People don't realise still that Nuremberg trials were a theatrical event with a few token hangings of order takers with order givers and scientists involved being whisked off to USA predominantly under Operation Paperclip to continue their R&D.

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Correct. THIS time it must be REAL. The Fourth Reich has been quietly brewing in America, as well as Europe, since the “end” of the Third Reich. ALL parties I involved - IBM, Pfizer, Dow Chemical, every vestige of IG Farben, etc., etc. - ALL must be tried, their histories exposed, then destroyed!

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Well, no!! someone needs to speak with Thomas Renz US Lawyer on that one. He had several cases before The Geneva Convention for Crimes Against Humanity 2021 and the GC Judges threw each one out and none made it to Trial, even though, in one case, everyone was assembled and good to go.

My assumption is that the vaccines change the DNA and Human Genome so that each person vaccinated is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost and they are a new species "Trans Human" Transforming From Human? and this new species has zero Human rights for ever - according to the US Supreme Court Law of 2013 which says that anyone whose vaccinated DNA and Human Genome is changed, is no longer Human and all Human Rights are lost with World Wide Applications.

What other reason could the GC Judges have for throwing out the Crimes against Humanity cases - bribed by Pfizer not to proceed?

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The judges never came out and said this but it certainly sounds plausible. However, the fact that informed consent was not, could not, be given must surely make the 2013 law void?

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The Law says that not knowing a thing is not a legal defense. You are required to know if a thing you do is right or wrong by Law and it falls to you to know whatever the Law does and act accordingly.

I knew, so why did you not?

Actually, it was a fluke, I found out the way I did - I get news from a multitude of online newspapers around the world and this pearl came from one in South Africa - a young lady was studying the Law at a University, she did not say where and she was so concerned, she felt she had to speak out about it, no matter how remote that was.

I had been trying to get a handle on what had been going on, legally speaking for the vaccinated and I came across her article and followed up on it and I've been spreading it around the internet ever since.

But the bottom line is that nobody after vaccination has had any cases before the Geneva Convention make it to Trial and Thomas Renz, Lawyer, America was the lead representative for the vaccinated, so he must know why the Trial never eventuated - or anywhere else for that matter, by any degree of success.

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Sadly, one of Australia's leading epideiologists and covid jab advocates has died. This lady selflessly worked throughout 2021 to urge everybody to get the safe and effective jabs (see story at the first link). Sadly, after getting her jabs, she suddenly developed brain cancer which was diagnosed in January 2022 and she has now passed (see story at the 2nd link).

People who refuse to get vaccinated 'self-centred', expert says



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Call me anything you wish, but telling me I’m self centered because I took the time to do the research first? Is one big ass load of HORSSHIT!

There is a very special place in hell for the vaccine pushers.

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Yes well for a supposed big name hot shot epidemiology professor she didn't know what she was talking about because she claimed being jabbed stops transmission. So she was wrong about that but it hasn'tkedfools to question if she was wrong about them being safe.

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Well, she made it to 70 - let's see 6 years ago for me - not vaccinated - the good die young but bastards live for ever?

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Well Joe B's still going strong.

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Well, the SOF (Silly Old Fucker) will get a huge payout when he retires from Pfizer at $2 a head each person vaccinated - with his son in prison and Joe and his wife, well and truly past it, I wonder where their new, extreme wealth, will go?

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He's pumped full of meth or something.

That's the reason why his eyes are always dilated.

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Aug 14, 2023
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Commiserations on the passing of one of Australi's leading epidemiogists. She got jabbed and boosted and then got cancer but didn't let it stop her pushing for morej abs.

Australia urgently needs mass COVID vaccination hubs. But we need more vaccines first


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Whoa...scary article.

Next step...hold people down and force vaxxinate them.

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Aug 14, 2023
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I don't know Shiannne. She got jabbed and boosted. Then she got cancer. I wouldn't rule out a connection.

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Dr. Paul, can you PLEASE get Stew Peters to protect Karen Kingston from big pharma and the CIA?????

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Several issues: The Nuremberg Code was never ratified/signed by the United States. The COVID jab was approved by the FDA (although hastily) so was considered an emergency measure and not a forced experiment on people without their consent. A vaccine approved by the FDA has supposedly gone through all the volunteer trials and steps to be approved as a vaccine. Each step is supposed to be carefully monitored. Not only were some steps left out, but some of the negative results of the volunteer cases that were conducted were covered up. Additionally, Fauci and evil company changed the definition of what constitutes a vaccine so the COVID jab could be included as a vaccine. After the jab was mandated, by the way. What you might want to hang your hat on is the mandate to get a shot that changes one's DNA. That is an abomination to God. To mandate a change in our body's DNA is a violation of Freedom of Religion, our Constitutional right. Just a suggestion.

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I seem to recall Schwab saying it was his people--new global world order folks--in all the international courts as well as high placed in most major nations' governments. International Criminal Court has not been hearing cases with crimes against humanity, it appears. There were cases filed against Gates and Pfizer top officials and others, but I've never heard anything beyond the fact that at least 2 or 3 such cases were filed with the ICC. What is the status of these cases?

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So many hero’s! These are leaders in Gods army. God bless him and every soul standing up to tyrants during the worst crimes ever committed against humanity. May God protect you all. May Nuremberg 2.0 come swiftly. With real accountability this time. Justice will prevail!!

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All the "perps" if we can decifer exactly who planned this, and obviously Fouci, Eco Health Alliance, Bourla, Birx, etc., are all stunningly guilty from emails, letters, and statements previously released.

But, it was the declaration of a pandemic, when there actually wasn't one, and the implementation of the muderous "Covid Protocols," which killed Americans, en masse, bankrupted businesses, en masse, deceived via a faulty PCR test, en masse, used Military Grade Psychological Operations on civilian populations, en masse, suppressed SUCCESSFUL EARLY TREATMENTS, EN MASSE, and killed in hospital and "care homes" en masse, tortured the elderly and the young, en masse, and FINALLY for the death blow, mass injected billions with a dangerous, experimental, toxic gene therapy, which honest scientists and researchers believe has killed many millions of people all over the globe, AND IS STILL KILLING THEM, years after they took the injection!

The planning of this is HUGE. It is compartmentalized. And the vast, vast majority who carried out the deadly orders had zero awareness of the BIG PLAN.

But, to see it as an accident, or that the "players" we see are the ones actually "pulling the strings,"

is totally naive .

We must did A LOT DEEPER!!

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lol, twitter will suspend you for stating a typ sentence given at Nuremberg1.0

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Who will do that job when they can't even handle Biden? There are no Maquis. We are a Chinese satrapy. Your military is not interested in holding power and taking blame. Your military follows orders no matter how evil. We have a legacy Republic running on fumes. If civilian citizens do nothing then nothing is done.

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