Those in power are intentionally ripping and tearing our country apart by every means possible. Why!? Judgments are coming

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….and, it looks like the bastard (if convicted) could use a butch haircut.

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Radicals tend to be very upfront about why they do the things they do; this person sounds disturbed. He should never have been let into this country.

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How many others just like him......disturbed, mentally ill, or just criminals?

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If you have no borders, you have no country. Another good reason to arm yourself and learn how to use your weapon. Cops are too heavy to carry.

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If you remember your USA war mongering history, you'll recall it was daddy Bush and Bush Jnr - REPUBLICANS - who started all the anti-Islamist war on terror aka Muslims.

Yeah 9/11 you'll retort, but that's a whole other doctoral thesis on what it was really about.

So blame Biden et al DEMOCRATS all you want, but I blame team USA.

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Makes me wish I was born somewhere else the way these brain dead zombies act in this country. Support the troops they say as they rob, rape and steal from folks who never harmed us in the least bit. And then they wonder why some lunatic goes on a killing spree. Maybe the US droned his family or friends? Who knows... maybe he was just on prescription drugs like all the other mass murderers.

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You conveniently forgot Jimmy Carter and the American hostages held for 444 days. We are the “arrogant” Americans the jihad is targeting. I proudly wear the badge of infidel as I reject the belief that as a Christian I am “unfaithful.”

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I fear this is just the beginning of the deaths by radical terrorists in the country illegally.

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