Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023

Trump lives rent free in Sage Hana's head. If others like to eat a diet of Big Macs and wear ties that hang half way to their knees then good luck to them. But I don't look to Trump for diet or fashion advice. And I sure don't look to him for advice on whether to take the shots or not. Only a dumbf*ck would do so. He's not a health and fitness coach or a fashion model. His job is to own the libs and implement superior policies. Anyone who wants to blame Trump for someone's decision to take the shots needs to evict him from their head. They need to get their brain chipped by Elon Musk for an IQ increase

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One must ignore all mainstream media and government agencies, especially anything medical in nature. Indoctrinazis are their name and murder is their game.

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Sarah Huckabee is still supporting Trump, as she should. She knows the facts. She knows the truth. She had a choice. It is not "Trump's fault".

She knows that Trump did what he had to do to mitigate the horrendous damage the evil globalists were intending to drop on the people of the world, especially America, with years-long lockdowns and total devastation of society as we knew it.

"Sage's Newsletter", is glibly and interestingly written, but the truth needs to be stated clearly and simply.

We are at war, and HAVE been at war since 2016, and in an un-declared covert war since 2020, after the deep state Dems attempted a "color revolution" against Trump and the White House, then rigged and stole the election from the people.

Trump must, and WILL complete his mission.

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