"I write as an imperfect, hugely imperfect, broken at times, stumbling blockhead moron at times, prone to mistakes and very jaded, person. I have issues. I am a fool at times. I admit that."

So you are one of us then. 😉

But you aren't any of those things. And neither are we.

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wow that was quite the read. very eye opening. thank you for sharing i hope all involved figure it out and do not take advantage of people. we the people have had enough from the last few years. i thank God everyday for you Dr. Paul. you are honest and tell it like it is and that is why i like you so much.

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You know what else is suspicious about Malone?

Dr Alexander confessed Pfizer offered him a gazillion dollars to buy his silence and work for them. Pfizer has bought other people too.

Why wouldn’t Pfizer try and silence Malone? If it happened why didn’t he say so.

Sooooo. If Pfizer is not trying to silence him... Malone is letting limited info out and getting paid from someone else? To control our anger?

Idk. Just an idea to ponder.

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Disappointed with Gold to say the least..

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Paul, Dr Gold was among the very first to blow the whistle on the dangerous, experimental Covid-19 injections. Her White Coat Summits were at the forefront of the health freedom movement. She and her colleagues published a comprehensive "white paper" on the experimental injectables, presciently documenting numerous ways the toxic shots would harm people. She published that white paper in November 2020, before the first EUA even had been issued. It is because of her work, specifically including that white paper, that I and no doubt countless others remain uninjected today. She is a warrior, who at the beginning was fighting this war largely alone. Other notable leaders of today's health freedom movement still were blissfully ignorant at that time, many lining up to get the shots themselves and recommending the same for their patients. In short, Dr Gold has done as much as anybody and far more than most to sound the alarms and save lives. By now, most critical thinkers know the criminal conspiracists behind what may be the biggest ever attack on humanity will do whatever it takes to destroy the opposition, obviously including fomenting discord among our ranks and trying to take out leaders of the opposition. Indeed, they even put Dr Gold in prison for having the courage to give a speech on Jan 6. With her record, Dr Gold deserves much better than for you to be publicly repeating scandalous claims. Given her record, she has earned the benefit of the doubt. Nobody should accept at face value or otherwise uncritically repeat allegations about health freedom warriors without first fully vetting the claims and making sure they are not simply yet another disinformation plot by the same wrongdoers who brought us the travesty of the past three years. If you think the allegations could have merit, at a minimum you should've first privately sought comment directly from Dr Gold.

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Social Media Is A Test Lab For PSYOP Technology - Dr. Robert Malone (interview on London Real) -> https://www.bitchute.com/video/fUvjeZZbdB8/

In short. The agencies and elite are working hard to counter all opposition. They will use all the weaknesses of people, so the opposition splits up. They probably even have AI-assisted simulations running of each person on facebook and google. We are in a 5th generation civil war, where the propaganda is fine-tuned to each opposition group.

Solution: Stay a critical thinker, but also help people on your side to do things better than they do now.

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Yela has already posted this twice.....


I read this over 3 months ago when it came out and Dr Jane Ruby wrote in the comment section.

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The basic issue is that those big Pharma companies that embrace the allopathic medicine model for treating disease states do not want any competition, and they will do anything in their power to discredit anybody that has any other approach to good health! It’s a money game and has nothing to do with treating the ills of humanity

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I listen to you but I am getting tire of your vitriol and biting of others in this movement that is so essential to our progress and to our survival. You are right, you are not perfect, so quit talking about others as if you are. It’s painful to your followers such as me.

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From Ground News Blindspotter on Stephanie Brail:

"68% of the news @StephanieBrail interacts with on Twitter Leans Left."

Not sure I'd trust her credibility, Dr. Alexander. She just might toss a truck at your head when you're playing in that sandbox you play in. JUST KIDDING!!!

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I call it "Simone Gold Derangement Syndrome".

Disclaimer: I was the person who provided the link to the court document and commented about consultant fees and expenses (used to be a consultant myself).

Brail learned about the very existence of Dr. Gold about 5 minutes before writing about her from "internet research" and whatever she dug out of her own ass (no, Dr. Gold doesn't charge anything for speaking - how?, and every donation collected goes to the nonprofit), but skipping facts that didn't fit the spin. Seriously, I don't know where this fascination about her writing comes from... Brail proceeded to be deranged with my church (on the other side of the country!) who hosted a talk by Dr. Gold in February and with people who came to listen and ask questions, and express their opinion. So, now we can't even ask questions, right? And can't have our own knowledge and opinion about the situation. The internet is going to tell you what to think.

Dr. Gold previously visited our community and is well liked. Our nonprofit leaders commented that Dr. Gold has made peanuts all combined and assumed compared to the cut professional fundraisers charge. Fundraising is hard and she raised a lot. There is a difference between being well paid for making a lot of $$ for your employer and being paid $20K/month for doing no job. Incidentally, a local activist recently struck a conversation about Dr. Gold and revealed that she helped him a lot providing resources 2 years ago. Then another person in our small group mentioned she also had used help from AFLDS. AFLDS didn't brag about any of this work behind the scenes or visiting suffering communities like ours in the lockdown. The real world is not about some bs "internet research" and imaginary "arguments" and creating narratives.

I'm going to disable this thread. Internet dwellers with SGDS, don't bother, I won't read you. Learn to live in the reality and meet people in person.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

I just joined your substack today as a paid member as I felt I should being that I read every single article you post every day since joining a week ago as a free member. You are answering all of my questions. Everything that seemed 'off' for months now, you gave me the inside look which validated my suspicions. Thank you. BTW, if not for Dr. Tenpenny's clinic , I would not have started watching her videos. (binging on those too!) And I would not have watched your recent interview with her and I would not have found your amazing Substack. I KNEW things were wrong with Malone and then my ears perked up when Stew warned people of him but, I remained skeptical. Then later seeing Malone on Epoch sliding in slanderous (and childish) accusations about Risch and then discrediting the amazing work by Stew Peters on Bannons Warroom, I knew Stew was on to something . Malone just slides in these little seeds of doubt about the people doing some real heavy lifting and research. But when Stew mentioned Gold I did not believe it. How could I? An accomplished Doctor and Lawyer - she could never be that stupid or greedy. I have a lot of more reading to do. There are more answers to my many questions yet to be learned. Thank you for all you do.

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Dr. Paul, my money is on Dr. Gold. This whole thing stinks of a big pharma attack to destroy their competition. Dr. Gold just spent 4 month in jail for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was targeted by the Demorats and the CIA. Without Dr. Gold as the front person would there be a AFLDS organization??? And speaking of Malone, he is like a ground hog, only coming out of his hole to eat. He knew the dangers of mRNA and he said nothing UNTIL, the shit hit the fan. He is as guilt as the rest of the crooks.

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Well, I can see why this 'not for profit' is not making any profit.

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Way to go Stephanie!! I am still a fan!

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You are a kind man. Thank you for posting this.

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