JJ COUEY IS THE BOMB!!!!💣💥❤ he is also starting a substack... pls, support this guy...he is helping save humanity.... https://gigaohmbiological.substack.com/

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Could not agree more. I’ve been a supporter since early on (biking days) when I realized what a great father, husband, fighter, and all-around great human being he is.

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I didn't know that Stella - I will be subscribing - you beat me to it that time:) JJ is fantastic

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It was another stacker on Sage's board that alerted me to it..... he also has a substack.....


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In a heartbeat.

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I gotta agree StelaMaris, JJ is the bomb! Especially what he says at the very end...we are indeed here to be gardeners of the earth, and each other....and no one is leading the way forward...he reminded me of "Braiding Sweetgrass" the native American woman who basically said that this was now Native Americans through (Alqonquin anyway)...and proved that al plants, animals, etc. communicate with each other.

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Just finished watching JJ’s brilliant analysis. (BTW, US childhood vax schedule is criminal). Rancourt wiped the floor with Kirsch and all he could say when caught was something like let’s move along. It’s a must-see.

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The control over humanity has been going on for centuries and using greed sucked people into debt and thereby total control

Just think about the share market that is the biggest fraud whereby people gave there money for a piece of paper with no guarantee and where by commerce went into spending way over their head making society spending money they didn't have putting debt onto the next generation

We have China as an example with Evergrand going bust taking many people with them

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Dennis Rancourt is a bloody brilliant mind. Loved this interview but I am embarassed for Kirsch...he just doesn't get it. He is really a bit conversationally non adept.

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Something is wrong with Kirsch. I cannot watch him.

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STEM brain. Conversationally autistic.

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Dennis Rancourt was great! I couldn’t figure out who he reminded me of but in the photo he looks a little ambit like Peter Sellers. But Steve was very hard to watch. He seems pretty aggressive and irrational. Dennis clearly has made a great contribution to us understanding what has gone on. JJ has one of the best takes overall on this stuff. Grateful to him for his work.

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I think Kirsch is just wrong, and perhaps has a pharma allegiance ($?) that prevents him from getting right…

and therefore he’s just plain rude when dealing with an opposing, but correct voice such as the brilliant Rancourt — I can’t even imagine how bad JJ would destroy Kirsch in a head-to-head.


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Dr. Paul! Wow! You are definitely doing your homework!

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I almost needed popcorn for that, but sadly I had a tooth pulled this morning, can't eat nothing hard, LOL

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Ive read her stuff and Im not going to live my life at 72 worrying about that, I live in Canada, has she done any research from there? I feel 100% and have all the way thru 2020 and beyond. I protect myself and have blood analysis done thru a homeopath, all clear so far.

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Hanna at our age, you make a hell of a lot of sense.

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So did you ask Steve? I’m sure you are able to get a hold of him

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