I know a mother (early 40s) and her 20 year old son who were both diagnosed with cancer ON THE SAME DAY. She has breast cancer, the son has testicular cancer. Both vaxed. In both cases, the cancer was well advanced by the time it was diagnosed. Pray for them.

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It seems there is a great deal of obvious acceleration of cancer and it needs further exploration.

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Mechanisms explained by Dr. Ryan Cole and others. Jab shuts off the other half of the immune system responsible for among other things patrolling and destroying cancer cells. So, no defense against cancer and it merrily proliferates into a turbo cancer. By the way, they've been researching this since 2005 ... this article illustrates the role the immune system plays in cancer suppression even tho it discusses strategies used by tumor cells to evade immune suppression


.Evidence indicates that the healthy immune system is necessary for control of malignant disease and that immune suppression associated with cancer contributes to its progression. Tumors have developed strategies to successfully evade the host immune system, and various molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for tumor evasion have been identified. Certain of these mechanisms target immune anti-tumor effector cells. Dysfunction and apoptosis of these cells in the tumor-bearing host creates an immune imbalance that cannot be corrected by immunotherapies aimed only at activation of anti-tumor immune responses.

And there you have it... they knew what they were doing when they crafted the Hell shot...

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:( 🙏

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That is so so so so so so awful

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Our daughter (family practice PA) has seen a marked increase in aggressive cancers, particularly young people. Just awful!

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They sure made sure to cover the bases that this would spread like wildfire throughout the whole body and passing blood barriers...

Also, making sure to Sterilize men and women...

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...spread like wildfire throughout the whole body...

But in doing so it is much harder to pass off as a 'normal' cancer. And when the autopsies start, and the results published, it will be obvious that the tumours are full of spike proteins.

They have signed their own death warrants.

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What autopsies?

What publications?

These events are being memory-holed as fast as they're happening.

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Who has EVER heard of so many athletes suddenly developing testicular cancer? EVER? And of course there are the sudden athlete deaths up by 1000s of percent if my numbers are correct. Spanning the years 2004 to 2008 there were 45 cardiac deaths (Circulation. 2011;123:1594–1600). "Between 2021 and 2022, more than 1,650 professional and amateur athletes collapsed due to cardiac events, with 1,148 of these incidents ending in their deaths".(https://www.biznews.com/health/2023/01/16/sudden-death-athletes). So if I'm right that means that there used to be about 11 cardiac deaths/incidents per year prior to the shots. Now there are over 1600 per year????? I was never good at arithmetic but isn't that a 140-fold increase (like a 14,000% increase?)? But the 'fact checkers' (what a misnomer) insist that there have been NO increases in athlete deaths!

I guess we should not be surprised but it really is grotesque when you think about the increased numbers and the fact that nobody pays attention. We're seeing the deaths of young people greater than occurred in America's various wars. In the UK, the excess deaths have exceeded those caused during The Blitz in WWII! If those deaths were horrific and scared the world, why 's that not happening now? It's like having completely full A380's or B747's crashing daily. Even ONE crash and it's page to page and BREAKING NEWS ALERT coverage. And of course with Pilots dying suddenly, we're just waiting for a disaster but thank G-d for the fact that there are still two pilots in the cockpit; but not if the airlines can convince the F(D)AA (not a typo) to require only a single pilot, but I digress.

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We're rather in the position, as if when The Allies having stomped through Germany by May 1945, then placed all the surviving Nazis back in their positions and allowed them to carry on, business as usual... 🤔

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What actually happened was that the USSR and the USA scooped up the top Nazi weapons scientists and their families and took them back home and put them to work. The Nazis who went to the USSR suddenly became good little Communists overnight and the ones in the US became good little Capitalists.

It was like a scene from the movie 'The Conformist' in which, when the Fascists in Italy were defeated and the main character suddenly found himself surrounded by victorious Marxists marching in a parade. He quickly removed his Fascist party badge from the lapel of his suit and surreptitiously pinned it to a Communist then marched off with the parade singing 'The Internationale' ready to begin his new life, probably as a senior Communist official.

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Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose... 🙄💩

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7,5000 adverse impacts and deaths per week. 2.5 million per year. Let it soak in do, please. Then tell me they didn't 'know' what the jabs would do. The trillionaire masters knew. The 'scientists' knew.. and they ARE going to hook you up to AI will you nil you.. or your children if they can't get you ...

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The jab fanatics have noticed both these new turbo cancers and the SADS cases. They are attributing the cause to covid. Why are biopsies or autopsies that look for the presence of Spike alone vs Spike plus Nucleocapsid protein and that also look at dates of immunisations if any. Spike alone would be very revealing and even Spike plus Nucleocapsid would not exonerate the jabs. Proper methods of statistical analysis should be able to easily confirm whether or not Spike has a significant causal role. It's reprehensible that adequate studies have not been done and published. The guilty parties obviously do not want the truth exposed. It is sad that they are being allowed to get away with it.

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You'd just think all athletes would be shaking in their tennies at this point.

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They're in la la land believing the State's lies that it's covid or PASC (post acute sequelae of covid) that is killing other athletes and that they'll be protected by the kool-aid injection. They don't connect the dots when the State refuses to provide data indicating that the dead athletes are almost all jabbed and that many have not had covid. The State refuses to require autopsies that would show many of the dead are Spike protein factories with no sign of Nucleocapsid protein.

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"Don't let them get away with it."

Powerful video with Dr. Tess Lawrie.


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Who wrote it? Thats what is key.

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Poem written by Margaret Anna Alice.

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My daughter in law has three friends whose parents were diagnosed with advanced cancer after the vaccine and all three dead within a month of primary diagnosis!

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The commitment to keep lying (hiding the truth) is sickening.

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It's curious. Very curious. I compare what I'm reading on the substacks and other places to my day-to-day experience and... What a disjunct. About the worst is my stepdaughter's slow, sad shuffle into that dark night as her reactions to the 3 Lethal Injections she took continue to build... OTOH her injected brothers seem to be fine...🤔 Still.. she took the injections in 2021/22 and she's still kicking. One coworker a few months back was off for a day or two, bad reaction to his third injection... But he returned "on the third day" so to speak, apparently none-the-worse for wear. Again, 2 years back a co-worker told me how her 70+ year old dad, up till then healthy as a horse -- after his Lethal Injections developed a stubborn case of shingles. A friend related how an acquaintance of hers sustained a series of mild strokes after taking The Injections. 2 employees at the shipyard I work in apparently were struck down, one died in his mid thirties leaving a 9-year-old daughter, another, far as I know still alive developed thyroid cancer which I've gathered is a bit odd.. there is a drastic shortage of workers in Victoria rather suddenly which may be due to The Poison Death Shots.. or may not.. that's been going on for the last couple of years..

But bodies lying on the ground? Collectors with carts and cries of "bring out yer dead!" charging ninepence a stiff and occasionally helping the unwilling on their way? Nah... Not so much... why is there such a contrast between what I'm reading, and what I'm seeing? As with "Covid" and in 3 years I have yet to see one credible case of it when I should know of dozens dead... And with the Lethal Injections, been reading the most dreadful stories imaginable, watching online all the collapses of sports figures and news casters.. Unlike "Covid" I'm not inclined to doubt these stories..

But up-front and first-person singular? I'm seeing... Nothing... 😳🤔

What's going on here?

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Interesting. With COVID I personally knew ONE (1st or 2nd hand) who ended up in hospital and on a vent and thankfully he wasn't killed by hospital protocol (Remdesivir and ventilation). But with the shots I now know of, either 1st hand or 2nd hand, 10's of folks who've had severe post-vaccination disease. My brother in law became very ill and over a year kept getting worse and died eventually of kidney failure (a well known adverse event associated with the mRNA shots). Others have had severe cardiac issues including MI. My closest friend who is in great shape as a cyclist now has SVT, and his wife developed shingles, both post vaccination. Of course it's all just coincidence.

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Personal knowledge 1. autoimmune blood disease leading to death potentially - disabled from working Pharmacist. 2. boss at work, diagnosed as a migraine headache - classic signs of a stroke - confused speech and vision loss, and a previously unknown murmur discovered. Mom's nose runs continuously never did before. Dad, nose bleeds. Brother (on an immune suppressor and followed closely - nada.) Me non injected as I never would trust an 'experimental' gene therapy treatment without a whole lot more 'testing'. And now I see I was right. Wonder which batches they all got. Because yeah, the dosages vary as they drew more than one from each vial and the batches vary hugely, some might even be saline.... Overall impression - more chronic health issues in the jabbed showing up. Less energy, less drive..more mental tiredness and focus issues.

Oh, and if they exert themselves (athletes, pilots, etc) more SADS, heart attacks and sudden cardio issues. Cousin needs a hysterectomy - approaching menopause and she's anemic from the volume of her bleeds - started 6 months ago (cancer mentioned) - boosted in Canada 6 months ago....

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Yeah I'm reading, hearing, and seeing stories like that all over... And I don't doubt them. But first hand experience? Zip, Nada, Zilch. Maybe British Columbia counts as a "Blue State" and they shipped us some slow-acting batches and extra saline... 🤔🙄💩

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The answer is our marvelous and as yet mysterious immune system. The toxins are not cyanide and does not act uniformly on everyone. There are those who trigger violent adverse events and many are able to cope.

Perhaps it was intentionally designed to be selective. In which case there is a mechanism for action that is still not well researched.

However, there is speculation that over time the toxin becomes entrenched, expands and eventually those vaxxed will show varying degrees of sickness.

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That's part of it, for sure... 🤔

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Awful. The story needs to be told, thanks for doing it.

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Leftists have no testicles, or just vestigial remnants. Besides, they wanted to transition anyway!!

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And this is just the beginning.😔 this should maybe be considered death through negligence.

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No.. death through malfeasance... And butt-headed naive stupidity...

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Are you allowed to say that in Canada? I'm surprised it's not a thought crime on a par with expressing disapproval of blackface, or disapproval of the groping of non-consenting women or disaproval of pedophilia.

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A surprising number of women who appear to be women and have external female genitalia have testicles concealed in the abdominal cavity. Some women who have had multiple clot shots could be at risk of these new testicular turbo cancers.

Women such as Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama should probaly be getting their balls checked.

More Women Than Expected Are Genetically Men - Novo Nordisk Fonden


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They are pushing so so hard to make it 'normal' to be man, but still be a woman too and 'give birth'... you have to laugh. Yes, these are outliers and NOT FREQUENT as they would have you believe...but very telling it is a genetic abnormality. What do you want to bet they can inject mRNA and maybe twiddle these things around in fetus by giving to mom?

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That's a very good point!

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This is very interesting and somewhat hopeful information from Dr. Henry Ealy on the cause and potential cure for the "turbo" cancers. Thank you Dr. Alexander for who you are and what you do.


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Listen to this folks even a layman can build some understanding of what is happening and learn some tools to counteract this.

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Thank you Dr Alexander and Dr Makis. Why were these other so called oncologist that have cancer patients pushing these concoctions so hard. It’s beyond belief and hard to fathom.

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Agree! My brother has multiple myeloma (non-active) and his oncologist says he should absolutely get every booster. And he has obeyed. 😢

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One method of action by which cancer will be initiated by these things, is the mitochondrial damage they incur. It is well known, though seemingly not so much by the medical 'profession', that a cell can only ever turn cancerous and reproduce, if its electron transport chain is not working optimally (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#CancerMito2) . Since the spike does damage mitochondria (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref83158183), this is, imho, a possible further instigator of mRNA cancer.

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I and others are trying to get The people to unite to end 3 years of devastating Treason in all directions!

The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement in 1 direction with the same messaging with real strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason! NO other organization has had any wins the past 3 years like the the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER that I mention below.

UNITED, We can do anything we want!

Divided, there is nothing we can do!

Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing unity…



P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!

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My brother who was blind got both shots against my advice and then he was diagnosed with lung cancer or throat or both really couldn’t get good information from anyone but he was dead within a month!!! Turbo cancer!!! Died on the same day they were putting my oldest brother ( massive stroke) to rest 😞. These bastards killed both my brothers and I am the only one left of the same generation.

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