Seeing there was not a pandemic in 2020 there can't be another one. I don't know Trumps heart or mind, but I wish he would acknowledge the injured people who trusted him and got screwed over or died. Kids today are still dropping dead from the failed injections. Maybe they weren't failed, maybe they were supposed to only kill and maim. I also read where the jabs were already made before Trump came out with his warp speed, I wonder if he knew that or not because anyone with more than 3 braincells knows you can't make a safe :vaccine" in a few months, but Ive since learned no vaccines are safe, they never have been. I think Trump has learned allot since covid, I think he now knows allot more about the jabs, he just has to come out and admit it and tell people he's sorry they were harmed just so they know he cares, because Im sure he does.

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I agree...and I say it respectfully...I dont blame him, he tried and he is a good man...Fauci et al. were sent in to do this, to wreak havoc...but it is past time he took ownership and not state it was successful...it was not, OWS killed.

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great post


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The bi0weap0n jabs, and "warp speed" were "developed" a couple decades ago. Much was put into place by the D0D, Obuttmer, FauciFraud, etc for this to be rolled out. Not sure how Trump can address the script he was given for c0vid by the backstabbers and DS players who actually brought this into play. Too many nefarious players and agendas involved here. Look into Dr David Martin's work over the last few years (and people like Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Todd Callender, etc) to get an understanding as to how long this was in development, and which heinous creatures were involved in bringing this to fruition. Suffice it to say that ALL these "agencies" need to be defunded, dismantled, and brought up on charges. ALL g0vt agencies (and NGOs) operate outside the scope of the g0vt, in covert and nefarious ways, to undermine the three branches of g0vt, and to harm not just WeThePeople but the global population at large. And NONE of these agencies have any constitutional authority to exist. And as for the pre-"warp speed" agenda --you'd have to go back at least 100 years to understand the R0ckefeller, Carn€gie, H€arst, etc control over Congress that enabled ANY of this to take root and be established in the first place to eventually unleash on humanity. It's much more complicated than most can fathom. It would have been nice if Trump had known at the time what was REALLY in play here; but it's taken many, many people countless hours over the last three years to unearth the horrifying agenda that was extremely hidden from even the most discerning, knowledgeable people. As with everything else about this distorted g0vt and the illegal "agencies" which overtook control, many rabbit holes to go down.

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thank you Liberty Liz...excellent post

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It must also be added that most Western civilization politicians are progressives and are alleged assets of entities aiming to destroy countries like ours. These outside entities aim to destroy our economies, first and foremost.

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all you said is 100% correct thank you Luc

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If one desires to be hated, all one has to do is speak Truth to power.

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About the CCP threat:


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