Saw that in a post early this morning by Frances Leader. Included it in my own post later this morning. It is amazing to see the obvious connections. If we ever get out of this place we are going to have to lock up some very sick psychopathic toxic narcissists.

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Lock up is not enough

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Probably not. First we have to overcome their little schemes

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How though? They appear to be untouchable.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

No ones untouchable, depends on far someone is willing to go to get justice.

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Judy Mikovits, PhD wasn't able to do so when fakesey ruined her career because her AIDS research was ahead of his. He has the most powerful demoncrap in the country backing him because he's nothing more than her castrated boy who will do her bidding.

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There has to be a lot of people, a decent judge, and a willingness to be in a bad situation.

Example the great dr fakesey. He got away with his lies and deceits since 1985, AIDS. How many died because of him, then. Same thing now, however, more people are speaking up.

If every doctor in a hospital walked out, how long would it take, or all of the nurses, or both. Divert them to other hospitals. Work on 1 hospital at a time. That's what closes the trap door.

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I have been saying this for months, since the "Comet" TV station began re-broadcasting the original 1990s X-Files series from Fox! It appears that all the international bad actors: Schwab, Gates, the UN, WEF, Democrat party "leaders" and shadow leaders, EU leaders, UK labor party, etc. got together and binge-watched the series, then said, "Let's do that!"

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You've got it backwards. They said it first. This was their plan for decades!

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Now flip it around.

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I saw that recently! Isn't it obvious we're living in someone's plan?

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Well, yes.

It is some peoples preferred porn. They always talk about it, go on and on.

I wish they had fantasies about populating the stars instead of burning the cities.

Cities in Flight, James Blish.

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 When we were told by the CDC and Pfizer, that the DNA is not altered by the injections. It was the first of many lies to come.  If you pay attention, you will realize that this is the new drug delivery system for big Pharma and it’s full steam ahead.  Merck has already announced that they are going into phase 3 of testing an mRNA injection for melanoma.  somewhere between 100, and 200 drug manufacturers are already intensely developing nano drug injections.  They will all claim that since Pfizer and etc. got Emergency dispensation from liability that all new life saving injections should be included for the better good. A vibrant immune system with ample vitamin D at the cellular level does the same thing as the Merck injection. That is totally ignored by the manufactures because it’s not a profit proposition.  The  x file video 

Mentioned crispr.  The book called the codebreakers spells it all out.  They are totally ignoring  the unacceptable side effects from injections that are not controllable as to outcome. Covid has proven this! Pfizers own research reported over 1000 different adverse reactions from their mRNA injections.  CDC is still putting out public messages to get the injections as well as Pfizer on TV. It is out of control.!

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Pharma-Feds will announce 1001 cures based on mRNA delivery, with the inevitable side-effects tantamount to casualties of warfare on our soil that cannot be challenged or questioned due to the 1001 miracle feats by mRNA.

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I read now the recommendation is a flu vax for children to protect against a Strep A…..


Antibiotics was always the treatment so one now has to wonder what’s in the flu jab….that will cause harm?

As a general guide ANY Daily Telegraph article upon which readers cannot comment, can be safely assumed to be Gates inspired propaganda as he has an interest in the paper….

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The strep A is happening because kids are jabbed & now have compromised immune systems. Strep is a bacterium...it especially can cause problems in individuals with poor immune function. The new flu vax are mRNA mixed with cv mRNA far as I understand. A double death shot, that if it doesn't kill or injury, surely is altering dna.

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Gates of hell ! He makes me so furious.

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Beware Jeremy Farrar now of the WHO…

As bad as Fauci I fear…

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Possibly worse, if that’s possible.

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As an older person, I was convinced to have the flu vaccine. I had a vax injury about 7 months beforehand. The injury caused permanent tachycardia among other issues. The flu vax amplified the symptoms. I can’t imagine it stops a bacterial infection. Sounds like more money making to me

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My mantra - money, power, control

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

In their satanic religion, they MUST tell/show us their plans. They consider it "OUR FAULT/PROBLEM", if we do nothing. Saying nothing they consider as implied consent. The reason they do this is to not bring karma upon them. After all, they "told" us and we consented by not raising a stink. See how messed up these f'ers are? They CONSTANTLY use media as their contractual agreements between themselves & the public. 🤬 Once I realized what their game was, I stopped watching or listening to their media. My news is the esoteric truthers. The only movies I watch are very old movies, and even THERE you catch glimpses of telling the public what they are doing or planning. Next time you watch the Alistair Sim version of A Christmas Carol, listen carefully what the unscrupulous business partner of a firm that Scrooge & Marlee plan to hostile takeover....he says out loud " I beat my wife and eat babies". That was outting this satanic cabal who DO TORTURE & EAT BABIES/CHILDREN!!!! And have for centuries. 🤬

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Truth for sure. I don't watch much TV as I don't have anything except for Amazon Prime but initially I got it to shop for goods and get fast shipping. I sometimes have these urges to watch certain shows. The latest one was a show called "The Peripheral" and I had gotten to episode 4 which was going over a future scenario event which involved power grid attacks and grid down across the continents. Strangely enough the news had stories of grid attacks here in a state I live in (Washington state) at the same time. The other events they depicted were pandemics, starvation and natural catastrophes. Not sure what is up with that but during the same week (the day after I watched this episode) a Youtuber I watch that decodes TV and movies covers this same episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMMu4_FZReQ Then in that decode he talks about "I am Legend" which just recently they said in the news that they have an mRNA drug to cure cancer which of course is on the 15th anniversary of the movie. He covers that here...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgwsJNtps3E In his live shows on YouTube Casey says the holy spirit guides him to watch these shows. I seem to be having the same draw to these entertainment shows as he does. Definitely I get freaked out; I already thought we were living in a "Twilight Zone" episode for some time now.

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Yep...they are TELLING us their plans. By continuing to watch we are consenting. Leave bad reviews and in those reviews be sure to say, I do not consent to this happening to us. That, in their religion of satan/ba'al, brings bad karma to them.

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I will do that. I also believe in exposing these Satanic bastards like Casey does on his YouTube channel so more people know what they are up too. Most people don't care especially if they are jabbed.

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The devil is very legalistic. The entering into contract part is very similar to how individuals become possessed. Sounds like they are trying to possess the world.??We need a worldwide consecration to Jesus to combat this.

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I believe for those that got vaccinated they have entered into a contract which has sealed their fate much like the Hollywood celebrities have talked about in the past to obtain their fame and fortune. Many have stated they have literally sold their souls. Yes, the devil is definitely into contracts. For some reason I have the ability to sense his trickery and avoid his traps but when I warn others, they think I am crazy. One of the larger ones was the ALS Ice Bucket challenge; it become so popular I felt I had to warn those I knew about it. It had too many occult signs to ignore. Of course, the warning fell upon deaf ears, and I was called a "Conspiracy Theorist" among other names. My biggest "don't sign this contract" warning was to keep my job of 17 years just by getting jabbed. Of course, alarm bells went off in my head and I definitely turned it down and didn't have a job anymore.

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That is a terrifying thought. I think you may be right about the vax contract but they would want people to feel hopeless and not seek help. They may lose their body but there is always a way to save one's soul because of free will.

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I think your right. The ppl who seek help are being mocked and turned away. I believe there is help. But I also think the injured need to apologize & repent to God and he will help the healing.

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You know it is 100 percent that they want that soul when a Euthanasia clinic requires the vaccine so they can kill you with whatever means they use. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10257489/German-euthanasia-group-says-clients-vaccinated-against-Covid-19.html Yes, I believe if one repents for having taken it that God will listen for sure, and your soul will be saved and possibly the body. This is definitely going to happen to all the souls that had no say in getting vaccinated (e.g., the fragile elderly and small children.) I was trying to find the article and sound clip of a priest who fell for the vaccine and repented but I can't locate it anymore. It tells you about his ordeal.

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Oh and another huge trickery is all the cancer donation drives!

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It tajes HUGE strength of character to do that. God will reward you for that.

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My wife still berates me for making my family suffer for the financial turmoil of not having a 6-figure job anymore. She was even trying to convince me that it is best to get the vaccine. Even though I tell her what happened to my coworker who died after he got his 2nd one. She said yeah but his family got lots of money. You can see some people only look beyond their own comfort and want of the worldly pleasures in their mind is a worthy trade. They don't think beyond the worldly pleasures as they don't believe in a soul and think there is nothing beyond owning of material things to them.

Yes, it was nice in that I was driving Italian cars with two Maserati's (Coupe Cambiocorsa and a Granturismo) and she still has her Alfa Romeo Stelvio. I would never hear the end of it if she couldn't drive that. Most of this is gone now but I knew the price would be too great in the end to keep it all and it was easy to let it all go. I was too the point where we had much stuff and at times it was burdensome. I am still offloading material goods and giving people good deals e.g. $120K car for $25K etc. to the right person. The person who got my Granturismo was extremely happy as it was his dream to own one.

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Even more so they tequire you to say "I do not consent". They don't believe/follow Yeshua/Jesus. So you cant invoke him to them. Remember fir them it's directly contractual to each human. Its THEIR BELIEF, not yours.

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Yes. I would not address them in any way that is extremely dangerous and would bring the fight to you. Only an exorcist can do that. I'm saying we should ask God for help in a very public universal way. A procession in the streets with the holy sacrament and a blessing flying over the entire aflicted nation. If you could but the priests have abdicated their duties. We the people would have to do it ourselves.

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I thought this was almost a joke, how is this possible, I was an X Files fan but don’t remember this… like they took the script and set it in motion, mind blowing is right!

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Only the diehard fans of the series remember anything past season 5 or 6. Went downhill thereafter.

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I wonder if these actors remembered this script - and if they did, did they get the injections?

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Thanks for the Friday night entertainment Paul.

I enjoyed that.

What's next - Biden getting a Curious Case of Benjamin Button treatment (as a doppelganger for Brad Pitt) to come back as the real Brad Pitt and start his own trans-American transsexual Fight Club taking out straight US city after straight US city?

Or, John Holmes reincarnating and winning a mainstream Oscar for the best lead performer in a multiracial gang-bang scene?

Or, Sly Stallone and the Governator as they are right now going twelve rounds with Fauci and Fauci flipping the gain of function switch on himself and killing them both ten seconds before the final bell.

The thing is I've got bills to pay at the end of December 2022 and all my clients are on leave and avoiding the bills I've sent them; every day we have electricity outages for hours at a time in South Africa, and my wife is acting like a real cow tonight blaming me for everything she's miserable about in her life, so please excuse me while I deal with what's right in front of me right now.

Greetings to all good people and acolytes of the right honourable Dr Paul Elias Alexander PhD.

With fond affection from Cape Town.


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And to destroy Economies so there is a one world government

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There's a luciferian theory called "revealing the method" to protect themselves. If they show you through publications or movies, and you do nothing, then they are "good"...

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Now pay attention to the Netflix series called "The Chosen."

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Yes, this is the very worst of all. People are letting psychopaths tamper with their DNA in order to be allowed to go to a bar, to the cinema. Selling themselves, their heritage for worldly pleasures. Very disturbing to watch.


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It’s predictive programming.

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Predictive Programming! Jab a weeding out of the free thinkers aka critical & creative thinkers from the sheep. In order to get AI to the level required they need to upload the brain processes of those who actually think...vs. those who only follow and outsource their thinking to authority figures. So, while we imagine that we will be left alone, there will be a way they will round us up to 'harvest' the way our brain works. They want genius and genius even though rare, is the final piece of the AI development.

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AI will only ever begin to approximate the thought processes of true geniuses. Human intelligence requires a highly inquisitive organic being created in the likeness of God and inspired by the Holy Ghost.

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And since knowledge, discernment and wisdom are daily updated in highly creative minds, then AI will only be as good as the daily updates from those minds.

Dr. Jordan Peterson recently shared that he asked AI to write an essay for him - an essay with very specific parameters. In three seconds it wrote a four-page essay fulfilling the requirements, and Dr. Peterson stated the essay is what he would have written. Ah, but what would happen if AI was asked to write the same essay a month later - but with no additional textual input from Dr. Peterson. Since the good doctor had likely moved on in his creative process then it would likely not reflect his current creative thinking and conclusions.

There may an effort to address this by having a predictive aspect to the AI process, but it would be simply that - predictive - and we all know how well predictive spelling works for us - aiieeeeeeeee!

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Even our voice memo in IM can't translate more than 70% what we are saying and yet Elon claims NeuroLink is ready to be implanted soon. They are mad scientists. My point is that they have a goal....it's insane but doesn't mean they aren't going forward. We can see their cards on the table meaning there's no turning back for them unless and until they are stopped.

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I'm disappointed in Peterson's apparent acceptance of AI. I did not expect that. I must not have paid enough attention to him to anticipate his failure in this matter.

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I am sorry t.k; I presented it out of context. Mea culpa. Dr. Peterson was speaking of it with an attitude of horror. As a scholar and a thinker, he sought to test it firsthand to view its current parameters and future potentials. By no means was he accepting it, but was informing us of what this may mean for us. He spoke at the Canadian Democracy Fund gathering this week. You can access it here:


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A belated thank you, Donna Ruth!

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Agree. But this is their goal in spite of the reality.

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They aren't taking me alive if I can help it but I know they won't ever leave us alone. They are culling the sheep now and there really isn't a way to escape for the smarter critical thinkers. You might evade them for a small amount of time though. I guess working in a government lab I was one of the smarter ones and turned the jab or no job threat back on them when I said I was turning them all in for "Crimes against humanity." The look on the HR head honchos was worth it. They thought they could bully a military veteran who hates tyranny and bullies. Well, that was the end of my 17-year 6 figure job. They said basically I was the only one in the company who stood up to them and I was being difficult. My response was "I guess that makes me special then." Actually the head HR person had a private one on one with me and said she hates doing this too people (no jab no job BS.) I said if I was in your position "I would just refuse to do it" and of course you would lose your job. I would sleep better at night that way and not worry about pushing lethal injections on people as that is going to come back on her in very negative ways.

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Confirmed: Mind blown.

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