Matt Gaetz will be Attorney General. He means business. He will reverse the IN justice we have been under for the last four years under criminal Garland.

The deep state players are panicking at the thought of Gaetz in this position. I expect the Senate creatures to try to keep him from being confirmed.

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Agree with your assessment. I invested my trust in Team Trump as the alternative was most assuredly the fast track to Hell. I am old school of the “trust but verify” wing. Christian as well, I yet believe that we are not predetermined to dystopia (apocalypse). We are forewarned to be salt and light.

That said, there is little doubt that technocracy brings perils. As Prometheus brings science, it is incumbent to affirm the restraints that the ethos of our faith demands of us. The gnosticism that presents a future where humans live “as gods” is a dangerously false promise. Eugenics anyone? Crisper? MRNA? The fusion of man and machine.

We are already well down the path of surrendering agency.

The arrogance of the Mensas is evidenced.

Let’s please keep our hearts and eyes open…but, especially now we need vigilance.


Free speech!



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I agree with you. No matter the political affiliation of an individual I base my trust of them off of their True actions. It would be heartbreaking to learn that Trump and others are not who I thought they were but I am prepared for it. The only thing I think we can do is stay close to the God of our understanding and pray that His Will Be Done in everything. Most times this world is not as it seems. We should never allow ourselves to be held down to one specific view of something or someone. Always always seek TRUTH and have discernment. God will do the rest

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You speak Truth! I am an ally. Thank you. 🙏

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So producing healthy, happy, intelligent and well-balanced children by eugenic intent is pure evil now? All species in the world have naturally engaged in eugenic practice since the beginning of creation.

To actively seek to go against natural eugenic practice is totally against God's natural law.

For Gentiles to be convinced to go against eugenic practice is to be convinced to engage in the same kind of destructive anti-human, anti-Gentile racist Jewish program that promotes turning Gentile children into homosexuals and hypnotizes them to get their genitals removed, the same type of programming to get Gentile kids to join armies to fight and die as slaves for Israel and Jewish world domination. Jews are totally behind all of these weaponized programs and no other group.

Sephardic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi has stated in a video-recorded speech I have on my Substack site that the Torah states that all Gentiles in the world will be killed, he says there are to be "no survivors", he says just for contravening the Noahide Law against idolatry, just one of several Noahide Laws with death penalties that can ONLY apply to Gentiles, and never to Jews themselves, that 6 to 6.5 BILLION Gentiles will be KILLED.

Leading kabbalist Rabbi Michael Laitman states that Jews only came here as ''spiritual commandos'', ''to conquer this planet''.

The verse "Even the best of gentiles should be killed" comes to mind, and there are many similar ones in the Jewish war manuals they cleverly call scriptures, as politically granted inalienable rights to citizenship and free expression for members of all 'religions' in many nations is heavily exploited by this actually entirely godless self-worshiping criminal terrorist megalomaniac death cult that Trump has just further supported by stating publicy before the election that antisemitism must become punishable "by the ultimate penalty, the only penalty, the death penalty".

So if you don't like your Christian wife and kids being taken away to be executed under Trump's insane Jewish Noahide Laws, then even if you are a Buddhist yourself, by opposing due processss of Jewish law, you are antisemitic and then subject to the death penalty as an antisemite yourself. And you actually voted for that? That is what Trump means to impose.

Neither of the candidates in either party were fit to be approved to run for office in the first place.

Trump said "4 more years, you won't have to vote anymore". Gentile people in the US and many other places will be going in body bags in 4 years' time under Jewish NWO one world government then. Trump means what he says, and that is what is going to happen because people supporting him is going to make it happen.

Check out what the Noahide Laws say, check out the rabbis saying how billions are to be killed under them, even directly using NATO armies under Israeli Jewish control as Rabbi Yisrael Ariel has very clearly stated, going from city to city around the world to kill all Christians and Muslims, and by Jewish political manipulation making Gentile nations go to war against each other (like in Isaiah 19:2 for instance, their usual MO).

Of course the Jews don't want you producing and raising healthy, happy, well-adjusted normal intelligent kids, because that makes it more difficult for the Jews to use them as canon fodder and totally exterminate every single last Gentile from the face of the entire planet and install one world Jewish government over a then totally Jewish world population with all others made permanently extinct.

Read the Zohar, it clearly states all Gentiles in the world are to be 'exterminated'. Trump recently received a silver crown in a rabbinical ceremony from over 150 of these murdering scum rabbis who are behind the Noahide Laws intending our total extermination, so what do you think Trump will do?

The war against eugenic practice is a politically-contrived perversion and is part of the Jewish psyop to destroy all of Gentile humanity.

Eugenic means to improve, what you conflate with the word eugenic has nothing whatsover to do with eugenic practice.

Try to get a very old non-Jewish dictionary definition of the word eugenic, and then after reading and understanding what eugenic really means, choose a different term for the unhealthy and destructive manipulation of the human race that you wish to refer to.

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This paper appears to me to be somewhat elitist and condescending, and uncertain in its main thesis. The historical references to populism are dubious and terms such technopopulism are unconvincing, and seem pretentious. JD Vance is an excellent choice, unsupported resume and character besmirching to the contrary. Musk and Trump are not technocrats. Musk is one of the most unique, intelligent, creative, self made men, of many talents and abilities, in history. He marches to his own tune. The term populist does not define Trump, except in the minds of elitists and parroting media types who use the term to disparage. He is Trump, unique, genuine free enterpriser, individual creative thinker, and indefatigable American patriot. If these people, and those with them, cannot turn back the destruction of the past four years, perhaps the authors can suggest some better candidates? The American people have made their choice.

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When the dust settles after the inauguration and I pray that it does, everyone who had deals with those of less than desirable moral character needs to turn over a new leaf. Transparency is an understatement. The people made their choice. There wasn’t an alternative so I hope the new administration is paying attention to the people who put them in office.

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I went and found the referenced paper by this Leo guy, and read the thing. Cannot recommend.

He sounds as deranged as the post-election left. I would implore him to calm the f**k down and give Trump a chance, as well as whom he calls a *water boy* when referring to J.D. Vance. I suspect this Leo guy isn't qualified to shine Vance's shoes.

His comment that Susie Wiles is a shill for big pharma does him in.

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I have complete confidence in JD Vance. He is a gifted speaker, debater, and communicator.

Remember when we all referred to Vivek as ViFake RamaSwampy? Now he is working with Elon to drain the damn swamp.

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I like Vivek. He's just so sharp, quick on his feet, and a superb speaker. The GOP--and America--need more like him. Of course, his detractors will mention his ties to biotech, etc. He seems like a good guy.

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Trump officially approved the Chabad Lubavitcher Noahide Laws when POTUS before that authorize the total physical extermination of all Christians in the US. What do people think COVID bioweapons are doing when they are permanently sterilizing people? Every POTUS since 1991 has been in bed with these hostile foreign power military occupation agents. The extermination process was approved in 1991 and it has already begun being physically put into effect.

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To those of use who have read Dune the whole AI thing is very problematic.. On one hand a great took and on the other a great weapon. In DUNE the humans ended up in a war with AI and when the humans finally won at great cost, the banned all computers... every single one with or without AI.

The book was a waring.

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It is a 99% certainty that the government you thought you were voting for is the government that will never arrive. Already the RINOs see another opportunity to swamp Trump and sink him in the DC Swamp pit of Hades. The senate is already lost with Thune leading it. It's business as usual and only the foolish believe it will change.

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What is to be will be, what ain't to be just might happen.

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Milton, the first train driven by ovomit made multiple stops with the blessing of the American dumbocraps.

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