It's much harder for the flock to recover if hens are culled than if roosters are culled.

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Hens are usually killed before roosters because it will reduce the flock in a way that is most recoverable.

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Keep bringing us these important updates, Dr. Alexander. You are waking up more people every time you release a new 'stack with information about the dangers of the deadly vaccines. I believe that within two years state attorneys-general and local district attorneys will have no choice but to impanel grand jury investigations for the prosecution of dozens of government officials and corporate c-suite executives. It will happen because of the huge spike in heart related deaths of relatively young and previously healthy people that the lawyers will not be able to ignore. They will use testimony from doctors like you and those you site. Keep up the great work.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023

As bad as The Guardian is, it somtimes gets it right. The man in Florida who they correctly call "small, weak and reckless" is not going to stop the jabs. Trump is wiping the floor with DeSantis in the race for the GOP nomination. The more voters see of DeSantis, the less they like him.

"Donors ignored the warnings of longtime political operatives who said DeSantis was 'undercooked', had a glass jaw and lacked the personal warmth and charisma required for retail politics. These appear to be have been borne out by a stagnant campaign in which the more exposure he receives, the less popular he becomes. Joe Walsh, a former Republican congressman, who challenged Trump in the 2020 Republican primary, said: 'They all bet on DeSantis without knowing who the fuck he was, without understanding that he’s really bad and weird with people and also mean and cruel, even more so than Trump. They put all their chips on DeSantis before they knew who he was. That was a mistake because they don’t have an alternative.' "

Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder


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There is no better video to watch on this topic than John Campbell’s: https://youtu.be/cd_RTf_ForA?feature=shared

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All kinds of evidence of this here: https://tritorch.com/VaxEfficacy

We need to put a stop to this or this will put a stop to us.

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WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE THE TRANNIES? Biological women suffer more from jab induced myocarditis? So let me understand this....IF a women transitions to me a man, she is STILL more likely to suffer from jab induced myocarditis. BUT if a man transitions to be a women, he will be spared somewhat of the risk than if he was actually a biological women. This is obviously unfair to the trannies...should they not all petition Fauci, Daschak, Baric, and demand that all trannies, regardless of original gender, be infected at the same rate? Where is the outrage from the Biden Administration? I wish I was a little bit smarter so I could understand the confusion better. Whatever did happen to equality? Maybe the commies on the left are not right again? Thanks again for the eye-opening info Doc. God bless you.

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