Tanya, one of my subscribers, wrote this in a response to a debate on ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict "Problem is that running a country is not a business and Trump has no political acumen, only a
laser focus on controlling resources for profit. He has no moral compass and cannot recognize the non-financial interests of people.'
BOOM: 'Problem is that running a country is not a business and Trump has no political acumen, only a laser focus on controlling resources for profit. He has no moral compass and cannot recognize the non-financial interests of people.'
See where quotations start and end.
Know that Tanya is NOT a fan of Trump though I must admit I have found his/her contributions to be superb at times. Combative, but good. Informed. We learn. Yet in her response here, has she spoken some element of truth? Where? Some? All? Your view?
My reply, well stated Tanya...but this could be tweaked a bit for Trump does care about the human condition but again, sees it often as a business but well stated. But he is not a cold-hearted person. I think in my experiences, he is a good human being, wants best. In his way. Problem is, life and the like are not a pure business. There are indeed ‘particulars’ and finesses and nuances and non-financial interests often at stake.
Your view? I find this comment by Tanya to be eye-opening how declarative it is and wish to know your view. Is Tanya a rabid hater of 47 or does she make ‘some sense’?
He’s all for ending the killing fields of Ukraine, that’s a strong moral compass which destroys her take. He also is aware I’m sure of the US moving the NATO goalpost after Baker promised in 1993 not to, which seems to enter a void on this substack as I’ve pointed out before.
Seriously... ?!? ".. no moral compass.." ?!?! Does Tanya seriously believe someone with no moral compass and cannot recognize non-financial interests of people would have been able to raise a family consisting of people like his kids and in-laws ? The guy who, as a president, doesn't take a salary, pays for his own campaigns, helps other people out secretly without making a public boast about it, ... the guy who had best economic records for women, for blacks and other 'minority'-communities, who gets help to people in need from floods and other disasters within a couple of weeks while Democrats didn't get active in four years, the guy who walks the talk no matter the media 24/7 slings smears and false accusations and tries to sabotage him... Seroiusly,...Tanya ?!?!