Actual terrorists? WEF, the WHO, Government.

Advertised terrorists? Anyone who dissents from the approved agenda.

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And pharmaceuticals "for your own good"

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More like pharmaceuticals for your own greed.

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The WHO are more of a terrorist threat than ISIS.

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That's for sure. Read their plans, makes me choke. bill gates of hell is the 2nd largest donor. Basically he "runs" the show.

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You are referring to traditional terrorism, but our greatest terrorism threats come from governments, the media, and The W.H.O. (and those who provide financial clout for their activities) who have been terrorizing us with bogey virus fears for 3 years now and hope to terrorize us with fears of climate change, misinformation, and radical "right wing extremists" who disagree with their totalitarian agenda.

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The US “War on terror” was never meant to be won. It benefits those who are tasked with protecting us.

Same with the war on drugs and the war on viruses.

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It's the money tree that keeps on giving and giving and giving....

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It continues to deflate me to hear or read an apparently serious person still believing the garbage collection that is the official story of the Sep 11 attacks. Very disappointing.

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Greetings Paul,

Such a load of horseshit that article was.

I mean really.

Here's the lowdown:

1. 9/11 in 2001 - a US created fake terror event. Strict laws come into being afterwards to look into everyone's affairs. Western world govt coordination starts on a massive scale.

2. Subprime crisis 2008 - a US created financial terror event. Impoverishment of working classes and chipping away at middle class savings and retirement investments.

3. Covid-19 in 2020 - a US created biological terror event. Impoverishment of lower and upper middle classes, the cause of death of millions on account of starvation, suicide, withholding of medical treatments, wholesale deadly medical intervention aka the mRNA gene therapy.

4. Sometime before say 2027/2028 the collapse of the world economy for everyone besides very high net worth individuals and the super rich and high flyers in govt. Respective governments will declare open physical warfare on all citizens outside of VHNW and super rich classes.

So, for me to read shit like this on a Friday evening - after having had just one week back at work at my law-firm desk, which felt like two months - about the alleged Muslim terror threat in the middle east and Africa.

Well sorry Paul, but that author needs to move her gig venue to the White House or the US Military or a Top Gun academy or some underground government gay/lesbian whorehouse where you can fuck a 12 year old boy/girl and get a brew and a cheese burger and then go home to the wife/hb and kids and say:

"What day I had...woe unto me".

Life's much too short these days for me to read utter horseshit twaddle.

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I think you got things all wrong.

Everything is right on schedule with Biblical Prophecy. Read Revelations.

The Rapture is eminent.

The years calculation of the Terminal Generation.

1948 + 90 = 2038 - 3 - 7 = 2028. The twinkling of an eye.

Make right with Jesus.

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Hi James,

Would you please explain the numbers you mention.

I'm not really up on the new testament.

Thank you.


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As if we don't have enough to worry about with the terrorists in the government & global alphabet agencies and the medical-industrial complex.

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... since 9/11 ... like 9/11 was a terrorist attack perpetrated by agents of al-Qaeda?

Both believers and disbelievers of the 9/11 story must accept miracles and absurdities

Paradoxical? Not when you consider the 9/11 propaganda strategy and how mind control works


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Architects and Engineers for 9/11, Inc dispute the rhetoric spouted by the clowns.

Have you seen the video of pres bush when he was notified? He was reading to children, looked like a deer in the headlights. The night before, rumsfeld announced the Pentagon loss of several ?trillion dollars. The plane that supposedly flew into the pentagon 'flew directly into that part of the pentagon with all the financial records. A friend of mine, a retired navy pilot, said that it would be impossible to fly an airliner into that exact spot without crashing into the bridge or trees first.

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But what needs to be recognised is that they wrote the story, they chose how the story went, right? They wrote the narrative with the full knowledge that it was ridiculous ... and they even over-egged the ridiculousness - they didn't need a plane into Defence HQ for their terror story, did they? - two planes into the twin towers (impossible as they were of themselves) would have been more than sufficient for their terror story but no, no, no, no, they went overboard with extra and created an even more unbelievable scenario. They simply relied on the limitless elasticity of the Emperor's New Clothes effect and the fact that propaganda actually works better the more ridiculous it is. That sounds very counterintuitive but power works differently than what we expect from normal people, very, very differently.


While I'm sure A&E has many genuine members it is a government-sponsored organisation. The disbelievers of the 9/11 narrative have been propagandised into believing what's most important is the physics of the building collapses, especially WTC-7 - the building not hit by a plane!, when in reality the physics of the plane crashes (and their obvious fakery) is just as important (as you allude to in your comment) and it's the planes which are more of the smoking gun than the buildings. WTC-7 didn't need to come down on 9/11, if they'd wanted stuff destroyed in it they could have destroyed the stuff without destroying the building - after all 3, 4, 5 and 6 plus a couple of other buildings were severely damaged and then destroyed later - the same could have happened for 7. WTC-7's flagrant implosion was a "gift" to the anticipated disbelievers of the story (obviously, they knew some people wouldn't believe the nonsense) so that was our "gift" to keep it all on the buildings and the physics of building destructions rather than on the equally against-the-laws-of-physics and obviously faked planes.

--- The four fake plane crashes reveal the truth that nobody died in a plane, those deaths were faked as were the alleged loved ones of the fake passengers ... which can be a slippery slope to questioning all the deaths, after all, 9/11 was a demolition job and in demolition jobs they evacuate the buildings and surrounding areas prior to destruction. There is no reason at the outset that a full evacuation of the World Trade Centre couldn't have been done and, in fact, if it wasn't we need to question how it was that deaths were recorded in WTCs 1, 2 and 3 (the Marriott) but not in 4, 5, 6 and 7 when all the buildings were either completely destroyed or severely damaged. Obviously, full evacuations were achieved ... how did they orchestrate it so that deaths occurred only in 1-3 but not 4-7? And who brought the buildings down. Surely, Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI), the company they tell us was hired to clean up the rubble, was heavily involved ... rather than the Five Dancing Israelis caught in a roadblock in a white van in with explosives dust. Yeah, right! It was dancing Israelis! No, it was CDI, a highly professional outfit that the US government staff involved in this "exercise" would never have asked to be involved in partial evacuations where people were left to be killed horribly in buildings.

--- The fake planes automatically prove that the buildings came down by a controlled means so we actually don't have to spend a second on the buildings when we show the planes were faked - it doesn't work the other way though, does it? And they want our attention following as many different paths as possible with the greatest amount of confusion.

--- The fake planes expose the ludicrous catastrophic failure of US air defence ... while the buildings don't.

--- And, as stated before, nobody died in a plane and they don't want focus on fakery of death.

The planes are where it's at, not the buildings but the "controlled opposition" has got us all focused on the buildings away from the planes.

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Wow! Thank you. So disgusting. And we are stuck with the (anti)Patriot's Act. I had read somewhere that the night before Bldg 7 came down, men were seeing removing gold bullion from the building??? Found this:


foreignpolicyjournal.com 2019/09/06 The official story of the collapse of WTC building 7 lies in ruins.

Sorry having problems copy and pastings.

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ISIS? Was this not supposedly the greatest danger to Western society perhaps ever? How come they just suddenly disappeared entirely? Where did they go? Did they retire along with the fabled Syrian Electronic Army? This article is nonsense. ISIS was a fabrication by intelligence agencies, militaries and Western governments as a justification and precursor to justify our presence in Syria to overthrow Assad and other areas such as Yemen, Lebanon, Iran etc. I am by no means a fan of Russia nor any of these governments, but is it not a strange coincidence how ISIS disappeared after Russia intervened in the region? Can we not convey how a large contingent of the "ISIS" operatives were of USA, Canada, UK and other Western countries-many whom were not Muslim either but actually mercenaries financed via black ops? I personally know former soldiers who were offered cash to go to Syria for and whom also returned after the mission failed. The same for Ukraine. A few hundred thousand dollars for a deployment. All they have to do is grow a beard and dress accordingly and film a few videos. What became of these thousands of supposedly deadly warriors? They vanished in the wind or are plotting a new attack? Al-Queida doesn't support ISIS-therefore it would not make sense they all migrated to Afghanistan. Was Al-Queida also not a Western government creation whom possessed NATO supported previously as well. I am struggling to identify the threat or purpose of this article-and as many others have clearly pointed out there are REAL terrorists whom are active and far more prominent and causing ongoing damage and suffering to our way of life such as the WHO, WEF and our own corrupted government officials. This is shameful propaganda and psyops.

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The same people who created al-CIAda also cooked up the Islamic State, from the same cookbook.

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FIB is the Domestic booking agents for these "Tourists". Our enemies are to be found in the DC Feral Coup Swampster City.


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After having gone through several years of experiencing extreme psychological operations throughout the world, I can hardly get interested in hearing about al-Queda until or unless they strike. If you have hard intel, then tell us. Otherwise, we don’t need any more fear mongering.

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They're on Team America. Unfortunately, US taxpayers have been funding and equipping violent groups to fight proxy wars. Eventually, they turn on us.

Did you notice how the world was becoming more peaceful when Trump was president then flipped back to more violence after Biden took over? The US government has been the head of the snake.

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Well said. Thank you.

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Yes, It’s as plain as day how the Biden coup government has brought destruction, authoritarianism, economic disaster, genocide, wars and general chaos to the world, in stark contrast to Trump’s administration.

Even so, Trump brought warp speed toxic injections through a military “countermeasures” assault on the general and unsuspecting population. It boils down to which road to hell do you prefer the US to take?

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Most of the terrorism in the world would disappear with the intelligence agencies that we abolished.

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The Us fed gov is the largest terrorist organization in the world

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Why do they hate the USA with such ferocity?

What is it you have done that has made so many people hate you so vehemently?

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