Now you are writing this?

This was my thoughts in 2020. But there were already indicators.

I stood in line to vote, outside, on a clear day in November, and 90% of the people in Georgia were wearing masks. And once we walked into the voting facility, it was 99.9999% of people wearing masks.

When Biden was nominated. Trump went on a national tour, Biden campaigned...from his basement. It was already known then he was declining. The message was clear "we will beat you, you can burn calories, do rallies, get a historic number of votes, because we will beat you. In addition, we will show you what a sham the election is. We will demoralize and disabuse you, and all the while we will also send out mantras that this is the "most fair and secure election ever."

Why, because we control all that you see and hear...almost. And for those of you who see through this, good luck trying to prove it.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

boom, we wrote this many ways but this by DECODE is well done needed to be shared...enjoy and huge hugs for helping in our battle...you do lots for us, thank you

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

So. There has been an awful lot of these types of things written in the last few years and I agree with them up to a point. That point being that we are all in a spiritual war, a Great War, and those that don’t know it end up becoming prisoners of that war and are treated thusly. Everyone is either with Jesus or against Him; unlike what we are taught in our culture Christianity churches, Jesus is a divider. Everyone is on one side or the other.

I am an Indwelt Christian. I refused to wear a mask, I laughed about social distancing, my entire family gathered at holidays and birthdays. None of us are jabbed. It helped that we were in a red state, but at the height of the stupidity we were threatened and considered unclean. Some of us lost jobs, sometimes it felt as if the entire world was against us. And so what if they were? Snap to facts, people—this world has always been at war with God and His followers.

Humiliation rituals. I don’t know. Considering that this is the world at the end, and the last anti Christ will be Satan’s representative on earth, anything is possible. Here is what I do know: Christ is my king. Try replacing Him on His throne with an animal and see what happens to you.

Look to Jesus Christ and seek Him. Let these fools play their children’s games. Focus on Christ and the rest falls away.

Safe travels, Dr. Alexander.

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Very well said...I would just add that Satan believes he can set the time, but NAY. Only God knows the day and the time. Satan's attempts to be a man and like God will be thwarted and he and all evil will be cast into the fiery hell he created for man on earth. All Glory to God...It is written and it will be done.

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Amen and AMEN !!!

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Thanks for this interesting Stack. And the compilation photo of the Joes - yikes!

But will the Dems replace him on the ticket? That remains to be seen, but the brilliant election analyst, Seth Keshel, just released a stack with his assessment. I surely hope we do not have to endure a Hyena Harris "presidency" prior to Trump.


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boom, let me read, in airport...its a nightmare today, travel is a disaster, hate it, we are treated like animals

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Take care traveling Paul, I don't fly anymore.

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Seems they are prepping the Bitch Queen (Kamala or Michelle?)

"Hell Week, a Humiliation Ritual you must pass through before being initiated into the “Greek Organizations” on campus. Many powerful cults and secret societies like the Illuminati use Humiliation Rituals as an important part of their initiations, too, and they are also frequently used in Hollywood."

It's all about Satanic Secret Societies:

We won’t be able to find real solutions unless we identify “the powers that be” and their goals:


Is there any proof that they really want to murder all of us?


How to get out of this political genocidal mess?


1. Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.

The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.

Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3

SSS = Satanic Secret Societies like freemasons, who in their documents worship Lucifer as their “Great Architect”.

Freemasonry is the church of Satan. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of (the masonic) religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (of other religions, like they did with lockdowns); or abridging the freedom of speech (like the massive masonic censorship since 2020), or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (lockdowns), and to petition the government for a redress of grievances (like the wrongful COVID response).”


2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with trillions of fake money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !

Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:

- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control

- Money creation through bank loans without reserves

- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives

- Government debt

It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments

The way out of this mess:

If you really understand what your enemies are doing, you'd prioritize other things essential for survival:

1. Issue asset-backed money: gold, silver, flour, gasoline, whatever tokenizable

2. Ban money not backed by assets

3. No legal tender: let markets decide

4. 100%-deposits-backed bank credit: so they don't create money out of thin air

5. Kill the Federal Reserve

Force all social networks and media to kill algorithmic moderation (shadow banning, etc.) and reinstate all closed accounts. Only messages selling things can be blocked IF it comes from outside one's network. Let people decide who's in their social network and that's it.

Replace the internet with a new peer to peer protocol, not government controlled, not centralized.

Get out of the UN organizations (including WHO), get out of the IMF, WorldBank, OAS, IADB, etc. All have been weaponized. Create alternative cooperative organizations.


3. The full plan exposed and 16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet



No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


Minimize the Federal Government. Repeal 16th amendment (income tax)

Rethinking science

Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround

Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!


Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.

Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.

This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.

How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 10 easy fast steps?

Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):

1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).

2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.

3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.

4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.

5. Show that Health Canada also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.

6. Show that the Republican Party declared COVID “vaccines” a “biological and technical biopeapon” and instructed the authorities to seize vials and run a forensic analysis.

Appeal to science:

7. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.

8. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.

9. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:

10. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:






God willingly, I’ll soon post that with all the references.

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Thanks for reposting, Dr. Alexander! All of my posts are "open source", anyone is welcome to use them. I've spent years trying to understand these signs and symbols and if even one person better understands the evil surrounding us, it was all worth it.

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boom, great work

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I believe this article is “spot on” Dr Alexander!

And here’s why I believe so.

If in fact Klaus Schwab’s statement, “by 2030 you’ll own nothing and be happy” is true, coupled with the most recent release of “The Lancet” peer reviewed study, showing that 73.9% have died from the “Bioweapon Injections” within 14.3 days.

This means that nearly 4.07 Billion people will be dead somewhere within this timeframe. Or 5.55 billion X73.9%= 4.07 Billion Deaths.

Based on worldwide population injections and the Lancet’s findings, my simple man, simple math calculation equals, roughly 4.07 Billion deaths!

Ahh so here's how I came to this number. By the the numbers: Both statements below I have cut and pasted:

I understand that the Lancet study reported 73.9% attributed to the Covid vaccine. And within 14.3 days, death occurred. This is how they arrived at 73.9% assumed death causality.

Regardless of how you dissect the situation, the numbers are “off the charts” mind blowing!

1. “More than 5.55 billion people worldwide have received a dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, equal to about 72.3 percent of the world population.”

2. “A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections”

My analysis and I’m no expert by any means indicates deaths will continue to escalate, no association with the covid vaccine will be found and the narrative will continue, “safe and effective”! Why? Why won’t they, meaning the “CDC” speak the truth? Because they know the outcome!

I believe because this is exactly what’s happening. By connecting this article Dr Alexander and the Lancet’s and Klaus Schwab’s statements, it all starts to come together now doesn’t it?

If by 2030 4.07 Billion people worldwide will have passed on or with a couple of years ahead or behind, it is still a huge problem for those of us who survive. Now isn’t it?

If I’m wrong, well it’s all a moot point. My concern is this, if these numbers are correct, is it too late to stop what’s already been started?

I sure hope this isn’t why so many things aren’t making sense and nobody seems to care anymore. People in power are who I’m talking about.

So much death and destruction has happened, 3 wars, Maui fires, Biden delirium, endless lying, endless spending, none of which has been for America, etc, etc, etc! Yes the lists are quite long!

What’s really happening? Does anyone really know? I’m sure there’s many who absolutely know. The problem is they’re not talking!

And so the question and answer part of this “maze of ineptitude” continues. We’ll continue to ask, we’ll continue to be shunned! Something is seriously happening and there’s no doubt something is definitely wrong.

Thank you Doctor Alexander. I absolutely appreciate your hard work Sir.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The world could use more of this clear thinking.

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Thank you Decode, I agree. Unfortunately the world has been lied to in such a broad and complex manner most people “shrug” their shoulders and say, oh well!

I appreciate you reply, thank you again Decode.


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We're not into their stupid rituals.

To serve God and worship Him, always WHAT'S UP! Ad infitum

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[Luk 4:8 KJV] 8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

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Yes, we are not participating in their rituals. We do not acknowledge these hideous things.

But "they" believe in them and therefore "they" do these things to our society. We need to be aware of the evil, if only to avoid falling into its traps.

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Duly noted!

We"acknowledge: These things are done so that they get power" from the 'Lier and Thief (ol' BeelzibUb).

(They do these things in THEIR 'society', they do not do them in ours!)

"The Prince of Darkness grim,

We tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure,

For lo! his doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him"


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Don’t think so. At least not for at least 75% of the population, just those at the bottom of the Darwinian gene pool.

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feel same, remember I was one of the scientists on the floor at the truckers he wanted to arrest...lets say he wont be invited to my home...he has hurt Canada in many ways

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The peckerhead needs to be booted out of the country as a danger in his acting capacity as a commie kook self delegated DICKtator.

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The whole Covid hoax was the demeaning of the world population. Friends spying on friends, turning them in, not being allowed to food shop if you are not wearing a mask! All of it to make us subservient. That was their play, they feel they might be able to control us then. Not enough people took the shots, not enough fell for the hate, the mandates and decided to stand tall. They underestimated our strength and our will to survive!

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"This is elder abuse and sad. It’s humiliating for a long serving public official and embarrasses the country."

"long serving public official" my ass!

The baby sniffing, child molesting, women raping, traitorous pedophile has never served anyone or anything but his own selfish self centered interests.

A nation of people that have allowed this to happen deserves everything they get.

Fuck him. And fuck those who've allowed it.

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Humans serve no useful purpose.

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I doubt the website name "Who is Robert Malone?" is accidental.

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