Keep posting however best it works for you. You are the one doing the hard work and providing the service. I look forward to all your posts. And this teacher is a monster, likely due to the programming they don’t realise it. My children have always been unmasked at school and the school know that’s a line they can’t cross as we put it in writing. There would be no hiding place if this was done to my kids. The psychological abuse of children has been disgusting and is unrelenting.

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Agree 100% !

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On Trump, I don't hold most of the 2020 problems against him much. It's his behavior re: covid in 2021/22 that I have a much larger issue with.

In the early days of the pandemic, nearly everyone was worried that it could be quite deadly and there was very little opposition among the public for "2 weeks to flatten the curve". Unfortunately, most of us didn't realize that was just an entry drug for all the aspiring tyrants and totalitarians amongst our officials. We, and I include the President in we, gave them far too much benefit of the doubt. He pushed back some, but he had to walk a fine line being an election year. I think firing Fauci and Birx and Redfield and strongly resisting all restrictions would have blown up on him politically, even though I have a feeling his instinct was to do that. He fell for the "operation warpspeed" trap, but it's not like he had experts telling him he should say no.

My problem with Trump is that he does not seem to recognize, or acknowledge, his mistakes in playing along with Fauci et al. He is far too proud of the accomplishment of getting the vax out so fast, he seems incapable of realizing that it may have been his biggest mistake. He should be coming out hard against all Covid tyranny, being a cheerleader and motivator for politicians at the national and the state level to pass laws protecting personal and medical freedom. He needs to recognize that for many of his biggest supporters, this is THE most important issue. Even more than the election crimes. Without covid tyranny, the theft would never have happened. If he can't recognize that, I'm not sure I want him back in the White House. I will support anybody who leads on this issue, and no one who doesn't.

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Keep posting...I keep re-posting most of what you are saying because there is little commonsense out there these days...We could use a few more good honest warriors like you...

It is so surprising how many people do not understand the concept of early treatment and what works and what doesn't...

Same with Remdesivir...My father-in-law was hospitalized for a fall injury and tested 'positive'

The doctor had ordered the Remdesivir protocol and we had to threaten a law suit to stop it...

He wanted the information about the drawbacks and danger presented by the Rendesivir and we sent him some of your info from the YouTube C-19 discussions and other doctors.

He said, "I had no idea this drug was so deadly..." and he agreed to not proceed with the Remdesivir...So your work is actually saving lives...Thank You

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This is why back in the late eighties I stated the first homeschool support group in NJ.

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Post all you want, Paul. I really appreciate your passion for the truth and your efforts to keep us informed.

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I look forward to all your posts. Keep em coming.

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I get so many emails, but I have to at least skim them. I read this one. This is evil and child abuse. THE MASKS DON'T WORK!!! Can someone in the White House tell the truth? I think Trump still has poor advisors. I only trust Navarro. I also listen to Bannon.

When will sanity return to schools? Sorry, I'm preaching to the choir. This is infuriating and it's the kids that lose out because adults are afraid or controlling.

The teacher should be fired!!!

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You keep doing you and let your readers filter out content that they aren't interested in! Dr. Alexander - you wear your heart on your sleeve and your passion on this topic has *helped inform us all*!! As to this teacher - well, it's not the first time we've seen this happen and it probably won't be the last but as a parent - if my kids were being subjected to this masking bs - I know that I would not be tolerating it. I just don't understand why more parents aren't rising up?? I guess I have to be thankful that my kids are both adults because I'd probably be in jail right now, otherwise.....

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Do not let Biden off the hook! Yes, Trump shares some responsibility. He should never have shut down the country and should never have rushed the vaccines through and given Pharma a liability shield. However, Biden has kept the country locked down through fear mongering. Biden’s the one who is mandating these EUA vaccines which is unconstitutional and in violation of the Nuremberg Code. And, he’s not giving any consideration to natural immunity or medical reasons for exemption. He only allows for religious exemption because he knows he will lose that fight. I believe most people would not have taken the vaccine if they were completely informed of the risks and were not coerced into taking them or lose their job. Now he is forcing the vaxx on our children many of whom will die or become permanently disabled as a result. The Biden administration is also actively preventing early treatment and is censoring doctors, pharmacists and scientists from educating and treating patients as they are supposed to do. In my opinion, this is far worse than what Trump did. Good doctors are being canceled. People are dying needlessly. The economy is ruined. Suicide and drug abuse are major problems. Childhood IQ is declining a lot. He is destroying our country.

And, yes there are too many emails. Maybe once a day.

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A recent psychopath teacher jabbed a student at her house with a stolen vial and was arrested. The demons are unleashed.

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Yes, I saw that. People are nuts!!

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I have no problem with all the articles, send as many separate topic ones as you want. Though I confess I don't always have time to read them all. Perhaps you could put a length rating in the title like "short", "medium", "long" so we can know how much of a time commitment it is without having to open it up?

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I’m feeling overwhelmed with all the emails and tend to just delete without reading when I begin getting so many.

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Alex Berenson (aka Beaker from Sesame Street) used to blast Substack like it was Twitter, you've outdone even him.

It's an email. If I get 100 a day it's easy enough to delete. I don't mind if you send 1 or 100. The longer emails do take more of a time commitment and time is something not all of us have a lot of to spare.

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Maybe a "top 5" stories per day. Could probably do 1000/day if you covered most of the insanities.

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I actually do better with multiple posts that stick to a single subject per post. Frankly, I like the "breaking news" way you do things currently, although it took me time to adjust to the ardor of your writing style. Is it possible to make your links into hyperlinks?

As for the subject of this post-- what????

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Dr. Alexander, Trump did make big mistakes trusting people responsible for managing health care and response to medical crisis that were supposedly good but turned out to be evil (Fauci, etc.) But Trump is frankly our only realistic human chance to right this ship, that does not mean we should not criticize but let’s not play into the leftists hands and help them try and take down a politician who actually gets things done.

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agreed, it was know in DC I was the only person that would go to the WH and mow the lawn if he asked me...I supported that much...still do...he has to speak out.

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agreed...in DC, I was introduced in meetings as the one person in DC who would go to the WH and mow his lawn...I supported him that much, you should know and still do...I am just so angry...and if he would speak out he would gain tremendous support.

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