We just lost a family member to Turbo Brain Cancer. He was forced by his employer to take the shots to keep his job. The headaches started the same day as his first shot. His oncologist dated his cancer right back to his jab. This is a vaccine Genocide.

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Simply heartbreaking.

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Easily enraged, quick to anger, personality changes seen in many recipients, resteraunt wait staff, with memory problems, confusing orders, traffic accidents seem to be increasing, no patients, road rages over minor incidents...

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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

🎯It will continue Dr. Paul until the system of Western Medicine collapses and is held accountable for centuries of fraud.

✔There is no replication competent genetic debris!

✔Humanity has been gaslit for far too long.

✔Millions are awake to all complicit individuals and charities keeping the fraud alive.

🔴120 years of failed transmission studies confirm the we are never contagious.


RIP Virology!

Funeral services will be held at The Louis Pasteur Institute, 209-211 rue de Vaugirard 75015 Paris!

🔴The Documentary that freed the planet!

🔥🔥🔥A FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY (PT 1): Dr Mark Bailey / Steve Falconer https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/A-Farewell-to-Virology-pt-1-Final:3


🤡Gatekeepers complicit in the crimes!



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Imagine waking up with stitches on your abdomen, and finding a note that states:

A bomb has been surgically implanted inside you.

It may detonate at any time, in 15 minutes, or in 5 years, or never.

It is impossible to remove or disable.

-Have a nice life.

Just then, you hear an muffled explosion from the apartment next door, then screaming.

How would you react?

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I am so pleased you said to reach and help those who are vaccine injured Dr Alexander. It sickens me when people write 'the sheeple deserve it'. My daughter met a lady in the park who was vacine injured and who was so relieved that finally she had found one person prepared to listen to her. I sent the FLCCC vax injury protocol to this lady and gave her links to some UK vax injury groups for which she was so grateful.

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There is a VAERS ID 2641645-1 for Aleutia Lynn Benediktsson. It says her symptoms started the day after the shot. She hung herself a year and a half after.


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For those who are suffering immensely and even contemplating suicide, give the ancient Urine Therapy a try. You may reverse your condition and may even regain good health. UT has saved lives even in late stage cancers and numerous other critical illnesses. I append this website https://autourine3.wixsite.com/main/gallery

I am available to advise via nansha2000@gmail.com. Readers can also contact Dr. Jake Ames, Naturopath, Puerto Vallarta. He uses UT along with a wide range of treatment protocols.

Urine Therapy is Free...you own urine. Start by rubbing on your arms, legs, body. Just start with see and you should see some improvements.

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Thanks Dr Alexander. Very meaningful to me this article because I've worked deeply internationally self-funded (via prolonged raw lived experience and suicide survival) in suicide education, suicide bereavement healing, and coaching/helping parents who've lost children to suicide and whose children are self-harming and wanting to kill themselves.

I'm also relatively highly trained/qualified in nutrition, so that I understand, and teach 'health professionals' and anyone else interested, about the inflammatory foods, drinks and lifestyles that cause chronic illnesses such as diabetes type 2, depression, poor sleep, and ultimately suicide and/or homicide; and societal conflict.

If you put anyone under sufficient stress they'll kill themselves, or someone else, or both. And of course Ultra-Processed Foods and Drinks (UPFs) are all part of the toxic stressful cocktail, along with radiation, EMF and smartphone addictions, and this is 'modern life' for billions in the 'developed' world.

It really requires just a little common sense to join the dots, back to Operation Paperclip, and the lies of deranged psychopathic sociopathic narcissistic politicians and their multi-billionaire friends and puppet-masters, who've got wealthier from centuries and millennia of lies. Fear, confusion and division as ever are the levers of addictions and trauma.

Thankfully human consciousness and subconscious/unconscious energies are rising inevitably, and new parallel systems fast emerging; especially in nutritional health and fitness awareness; so that a euphoric new human planet is emerging from the disintegrated chaos of past generations.

Love wins! Love is infinite. It's about energies, not atoms :)

And so infinite love and transcendent fearlessness to all,

Alan Chapman

https://Substack.com@alanchapman and LiveWildLiveFree.org, etc

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You’re welcome Doug, I’m a simple repairman working my tail off fixing printer problems and networking issues and since this started, I have taken a lot of BS from people I’m there to help. I’ve become more humble and much more aware simply by asking more questions from everyday people. Almost everyone listens and nearly all want more, I have gathered over 1,200 varieties of videos and articles from people like Dr McCullough. Dr Meryl Nash, etc. I wish I could afford to join every single one of their Substack accounts but I’m struggling to pay my own expenses to keep working. That’s part of this diabolical plan as well, force workers like me OUT! Make it so difficult to pay for gas, my insurance, my rent, electricity the entire list goes on and on and these people will not stop until they have 51% of the American population out of work then, they’ll really start to “BOIL THE FROG”! The writing is on the wall, all people have to do is read! Thanks for your kind words, I do appreciate them!


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This is what we’re up against! On every level of government! We have to start at the bottom and work our way up while riding these evil people out!!!

Marxist teacher who called for 'forceful cultural revolution' against 'Whiteness' lands gig as a state representative

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What kind of help are you talking about specifically that we can get for them?

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VA still offering covid shots to veterans.

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The “intended” consequences have become a myriad of factors! The evilest of life exist within all of us, it is those who don’t allow the wickedness to control our determination! Yes, these consequences of suicidal actions, disabled abnormalities, induced by forced vaccination is going to continue. I am completely aghast that none of the players involved, at least those outlays who thought they were doing something right, have not spoken up about the “intentional” position they were placed in. They were either bribed, threatened, held hostage to some extent by the top tiered brass who initiated this planned demise! I am begging these people to speak out, scream if you must, but God almighty say something! Some nurses, doctors, health workers, etc have and we all applaud you for taking a stand! But those who continue to tow the line for the top tiered “SOB’S” need to STOP! They need to speak up and help spread the word, help more people understand what has and is continuing to happen. To all those injured and are contemplating suicide, I BEG YOU to open up, become a voice for others contemplating suicide, and know you will be doing God’s work!!! Jesus died for all of us! Or whoever you believe in, your words, your passion and commitment to help others suffering as you are, will move forward, and do the same. Not everyone can speak up, but those who can PLEASE DON’T STOP! People will hear you, they will respond and some will fall but more will rise up and say “damn these evil people”! Damn them all! There’s preliminary treatments and as time passes more direct treatment available to help overcome physical damage and mental, caused by these forced vaccinations! Don’t be silent, you never know who’s live you may be saving, including your own!

May God Bless America and the entire world!


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