I'd imagine the transexual situation and Covid lockdowns, financial / job loss effects have increased suicides.

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Yes, the stories are tragic, but isn’t the elimination of stupidity from the gene pool, the way that humanity survives. People who believe in the Covid scam in the vaccine solution are not the brightest candles on the cake, and they must be blown out before the party can go on or the cake will simply dry out on the table.

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I tell you what,the mental health community when there outed for the incompetent fraudulent fools that they are irreparably harming young people in there revolving door grift hand in hand with big pharma when confronted with there abject failure cut ties and leave those deeply wounded individuals adrift addicted to those medications that they compounded and caused more and more harm and then ultimately pushing these poor souls to kill themselves to hide the mental health failure.

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UNITE TO USE AND DEFEND OUR RIGHTS -That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such ...

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This is truly heartbreaking to read about and witness. Yet, so may have put God to the wayside what we’re seeing today does not suprise me. What we are in desperate need of today is a massive spiritual revival. Yet these words continually fall on deaf ears. There is power in the name of Jesus.

It’s time to dust off those bibles and get in a close relationship with out creator. God bless all.

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The enormity of such a deliberate, intentional and malicious undertaking against the very soul of an innocent humanity warrants the ultimate judgement for Crimes Against Humanity. All who willingly engaged in this grotesque malfeasance deserve a slow walk to the gallows.

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It's BECAUSE it harms so much that it WON'T be stopped, that is the plan!

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Mental health is exploding and there's nowhere to go.

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VA still pushing covid shot on veterans.

Nothing is too good for our veterans. /s

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