Basel, Switzerland, cumulative distribution curve is alarming as fully shifted to the right beyond control & seems everyone regardless of gender has some elevated troponin (troponinemia, hs-cTnT)
I don't know if my daughter is safe as she had two Pfizer jabs, against my wishes. I worry all the time because she's my only child. I know a lady who's had 5 regular shots and now the flu/bivalent and she seems to be reasonably ok, I don't understand how, she has lupus, diabetes and blood clots from before she ever took any shots. I have noticed her mental side is off so maybe the rest of the disaster is still to come.
Yes I sympathize with you, but there is no point worrying, she made her choices, just the same as you did and whatever happens, happens. You can't put an old head on young shoulders and you worrying about something you can't change, makes no sense either.
Some people die young in life and some don't, no matter what they do to their bodies - it is how it is
Maybe the fact that so many more women than men have fallen for this Covid hysteria is playing a role? My guess is a lot more women voluntarily got vaxxed and still get boosted as soon as possible.
Not sure why, but women tend to be more scared of germs and prone to hypochondria.
Do more women than men watch tv? I don't have any idea of the answer to the question.
The television presents a constant barrage of 'programs' to program the mind. A psychological operation. "Fear of germs", possibly, however there are no germs involved which would become evident if one takes the time to do some research accumulated by the people who have been censored for spreading 'medical disinformation'.
Ask "Who are the advertisers?" "Who pays for the programing?' Connect the dots. It is all out there.
Read the patents.
There is no virus. People need to understand this. It is a bioweapon. The short name is a lipid nanoparticle. It is technology, look at the patents for the source material. Injecting a so-called 'vaccine' which is actually injecting a bioweapon provides zero protection from a technology. Quite the opposite is happening.
The fear needs replacement, this is a strategy to have people re-examine their fear, focusing on something more fearful than their perceived fear of what was called a 'virus'. It is not a virus, it is a passing illness which has been sold in a manner to instill fear to the point people allow injection of lipid-wrapped nanoparticle Artificial Intelligence designed to build structures inside their bodies, negating natural immunity in the process.
They should fear Totalitarianism.
The bioweapon is a weapon of Totalitarianism. It is cloaked under the name 'vaccine', the term itself has become a moving target with a constantly changing definition.
They should fear dishonest doctors. These individuals are tools of the current Totalitarianism who have violated the dictum (do they still take any sort of oath other than to greed?) to "First, do no harm."
They should fear the media, the propaganda tool of Totalitarianism.
They should fear politicians who are the enablers for Totalitarianism, developing laws and mandates which serve their masters, which are numerous but exclude 'We the People' at every turn.
Totalitarianism robs people of their liberty. Freedom is not allowed. This is to be feared, not fear such as trembling and cowering in fear, but fear to stimulate action to remove the Totalitarianism. It is taking root, however it is not invincible. Removal will not be easy and not a pretty sight.
To move the topic slightly, your championing of saline nasal rinse is on target. I've not had a need recently, but it is in the repertoire. When I read your description it became clear what you were using and why. This, as with most of the cures and symptom relievers for the present situation are safe, simple and inexpensive. Some have centuries of efficacious history .
Only if you let fear, become fear itself. My free salt water cure will keep you safe if you use it frequently, then there is no reason to fear anything is there?: 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON. Your life, your choice.
Not everyone has a computer, or has time to understand their iPhone and sometimes the easiest way is the quickest way and they don't think beyond the moment, or other things outside their lives, that, perhaps, they should have done.
The posts here are all anti vaccine which Biden and the other governments around the world want to close down, so that only what Biden says (and our politicians around the world) is all we need to know and follow - so it is only a matter of time, before this site, which belongs to Steve Kirsch and managed by his side kicks Wayne and Kevin, who are all Jewish, is taken down for good and we are left to our own devices - which is what Biden and all want - just remember NOT to give in to these vaccines and do my free salt water cure whenever you think you have caught an infection - the virus in China being the next one, I expect, brought by a passenger on an aircraft, who is fully vaccinated, but carrying the virus which is undetectable, at that moment of testing, prior to entry - with a ratio this time of 1:15 meaning that one person infects 15 and 15 infect 225 and 225 infect 50,625 and 50,625 infect 25,628,906 and 25,628,906 infect - no idea, my calculator does not compute those numbers - all in a few days at most and it will be an unstoppable force, except for my free salt water cure which will kill it dead every time.
In China, there are no reports of deaths, so far, although over 1 million have so far been infected that Chinese authorities know about, but the numbers will be much greater and with 75% of China now vaccinated with their vaccine - well, it is how it is - this being an Omicron virus, which never could kill anyone, because it has too many stalks and can't connect successfully to the blood cells and so defeats itself.
It’s been well known throughout the ages that Women’s hearts break more easily than men’s. Broken Heart Syndrome: Berawal dari Stres Menuju Gagal Jantung
Background: When stress conditions can be the root of various diseases, one of which is Broken Heart Syndrome (BHS). It is estimated that 90% of cases of BHS occur in women who have entered postmenopause. The mortality from BHS cases is quite high, reaching 2-5% with the main cause of death due to cardiogenic shock and ventricular fibrillation. Objective: To provide the latest information about BHS from various literatures. Methods: Writing this article using a literature searching method. Search for articles using the help of search engines in the form of Google Scholar, Pubmed and Clinicalkey with articles that have been published in the last 10 years and in English. Discussion: Prolonged physical stress conditions can trigger BHS. Risk factors associated with BHS conditions include age over 55 years, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a history of anxiety and hyperlipidemia. Complications can occur in 52% of cases of BHS. Mortality in BHS cases tended to be higher in BHS cases that was triggered by physical factors than that triggered by emotional factors. Conclusion: BHS is a condition that occurs after emotional stress or physical stress, so controlling the stress triggers is expected to prevent the occurrence of BHS.
You make a good case for staying healthy regarding viral and bacterial infections. The fresh salt water cure is in the unfamiliar column for me. If you've found it works, great! Is there a source to describe the process? I'm curious what other components you add e.g:. hand washing, changing unconscious behavior such as hand to mucous membrane actions (i.e. eye rubbing) and if you use supplements to aid natural immunity. All I've listed I do.
The illness is a setup. As you note, it's highly survivable. The goal would be to drive people to be injected with a 'vaccine'. The vaxx is the problem. It is technology, a bioweapon with evidence elements od the CCP and DOD collaborated to develop these, simply put, lipid nanoparticles. There is a longer name, essentially it is AI altering the body.
Humans cannot be 'vaccinated' against technology. People need to understand what they are up against. It is all written and described in the patents, which date back a number of years thus making what we are experiencing a well-planned event. Boring reading until one realizes what they actually contain.
The 'Fear' of the virus which is not a virus, rather a technology bioweapon, needs to be replaced by fear of the totalitarian state and ongoing genocide. The multi-faceted approach appears to be: drastically lower the population with the remainder injected with a bioweapon to alter DNA and create a half-human slave controlled by the technology built by the AI injected into the body.
These people are monsters beyond belief. 'Beyond belief' needs changing to become 'believe it, they exist' and intend to extinguish humanity, replacing it with AI slaves. If enough people (and it's probably not a huge number) can realise this and act ('and act' is so key) the monsters can be destroyed, with their 'survivors' put into a box. The 'box' will start to open, but it will take maybe 80 +/- years for them to gain enough momentum to become another major threat (Based on cycles through history).
"Me vaccinated - not bloody likely." Exactly, and it needs to include all 'vaccines' which all need be viewed as tainted with bioweapon technology.
Reply - apart from washing your hands after sniffing or snorting my salt water cure up your nose, like a fire hose, to put out a house fire, I don't use any supplements and never have. Supplements are mumbo jumbo for the weak willed, on whom these parasites make a good living, which you can read more fully in the texts I have made, prior to answering you. I can't say exactly when, because our times are very different to yours, because of where I live against you - different time lines and to a degree, languages and all - you will notice I use the American spelling formula and not the English one.
Otherwise I agree fully with your take on things and I can see we are birds of a feather, who flock together, in a metaphorical sense, that is!!
Much Laughter.
The problem I see is that computers and technology have taken over from humans doing the work, as in ages past and we are all redundant now, human rubbish, landfill as the Elite like to call us and because technology has overtaken our expenditure in wars, there is no other way to dispose of us, except indirectly and with these synthetic mRNA vaccines which were developed as a bio weapon to exterminate us and that is what is happening and what makes it even more sickening is the blind faith the majority have in the safety of these things and their extermination, not even considered and this whole operation has been a long time planned and this time, "they" will achieve their ends, because it has gone past half way and has an unstoppable force of its own, so there won't be another time in the future, in my opinion, because they hold all of the cards and we don't hold any at all - but as in all things - I can only hope - for what else is left to any of us, who can see beyond the vaccines and what awaits us all sooner or later?
Well, at 76, I don't give a shit when I die and the best I can do, is try and put a spanner in their works, any way I can, while I am still alive and free to do it.
Technology, computers… lightbulbs and cookers… they all require energy. Historically, ages end when the energy runs out. I’ll use the Bronze age as an example. Massive deforestation to supply the furnaces eventually ran through the available supply of wood.
Civilisations end slowly, then seemingly all at once. It appears they become quite top-heavy while simultaneously running out of resources applicable to their time. More administrators than people actually performing useful tasks is another way of putting it. Joseph Tanner, archaeologist, "The Collapse of Complex Societies" written in the 1980's has good insight. Plods at times, keep in mind he does digs, not high speed excitement.
Supplements: I find a couple useful, so far no harm and most likely some good. Upper Northern latitudes make for poor sunlight this time of year, so D was added years ago. C seems a good choice if not overdone. I added a couple of others when this bs started, it is a choice. I stopped getting any sort of ‘vax’ many decades ago opting for careful behaviour such as hand washing and other simple habits. So far it has worked better than I anticipated.
Yes, birds of a feather, mostly on the same page. I’ll find some time to go back to your Substack. Mine is presently sparse, I spend writing time doing activity such as this. Likely I’ll be back to it, it was good to start and helps me manage retention of a slight bit of sanity in this insane world.
Hi Walter K. you can find plenty of stuff on early editions of Robert O Young's webpages, by Richard Noakes, some of which I posted to my substack - including his free salt water cure, which I claim as my own, for conveniences sake - it is too hard trying to explain the differences between us - just move the cursor on the right side of his webpage to the bottom of the screen to avoid his startup page and the content he provides, from his work with an Electron Microscope which shows the billions of nanotechnology injected with each 99% Graphene Oxide shot - if you think we have the current technology to do that, well, my guess is we don't and Pfizer's vaccine was made on a computer in an afternoon and no Covid virus or Covid infection was present to make it with - which comes down to one of two options that I can see, computers which made it or the other more intelligent species than us, which lives under the sea and has done for more years than we have been alive on the land of this planet and flew the space craft, or flying saucers our ancestors drew on cave walls with river mud and who probably created we humans too.
My take on them is that they probably resemble Octopuses, that they are spineless and they pass on their knowledge to future generations of their own kind, in much the same way that we do and because their flying saucers are probably filled with sea water they can manage the huge pressures that their saucers are capable of, sharp turns and speeds, far better than we can with our outdated technologies against theirs and doubtless they intermingle with our kind, who live with them under the sea, probably for many thousands of years and are intermediaries between our leaders and theirs and they are rightly pissed off with us disposing of our garbage and rubbish in their seas and habitat and minute broken down plastic waste too, in their food chains and the best way to stop that from getting any worse is to reduce us, so that we no longer pose a continual threat to them.
Flying saucers go into the seas and they have been recorded flying beneath the seas and they come out of the seas and they obviously don't come from other worlds, because space is surprisingly quiet - so nothing is said about another species under the seas for a reason, naturally enough.
Might it be environmental? E.g. Boys more likely to engage in strenuous activity (elevated hr) and more likely exhibit symptoms (vs subclinical myo). Hunter vs gatherer, e.g.
I don't know if my daughter is safe as she had two Pfizer jabs, against my wishes. I worry all the time because she's my only child. I know a lady who's had 5 regular shots and now the flu/bivalent and she seems to be reasonably ok, I don't understand how, she has lupus, diabetes and blood clots from before she ever took any shots. I have noticed her mental side is off so maybe the rest of the disaster is still to come.
Yes I sympathize with you, but there is no point worrying, she made her choices, just the same as you did and whatever happens, happens. You can't put an old head on young shoulders and you worrying about something you can't change, makes no sense either.
Some people die young in life and some don't, no matter what they do to their bodies - it is how it is
Maybe the fact that so many more women than men have fallen for this Covid hysteria is playing a role? My guess is a lot more women voluntarily got vaxxed and still get boosted as soon as possible.
Not sure why, but women tend to be more scared of germs and prone to hypochondria.
Would be very interesting to know the ratio. Good point.
Do more women than men watch tv? I don't have any idea of the answer to the question.
The television presents a constant barrage of 'programs' to program the mind. A psychological operation. "Fear of germs", possibly, however there are no germs involved which would become evident if one takes the time to do some research accumulated by the people who have been censored for spreading 'medical disinformation'.
Ask "Who are the advertisers?" "Who pays for the programing?' Connect the dots. It is all out there.
Read the patents.
There is no virus. People need to understand this. It is a bioweapon. The short name is a lipid nanoparticle. It is technology, look at the patents for the source material. Injecting a so-called 'vaccine' which is actually injecting a bioweapon provides zero protection from a technology. Quite the opposite is happening.
why would anyone take a third dose? i'm not sure why anyone would have taken a first or second, but a third????
Wkenn: True, but it's actually the experimental mRNA injections and dishonest doctors, media, and politicians that people should be fearful of.
The fear needs replacement, this is a strategy to have people re-examine their fear, focusing on something more fearful than their perceived fear of what was called a 'virus'. It is not a virus, it is a passing illness which has been sold in a manner to instill fear to the point people allow injection of lipid-wrapped nanoparticle Artificial Intelligence designed to build structures inside their bodies, negating natural immunity in the process.
They should fear Totalitarianism.
The bioweapon is a weapon of Totalitarianism. It is cloaked under the name 'vaccine', the term itself has become a moving target with a constantly changing definition.
They should fear dishonest doctors. These individuals are tools of the current Totalitarianism who have violated the dictum (do they still take any sort of oath other than to greed?) to "First, do no harm."
They should fear the media, the propaganda tool of Totalitarianism.
They should fear politicians who are the enablers for Totalitarianism, developing laws and mandates which serve their masters, which are numerous but exclude 'We the People' at every turn.
Totalitarianism robs people of their liberty. Freedom is not allowed. This is to be feared, not fear such as trembling and cowering in fear, but fear to stimulate action to remove the Totalitarianism. It is taking root, however it is not invincible. Removal will not be easy and not a pretty sight.
To move the topic slightly, your championing of saline nasal rinse is on target. I've not had a need recently, but it is in the repertoire. When I read your description it became clear what you were using and why. This, as with most of the cures and symptom relievers for the present situation are safe, simple and inexpensive. Some have centuries of efficacious history .
Only if you let fear, become fear itself. My free salt water cure will keep you safe if you use it frequently, then there is no reason to fear anything is there?: 30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any. My method is like using a fire hose to put out a fire. It takes 3 minutes to prepare and do with salt and clean water and over the 30 years I and others have been doing it, it has NOT killed or injured ONE PERSON. Your life, your choice.
Thanks for the description. I asked what it was in a downstream reply, you've described it well here.
Not everyone has a computer, or has time to understand their iPhone and sometimes the easiest way is the quickest way and they don't think beyond the moment, or other things outside their lives, that, perhaps, they should have done.
The posts here are all anti vaccine which Biden and the other governments around the world want to close down, so that only what Biden says (and our politicians around the world) is all we need to know and follow - so it is only a matter of time, before this site, which belongs to Steve Kirsch and managed by his side kicks Wayne and Kevin, who are all Jewish, is taken down for good and we are left to our own devices - which is what Biden and all want - just remember NOT to give in to these vaccines and do my free salt water cure whenever you think you have caught an infection - the virus in China being the next one, I expect, brought by a passenger on an aircraft, who is fully vaccinated, but carrying the virus which is undetectable, at that moment of testing, prior to entry - with a ratio this time of 1:15 meaning that one person infects 15 and 15 infect 225 and 225 infect 50,625 and 50,625 infect 25,628,906 and 25,628,906 infect - no idea, my calculator does not compute those numbers - all in a few days at most and it will be an unstoppable force, except for my free salt water cure which will kill it dead every time.
In China, there are no reports of deaths, so far, although over 1 million have so far been infected that Chinese authorities know about, but the numbers will be much greater and with 75% of China now vaccinated with their vaccine - well, it is how it is - this being an Omicron virus, which never could kill anyone, because it has too many stalks and can't connect successfully to the blood cells and so defeats itself.
It’s been well known throughout the ages that Women’s hearts break more easily than men’s. Broken Heart Syndrome: Berawal dari Stres Menuju Gagal Jantung
Background: When stress conditions can be the root of various diseases, one of which is Broken Heart Syndrome (BHS). It is estimated that 90% of cases of BHS occur in women who have entered postmenopause. The mortality from BHS cases is quite high, reaching 2-5% with the main cause of death due to cardiogenic shock and ventricular fibrillation. Objective: To provide the latest information about BHS from various literatures. Methods: Writing this article using a literature searching method. Search for articles using the help of search engines in the form of Google Scholar, Pubmed and Clinicalkey with articles that have been published in the last 10 years and in English. Discussion: Prolonged physical stress conditions can trigger BHS. Risk factors associated with BHS conditions include age over 55 years, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, a history of anxiety and hyperlipidemia. Complications can occur in 52% of cases of BHS. Mortality in BHS cases tended to be higher in BHS cases that was triggered by physical factors than that triggered by emotional factors. Conclusion: BHS is a condition that occurs after emotional stress or physical stress, so controlling the stress triggers is expected to prevent the occurrence of BHS.
Need English translation.
Simple solution: Kill off the women = no more babies.
Kill off the men, who cares, there will always be another man to replace the one before him, where babies are concerned.
Now I’m even more relieved I didn’t fall for the Covid shots push.
I will never never get them.
You and me together on that one. Me vaccinated - not bloody likely.
You make a good case for staying healthy regarding viral and bacterial infections. The fresh salt water cure is in the unfamiliar column for me. If you've found it works, great! Is there a source to describe the process? I'm curious what other components you add e.g:. hand washing, changing unconscious behavior such as hand to mucous membrane actions (i.e. eye rubbing) and if you use supplements to aid natural immunity. All I've listed I do.
The illness is a setup. As you note, it's highly survivable. The goal would be to drive people to be injected with a 'vaccine'. The vaxx is the problem. It is technology, a bioweapon with evidence elements od the CCP and DOD collaborated to develop these, simply put, lipid nanoparticles. There is a longer name, essentially it is AI altering the body.
Humans cannot be 'vaccinated' against technology. People need to understand what they are up against. It is all written and described in the patents, which date back a number of years thus making what we are experiencing a well-planned event. Boring reading until one realizes what they actually contain.
The 'Fear' of the virus which is not a virus, rather a technology bioweapon, needs to be replaced by fear of the totalitarian state and ongoing genocide. The multi-faceted approach appears to be: drastically lower the population with the remainder injected with a bioweapon to alter DNA and create a half-human slave controlled by the technology built by the AI injected into the body.
These people are monsters beyond belief. 'Beyond belief' needs changing to become 'believe it, they exist' and intend to extinguish humanity, replacing it with AI slaves. If enough people (and it's probably not a huge number) can realise this and act ('and act' is so key) the monsters can be destroyed, with their 'survivors' put into a box. The 'box' will start to open, but it will take maybe 80 +/- years for them to gain enough momentum to become another major threat (Based on cycles through history).
"Me vaccinated - not bloody likely." Exactly, and it needs to include all 'vaccines' which all need be viewed as tainted with bioweapon technology.
Reply - apart from washing your hands after sniffing or snorting my salt water cure up your nose, like a fire hose, to put out a house fire, I don't use any supplements and never have. Supplements are mumbo jumbo for the weak willed, on whom these parasites make a good living, which you can read more fully in the texts I have made, prior to answering you. I can't say exactly when, because our times are very different to yours, because of where I live against you - different time lines and to a degree, languages and all - you will notice I use the American spelling formula and not the English one.
Otherwise I agree fully with your take on things and I can see we are birds of a feather, who flock together, in a metaphorical sense, that is!!
Much Laughter.
The problem I see is that computers and technology have taken over from humans doing the work, as in ages past and we are all redundant now, human rubbish, landfill as the Elite like to call us and because technology has overtaken our expenditure in wars, there is no other way to dispose of us, except indirectly and with these synthetic mRNA vaccines which were developed as a bio weapon to exterminate us and that is what is happening and what makes it even more sickening is the blind faith the majority have in the safety of these things and their extermination, not even considered and this whole operation has been a long time planned and this time, "they" will achieve their ends, because it has gone past half way and has an unstoppable force of its own, so there won't be another time in the future, in my opinion, because they hold all of the cards and we don't hold any at all - but as in all things - I can only hope - for what else is left to any of us, who can see beyond the vaccines and what awaits us all sooner or later?
Well, at 76, I don't give a shit when I die and the best I can do, is try and put a spanner in their works, any way I can, while I am still alive and free to do it.
Much Laughter!!
Technology, computers… lightbulbs and cookers… they all require energy. Historically, ages end when the energy runs out. I’ll use the Bronze age as an example. Massive deforestation to supply the furnaces eventually ran through the available supply of wood.
Civilisations end slowly, then seemingly all at once. It appears they become quite top-heavy while simultaneously running out of resources applicable to their time. More administrators than people actually performing useful tasks is another way of putting it. Joseph Tanner, archaeologist, "The Collapse of Complex Societies" written in the 1980's has good insight. Plods at times, keep in mind he does digs, not high speed excitement.
Supplements: I find a couple useful, so far no harm and most likely some good. Upper Northern latitudes make for poor sunlight this time of year, so D was added years ago. C seems a good choice if not overdone. I added a couple of others when this bs started, it is a choice. I stopped getting any sort of ‘vax’ many decades ago opting for careful behaviour such as hand washing and other simple habits. So far it has worked better than I anticipated.
Yes, birds of a feather, mostly on the same page. I’ll find some time to go back to your Substack. Mine is presently sparse, I spend writing time doing activity such as this. Likely I’ll be back to it, it was good to start and helps me manage retention of a slight bit of sanity in this insane world.
Hi Walter K. you can find plenty of stuff on early editions of Robert O Young's webpages, by Richard Noakes, some of which I posted to my substack - including his free salt water cure, which I claim as my own, for conveniences sake - it is too hard trying to explain the differences between us - just move the cursor on the right side of his webpage to the bottom of the screen to avoid his startup page and the content he provides, from his work with an Electron Microscope which shows the billions of nanotechnology injected with each 99% Graphene Oxide shot - if you think we have the current technology to do that, well, my guess is we don't and Pfizer's vaccine was made on a computer in an afternoon and no Covid virus or Covid infection was present to make it with - which comes down to one of two options that I can see, computers which made it or the other more intelligent species than us, which lives under the sea and has done for more years than we have been alive on the land of this planet and flew the space craft, or flying saucers our ancestors drew on cave walls with river mud and who probably created we humans too.
My take on them is that they probably resemble Octopuses, that they are spineless and they pass on their knowledge to future generations of their own kind, in much the same way that we do and because their flying saucers are probably filled with sea water they can manage the huge pressures that their saucers are capable of, sharp turns and speeds, far better than we can with our outdated technologies against theirs and doubtless they intermingle with our kind, who live with them under the sea, probably for many thousands of years and are intermediaries between our leaders and theirs and they are rightly pissed off with us disposing of our garbage and rubbish in their seas and habitat and minute broken down plastic waste too, in their food chains and the best way to stop that from getting any worse is to reduce us, so that we no longer pose a continual threat to them.
Flying saucers go into the seas and they have been recorded flying beneath the seas and they come out of the seas and they obviously don't come from other worlds, because space is surprisingly quiet - so nothing is said about another species under the seas for a reason, naturally enough.
Thanks, I took a quick look at Young's website, and also your Substack. You have a lot of content. Huge menu!
Might it be environmental? E.g. Boys more likely to engage in strenuous activity (elevated hr) and more likely exhibit symptoms (vs subclinical myo). Hunter vs gatherer, e.g.