The harms this potion caused are too great to measure. It is more than a tragedy, I have no words.

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It is evil antichrist

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Please watch this we did a four-hour research video on Donald Trump his freemason and his satanic pedophile intentions for the world


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Indeed it is considering what they've out in these vaxxes

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I'm a researcher and I'm also psychic and my psychic GIFs told me this about Trump and I gave this information to my friend Matt who researched and they discovered all of my assumptions were real please watch this and share this this shows he's into satanism his satanic Freemason Nazi it is a grand conspiracy worldwide to basically Usher in what Hitler didn't quite finish he was set up by Stalin and it's now playing out worldwide this is a long video but please do not dismiss it there is some incredible information about Trump which craft satanism pedophilia all of its linked.


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;; . . . . Тḣе ǵⅼоḃаⅼіѕtѕ іո tḣе ոеԝ ԝοrⅼḋ οrḋеr аrе рսttіոǵ tḣе ΜŔΝÁ ⅴах іո уоսr fοоḋ уоս ոееḋ tо ḋο tḣіѕ ΑЅΑР

Ꮩіѕіt... https://disq.us/url?url=https%3A%2F%2Frileynews3.blogspot.com%3AHAW6AfCqoi3IVA9_fgrwpTurf5E&cuid=fyu13rf

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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They keep unliking your post. I keep pressing "like" and immediately it unlikes it smh. Is that shadowbanning or some other control mechanism in place?

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I can't "like" your post. It keeps undoing it.

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...the pretend Jews, the synagogue of Satan.

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RemovedJun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023
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Thank you for your reply David, but I do think you need to read your Bible more carefully. Abraham married his half sister when such things were not banned in society.

You must remember that Eve was created from Adam so even closer to him than a sister. They had sex and children were born. The line of evil comes down via Cain and his seed, his children. Ancestors of his include the Canaanites leading to much of the problems today.

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Jesus was Jewish. Or do you think he was born a Christian?

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There are numerous theories about why these forced injections were thrust upon the world. I myself conclude and it’s only my theory open to adjustment as data emerges believe this has been 100% a military operation in conjunction with those most powerful forces wanting to eliminate the weak and control the strong. There’s overwhelming data pieces, a world puzzle one can say with the main objective being “transhumanism” why the sept 2022 which states in part;

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee who has been blowing the whistle on the experimental COVID shots, said, "Biden’s Sept 12, 2022 Executive Order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene editing technologies needed to merge humans with Ai."

The New York Post noted the order concerns COVID shots, genetically modified seeds and much, much more.

Why? It’s as plan as day. Americans must surrender all human rights which stand in the way of “gene editing technologies” needed to merge humans with Ai. What could be more destructive? I’m pretty certain this is their goal, as it was spoken by WEF’s Chief Scientist, “it not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud, we now have the ability to hack the human body” how much more do these “evil monsters” need to tell us? Can anyone explain why this in and of itself, is not the reason, goals for those most powerful, richest evil people? For myself, I’m open to further discussion. Though I see clearly this being their ultimate goal for the “nobody’s” like me of the world.

May God bless America and the entire world.


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Again I am unable to "like" your post. You may want to check out what's going on. You could be losing subscribers etc from their unit 8200/bot accounts messing with your ss.

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I think you meant to say "the harms this poison caused"...

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Works both ways, it's a 'magical' operation.

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The gov knew the Salk vaccine contained SV40., a soft tissue cancer causing virus and administered it to millions

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Correction- poison*

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The LORD of Hosts has released His one Angel that no man nor woman has seen. The death angel has been on the face of the earth for well over a few weeks, The same death angel , that smote Pharaoh oligarchs taskmasters overseers puppetmasters, we are given marching orders at this time.

God is only going to issue so many warnings for what God in King Jesus Yeshua Holy Mighty Powerful Name. Psalm 91 everyday.

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The Covid Vaxed recipients, are suffering personality changes, short tempered, easily flying into rages, now suicidal thoughts, and actions....

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my wife has odd memory/cognitive issues and when i point out that she is asking about or talking about something she should know about all i get is a blank stare. she took them for her job as soon as they came out and hasn't been the same since... she agrees it was a very bad idea but as a healthcare professional she blindly followed the overlords... now our whole family gets to watch this odd mental decline and personality change.

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i am so very sorry and my heart truly goes out to you all. God Bless you! I have seen this within my own blood family and indeed i raised all x 3 of my now adult kids vax free entirely homoeopathic - their evil father talked them into it and all x 3 previously delightful kids seem to have turned into cold hard zombies. Gut-wrenching....

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Omg! I am so very sorry….God bless all of you

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Thank you for telling us. The angels will strengthen you.

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Bless you darling! Yes indeed i think those of us who see thru this all have had to become very strong and very sensitive to the 'high strangeness'. Thank you may they strengthen you and us all as we move forward - when in hell - keep walking!!! xxx

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So sad.

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Yes. I remain sad all the time about this.

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I worry about my Doctors in this way as well. We rely upon their knowledge, training and experience as we entrust them with our lives.

If they’re confused while diagnosing/treating/performing surgery on us, we’re in big trouble.

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for your health you should start taking it into your own hands with proper diet, exercise, sleep, and supplementation. if this taught you anything, you want to avoid the doctors and hospitals if at all possible. if you have to take meds for anything only take time-tested meds that have been working for decades and have generic forms. chances are that your doc is nothing more than an algorithm following medical robot who follows the CDC and his computer program to diagnose and treat you. we know the CDC is probably nefarious at this point... very very few doctors actually practice medicine at this time...if you find one, hang onto them.

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Hey fellow Midwesterner:

I see from your profile you’re in medicine. You’re right.

I do all of the above already as I know the Hospital is a no-go zone but thanks for the comment.

A good Doctor is a rarity. And the mediocre ones just keep jabbing both themselves and their Patients away.

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i have a health/wellness/sports med type degree but not a doctor. trying to keep some anonymity but i have a unique look into the health of this country before and after the shots...i review disability claims for the nation. things are not looking good you could say...we are going to see a severe labor shortage and population decline in the very near future.

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The ALJs must be melting down as well.

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Not really, we just imported 10 million or more across the border as replacements.

And nothing has slowed there either, so expect another 10 million or more.

Thanks to Mayorkas (because Biden is mentally incompetent) and the HIAS.


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I avoid doctors like the plague now after they misdiagnosed me (UK). It is very sad but necessary to survival and living healthy.

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Smart move. But some of us are dealing with chronic health issues that demand a certain level of care beyond our own.

Alas, we all live to fight another day.

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I understand. Others have said, but please take care in your choice of those who will help heal/care for you. A big pharma drug approach is not a good idea, but hopefully you know that.

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We have been taught to rely on MUSLIMS for our health. However, we need to becresponsible for our own health and only need outside help very infrequently. No it means learning and being a scientist on our own lifestyle &:bodies. MDs aren't taugh about health

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Not only that, you get to experience her shedding upon you. Unfortunately, you who living in close proximity to her are as good as vaxed.

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i think the validity of that is still debatable...i do think that she is prone to catching every bug she comes in contact with and brings home to us on the regular... she and my kids are catching colds more frequently than you would expect but i remain unphased. in my 40s i have been exposed to just about everything already and fight off most bugs. my kids have immunity to many things but my guess is that their tendency to get sick a little bit more frequently has to do with their somewhat less broad spectrum innate immunity. my wife, however, seems low key sick all the time since 2021...

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If I haven't said before, I think shedding is another fear tactic to divide and rule, a distraction from healing the sick and getting on with other fights against the evil going on.

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Me too...I totally agree because I’ve been in close contact with the vaxxed....no one in my family would listen. I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been and I’m 64 but I also have a healthy protocol. Death and sickness is all around me though. I can’t speak for others.

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Enough anecdotes are proof. Sometimes it only takes one picture of a black swan.. Proof is pretty solid when it happens to you. It becomes absolute proof when the likely suspects start gaslighting you, claiming it's all in your head.

Well in my case, it was all in my head. About to be fired for failing to comply with FJB's mandate, I decided to use as many of my benefits as possible. I got new safety glasses. I had caps put on my two front teeth.. That meant an hour in the dentist's chair. I don't think they had the normal doily over the headrest. The next day my neck was stiff and there was a novel sharp pain in the back of my head where a muscle attached to my skull. I thought is was just a different posture in the dentist's chair and it would go away in a couple days. It did not completely go away for five months. So that was the observation.

Hypothesis: A recently jabbed person was in that chair before me and I absorbed covid spikes from that patients sweat. I was poisoned.

I would like to test this further. Dear Turtle, if and only if you are un-jabbed, please have sex with someone boosted in the previous 3 to 7 days. or at least intimate sweaty skin to skin contact. Wrestling will do. Do it for Science.

How many times in your life has it been suggested you have sex for Science?

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I am very sorry to hear this. It is the neuro-toxic effects, they cause many issues but includes releasing floods of thoughts from brain cells or preventing storage of information.

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I have this acquaintance - norm - he comes down to the pub and irritates everyone with his repetitive stories ....

He was always delusional ... but he's taken 7 shots (he's old so they keep giving him more) and he can now barely tell time -- and we refer to him as the NOF (Nasty Old Fool) cuz he's become rather unhinged as the spike penetrates his breain... he's so out of it that he thinks that is a compliment.

He's got this burned out prostitute girlfriend who lives Out Back the Dumpster behind the pub- she's in her 70's... also vaxxed to the hilt... her name is Sindy but we all call her Super Snatch Sindy.

Poor old bugger ...

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I am so sorry to hear of this. May God bless her and your family….what a tragedy….

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Nothing is Hidden from God, Any attachments to you and your family

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

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Document it, let her decline count towards something.

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My daughter-in-law and adult granddaughter got 4 shots and their personalities have changed. My daughter-in-law talks nonstop now while my formerly bubbly and funny granddaughter is much quieter. My son is heartbroken, but they won’t stop getting the shots

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What a tragedy. I think I am the luckiest guy in the world. My wife, my three kids, their wives (2 of them married), even my ex-wife (mother of my two oldest), none vaxed. I sat down with my eldest to talk to him early in 2021, he was the last on my list. He said ‘Dad. Stop. I don’t care what you say. I am not getting vaxed. If you are we need to argue this out before you hurt yourself.’ I was so relieved. As was he about me and his brothers.

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Yes, it’s sad to see folks brainwashed and now brain dead.

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I am so sorry…..we are in such tragic times….i wish the science could come up with neutralizing substances…..i do know that to take certain supplements does help….

NAC, bromelain, nattokinase all very important…..

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I took D3, K2, zinc and magnesium to detox after 2 shots. It's over 3yrs since last one and I am healthy apart from some tiredness.

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That’s terrific…..the K2 would have thinned the blood which is most important in terms of the spike protein….i am very happen for you….have you considered NAC?….it’s a very important supplement too…..be well.

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TWC.HEALTH "Spike Support" Formula


jab detox

Ivermectin DrStellaMD.com

& Ivermectin is very inexpensive from India


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Our immune systems can eventually defeat anything. This will eventually be neutralized.

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The tribulation has not started yet, but close to it, you may be a little ahead of yourself.

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Jewish? Fauci is Italian I think. The Dems are mostly Christian/atheist. More Jews will end up being hurt by the poison per capita than any other ethny.

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Dr Dan Neides has a wonderful apology in regards to what medical society has done to children. Rumble.com maybe this would convince?

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Omg! You are incredibly brainwashed and ignorant….and unsearched and a totally racist….have you even heard of he WEF and the WHO….these are the organizations behind it all and not one Jew is at the top of these organizations…..Biden is part as is Macron, Trudeau…..but corruption crosses all cultures….and it is very hard to unbrainwash those that are so deeply brainwashed, YOU>

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There are trolls, and botfarms and sock puppets who are paid to write substacks to give them legitimacy, and then they troll the effective substacks to spread hate and disinformation, then, having hired them in the first place, the censorship industrial complex can point to their posts to illustrate how we need to be censored to be protected from the bots and trolls they hired in the first place. This is probably an assignment to demoralize, humilate and what is called "rage farm," as it will outrage us and they'll siphon off our emotional energy by making us engage with them. And one thing about them, since they are not in any way creative or innovative like the dissident doctors, is that they will recycle old conspiracies as they are too dim witted and brainless to come up with anything new. This narrative goes back to the Middle Ages. They want us all thinking about each other in terms of labels and categories and hatreds and rages as that prevents solidarity, their biggest terror. One way to throw them is to just act crazy. This works on criminals too. If someone is threatening you, if you fall to your knees and start babbling and eat rocks or grass, the criminal will often freak out as you can't be predicted. So if you don't engage with trolls and just say something loony, like my bald talking ferret is a Jew and he likes to worship Satan when he rides the solar wind to Jupiter where he writes commercials for the Pfizer pet med division and sends them to the office by ferret telepathy, you don't get outraged and the script is foiled.

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the person above is clearly mentally ill. i would block him as i have done.

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Noah Harari is a Jew, Klaus Schwab is a Jew. The Jewish religion Noahide Laws say all people following any religion other than the Jewish religion (criminal terrorist death cult that outwardly masquerades to easily brainwashed people as being spiritual or spiritually motivated) is to be executed under the Jewish Noahide law against idolatry (which relates directly to Deuteronomy 20:16).

The NWO is intended to be under Jewish control, you might want to research that before shooting your mouth off. If you are Hindu or Sikh or Jain or Buddhist as your name suggests, then you too would be subject to being executed once NWO one world 'government' comes fully into force.

The UN has officially accepted for Noahide Laws to be implemented worldwide when one world governemt comes into effect.

The UN is officially aligned with the WEF that has the stated goal of getting rid of 7.5 billion people.

The Noahide law against idolatry alone, one of several Noahide laws that carries a death penalty but ONLY against Gentlies, NEVER against a single Jew, will mean that 6 billion people will be subject to mandatory execution for idolatry alone.

The Jewish religion says that even the best of Gentiles should all be killed, that all Gentiles in the entire world will be killed and sent to hell at the end of the world, so how do you manage to calculate in your brain that it is I who is racist? I follow the Vaishnava belief, that no soul goes to any eternal hell, that all souls without exception are eternal expansions of God and eternally connected to God. The Jewish religion states very clearly that all Gentile souls (which the Jewish religion states clearly are all just animal souls that are all held by the Jews to be eternally non-living souls, eternally irredeemable souls), and all other non-Jewish souls in all animal, insect, plant, avian and aquatic species etc. all come from 3 satanic spheres of hell and can only ever ultimately return there. Don't bother calling me a racist again.

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This is a goddamn lie. All of it. You are insane.

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You, sisr/madame are going straight to hell for repeating lies. God loves the Jewish people. One thing that comes acrosss about you: You are a big loser, looking for a scapegoat, because you won't admit to yourself that you are a giant loser.

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The person that wrote the lies is named David. I am the person who reported him. I am Jewish. I will not sit by & allow these lies go unreported.

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Thank you….G-d Bless you…..

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But the Jewish Zohar says all Gentiles in the entire world will be exterminated and are then going to be sent to hell at the end of the world in any case, the Jews do not exactly have a very nice future planned for any of us Gentiles. WTF is wrong with you nutters?

"Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch


The Truth about the Talmud

A Documented Exposé of Jewish racist Hate Literature


Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...

Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

All Israelites will have a part in the future world... The Goyim, at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel Duma and sent down to hell.

Zohar, Shemoth, Toldoth Noah, Lekh-Lekha

Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

Kill the Goyim by any means possible.

Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Everyone who sheds the blood of the impious [non-Jews] is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God.

Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.

Soferim 15, Rule 10


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This is all lies too…..they meant idol worshippers…..not Christians….etc….people like you can’t be talked to….you are so embedded with brainwashing and using information in a wrong way….

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You are obviously not who you appear to be with your deceptively Asian sounding name, nor are you merely just ignorant. Rabbi Yisrael Ariel states clearly that Christians and Muslims in every city all over the world will be killed.

Other rabbis have said all Gentiles will be killed throughout the entire world, and they celebrate that. I wonder what Jewish lies you will try to use to deny this;


ps, when you try to deny this, I have other links of other rabbis saying that all Gentiles are to be killed in the whole world, I wonder what lies you will come up with then.

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I know their gang-stalking malevolence very well, they are quite insane. When I have been physically attacked, a single Jew built like a body-builder using 5 body builder Negros working for him has severely attacked me in the street, SWP gangs led by obvious Jews using subordinate Negro foot soldiers have several times waited for me where they know I will be going and threatened me with violence as I have walked past, I have been stabbed, shot at, had cars driven at me and have suffered two very nasty and serious injuries involving cars, I even got to know the name of the Jew driving one of the cars and found out the names of two Jewish operatives who sent him to attack me, one works for MI5, the other MI6, both of those Jews I had known personally for several years beforehand while they posed as non-hostile, and have had their status as security operatives working for MI5 and MI6 (who really work for Israel alone) fully confirmed.

Other times I have been poisoned by them, people who will not identify themselves as Jews act really friendly and invite me round for dinner or a drink or to a 'discussion group' for instance, and then I have been very seriously poisoned with anti-freeze sneaked into a glass of wine for example, leaving me very seriously ill, with anti-freeze having later been confirmed as the poison. This has been going on for many years.

I was threatened online by a Times of Israel commenter who said "We know where you live" after I was told all my comments would be shadow-banned by the site manager himself, and then almost straight after that I had several high class prostitute grade Jewish intelligence operatives with expensive hair do's in high heels speaking Israeli hovering outside my London home talking into their phones over several days, and 4 Israeli-speaking Jewish military grade men hovering around me saying 'shalom' to each other when they recognized me and started to follow me using that as some kind of code word. I often see guys hanging around outside my dwelling rocking backwards and forwards in a typically Jewish autistic 'prayer' mode while they no doubt are likely making some kind of Jewish curse to direct at me, or the same guys month after month following close behind me as I walk down an otherwise deserted street.

Just a couple of days back there were three very obvious Jewish women in two cars looking like Menachem Begin in drag, horrible twisted looking creatures just outside my flat with their windows open, I hovered there for a few moments amused and they were speaking Israeli into their phones, so they actually send people all the way over from Israel just to try to sort me out, how about that! I have regularly had such cars start up when I leave my building and follow me up the street at walking pace, Jewish men and women wait for me at bus stops that I will use, when I walk back down the street a few dozen metres away from the bus stop they follow and walk just behind me, and just to play with them, I turn around and walk back, and they follow me back, I have had two of them sit directly either side of me in an almost deserted massive bus terminal in the early hours of the morning, one staring from one side into my face, the other training a mobile phone directly on the other side of my face to video me, and when I had got off the bus that I eventually caught, two more Jews have been waiting, and for a laugh, to see how good the act was of one of them carrying a briefcase, I walked around a three quarter mile block right back to where we had both started, and this dummy obsessively followed me all the way round, he was obviously not waiting to be picked up by a cab to go to work, or returning from some late shift work.

Just yesterday, I had an appointment down town, and before I set off from home first meticulously closed down my computer and watched it and the monitor fully turn off and the power lights go out, and when I returned in the evening, my computer was switched on, and the monitor screen was full on right in my face, haha, one never knows. I have actually witnessed through my door spy hole an obvious MI5 operative in typical attire of civilian jean trousers, and military naval navy blue jumper with epaulettes on, picking the lock to an empty flat above me with a skeleton key, then giving it a sharp push to force it open all the way, and he was carry a small duffle bad with orange jump leads hanging out either side, I have seen just the same clothing and bags when similar men have trained video recording equipment on me for 20 minutes, when I was handing out leaflets, nearby was a white van with the back doors open with a AWACS type communications dish on top, inside the sides of the van were stacked from floor to ceiling with very complicated electronic surveillance equipment, I get regular very obvious microwave attacks too.

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That is another lie. I don’t even know who Leah Slocum is. You are nothing but filth. I will keep reporting you forever. I will never stop. You will NOT get away with printing your lies. God’s Witness, you are a psychopath who should be fearful of G-d for what you are doing.

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Stop being anti Semitic, the Jews are God's chosen people, and my Lord Jesus was a Jew.

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Yes! This is now confirmed by Dr Peter Breggin - what a remarkable deeply moving new interview with Dr Breggin and Noami Wolf on Brighteon. He CONFIRMS the Vaccines have made marked personality changes often resembling 'lobotomy'. The vax crosses the blood-brain barrier. I call it 'the Covid Coma' hence people all seem to be much more stupid and much more violent/reactive etc...

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Thank you….i will look on Brighteon…..sometimes I just can’t take it all in….my heart collapses…..Peace….

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I am seeing this in business. Previously competent professionals are making egregious errors.

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I am seeing it from 3 different folks that had botched surgeries. Frightening.

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Also, like others I am Seeing a ton of really cranky people everywhere. Doctors I have noticed are super cranky. And they aren’t any more overworked than usual. I have had some very unpleasant moments with doctors recently.

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I have seen this as well. I can't even bring up any subject that is not banal and shallow without the shotted going off the deep end for no reason. Misfolded proteins in the brain.

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I know what your saying! Some of the seniors I know who were the nicest folks, now go off on just about anything these days. I keep things simple, the weather, lol 😆.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Yes and the coup de gras coming upn a 5G trigger that causes a once known rare disease by a gene deletion that will attack the cortex and cause zombie like enraged and violent people-and it is listed five different kinds of zombies from this triggered release of the synthetic codes placed in their bodies by jabs and awaiting this nightmare scenario. It is all planned. Stop the WHO/WEF death cults and get control or take down these towers now.

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Plus they are driving……driving where I live in Florida is hazardous to you health and one must be very alert and defensive….

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Not a Vaccine. It is a gene editor. The CoViD19 mRNA inoculated recipients are suffering personality changes...." This could also or more so be because of the nanotransmitter injected in with the modified mRNA genetic engineering technology triggered by 5G communications devices.

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Vax went to the brain

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Truth be told

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It’s not just vaccinated. It’s anyone who’s been seriously harmed by “covid.” It’s outrageous and heartbreaking.

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There is no such thing as COVID. In almost all places in the world there were no extra deaths in 2020. Only where seniors were deliberately Remdesivir’ed. COVID has never been isolated. It is a computer generated guess at what it is.

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And the absolutely useless and totally needless titanium dioxide of course is now an officially recognized carcinogen, no wonder 'they' put it in almost everything these days while telling us every year for decades that just next year they will be finally perfecting the latest of very many cures for cancer that they are forever promising and then releasing it to the world, and then of course, the inevitable, cancer rates carry on rising, and the constantly promised cures just vanish without trace one after another, while 'they' have been keeping real cures for cancer hidden since the 1930's. See 'Murder by Injection' by Eustace Mullins, downloadable for free.

Mass hypnosis is really a thing, like King Charles had millions of absolute idiots waving flags in the streets in celebration when he got coronated, when they should have been ripping his throat out, as he is one of the founder members of the WEF that self-statedly intends to exterminate 7.5 billion human beings, people are being made daft as a brush, trained to cheer their own executioners, even clapping for twerking nurses who shook their bottoms in people's faces on TikTok. That gesture has always been used to express absolute contempt for someone very despicable, as in people gesturing wiping their arses on people they don't like, and the twerking nurses were making just that same obscene and disgusting insulting gesture towards all the public and their patients.

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very well said. Yes, there is a kind of 'Dark-Mania' landing over all countries. I left the UK for good due to the many friends and family members i had known loved and respected turning so creepy and so weird and dare i say 'Evil'. There is a total lack of critical thinking. And while a great many decent Doctors and nurses remain in the NHS more and more psychotic ones do also. Bollocks Johnson DARED call it 'Our NHS'!!???? wHILE SHREDDING THE VERY GREAT INSTITUTION. UK street slang now call them 'Hospi-kills' and 'Scare-homes'.

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I am in UK. The NHS misdiagnosed me in 2020. It is largely a useless obese institution, a complete waste of money. I did this post on alleged draft guidance. It may be fake news.


Nevertheless as others have said I consider it our enemy, sold out to big pharma and its cronies.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

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And Raymond Royal Rife's original technology was suppressed by AMA head Morris Fishbein who was working for the corrupt and treacherous crypto-communist Roosevelt regime.

Rife's own original technology provenly actually worked in curing 100% of all cases of cancer that it was tested on, no matter what type or degree of severity, and was able to cure any pathogen-related condition in just 3 minutes in vivo.

I have one of the more recent attempts at duplicating Rife technology that cost me several thousand quid, it does not cure a thing, I wonder why that is, maybe wifi pollution, maybe lack of strength or lack of valid frequencies and valid means of transmission, however, the Rockefellers (more chosenites like Fishbein and the Roosevelts) are mentioned by Eustace Mullins in his excellent book 'Murder By Injection' to have cures for 'almost all' cancers hidden away according to a statement by one of the Rockefellers years ago.

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well done for trying. Look into the 'Infinity 8' machine and also the 'Terra Wand' both getting astounding results.

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I was looking at some articles on the Jeff Rense site about these terra wands and they are very likely quite a nasty scam, with some people reporting serious injuries after being sucked into buying one. Here is another source article saying that these frequency waves have the power to tear apart DNA, does not sound good at all, so I think I will pass on that one.


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How about ditching these processed foods all together? You, know eat real one ingredient foods? Non GMO. Just imagine how great you would feel! Skip the nanobots go with nature!

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Except that Bill Gates rolled out this poisonous coating called APEEL….notice the play on worlds to brainwash….but any food that can stay on the counter without decay is coated with something we don’t want in our bodies….the APEEL will clog our arteries in 5 years or so….i have found it on avocados from Mexico here in Florida…..it is not yet on everything and it still needs a label…..but with this added to all the toxic “accidents” it is a stray place, this world.

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I’m wondering about some of the unjabbed at my church. They’re different in ways that seem uncharacteristic of their prior selves.

I’m seeing short tempers and stunning coldness in a couple of people there that makes me think about the issue of Transmission.

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Unjabbed? If an unjabbed person has a personality change it might be because of how they were treated over the last three years.

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Also Polysorbate 80...used in many vacations and an ungodly amount of of food products, helps whatever it is coated with to cross the BBB.

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RemovedJun 8, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023
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Revelation....and by their sorceries, all nations were deceived

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Indeed. You might be interested in this. I break down the words Pharmaceutical and Pharmakeia


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It is now a 100% war as the citizens, at least those who are trying to resist this attack, battle against our own government who obviously does not care one iota about us, if they ever did. The devastation continues and perhaps the worst is to come.

The leftists, liberals, democrats, RINOs, WEF, gates, fauci, big pharma, WHO, UN and the DoD and HHS are all intent on destroying our county. There is no one coming to save us, so it is up to each of us to fight as best we can. Never give up anything.

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They are trying to literally exterminate all of humanity and take the entire planet for themselves, no less.

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Well, that’s all well and good, yet with us all dead what’s left? Who’s going to run those lights, water and power? Who going to tend the farms that they eat from? Who’s going to fly their expensive jets and drive their limousines? Who going to dig for their diamonds?

Oh, that’s right, AI, 🤣.

Me, personally, think that those trying to kill us off are not human, more like reptiles. Just a thought 💭. So, nothing listed above will really be necessary.

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I would agree that those responsible are just invading souls posing as actual human beings while wearing hijacked genetic material like skin suits, then passing that genomic material down in family lines. Rabbi Laitman says his soul group are spiritual commandos who come from another dimension, not just from another universe, and that they invaded the wombs of human women in this world to get their original breeding stock to be able to enter into the substance of this dimension on a physical level, he says their purpose is to conquer this planet, think Deuteronomy 20:16. They really are not human, but we are human, think 'The Midwich Cuckoos', and if they succeed in killing us all, they will use humanoid DARPA robots for everything that are doubtlessly decades more advanced than they are telling us.

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i wish you were not right about this but you are! My own research shows these two. And if you look with discernment you can see the 'Meat-suit' the dead-eyed and feel the non-human psychological violence emanating. But the marvellous thing about humans is that we are entirely unpredictable and deeply creative and we know how to LOVE! So lets work with that x

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They will keep some alive for their slaves. That's at least their plan. :

"You will own nothing & be happy!"

When the Lord comss back again," it will be like; "As it was ⁶ in the days of "Noah," so much evil going on, well think about this: In Israel, there's a man, a famous aurthor [("COVID-- 19 & THE GREAT RESET" (?)]

(?)__"Noah" (Havarri"?--spell?)

an atheist, gay, Jewish man with "Noah" as his middle name, said they will "keep people happy playing games & drinking beer!"

See: JimBakkerShow.com for story about this subject!

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I agree …. I think they are from the Reptilian race which is mostly evil but does have incredible genetic knowledge…..God has made infinite races and planets with life….this is an intergalactic war….

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You think Jews are reptilian?

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You are correct —we all must fight! Unfortunately, there are people with disabilities who will need other people’s help and support.

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At www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com she mentiones how Nano Technology, reacts to 5G cell tower transmissions, and Electromagnetic fields on Blood samples.

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Yes, very, very strange that so little focus is being given to what should be SHOCKING info Dr. Mihalcea is revealing & demonstrating, i.e., rubber-like polymer material (fully believe this is synth hydrogel used in tissue engineering) in the blood of injected as well as uninjected blood. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/visual-inspection-of-c19-vaccinated

Would think the masses would care that they're being transhumanized w/out their consent. Daniel 2:43. But on & on the storyline goes about anything BUT this reality. I sure do pray that people really do know & follow Christ. Lip service won't do.

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The Lord demands that we ‘come out from among them, and be ye separate.’

‘Touch no unclean thing, and He will receive (us), or (the reader)

Essentially, die unto self, and unto our

‘fallen, sinful nature’ that we all are born into this world with. Romans 6:6

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THEY WILL NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE MAN... the best you can do right now is live like you are in the Hunger Games, literally outlive their life expectancy hope for you. eat real food, take the right supplements including D3 and NAC which apparently prevent nearly all the horrid exposure type maladies that most people die from. Hoping DT the vax salesman or anyone else will save us is wasted time, completely wasted time. Everyone who reads this, take care of you and your family, stock up on the critical supplements that literally prevent disease and get fit, move your body. Outlive them all, you are on your own.

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Trump is on our side, he has learned the Truth about the jab "not being so good for people!"

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Yep. Claw back that 100 billion of big pharma blood money and start an independent injury compensation fund overseen by McCullough and others such as you.

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Dr. Mercola on his website mentioned Green Money DNA was found in the Covid Vax.

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(typo s/b green monkey DNA)

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Green Money or Green Monkey… 🐵 either is accurate 🤣

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

Steve C: THANK YOU for this link!

I had read Dr. Alexander's references to and praise for Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi's work and also some of Bhakdi's published work. I also highly recommend this video link for an EXCELLENT presentation by Dr. Bhakdi of how the injected mRNA in the covid shot enters each cell of the body and causes immune system havoc. He illustrates his presentation with slides.

He is an excellent teacher with a gentlemanly demeanor and a beautiful voice.

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Hanging is too good for them. This is worldwide genocide and Mengele in steroids. I say injected them and their families with ttheir onw mRNA gene editing drugs and all the boosters. Then imprison them in their covid barracks isolated from their own families, friends, forced distancing, enforced masking, and enforced weekly covid test. Feed them their GMO/pesticide food, fake meat, fruit & veggies covered with Bill Gate’s funded Edipeel, and contaminated water full of pharmaceutical waste, chloride and flouride. If they get sick diagnose them with covid and give them Remvesidir and intubation. If any survive after 3 years behead them with the Guillotine’s they ordered made to use on us.

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The World Economic Forum, Bilderberg group and many shadowy billionaires are behind this. They get together in places like the rarified air of Davos Switzerland or in carefully guarded resort complexes. They must be brought to justice and yet few understand their true nature. The WEF has bragged openly about having infiltrating all governments around the world. They cannot be brought to justice if we don't know about them.

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May 31, 2023·edited May 31, 2023

Some great comments here as usual and keen perceptions that are largely ignored or minimized by the majority despite increasing amounts of highly credible reporting online, not MSM obv... I think the crushing sense of hopelessness and despondency has been too much to bear for many who were so grievously injured to the point they felt their lives no longer had any meaning or purpose. One example is the Italian swimmer and personal trainer's expressions of inconsolable loss of everything he lived for, heartbreaking to say the very least. Multiply that one tragic case by several orders of magnitude and one begins to perceive the scale of the sadistic malevolence inflicted on so much more of humanity than we can ever likely calculate. Tough as this subject truly is to process, I look forward to Dr. A's extended version. It is important we not turn away or pretend to ourselves it is not happening, nor is unlikely to continue for who knows how far into the future.

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There is a war on and as I consider we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago making us 1943 now, an end might be viewed. For consideration.



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We warned everyone that This bioweapon jab is the Mark of The Beast. All hell is about to break loose. And the sad thing is that it was SO OBVIOUS. Nobody should have taken it. All the research was out there before the shots were released. All they had to do is read. But they didn't want the truth. They wanted comforting lies. Now they are doomed to suffer horribly.

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Indeed, they did not love the truth. I consider the vaccines marks of the beast although there have been many marks over the years. As vaccines cause 'plagues' it is reasonable to see them fitting into Revelation.


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You need to do a lot of research to learn the truth. But you won’t. You’ll just keep insulting people who know the truth. You can’t be helped. I’m sorry. 🙏

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The situation is possibly much worse. I hope the psychopaths making this happen can be found, imprisoned and judged.


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If I read one more article regurgitating data and despair I’m going to snap. We know big Pharma and governments everywhere lied to us, to enrich themselves and reduce the population. We have enough evidence already to convict these criminals of fraud and premeditated genocide. They openly admit they’re evil and taunt us with their untouchable immunity.

I’m tired of the public and the media ignoring reality. Our house is on fire but they are too busy watching the game on tv. Rather than dealing with the problem, they simply open a window and let out some smoke. There is a global dictatorship bearing down on us but we’re too busy on our cell phones to pay attention or even care.

Once the permanent crisis is completed, once food and energy supply chains have been destroyed, once small business has been decimated and unemployment is rampant, once digital biometric IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies become mandatory… it will be too late to defend ourselves. The fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence, and hybrid humanoid robots will permanently enslave us while we wait for the eugenicists to finish us off.

We need to organize our citizen resources NOW into one immense global resistance force. All of the separate freedom organizations competing for donations and their own little piece of the social justice turf must join forces, combine finances and coordinate an effective legal challenge. There is no room for competition in this war. The newly created freedom industry that feeds on public donations to sustain fear and despair must militarize a common resistance to defeat the public/private corporate super government that is driving the stakes of “stakeholder capitalism” into the heart of true freedom and democracy.

Please do your part and organize locally to push this agenda forward. https://localresistance.org

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See "JimBakkerShow.com" see the guest from Alstralia who has started many Churches, 25 I think, talking about Revelation & the 4 horsemen...First horse, white with rider dresses in white, (power ? or i say like a Doctorr or nurse) with a "Crown" ("corona" in spanish) & with a sword, ( something that sharp that jabs the skin, like the jab, & harms/kills)...endtimes prophecy being fulfilled today... Steve (?) last name something like "Coccocine" (spell?) on in May( I think) 2 days &:now regularly has a time on there. Jim Bakker Show, PTL. Steve started an on- line Church during COVID forced Shutdown "Discover Church On-line" (I think it's called) over 300,000 watch!

He talks about the people coming together creating Christian communities to survive these end times together, growing food, etc. Makes sense! Dangerous times we are in!

We need to join together!

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Each booster, weakens the recipients immune system, if they survive until Winter, it will be the luck of the draw. Many Canadian Doctors, have died after their required boosters.....300+ I understand..

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Thevcountries withbthe most boosterd, 4 boosters, Sweden & Israel, & the Native American Indians, had the highest percentage of deaths!

see lots of info on the most censored subjects, jabs & election fraud in 2020, at Frankspeech.com TRUTH MATTERS!



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Yes spelling error, should be Monkey, not money, my Glaucome and some vision loss makes texting a challenge..

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I'm not sure that Green money wouldn't be more suitable. The mighty dollar, the green back that funds the poisons.

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HANG THE covid makers / distributers and all invoved in this murderous poison plot and https://www.brighteon.com/0253c6fb-99ae-4e30-82b4-17f2c6df7aed

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors @ remoteview.subsack.com

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