He’s all for ending the killing fields of Ukraine, that’s a strong moral compass which destroys her take. He also is aware I’m sure of the US moving the NATO goalpost after Baker promised in 1993 not to, which seems to enter a void on this substack as I’ve pointed out before.

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thank you for your opinion, this is great to have such diversity. I have written about the breaking of that promise...please read all of my stacks on the topic before saying there is a void.

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Paul, fairly new here, when was that column?

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Seriously... ?!? ".. no moral compass.." ?!?! Does Tanya seriously believe someone with no moral compass and cannot recognize non-financial interests of people would have been able to raise a family consisting of people like his kids and in-laws ? The guy who, as a president, doesn't take a salary, pays for his own campaigns, helps other people out secretly without making a public boast about it, ... the guy who had best economic records for women, for blacks and other 'minority'-communities, who gets help to people in need from floods and other disasters within a couple of weeks while Democrats didn't get active in four years, the guy who walks the talk no matter the media 24/7 slings smears and false accusations and tries to sabotage him... Seroiusly,...Tanya ?!?!

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She's full of shit really.

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Do not worry though, she wears diapers.

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I'm not a fan of Trump, but claiming he lacks a moral compass seems unfounded. Consider Joe Biden's crackhead son and compare him to Donald Trump's children, and then let's discuss what constitutes a moral compass.

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please note my response above. I agree with you...hhmmmm about the kids

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I agree that Tanya is both wrong and needs an education.

Running a country IS A BUSINESS. Just like an individual IF a country overspends and can'tpayy bills IT GOES BANKRUPT.

The slow decline of the USA over decades is very much about corruption and ovetspending.

Politicians have a fiduciary duty to their country and upholding high level laws like the USA Constitution.

To date Trump not only won a rather sweeping change and large vote democracy, he has kept most of his promises in less than a month.

Go Trump

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I definitely do not have the same view of Trump as Tanya. Granted, I am a Canadian. I agree that his business savvy is very strong, as Tanya points out it is laser focused. However, I have heard many accounts from witnesses of his generosity and humanitarian qualities, therefore my opinion of him is that he is more well rounded than what Tanya is giving him credit for.

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good points...see my statement from above: 'My reply, well stated Tanya...but this could be tweaked a bit for Trump does care about the human condition but again, sees it often as a business but well stated. But he is not a cold-hearted person. I think in my experiences, he is a good human being, wants best.'

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Tanya needs an education! She knows not of which she speaks CNN is hiring not bright people!

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She is DEI. I hear Delta airlines is hiring.

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that company that crashed, reporting suggests it may be due to their hiring???

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That war is being run for profit by true business villains. Time to stop it and save lives. The people are paying the price. Read the Chivalry series by Christian Cameron. War is fought on the backs of the little people. True charity is stopping the waste of lives and resources.

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Political Acumen? For Democrats, that seems to be holding on to power and enriching themselves without getting caught.

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Well that was obviously not one of her more informed brainiac comments. Quite dumb and opposite of the truth. Seems her TDS finally surfaced. What the world needs is now is not more fake political love sweet love, but a hard dose of reality from people with sense, experience and alpha justice.

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We need a hard line person. This country is in deep trouble and we need a ball buster. Time will tell if Trump is that person for the long haul because it’s going to get really nasty.

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Very very very nasty. He is doing what is moral and right,....his life will be in danger every second and I don't see 2025 ending well. Too many enemies of righteousness and I have other reasons to believe that.

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Well, Tanya is kind of hyperbolic in thinking that “business is ruthless and cutthroat”. A good business is actually fair, ethical, and caring of its employees and customers (especially if it’s a service business).

That would work well in government.

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I believe she is a hater and believes too many lies. He is very compassionate . He has helped without prompting many people he met or was told about that couldn’t a afford say an operation and has has given his money freely, found jobs for people that showed promise when no one else would take a chance, always donated to a good cause. Takes no salary as President too the free world. People that hate him do not really know the man but have been lead down that trail by politicians that want to ruin him . He is truly a peacemaker and all should be glad he was elected . Get of of the gossip trap and take a look at what he has accomplished in 30 days compared to Biden or who ever was running the country. This country was in a downward spiral just like Venezuela was because their leaders over spent their tax money, made bad decisions and put their country last. This man is uncovering major fraud that has occurred with our hard earned money and too many now millionaires dint want you to find out how they got their money.

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He cares about the lives lost in Ukraine and Russia. We all have one life to live and these war monger’s don’t care as long a s their families aren’t no effected. He is heart is true to humankind and the most sensitive of any person in wonderful charge of a country that I have ever know. He Works endlessly to get back citizens of different countries that are held prisoner. He I believes in God and is following what often he thinks God loves which is his people everywhere. He believes in peace. He is human and will make mistakes but will fix them if they don’t work. Home leaves no righteous person behind if he can help it.

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Amen, Amen!!

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Tanya is missing it all the way around. It sounds like someone that only gets news from CNN. Trump is trying to save our country. We’re in dire straits. What part of that does she not understand?

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I don't believe it's at all fair (for 'Tanya') to assert that "Trump has no political acumen" or "He has no moral compass."

There are serious concerns about how and when, if ever, he will address the mRNA covid jabs -- or whether he will leave that to RFK Jr.

But if Trump did not have the strongest moral compass of any politician I'm familiar with, he would never have sacrificed his privacy and devoted his full attention and energy to running for President, twice, despite all the intense, malicious opposition, including attempts on his life -- in order to Make America Great Again.

I am touched by his empathy and compassion for everyday Americans and his attention to the details of righting the wrongs of the Biden Administration.

Just three examples: Ending barbaric 'transgender' surgeries on children, traveling to North Carolina to provide hurricane disaster relief to the residents abandoned by the Biden Administration in favor of financially supporting criminal illegal aliens, and wanting to put an end the senseless killing in Ukraine.

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your post is excellent

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Thank you : )

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As if the folks with political acumen who have been running things have even a shred of a moral compass or recognize we the people as anything but lab rats and profit points.

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Anyone to say trump has no political acumen,is either stupid or blind. Or both. Or suffering from tds. Cmon, doc.

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Trump does absolutely view many aspects of life through a business lense but to say that he's got no political acumen or feelings for people beyond his viewpoint of business, indicates that Tanya is either a straight up hater of DJT or she's not studied the man in the least. The only other possibility is that her study of the President has been totally through the lense of MSM which is worse by far than knowing nothing about him at all.

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Or how about Tanya has never owned a business and has no idea how businesses are regulated by government. Business owners know more than most politicians do when it comes to managing budgets. Apparently Tanya also has no idea why the Soviet Union fell. Tanya, here is a hint…Bankruptcy! Get a clue! The financial well ran dry.

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Tanya might be on social security. Wait to see what she says soon about Elon.

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