When you screw with mother nature, what do you expect to happen.

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What does any of this have to do with mother nature?

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The shots change your DNA. Humans are part of Mother Nature too.

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There are countless epigenetic situations.

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You are obfuscating.

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You are bifurcating. .

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You sound like a jew

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These vaxxx Pharmass have sold their souls out to satan who seeks to kill, maim & destroy.

At this Christmas Season may we take comfort in the one who is life & defeated death, the Christ. There is eternal hope in Him in spite of what the Evil one propagates thru his minions.

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Little Baby Jesus, King of the Universe

What Child is This


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People still have not woken up!!!

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Sweden's shot rollout started the last week of Dec 2020. Supposedly, all adults were offered the first dose by mid-Aug 2021. Lipid-nano particles allegedly accumulate in the ovaries and testes. The above chart shows the change in monthly birth numbers versus the prior year turned negative starting in Dec 2021 by less than 12%.

Rhetorical questions: Why weren't all the jabbed in their reproductive years made infertile? Why didn't all jabbed and shed upon pregnancies terminate early? Why was the change in monthly birth numbers negative for almost all of 2020 then turned positive for the vast majority of 2021 during the vax campaign? Perhaps this chart reflects the population's mood. In Dec 2021, Swedes experienced the highest inflation in 30 years. This may be a bigger factor for the increased decline.

Looking at a long-term chart, Sweden's fertility rate started falling off a cliff in the 1800s just like other western countries. It has been below minimum replacement since the 1970s.


Their population growth has been from importing foreigners who are overwhelmingly in their reproductive years and younger. What have the western countries been doing to new arrivals to make them less fertile too? Jabbing them with pharma products not just this one?

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There are huge differences in the mRNA and the LNPs. Probably also in the other injections. It was not following any quality standards and was highly experimental. The differences mean that people were affected very differently. It appears that with with more LNPs and functioning mRNA, the number of side-effects are much much higher. Because we have only learned recently how bad the quality is, this is still under research. Here is a discussion: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/rna-integrity-in-the-context-of-the

My take on this:

Because the mRNA (or DNA for J&J) need the cells to function well, the "harm effect" will differ a lot per person. It even depends on what they eat and how much they sleep. The cells of healthy people will produce much higher amounts of toxic spike proteins. Which we see in athletes. And I wonder what drugs and some diseases affect this as well.

I think that the foreigners/immigrants likely did not join in the self-harm by injection. Most people that are connected with 3rd world countries distrust Big Pharma. But that should be verified.

There are also people from Europe that fled to Sweden when the lockdowns started. Sweden was one of the few countries that stayed open and did not follow the mask-psychosis. This difference in approach does show that the increased mortality is not just caused by people not going to doctors for cancers.

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Why isnt everybody who took it a SADS case? Many seem fine (so far), some have problems, some drop dead. Same with fertility. Inconsistent.

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In short: The amount of ingredients are very different per injection. And the ingredients have different effects on people (athletes versus elderly).

One cause of the differences is the bad production process with almost no quality control. So it is a lottery or a clottery.

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No governments care. Too stupid, blind, or corrupted.

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They want us dead

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I'd be curious what the vax rate is for muslim population vs. native swedes. Muslim immigrants significantly outpace natives in birthrates in europe generally, which was already a demographic challenge. I suspect muslims don't get jabbed nearly as much, which would exacerbate the issue even more.

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So many dumb bastards

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C 40 prison cities

Which companies fund them


Corbett report yesterday showed these are starting in UK with Oxford. Municipal funding.

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Maybe Greta needs to go home and help her own people figure out what they haven't a clue about.

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The "Japanese" study is Pfizer pre clinical study #185350 translated into Japanese.

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