Paxlovid is a money maker and a poor substitue for the cheap Ivermectin. Follow the money and you will discover who is pulling the strings!

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Paxlovid is just the bioweapon in a pill.

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IndIa IVM is very good and I can recommend it. Thank you for promoting this study Dr. Alexander. Amazing researchers and studies continue to counter the Big Lie from Big Pharma and Big Government!

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Indian IVM has contraceptives in it too, so make your own if you want to fall pregnant.

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Well that's shocking, even though I'm not interested in procreating right now. Do tell what details and info you have. Manufacturers, specific content, analytical tests, etc.

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Obama, Gates, et al, have been on IVM since early 2020.

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I think they are both in Gitmo now and they don't need protection as they both know the virus does not exist and they will be hanging from a rope soon.

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Please stop listening to the Q BS. It's a psy-op.

Here's the truth - there are no "white hats" in our government. They don't exist in our military, our judicial system, and ESPECIALLY not in our intelligence agencies. There's no "good guys" on a "white horse" galloping in to save the day.

You want to work in higher levels of the government or attain high rank in the military? You have to prove you're an amoral, sociopathic, self aggrandizing, pile of human excrement. Competency or intelligence is irrelevant.

Look at some of the stupid people we have at the top? SOME of them are smart, but stupidity hardly has any handicap. Look at Joe Biden, or General Petraeus. Drop this childish hope that there's anybody in upper levels of power who aren't just, well, scum.

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No one is coming to save us.

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Can ivermectin help heal pneumonia?

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Lately on the news ,there are hysterical reports of children getting sick with respiration problems never seen before .Could it be that the parents of these children are shedding the poison injections on their children ,who have not much natural resistance to poisons that don't exist in nature .Most parents are vaxxed and if shedding is true ,than their kids are sick from the injections their parents took and not from any virus .

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If it is good enough for my horse, it's good enough for Covid.

The first real signal that this was a conspiracy to kill us all was when they banned the use of IVM after it had been shown to work against this still unisolated virus that was really the colds and flu in disguise using the PCR tests as a mask.

If they had allowed it's use until a better solution came along, then we would never have suspected a safe and effective vaccine. Of course they lied to us. It was not safe, it was an experimental unapproved gene therapy that changes your DNA to create deadly spike proteins that pump out poisons into your blood and cause your immune system to not recognize your organ's cells any more after their DNA changed and so they attack and kill all your organs. Even with their fake data it was only 1% absolute effective and soon went negative.

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I remember Dr. Raoul Didier from France....he had all kinds of success with HCQ, AZM and zinc! He was shot down way back when this all started! There is also a doctor in Romania Flavia Grosan who has ben using HCQ and another drug similar to AZM and zinc Drs there tried to shut her down but the courts sided with her cuss she had saved all her patients

using this method ! Utter shame on Big Fat Fn Pharma , Gates , CDC, Fauci , FDA and all so called regulatory health from most governments and the rest of the scum of the earth! Lord God we need Nuremberg trials for these low lives who have

done so much against humanity!

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Thank you Dr. Alexander bravo. You are a fearless Lion. Need more real men just like you!

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I used that website before - got loads of offers to supply. Some suggested that UK customs might seize the package if there was no prescription, others didn't see a problem but I just wasn't sure. How do you know what you are getting?

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I go to the VA for all my health care. One of my blood pressure drugs, Losartan, comes through the mail. One time the original label said it was manufactured in Israel. Another time the original label said it was manufactured in India. This last time, the original label said it was manufactured in China.

Which one should I trust?

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You need to contact them and ask questions until you are satisfied or get it checked by a pharmacy before using them.

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IVM must not work as well on its own. I've always seen this combo treatment recommended: IVM + antioxidant + anti-inflammatory. This study lists the same.

I wish researchers had published the data better for each case. Some responded very well within 12 hours while others took longer. For one patient (M, 59 yo), his SpO2 moved from 79 to 90 in six days then to 95 in another two days. For another patient (F, 49 yo), her SpO2 moved from 66 to 90 in 12 hours and remained there up to 48 hours. Can't tell what happened to her and others that reached high 80s to low 90s.

In wave one in the US, many epicenter infectees with respiratory symptoms had SpO2 readings down in the 40s. Wonder how they would have responded had they not died.

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Without taking up space here, refer to my May newsletters which I think will shed some light on your question regarding Ivermectin used in conjunction with antioxidants (zinc) and anti-inflammatory agents.

It is a two-part, Part 1 deals with HCQ.

My newsletter is free. I've been otherwise engaged, thus no writing for months.

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You sound like you are over prepared for the colds and flu.

Remember there is no virus.

They only get their case numbers with a faulty PCR test setup.

There are more things we can do to keep our immune system functioning.

Gut bio-me, sleep, exercise, sunlight, flushing your nasal passage every night with saline solution, love, physical contact with friends and neighbours, keeping your brain active, work, stay calm and don't worry, it's all a big scam using fear porn, so don't fall for it.

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I just finished writing an article about the fake governments and how they are above the law.

I agree they need to be tried at Nuremberg II, but getting them to agree might be wishful thinking.

They own the courts too.

Please subscribe for free and have a read if you want to get really depressed.

The more subscribers you get the more it seems like you are doing something worthwhile.

I have to weed the garden too, so I don't have any spare time right now.

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I remember reading an article that explained why the Indian government had been getting all their medications to include some level of contraceptive so they could slowly reduce the birth rate and population as they feared it might cause a problem in the future.

It was a warning by someone who was writing about their inside information on the product that he thought everyone should know about before deciding which brand to use.

Sadly that was when they first banned it and I was looking for a supplier when all local supplies were removed from the shelves and I can't find that article. If you write to the various companies, as I did then, I am sure you will find someone who will give you the truth.

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Just an ordinary guy here....what would the results likely be without Doxycycline....just wondering? Almost 80..i have 100 6mg. of Ihavearectum on hand just in case! I be.i ève it's .02 micro grams times your weight in kgs.

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Flccc.net has protocols. .2mg per kg of weight unless you have covid then they up it to .4mg per kg. However from everything I read it’s not toxic at higher doses. One of the safest drugs treating people since 1995. Developers won Nobel prize in 2015 because so many had been helped. Originally an anti parasitic drug but has anti viral properties. Pure evil and greed that it’s still being suppressed

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What if you just have a bad cold or flu....would it also be effective! i.e. my wife has a bad cold/flu would it help and what dosage. I do not trust the tests for covid!

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I wish, I wish, I wish I knew where to buy a reliable supply Ivermectin from here in the UK. Dr Tess Lawrie has been working on it but no supply yet. I am scared to buy from a random pharmacy in India.

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Make your own HCQ with the skins of 3 grapefruits and 3 lemons in 3 liters of water, boil / simmer for 3 hours, strain out the skins and funnel the liquid into bottles with resealable caps.

2 tablespoons a day plus vitamins C, D3 and K2 plus a zinc supplement will act as a good prophylactic against the colds and flu being called Covid-19 until you can get some IVM.

For other options go to c19protocols.com and see if there are others you can get. I also use Dr. Mercola's Quercetin and Pterostilbene advanced in the 180 capsule bottle that lasts for 3 months.

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I have seen this recipe but not tried it however I do have quercetin and also black seed oil both of which we take every day along with vitamin D3, K2, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin C Curcumin and bromelain. According to the updated trials at https://c19early.org/ quercetin and black seed (nigella Sativa) perform extremely well. I have all of the protocols every single one and a stock cupboard of all the items I have been able to buy in the UK or via iHerb. However I still think it is criminal that Ivermectin is forbidden and that means I want some in my cupboard.

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Most of the generic drugs supplied by the NHS are made in India

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Good point

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I hope that you are feeling more reassured now about this and that it will help you decide what to do!!

You take care mate!!

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One of my blood pressure meds that I receive from the VA are either made in India, Israel, or China.

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Patricia, veterinary drugs are identical to human drugs. There's drugs for animals that exist, because the drugs passed animal trials, but failed human trials.

Ivermectin as, I dunno, horse paste is identical to the what you'd buy from human consumption.

Just make certain you scale the dose to a very small horse, for example: A syringe of ivermectin paste for a horse can treat a 1250 lb horse. A 125 lb horse would only need 1/10th of that.

It's difficult to overdose on Ivermectin, but certainly possible.

When I had dogs, I would often buy over-the-counter drugs meant for horses that worked with dogs, like glucosamine.

It's not like there's a factory to make ivermectin for human beings, and another factory to make it for horses, and another for dogs, etc. It's the same drug, completely identical, delivery systems are different. There might be buffering in a pill.

BTW - if your horse has any parasites in its intestines, this will cure it. My dogs were on it a few times, very easy to cure worms.

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Yes I had thought about this. My assumption was that it was essentially the same but I wasn't sure about the contents of the paste.

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Most every drug prescribed today in the West is made by China and India.

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Go to drpierrekory.com book an appointment for a phone consultation (250 I think--well worth it) and they will prescribe. They have a compounding pharmacy that ships it to you. It’s going to cost more than getting it from India but it’s an option. Good luck! They also prescribed a couple of other meds to have on hand.

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I looked on his website but it says they need to review your medical record and mine is in the UK. I can't see my GP sending it off to the US easily. As I said above I have black seed and quercetin substitutes for ivermectin and HCQ so I am not overly worried but I just wish we could buy Ivermectin in the UK

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Doesn't your horse need worming right now?

Equine suppliers have got it in stock in the UK, all you need then is someone to help you get the right dose for your horse or pony.

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Don't be.

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I think it's time to try homeopathy and use some plant based medicines that are very safe.

Most of the drugs today come from India and China and they are not reliable, but even the real drugs were dangerous, so it may be best to get off them and use the plants.



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No. It is a combination of two chemicals that screws up liver function.

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