fertility god? Perhaps that is why the civilization fell, for we have no further evidence that culture survived.

When I was a kid I found a book in the library called The We-uns--purportedly by a future archeologist who unearthed some puzzling American artifacts and did not know what to make of our civilization. The Americans apparently referred to the two warring internal groups as "the We-uns" and "the They-uns." Kind of like the Hatfields and the McCoys, libel feuds that went on seemingly forever.

The rest of the satire was even funnier, making a lot of justifiably caustic remarks about American civilization.

Sobering to think that things like that statue may be our surviving legacy in a million years.

If anyone wants to stick around to explain it all to those future archeologists, let me know.

Maybe the AI Transhuman cyber people can help.

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Wow, that is just so American! Denmark has fallen. This vile US filth now engulfs the entire planet. Thank you Crooked Joe! Thank you Dominion!

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Days of ABSOLUTE madness!


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That's so satanic and I feel sick just looking at it. God wins in the end but satan is sure trying right now.

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Agree with her.

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Not only is it sick, pedophilic, and perverted, its naming is blasphemous. Agape love refers to the highest form of love, the spiritual, sacrificial love of God for us...

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This image is DEEPLY OBSCENE

and is an evidence of how utterly depraved modern western socieiy has become that this oscenity is no longer noticed, except by some, thank God, being the few, some small number, who have not bent the knee to Baal (I Kings 19:18

as for the quote : “the mother satisfies the child’s needs,” while a man who cannot nurse “only satisfies his own.”

this explains the utterly selfish nature of perversion of every kind perfectly

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I hope some sane person will knock that statue down so that it breaks into a million pieces. Please, someone do this. Use a garbage truck to do it.

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