The go along to get along gang is putrid

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If the R’s get the house they wont do anything anyway as usual. It would almost be better if the Dems stole everything, just speed the collapse already so we can rebuild.

When Biden was asked if he will govern differently after the midterms he said “no”. Now we know why he said that.

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If McCarthy is voted in as Speaker, there won't be anything except gentle taps with velvet gloves and maybe a stern look. Reading a lot about a rebellion against McCarthy. Matt Gaetz, Jim Banks, Andy Biggs, Bob Good, Marjorie Taylor-Greene are all saying no damn way. I'd love to see Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz or MTG take up the Speaker's role.

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There are some America First Republicans that will fight. I haven’t lost hope since they really are the third party.

But the whole system is so corrupt, and the country has turned its back on God, only a Great Awakening will save us now. Don’t give up on America. It’s our last and only hope.

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Yes, I heard that on a Podcast. Some People in this Country have turned their backs on GOD.

I believe only a Great Awakening will save us now, too. Don't give up is right.


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I wouldn’t count on a revival coming. More like a remnant and Jesus coming. The Lord has been long suffering enough but when abortion proponents want to deny care to live births, that’s enough. Pray for God’s mercy instead of wasting your time on a great awakening.

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It’s easy to feel discouraged in these dark times, but I pray for both, then leave it up to God. Don’t forget Nineveh.

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Totally up to God; I just can’t pray with faith believing for a great awakening- therefore I won’t. Regardless, God is sovereign ,merciful and forgiving but even He requires repentance.

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You are so right. When are they going to grow the cajones to fight them? I was not the least bit disappointed that they have not taken control of the house and senate up till now because I know what they did in 2010. We worked our asses off to get them the House and Senate but they did nothing. They ran on getting rid of Obama Care and did NOTHING to stop it. They even mocked Ted Cruz, the one senator that stood up to them. They are all “go along to get alongs.” They are watching as our country circles the drain. Damn them all to hell.

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They are all blackmailed, that’s why.

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Probably. That and paid by Gates of Hell.

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For sure. Tim Scott and manchin went to one of his parties and that was the end of their being conservatives in any way.

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I hate that man with my whole being, and I always have. He has no redeeming qualities.

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Hagerty innTN is a gates boy too

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Right. Why haven't we seen the list of names in Epstein's Black Book. Because, we would

be totally shocked to see the names in it. The Courts are compromised from the lower

Courts to the Supreme Court. When the Supreme Court doesn't want to take up a

case their usual statement is NO STANDING. How is it that the Leftists play their

game and run to specific Courts in certain States? It's a joke.

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Democrats declared all out war a long time ago. Satan Obama was not the beginning, Clinton was. 1992. Give China our means of production and all our wealth so they will be our friend. Fyck head Bill.

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It started long ago, but Clinton really sped things up to our downfall.

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Clinton did that with a Republican Congress. Free trade was the only way to be a part of the "in-crowd in both parties in the 90s and early 2000s. Ross Perot warned that there would be a giant sucking sound in America and that would be American jobs leaving the country. He said its ok for businessman to give some candy away, but not the WHOLE candy store! He was right about everything he predicted. Why didn't he win the election? Nearly everyone I know voted for him, including myself.

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He didn't win, because he dropped out of the race. "We" were allowed to vote for him in the primaries, NOT the general election. --- I had never been so disappointed as when he dropped out.

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That selfish prick Mitch McConnell pulled millions from away from Arizona senate candidate Blake Masters and put it in Alaska's senate race to support Republican Lisa Murkowski who's running against another Republican (don't ask, it's a ranked ballot system that's FUBAR). Why, you ask? Because Lisa's a fellow RINO who'll do whatever Mitch tells her and he can count on her vote for senate leader.

On a positive front, reading that Kevin McCarthy is getting a lot of resistance against his election as House majority leader. McCarthy, McConnell and McDaniel are McRINOs and hugely unpopular. Would love Matt Gaetz, MTG or Jim Jordan to get the job for House of Representatives. Senate leader, Rand Paul would be ideal. He'd roast Fauci.

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Go back on the warroom and tell that to Bannon.

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Bribery and blackmail is what it’s all about. A game to them. Professional Criminals that use the same M.O. when KJP said it will take weeks to count the

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You speak the truth. The Elections were always like this past and present. The Republicans didn't do anything about the 2020 Election Fraud. This has led our Country into a Coup as of

November 3, 2020. Now, the Republicans will have endless hearings for what purpose?

Same old rhetoric. It's Kabuki Theater. But, again the Elections were FLAT out stolen

and nobody has any guts to stand up and say NO more. Who suffers, We The People,

because it's certainly not the Politicians in DC. I heard a video and the man stated there

is no possible way that the Dems could win all their Governor races and NOT one incumbent

lost their seat in the US Senate. They did it again. STOLEN ELECTIONS.

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The states slow walking the count are inserting illegal ballots to make sure their numbers earn that check mark in the blue column. They are watching it happen. No one to stop it. My question to the democrats is Do you think you are immune to the hell coming your way? Are you ok with what’s coming? There is no prize coming your way in this race!

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Do those Leftist voters think JOE is going to keep funding them forever? You are right.

Hitler killed his men that were loyal to him.

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Katie hobbs Secretary of State that controls voting in arizona running for governor against Kari lake Republican They still are counting votes many polls had machines broken. What a surprise same thing happened in 2016 No one raised the question why was hobbs still in position while running.

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Hobbs will destroy Arizona and turn it into a hell hole.

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Babies. Go along gang. Grow cajones. Blackmailed. That's giving them a lot of undeserved credit for caring about this nation, freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of justice. Fact is they don't. They loathe our constitution and its protections for individual rights as much as Democrats do. Because they are in on it.

Patriots are their mutual enemies. Tea baggers. Bitter clingers. Deplorables. Ultra MAGA. Has happened in history before. When Hitler and Stalin signed a pact. Fascists and Communists joined to defeat their mutual enemies, western liberal capitalist nations. Both systems loathed individual liberty and freedom. Both systems are authoritarian systems, centrally planned economies. Fascism had wide support in the US and west in the 1930's-1940's. Among the powerful multinational corporatists and bankers. Including Prescott Bush. Hitler's banker even during WWII. Father to George HW Bush. Who worked as a tool of the same multinational corporatists and bankers his entire career to build the US and west into his father's Fascist dreams...without using the word. And cemented a new Fascist-Communist pact with China when he was the first US Ambassador to the People's Republic. Then made Director of the CIA to make sure they would act to preserve the Pact from all threats, foreign and domestic. Including Trump and MAGA. So the Pact wouldn't get torn up like it was when Hitler's and Stalin's egos got in the way of their plan. George W built the surveillance state and military into a trained occupier of the nation after 9-11, which was either the purpose or useful reason.

That's where we are, folks. Enemies to the left. Enemies to the right. Enemies above and below. There is nowhere to retreat to. It's either a last stand. Or we attack. By waking our friends, coworkers, neighbors and family up. We have to wake them up, reconnect them to their common sense. Surrender isn't an option. And as long as we can still reach people with our ideas, the ideas of our nation's founding, we must. Ideas that invokes Our Creator, the rights he endowed us with. The faith and honor we must show him and follow his commandments. We either live by his rules or man's rules. And man's rules are much harder on us in this world than God's rules. The alternative is too ugly to imagine.

Great resources at:


Great videos at:


We must build our army, we must build God's army to defeat this evil that has descended on our nation, on the world. We must, we must, we must!

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Thank YOU for your insight. I learned things that I wasn't aware of that happened.

My husband came from Communist Hungary and became a US Citizen. He's with YOU.

He's NOT giving up his guns. His Family lost everything. His Father's Construction Business

was nationalized 3 times and that's what caused his heart attack at age 50 and he died.

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wow ThanK you for that!! i will hold off drinKINg a bIT lonGer

i WILL APOLOGISE No more for this stupi keybOARD. IT TAKES TOO LONg to go bACK & FIX

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Everyone should realize elections have long been a fraud. The only difference now is they don't care that you know. They're pushing it right in your face and saying take it. This should surprise no one after the last 2 1/2 years knowing they're all complicit in global murder.

There hasn't been anything other than a D or R since the civil war. Only the most corrupt are even able to run. Just think about it, you can't even watch a debate of other candidates other than on RT?! They're all puppets for the elite, the ones REALLY calling the shots. Whats funny to me is it seems society is ok with it. Even democrats should be furious. Do we not care how someone "wins" as long as "our" party wins? Want to really scare them, don't vote. If they realize we all know the gig is up, then you would see the real tyranny erupt.

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All elections have been planned.

This is all about PROFITING and who gets the taxpayers trillions $$

They steal OUR money to enrich their new businesses right before our eyes while using fraudulent ideas to calm our uprisings UNTIL they have all of their cameras , military might and control methods ( fake counter democratic groups ) PSYOPS in place before locking us down enslaved for life.


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The controlled opposition totally standing for nothing. They deserve to lose because they won’t fight for us. It’s disgusting. I have written to my rino senator, Tim Scott , and as usual- no response. All he cares about is “addressing learning loss”. Not what his constituency is concerned about. What a joke. A sick joke.🤮

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While there were always several that it was obvious wore “R” as if a cloak to be worn and cast off as they saw fit, it was not until T one and the House and Senate remain under the Republican control that I began to realize that the Rs and the Ds are playing for the same team and they we are not that team. When the Ds win, they pull out all the plans they made decades ago, dust them off and immediately go to work. When the Rs win, they look at each other like frightened child and whisper amongst themselves, “Umm...what do we do now?” They are not supposed to ever be in the party in power and are perfectly fine with that. Their meal ticket is paid for. Thus, they do not ever expect to win, Newt’s time an exception, do not want to win and do know what to do when they do win. No, they will not hold anyone accountable....except perhaps Trump.

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Republicans take the bastards down! Look at the ballots dump at 11:30 and 1:30 in Michigan, Whitmer and Nessel did not win they have PHOTOS of the drops!!!! look at all the other dumps on the charts start writing the courts do SOMETHING!! Call in MILITARY have proceedings stopped, Fetterman started with 100,000 votes before election day opened, HOW???? The Dems are doing it right in front of you, stop them!!

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Who would ever vote for Whitmer?

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It’s high time to abandon the RINO-led GOP. I will no longer donate a penny to the party because some will be used to support the loathesome RINOs. As in the UK, US Conservatives are no longer represented by the party that traditionally represented us. Either we ditch the RINOs or lose our republic. We need a party whose mission is to represent the Great American Middle… traditional, hard working moderates and conservatives, instead of Big Business and the oligarchs. Furthermore, every elected representative for this new party must sign an agreement to resign after just a single term. Voluntary term limits.

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“No sides, no Sunnis, Shiites, Republicans, Democrats, just haves and have nots.”

-6-term Senator Charles F. Meachum

"There is no Deep State, only THE STATE.”


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Remember those dozens of Republicans standing in line to defend President Donald Trump for the false allegations they knew were bullshit from their classified briefings?


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Fuck 'em.

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