I thank him for speaking up!! It will take people in high-powered positions to speak out before the masses start believing these shots are so dangerous.

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I just hope it's not too late for that.

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But what the "high powered" are on board (no pun intended) with the dangerous shots?

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And many are onboard. But, if more and more start speaking out, it's bound to turn the tide!

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I agree!!! Stew is a true Christian who fights for all people’s rights! He has a heart of gold and a spine of steel! He does his homework before he speaks on topics he presents! He will jump into action to help anyone who is in need! God bless Stew!!!

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Stew is Christian? The people featured on here inc Stew gave canonization of Zelenko.

Zelenko did many fine things but these people pass over the fact that he denied divinity of Jesus Christ...

Zelenko might be in Heaven thru mercy of God, but even Catholics very rarely will say another Catholic is in heaven.

To ignore Zelenko's denial and canonize him... Not act of a Christian.

Zelenko was heroic. I disagree with parts of video... It's for canonization I paste it.


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You have been heavily brainwashed by the Christian church. Reality is nothing like you have been lead to believe. And Jesus was a Jew. Get over it!

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We've been around on this. Jesus was God, and He founded Catholic Church. I actually will not stop.

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Yes, Stew is a Christian. As for Dr. Zelenko and anyone else we do not know if they accepted Jesus as their Personal Saviour, perhaps even towards the end of their lives. Only God knows that. Remember the thief on the cross with Jesus. What did Jesus tell him? Matthew 27:38, Luke 23-43, Mark 15:27.

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Absolutely, I said that he could be in Heaven....

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Well said!

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Get a grip.

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Not popular post, to be sure. Please find error.

By the way, I think ALL religions are false except Catholic religion, which isn't church headed by Francis.

Very cruel to be casual, imprecise about eternity. Which is what most people do

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 Stew is a warrior and I have been listening to some of his programs since he only had 45,000 followers on Rumble and look at him now! One thing that troubles me about Dr. Malone is that he kind of trashed Stew by just calling him an ex bounty hunter as if he had no other attributes because he wasn’t Harvard educated like all these other people that have their heads in the cloud!

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agree with you there, he was wrong to hit Stew. Not in his league. Many mistakes are made, this is one and we can all have some food. We can all eat.

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My family are are ALL Stanford (neurologist), Cambridge/Harvard (Royal Institute), Berkeley (journalist), MIT (engineer) educated. I love them, but they are almost completely clueless about everything important.

Living, giving and saving life and lives. How worthless money is compared to faith and honesty and how there is no higher authority than the Creator of all life (including your own body) and your relationship with the Creator.

I agree, Dr Paul. Malone is not in Stew's league. I feel sorry for everyone who has gone through the sham of "higher" education. Lies, debts and brainwashing for empty prestige.

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I was wondering about that statement of he’s not in his league and I’m glad that you interpreted as Malone is not in Stews league I completely agree

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I sense an extraordinary depth of sincerity with Stew. More than with most.

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I was wondering too. And I've lived decades with the BS of "league" and caliber and "intelligence".

I hope Dr Paul is not impressed with Dr Malone's "league". Because I sure as hell am not.

I don't know Stew but his guests and Dr Ruby have educated me more than most and I don't feel like he's ever lied. More importantly, I feel like Stew knows the DIFFERENCE between a lie and the truth. Not sure there's too many people I can say that about at the moment!

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I will add that on many levels, regardless of what degrees you hold, or what school you attended, its time to humble your selves. Look at where we are at now? I know many people who don't have a college education by choice, but don't need it either because they are highly intelligent and highly successful.

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I know so many relatives and friends with degrees, doctorates, MDs, QCs, etc. yet the majority have absolutely no common sense.

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Big mistake on Dr. Malone's part....hmm...we are starting to examine his connections with the very high faluting Harvard educated DARPA bunch he has been working with for decades !

Watch out Dr. Malone, you are walking on thin ice dissing the true and loyal, steadfast Stew.

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Malone is not connected with DARPA. You guys are falling for the Deep State lies because Malone is so right-on about their crimes, they are lying through their teeth about him! They need to make things up to discredit Malone because he is such a formidable enemy to their whole COVID depopulation agenda.

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Whether DARPA or not, he is connected with plenty of nogoodniks...and I did not like him interviewing the young students in Hawaii and telling them to take their parents advice about the 'vaccines' when he knows well and good they can be deadly dangerous. As well, he knows their parents likely bought the whole vax sham hook line and sinker. He could have told them to do some research....I believe they were college students. In any case, I am wary of him and watching closely now...and I was a huge fan for months...I hope I am wrong.

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Agree. I just don’t understand the animus directed at Malone. He is a hero.

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Yes. He has been working tirelessly to wake up the public to the dangers of the COVID shots and to educate people about early treatment.

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Certainly, but off the rails on venom in the water and inexplicable, defamatory attacks against Malone is enough for me to switch him off. I don’t have time to fact check. Break my trust only once. That was the venom conspiracy.

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He created the gene editing mrna, along with others but...

He's worked with many of these companies, including those who worked on zika v's. He's worked with many lf them. He himself is very pro v, he says it himself.

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He needs to answer all these questions ASAP because as much as I appreciate what he’s done so far his ties to these agencies is very concerning.

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What’s he done?

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Good for you! God bless you for opening your eyes to search for the truth. I pray daily for God to give me the wisdom and discernment to know good from evil. It’s because of God directing me that I never trusted or believed in Malone from the first time I heard him.

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I like Peters, but he started trash-talking Malone for NO reason. Stew is good about some things, but he went off the rails about snake venom in our water supplies, and criticizing Dr. Malone with no evidence.

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Well you have a point but without people that are willing to step outside of the boundaries of what is politically and culturally acceptable we can’t get to the root of anything

And I think it’s important to question everything with capital letters

The snake venom theory of course was a theory but there are a lot of signals there that said oh my gosh what if

And those kinds of things are worth pursuing only because our main stream media is bought and sold for and completely out of line with average Americans

So I appreciate stew for stepping out and letting us think about things in a different way

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Actually the snake venom idea didn't rise to the level of a theory. As a hypothesis, there could be something valid about similar peptide sequences being identified in the "vaccines" (though quite a "stretch"), but the idea of anyone contaminating/sabotaging public water supplies with snake venom is scientifically absurd.

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Look on Dr Peter Breggin’s website and review the facts he has on Malone! Then use your critical thinking skills and make your own decision on Malone! Don’t trust him just because he’s acts nice and caring when he speaks. Dr Peter Breggin said he was very nasty to him.

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Besides he's been a shill for the v's likely his entire career, and is outspoken that he is pro v. Has worked for many different labs receiving grant money to develop this crap. He developed mrna, "genw editing." Who desires to change what God has created? Even the one's that prevent spread aren't "good for you." During covid many infants missed well checks, therefor missing shots. During covid the number of cases of sids decreased. Maybe there's a connection. They're all starting to pick with one another berenson and malone, malone and mccullough, who's next? What's going on here?

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Stew is a good guy fighting the good fight. He and Dr Jane Ruby have been on top of many breaking stories well before they have been embraced by others fighting the good fight. I wish there weren't friction within the ranks of those standing up to evil.

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He's a warrior. I usually like everything he says...it makes down to earth sense.

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I follow and greatly appreciate Stew Peters who cares deeply for our rights and freedoms on all fronts. So glad that he addressed this. I heard Bob Snow's story, it is gut wrenching knowing healthy, physically fit pilots and air crew are scrutinized heavily by FAA flight physicals annually. To think that the FAA flight Surgeons believe the (clot) shots are safe is absolutely disgusting. They know better. I was thankful the Army flight surgeon LtC Theresa Long came forward and testified before Senator Ron Johnson. My husband & I served in the AF and were on flying status. I as a former Aeromed tech and Flight Nurse, screening of cardiac patients before Air Evac had to meet stringent criteria before being considered stable to fly. This is due to the stress on the cardiovascular system at altitude. The cabin altitude is typically 6-8000', at a cruising altitude of 37,000'. So I can't help but feel that the mandates for military personnel and especially those on flight status, and that includes paratroopers and Special Forces, Navy Seals, and every other physically stressful job, given the data the government tried to hide, didn't come with pushback from some Dr's who saw what was happening. But we can only assume that the powers that be believed what they were told and didn't look the VAERS data or at any of the Pfizer data dump. I always believed if they had to mandate shots for a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate, what was it in those injections making it so critical? The shots certainly didn't stop the spread. What ever it is, is the answer. It's the other half of the bioweapon.

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I aint flying. I try to stay away from airports.

Satan is possessing so many. We aint in Kansas

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Me either. I no longer have a need.

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I’m so glad you liked our event Dr Alexander! This was a grass roots field hearing put together by three passionate regular folks.. smart mom that teaches government classes , a local commissioner/ farmer.. and nurse ( me:).

We used our own finances and skill sets and brought in these amazing brave injured souls to share their story and educate the public.

And we backed them up with the real life heroes the “Avengers of humanity. “

I am so excited that you have this up on your substack Dr. Alexander! Thank you for helping us raise awareness!

Stew was compassionate and kind to our precious participants and was a joy to get to know. Over the course of the event we had at least 10-15 state level politicians attend to really learn from our amazing participants . This went all day and no lunch break for us three ladies and our beloved volunteer team that helped along side us . We were able to direct the injured to great resources like React 19 for help and community.

Captain Bob Snow is an incredible man of character and was my driving copilot as I hosted and drove our amazing team around … he kept me from getting lost with a pile of pilots and soldiers and our sweet brave friend Ernesto Ramirez … and they loved my driving.. 😂😂😳( I may or may not have scared everyone to death:) lol

It was such an honor to meet and fellowship with real heroes .

200k views on Epoch , Stew Peters , and others combined so far and It is still spreading on other platforms too.

God bless you and please rise up citizens, healthcare, and local public servants. Do this in your own state!


Patriot RN 🙏❤️

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Really important work.... well done.

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We are incredibly thankful for all of you!

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Thank you Stew and all those that speak up whether singularly or in groups. It is a must to speak for only truth can prevail. If its is a lie then soon enough we shall know of it.

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Captain Snow landed the plane then went into cardiac arrest and passed out 6 minutes after pulling up to the gate, not while he was flying.

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Stew has been pretty good outside of the snake venom bit.

And close some of tabs man.

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Lol. 😉 2nd try... on the tabs. 😁

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thank GOD for Stew, he is true warrior for freedom.

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Curious as to the result of his and the Breggun's disagreement with Robert Malone regarding mass formation and Dr. Malone supposedly being a deep state operative (for Big Pharma?).

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Thank you Dr. Malone for everything you do and have done. I answered my own above question by listening to the Lifesite News Interview Part 1. Looking forward to 2.

Please do not lose hope. We need you. Your love-light shines through.

Take a much-needed rest.

I send love and support to your wife.


Terry McDonald - Beeton ON Canada

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I find Stew suspect. Something is off on this guy. I think he’s a fraud.

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I like him

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Sep 28, 2022
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Must be a troll.

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Everyone that is strange is not a troll. I'm so sick of that allegation.

She's extremely different.

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If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, . . .

One can be "extremely different" without resorting to such language and vileness.

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I've been called a troll because my views are in minority.

Many times

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Minority views are great. But foul hatred is not.

And that is not the same as "hate speech" nonsense, or "microaggressions" or whatever!

There is such a thing as civility, even if the younger generations don't seem to know anything about it.

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My minority views are beyond great😎😎😎

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She's extremely rude and juvenile.

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Gosh, she's called a troll, same as me.

I'm rude and juvenile...

Darn, not looking good for me. On another nite...

Got Hate speech at Quora.. On it 2 hrs... It was a simple freaken fact. I dropped out.

Silenced again.

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God still loves you! Lol!

Social media? Maybe better off without it.

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Hopefully it isn't from her brain going because she took the shots . . . or she may never get the chance to "grow up".

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+ !!!

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Ditto + ???!!!

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