Your humor is medicinal Dr. Alexander. Church bell gonads! Thank you

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I liked it too

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Dr. Martin spoke the truth at the European Parliament! Why do you not inform your readers? MRNA injection route was started over 20 years ago and has been steam rolled over humanity with preplanned intent! Expose the perpetrators who ran the Covid con!

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You said, “Dr. Martin said.” Precisely. That’s all he ever does….

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The following proves it wasn't about money, just culling to reduce the population:

Not explainable through money, power and corruption

“What makes a person want to control and hoard? What makes a person choose wealth or power or accumulating “stuff” over supporting each other thrive? Why would members of our own species want to destroy all life on this planet?

We aren’t dealing with your average Joe’s. They are multi-generations of inbred, disconnected, mentally unstable psychos whose entire existence has been destruction, murder and chaos.” 1

Think about it. If you were a billionaire: when is enough, enough? Is enough never enough? Instead of enjoying life with your loved ones, why would you spend most of your billions with a mafia obsessed to cull humans, risking a revolution and being jailed or executed? This is way larger than a psychonspiracy.

Why would Facebook Zuckerberg give 450 million away to rig the 2020 elections in favor of Biden and democrat governors when he didn’t get that money back from the government? Think: even if you were a billionaire fanatic of the Democratic Party, why would you spend 450 million dollars in bribery, risking jail? And 450 million doesn’t even count on what the Zuck Bucks bought in prior elections and 2024.

Why would a foreigner like Soros, who doesn’t even visit the USA, give away billions to the Democratic Party?

In 2010, masons Warren Buffet (who funded Microsoft) and Bill Gates founded The Giving Pledge to manage the money of any billionaire who, just like them, was a figurehead of the masonic mafia and had to return them the dirty money made from monopoly, usury, insider information, sabotage, moles, government grants, contracts and arranged bids, stolen patents, mason or corrupt judges favoring them (e.g. when Zuckerberg stole Facebook), counterfeit money and laundering, drugs, etc.

That’s why masons pushed for prenup agreement laws in most countries. Still, masons arrange “bad” divorces and recover control by diluting capital and increasing debt. That’s where funds like Berkshire Hathaway or Blackrock get in. Another way, is to agree on transferring billions to charities (Giving Pledge) and to create trust-funds for the kids (“trust fund babies”), and guess who is going to administer the funds: masons, thus keeping control of the companies (it’s not about the money, but about control).

• After an affair with Elon Musk in 2021, the wife of Google founder Sergey Brin, Nicole Shanahan got her secret divorce: Mason convenient: “California permits private judges as a way to reduce the load on the public legal system. These judges have all the rights and responsibilities of public judges but don’t operate through the public court system. The only documents that become public are the initial filing and the final decree. The decree can reference separate documents, keeping the actual details of things like child custody agreements or asset division private. This is significantly better for your privacy than public courts, where everything stated in court becomes a matter of public record, accessible by anyone interested.” It was Brin’ second divorce with a prenup, thus keeping his status of being the top 10 richest man on earth and saving (scamming?) over 50 billions in divorces. 2

• Melinda French (ex Gates) walked away with a couple of liquid billions after being duped for 50 billion in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 3 She still thinks it is a legit non-profit.

• Something strange happened with Bezos, who kept 16% more of Amazon than his ex MacKenzie Scott, 100% (not 50%) of the Washington Post, and 100% of the his space company, Blue Origin. 4

Figurehead money had to be put to use under the mason agenda. That might explain why “400 highest tax-paying Americans donated between 8 percent and 11 percent of their income in 2010”. By 2019, the Pledge had raised more than 500 billion from 200 out of 2000 global billionaires. 5 It could now be over a trillion dollars (1000 billion), considering that the 2 founders gave over 100 billion, then it’s less than 1 billion for the rest, if we discount the top 5 donors.

Living Pledge hall of shame: Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft), Michael R. Bloomberg, Elon Musk, David Rockefeller (d. 2017), Jeff and Marieke Rothschild, Carl Icahn, Michael Milken (junk bonds scam), ...

They are not philanthropists (from greek, human-friends) but misanthropists (human-haters). They are not giving away their money: they are returning to Satan the stolen money to programs designed to exterminate us. Thank you but, no thank you! Their power is so obvious: their money is not taxed even if it’s destined to the common bad instead of the common good.

Why is it that so many billionaires are evil? It’s hard to believe s that money corrupts everyone: there are many examples that prove it doesn’t.

It looks like there is a rigged system that searches to corrupt them (Epstein) and only allows the most evil to become billionaires by destroying the competition with unchecked illegal practices.

If it wasn’t for the freemason cabal, why would IBM masons give pimple college-dropout Bill Gates monopoly to IBM PC, who didn’t even have a software and stole/“bought” it from a Seattle programmer?

The luciferian mafia pays you well: “Gates’ home, which he’s dubbed “Xanadu 2.0” as a reference to the movie Citizen Kane (note: you can’t make this stuff up!), was estimated to be worth $127.48 million in 2017. Add a large car collection and a $130 million art collection including a Leonardo da Vinci manuscript. The family also has a private jet worth almost $20 million and owns a private tropical island in Belize called Grand Bogue Caye, valued at about $25 million.” … just in exchange for eternal hell fire.

It's not the neo-cons6, reps or dems. It’s not the Feds, DoD, CIA, NSA, HHS, NIH, CDC, FDA. It’s not the USA, China, Russia, Ukraine, Israel. It's the MASONS and satanists in there! They promote hatred based on categories, political parties, races, religions, so we keep busy against each other while letting them destroy us all, blinded by identity fights. Divide and conquer. Factioning for ruling. Think about the concept of intersectionality: it was designed to multiply factions to the infinite, so that in the end, each person becomes a faction for himself!

That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t cherish and nurture from your national, religious and cultural roots. Yet those roots should be used to enrich your community, nation and mankind, not to quash the rest of them, based on a narcissist pride that only leads to fight, while strengthening your enemy and weakening your identity: they have succeeded in creating a rootless de-familized global citizen, easy to be manipulated in a nationless global government.

Communists, Zionists, Islamic fundamentalists, Gaia worshipping environmentalists, UN, WEF, etc. All evil groups seem to be working for their cause only, yet they are all precisely coordinated. On top of the puppet groups there are the different mason sects, and on top of them, the satanist sects (all groups work for Satan, but those upper sects have direct worship).

There's no deep state, just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. Freemasonry is THE most lethal virus. Freemasonry is THE enemy of “the people”, that destroys a nation from within. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry.

Cicero (in Taylor Caldwell’s fiction): “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” 7

Some say: “they want you DEAD or SLAVE!“. Wrong: they want you a dead slave… just like we let them treat the unborn babies: a person called a thing (definition of slavery), which could be killed at will.

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!

Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


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Only one answer...Satanists

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Wow! What a fantastic tell all. Hope Everyone Wakes Up.

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Stew is a BEAST and will not back down. Although I don't always agree with him, no one can take away from him that he has continually exposed TRUTH when no one else dared to; he is one of the early frontrunners, and all of America owes him a debt of gratitude for never bowing to the Almighty Narrative and always serving God first in his reporting. Is he passionate? Well, why in the world would he not be, with the incessant killing and crimes and lies swirling around us? Stew came through for us, early, and strong, and may God lead him onward -- we need him in this fight.

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His wife and children must be proud of him. I am too!

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This might explain much of what has unfolded


Nothing to do with health, all to do with money which would explain why the very clear evidence of harm is simply ignored….

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More than just money and control. I wish it were just that.

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I watched Stew and that interview with the BBC and he was on fire!!!

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Stew Peter’s has done more to help the innocent educate those who will listen and invites calls to action. He is a true patriot a first class American and May God hold him in the palm of his hand! I too loved the analogy of church bell gonads. You have a reserved seat in heaven Dr. Alexander next to Stew! Carry on Onward and Upward!

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I always said we need bounty hunters, Stew Peters is the guy I would want at my back . What he has done to expose these shit stains in the media is unsurpassed.

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Stew Peter's is So Awesome! So glad we have real men in America and not a bunch of fairies and soy boys running around in tutus with their willy hanging out.

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Dr. Alexander: you and the “gonads” business😂😂😂😂 obsession in almost every post😂😂😂😂

I always chuckle when I see it in your post.

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Laughter is the best medicine

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Stew Peters for President is a far better choice than "Let's go Bradon Liar in Chief"

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AMEN, DOC! 💯💯💯

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Last week my daughter had her wisdom teeth out. Now I see the article about the mRNA tech found in the dental anesthesia/anesthetics. We aren’t she isn’t, her fiancé, none of my family, is vaccinated. I prayed for wisdom to know if the whole procedure needed to happen. No red flags. She is over 17 so I cannot say anything medically but she felt good about it. I’m grateful for Stew but what do we do now. It wasn’t to after the surgery I learned the surgeon was a freak. He wanted to speak to me after the surgery. The nurse handed me a maske to wear and opened the door I walked toward him as he was 12 ft away and he points me to a circle to stand in and from there proceeds to tell me about the surgery. To my alarm he tells me he had to add more sedation bc she woke in the middle of the surgery.

I am praying for her healing but she doesn’t know about this. What if any are some protocols or ideas to purge any or some of this from her. I have heard there are things that can be done.

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I like Stew. He is straight up and takes no prisoners. I am so glad he has said this about the media. Without the main stream media running the whole narrative none of these and so many other crimes would not have been possible. All of the illegal wars based on their lies, 9/11, the assassinations, the Watergate coup that removed President Nixon, and the list goes on of the lies from the MSM.

So many people around the world have have been killed and had their lives destroyed, and many more will die from what has already happened because of their lies.

It is long past time that they should be held to account. Time to set up the tribunals and try them and the death penalty needs to be on the table. Let them feel the fear and terror that they have deliberately projected onto the innocent.

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