"Many of his fellow officers considered him the most dangerous man alive - an honest cop".

- Tagline from the feature film Serpico.

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Great movie!

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One of the best!

"Cruising" was also one of the most underrated Pacino movies ever made.

The plot is about a serial killer prowling the party scene in the Meatpacking District in NYC in the 1980's.

Cop Pacino is given the job by NYPD to infiltrate the scene and catch the killer.

By the end of the movie you aren't sure whether or not he's actually the killer.

Directed by William Friedkin of "To Lie & Die in LA" fame.

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Look at what they've been giving for years to pediatricians to have a certain percentage of their practices fully vaxxed. This isn't anything new.

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Finally coming out into the sunshine. Finally.

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Everyrhing has always been a human experiment. My mother and I were talking about the formula shortage and she said thats no big sewl, mothers can use this, and she had a recipe for making condensed milk formula/goats milk formula. I asked her if she had trouble nursing. She said, " no, during that perjod they didnt want mothers nursing and they gave you medicine to dry up the milk. Years later they have studies regarding not nursing, unhealthier children, allergies, asthma, etc.

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This is clearly a GUILTY PLEA. for it is as much in clear breach of the Nuremberg Code to manipulate by inducement (bribe) the receiving of an experimental medical treatment as it is to threaten or coerce the taking of said treatment.

such evidence as this really should make the trials of these beasts really very brief with justice being delivered promptl;y . .

if that is any people have the heart to do it

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We can hope.

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They perfectly have characterize the meaning of the word reprehensible!

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I’m the UK what would the doctors excuse be then as the consultants received no bribes but strongly recommended them? Even to a 15 year old with epilepsy anc other neuro issues (made worse after #2 now taking no more. Of any).

My neurologist declared them ‘safe’. I informed her that the application for licensing to the EU had enough that worried me to decline. Such as raised liver profile. Such as ‘truncated non target double and single strand RNA and DNA’. And she answered ‘no one dies from them!’

While GP practices were given bonus money for achieving vaccination percentages. Just as they do for the childhood schedules. And for well baby checks. And for the annual asthma checks. And for women’s annual Vee oval smears. And unlike the GPs of the old BBC series on country doctors, they don’t need to be on call, make house calls, or even work after 6:00 pm or weekends.


I guess the lust for money is the root of evil in medicine. Saving lives is less important than a new Mercedes Benz.

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The Love of Money is the Root of All kinds of Evil!!!!!!! Makes me sick to think that this was the case. Sadly I am not surprised because in my state there were raffles for hunting licenses and other things. I knew something really sick was going on when they were bribing people to get it.

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We always knew this was one part of it.. It reminds me of a movie I saw one time.. These people did something horrendous, and everybody was trying to figure out why they did it.. Somebody suggested MONEY, and the guy said GOD helps us all if they did what they did just for money.. Wish I could remember the movie, it was more poignant in the movie with context..

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How disgusting is that kind of bribing? This reeks!

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Paul and all,

Great you some doctors are highlighted who received BRIBE $ for pushing poison on their patients, BUT…those who focus on just the doctors have horrifically missed the mark by NOT focusing on the ENTIRE list of co-conspirators who took BRIBE $ that is still continuing to murder humanity today!

The COVID19 Community Corp began April 2021, funded with BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER MONEY. Our taxpayer money was given to 17,000 bribed co-conspirator individuals and organizations to push the SAFE AND EFFECTIVE narrative! The endless list is here…


Dr. Peter McCullough highlighted this enormous organization of co-conspirators in his presentations! Why not focus on the entire BIG picture of bribed co-conspirators at this late date of this crushing BIOTERRORISM Theatre still continuing?

Again, the focus should be on the BIG picture!

The following current column from Lex Greene below has ignited a firestorm of response from new NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER members coming to them to unite, out of total frustration with a past lack of unity and direction.



Not only CAN we unite around the common goal of Freedom and Liberty, we MUST unite by setting our individual priorities in a manner that will allow us to work together on the TOP PRIORITIES which we agree on, and focus on the things we don't agree on later!

Divided, we don't stand a chance! Only when we UNITE in working strategies on TOP PRIORITIES do we have a chance!


Mother/Grandmother Lion of 7 and counting

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That’s why they must be held accountable for their actions. No leniency and no forgiveness

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As Gomer Pyle would say, "Shame, shame, shame!"

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It's the war between those who create "money" out of nothing and those who have to earn it. The "money" powers purchase real assets and real actions.

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Thank you, Paul!! And holy crap is this just shameless what they are doing.

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Who paid Anthem? They've generally been pretty tight with a dime.

Is there a findable contract between Anthem and Pfizer? Moderna? HHS?

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Straight out violation of the Nuremberg Code.

COERCION of any type MUST NOT be used on citizens in the application of any experimental medicine, treatment or procedure.

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