Every negative impact cited here was not a result of misguided and/or failed policies....It was all part of a well orchestrated plan which is still playing out.
To understand why the servants of those with the plan and the horsemen do what they do.and to understand what's wrong with them, people could benefit from taking a deep dive into ICD-11 anankastic personality disorder, also known as "obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)" and in particular the subtype referred to by Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders (PD) classification, as "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." Most of the health bureaucrats responsible for pushing the jabs appeark to be afflicted with it. Think of Fauci. It's believed to be the most common disorder of serial killers. Think of Hillary Clinton and Hitler. And Greta Thunberg. And serial killer Colonel Russell Williams. It's closely related to a subtype of sadism ("sadistic personality with compulsive features"). People with anankastic PD believe they know everything, are never wrong, and are morally superior. The vaxxed ones feel very superior to the unjabbed. They have "perspective taking deficits" and are functionally rigid, meaning they cannot recognize and correct for mistakes or modify their perspectives to take account of new data. They cannot be convinced they are wrong. They just get angry when confronted with evidence or proof that they are wrong. They just double down on their mistakes and order more jabs. They're control freaks who feel justified in imposing their neurosis on others. There are even some who are anti-vaxx, although a lot more appear to be pro-vaxx. The anti-vaxx ones tend to have a subtype called "puritanjcal compulsive with paranoid features." On the upside, I suppose, they tend to dislike profanity and lazy people. They are also punctual and neat. Whatever their subtype, after disposing of a victim's body, they invariably clean their car so well it looks like it has been detailed. Academia is full of them as are cops and the higher ranks of the military. Unfortunately, the health bureaucracy is also full of them. The majority of them love jabs so much they would glue themselves to the road, just like many of them do to protest carbon emissions, and would have no hesitaion in preventing ambulances from getting patients to hospitals, if they thought doing so would increase jab uptake. Their cause is always more important in their eyes than the rights of others. They are very self righteous. "How dare you! How dare you not get a booster. How dare you use profanity. You have stolen my dreams ... etc"
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Yes, give it up for the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Let's give it up for the US trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Listen! We are doing the Lord's work now. Right now I'm in DC, we are holding in Maryland, we are 60 miles north of Washington. I'm every day we look the Beltway. We have the government under pressure. They let me go for a day so I had to come here.
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Look, let me get straight to the point. Everything about this was a lie.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Everything about covid.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: What our governments did to us was devastating. What the federal, provincial, city-level governments did was devastating. And I always say—
MALE VOICE: Lock them up!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We take them into our court room and we let them defend themselves. One by one. Tom!
CROWD: Yes! [cheers, clapping]
DR PAUL ALEXANDER: We're going to take Njoo, we're taking Howard Njoo into the court room. We're taking De Villa, we're taking Ford*, we're taking every one, one by one, and let them defend themselves, and if they cannot, if they costed lives, we lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We lock them all up!
WOMAN'S VOICE: To the gallows!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Listen! We strip them! We strip them of all their money. We put them on the streets. Just like what they did Canadians for two years. They suffered our children. Children died across the world because of these lockdowns. So now we lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We lock them all up one by one! Nobody, nobody should escape. None! And the world, the world deserves to give praise to the Canadian trucker. It is on the back of the Canadian trucker that we stand here today. And the United States is bubbling. United States will finish what the Canadian trucker did. Long live the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, horns, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: I have allegiance to two flags, the Canadian flag and the American flag. I love both countries. Canada is a unique country. I came to Canada 30 years ago, but Canada is not the country I came to 30 years ago. Something has happened here. And we have to change this country back. This fight, the trucker, you thought, you thought this was about the gut feeling and the common sense of the trucker when they went to Ottawa.**
Yes, the trucker has 100% of the science on their side. It is the government that is wrong. Long live the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, horns, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: But this fight, this fight is about your freedoms. Your liberty. Your Charter of Rights and Freedoms*** that the government stole. Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And I will say it again—
MALE VOICE: Lock them up!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: I come from a good governance society, this one. And we let everyone enter a court room, always. We need a proper defense. We're going to let them defend themselves. But they had no science on their side. We told them two years ago, we told them, don't lock this society down. I told them! Dr. McCullough told them. Dr. Risch. Dr. Malone. I worked with [inaudible] we begged them, do not lock the society down. Do not close schools on children. We had children 7 and 8 years old in America
hung themselves, they couldn't take the anxiety and the depression. So we have to lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We cannot let them go. We have to hold each one, each one, Doug Ford, anyone, Prime minister, all the way down. If you cannot, if we can show, you have to be careful how I'm saying it, if we can show that your actions costed lives and
people died and children died, then we have to strip you of your money and put you in the jail!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We have to do it. Long live Canada!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And I will end with a story, short because rain is coming. On the back, on the flatbed of the lead truck in the United States right now**** there is an American flag, it is flying. And right now we're going to put a decal for all the fallen the soldiers in United States and in Canada, all the fallen police, all the fallen military. We're going to put it up because that lead truck signifies all our military, all our veterans, all our police, all our firefighters in America and in Canada. And that flag, had you not seen it, I saw it, because I am with that convoy now. You know I was in Ottawa. Three weeks I stayed there on the floor with the trucker. The Canadian trucker was the most peaceful, loving, inviting person in the world. What Primer Minister Trudeau did to them was a crime!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: He should have never done what they did. Never! These people were peaceful. Crime in Ottawa went down 90% So it was terrible, it was terrible what he did to trucker. And I will end. The flat-bed. I walked up to the flag in America and I looked at the flag and I could tell that that flag was overseas. I could tell that flag saw battle. It has blood on it! And when I found out the story, the owner of the flag gave to the trucker, the lead, Brian Brase and Mike Landis, listen, this is my husband, World War II. They brought him back in a casket. Draped his casket. But that was the last time I saw America fighting for freedom. And this is the first time since then. So I am giving you this flag and I want you to fly it on the back of that truck. It has tattered ends because as we convoy the wind is shredding it. But she tell us, I want two things. Two things for that flag. Get that fag into DC because the police locked it down. Well, last week I had an appointment with Senator Cruz and Senator Johnson in DC, so mission accomplished! One!
CROWD: [cheers]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And then she said, she said one more thing. Keep the flag. Keep it and fly it across America. Let it represent American truckers and Canadian truckers. But bring it back to Texas. Bring it back to me, even if it's in pieces. Bring it back so I can put it to rest. So long live America!
CROWD: [cheers]
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
Dr. ALEXANDER: And I will close by saying, Canada is the best country in the world. Long live the Canadian trucker!
*Dr. Howard Njoo, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer of Canada; Eileen De Villa, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto, Ontario; Doug Ford, Ontario Premier.
**The Trucker's Convoy to Ottawa, to protest covid mandates and restrictions, late January -February 20, 2022.
***For more on Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, see:
DR. SCOTT JANSEN: Dr. Scott Jansen and I'm running to be next governor of Minnesota and I need your help. I need you to write down or go directly to DrScottJenson.com/join. What does that mean? I'm asking you, please join our email list because that's the one way we can assure that we can communicate with you.
[spells out the URL].
Why am I asking you this? I'm asking you this because on our FaceBook reach we are having the same super high levels of engagement from people watching our FaceBook videos and our content, but our reach has absolutely been flattened for the last 6 - 8 weeks, and that's never happened before. So some way or another we're being throttled.
Same thing is happening on our Twitter account. It's flat. Typically we can predict growth, but we've not been able to the last six weeks. Something's happening.
Today YouTube notified me that they were pulling down a video whereby I had a FaceBook live conversation with a 10 year-old boy who had some perspectives on various aspects of what's been going on recently, and that was pulled down.
Do you get the message?
I've had trouble with TikTok, too.
I think it's all over, what we're seeing is, Big Tech is willing to flex their muscles, and they will censor. And we've seen that.
So I'm asking you, does the increased censorship as we approach elections concern you? Because it does me. And that's why I'm asking you, please, take an action for us, join our email list so that we know we can communicate with you [spells out the URL again]. Thank you so much.
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
DOC PRUYNE: Hello, my name is Doc Pruyne. I am a resident of Warwick, Massachusetts, very small town in western Massachusetts and I am a journalist. I work for the largest news organization in western Massachusetts.
I was told not to submit any ideas or stories, to do stories about vaccine injuries. At all. I can't tell you how ashamed I am of my industry. I started publishing on Substack under Doc's Takedown* and sent a lot of columns to papers and ah, they were rejected for the most part.
But I should tell you about my personal injuries. I received the shot because I didn't want to see my wife in a big room alone if she had a reaction. She has a brain injury, so I went in and got a shot with her. Next day, I knew I made a big mistake. Two viral infections I have, chronic, flared up dramatically. My wife— I mean, I'm in perfect health, I really have great health, so this was a danger signal, but my wife also got two two boosters later on. She thinks the vaccines are fine. She now has brain fog. She has a hard time thinking. Earlier this year she began with a, some kind of a cold. That led to shingles, she had shingles for a couple, few weeks, just like Diane Feinstein, the Senator for California. Then she had a cold, she couldn't get rid of it. It became bronchitis. She said to me, I think it's my immune system.
MIT senior researcher Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough published a paper documenting exactly how our immune systems are damaged by these shots.**
She [voice breaks] spoke to me recently about going to Vermont for assisted suicide. And I said, well, we're a ways away from that, honey. And that's as much as I want to talk about now.
I want to tell you that if you go home and you want to publicize the damages that have been done to you, call up your local editor of your newspaper and say, I've been injured, I want you to do an article about me. They will say, no. They're all being controlled by the federal government, from the inside because they took money to say good things about the shots and minimize the damage.***
We are in a spiritual war and this has been instigated by the federal government. Keep fighting. And don't let it go inside and become sadness. Try to keep it directed outward as anger and allow you to do what you can to inform the people around you. Thank you.
# # #
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
** "Autoimmune Inflammatory Reactions Triggered by the COVID-19 Genetic Vaccines in Terminally Differentiated Tissues" by Panagis Polykretis, Alberto Donzelli, Janci C. Lindsay, David Wiseman, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Michael Merz, Paolo Bellavite, Masanori Fukushima, Stephanie Seneff, and Peter A. McCullough
It’s not an attack on scientific dissent. It’s an attack by those assholes intent on taking over the world on whoever says anything that goes counter to their narrative, meaning anything
A. that calls into question anything they assert, and
B. that posits the existence of any sort of authority not under their direct control (the favorite targets have always been: 1. Cultural traditions, 2. the family, 3. religion, 4. free trade, 5. professions, trades, and personal experience, especially on matters of highly technical expertise).
They are offended by the spontaneous self-organization of the extended order of human existence because it accomplishes things they claim only they should be capable of and are obviously totally shit at doing.
When assholes are continuously bitch-slapped they take it as deliberate provocation. But when obviously crazy assholes are continuously bitch-slapped by reality, they will, to the extent they can exercise power, engage in an all-out war on reality itself because they have defined their own beliefs (as weird and fluctuating as they have been over time) as reality.
That is the essence of socialism. It’s a thought disorder reinforced by a completely insular moral absolutism. It literally is a deadly enemy to all that exists.
FA Hayek in The Fatal Conceit, the Errors of Socialism (1988) and his earlier The Road to Serfdom (~1945) does a better job than anyone at describing their true nature as well as the nature of human civilization against which they have declared themselves total enemies.
Where did you get the idea there was some kind of “emergency” going on? First of all there was a tremendous amount of over exaggeration by the media. Here in NY the Javits Center for example was empty. I met people who went down there and spoke to EMS drivers who said so. As for the hospitals many were not overflowing as many would LIKE to believe. If some were crowded that's because of the panic instilled by these exaggerated news reports. Most of the deaths were typically in the elderly due to pre-existing conditions. In China and Northern Italy atypical pneumonia due to longstanding air pollution. Many deaths were caused by iatrogenic treatment--giving people Remdesivir which caused kidney failure and then putting them on ventilators. The PCR tests cannot diagnose infection. It does not measure viral load. All it does is declare that you have a "case" of Covid, the vast majority being asymptomatic. But the CDC falsely uses these "case" numbers to make people believe there is a "pandemic." The problem is that so-called "science" today is nothing more than a religion. It's because too many people trust the "experts" and believe whatever thy’re told without investigating viewpoints outside the mainstream.
THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-emergency
Bravo Doc. This essay is one of the records I intend to rely on. Very well done. We, the people are just getting warmed up. Thanks again for your diligence, honesty and intrepidity. And God bless you, Dr. Alexander.
Never again! Eyes wide open to the decay and corruption of our gov and institutions. Also the “medical society” including oh hail the great (hack) American medical association. NEVER again to the journals these corrupt institutions print. Mostly by Chinese scientist???? I will not comply! Only reason I did was my trust in Trump. Our government completely corrupt. Tear it down! I will speak truth until they cut my tongue out! Banned for warning my fellow Americans.
Every negative impact cited here was not a result of misguided and/or failed policies....It was all part of a well orchestrated plan which is still playing out.
To understand why the servants of those with the plan and the horsemen do what they do.and to understand what's wrong with them, people could benefit from taking a deep dive into ICD-11 anankastic personality disorder, also known as "obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)" and in particular the subtype referred to by Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders (PD) classification, as "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." Most of the health bureaucrats responsible for pushing the jabs appeark to be afflicted with it. Think of Fauci. It's believed to be the most common disorder of serial killers. Think of Hillary Clinton and Hitler. And Greta Thunberg. And serial killer Colonel Russell Williams. It's closely related to a subtype of sadism ("sadistic personality with compulsive features"). People with anankastic PD believe they know everything, are never wrong, and are morally superior. The vaxxed ones feel very superior to the unjabbed. They have "perspective taking deficits" and are functionally rigid, meaning they cannot recognize and correct for mistakes or modify their perspectives to take account of new data. They cannot be convinced they are wrong. They just get angry when confronted with evidence or proof that they are wrong. They just double down on their mistakes and order more jabs. They're control freaks who feel justified in imposing their neurosis on others. There are even some who are anti-vaxx, although a lot more appear to be pro-vaxx. The anti-vaxx ones tend to have a subtype called "puritanjcal compulsive with paranoid features." On the upside, I suppose, they tend to dislike profanity and lazy people. They are also punctual and neat. Whatever their subtype, after disposing of a victim's body, they invariably clean their car so well it looks like it has been detailed. Academia is full of them as are cops and the higher ranks of the military. Unfortunately, the health bureaucracy is also full of them. The majority of them love jabs so much they would glue themselves to the road, just like many of them do to protest carbon emissions, and would have no hesitaion in preventing ambulances from getting patients to hospitals, if they thought doing so would increase jab uptake. Their cause is always more important in their eyes than the rights of others. They are very self righteous. "How dare you! How dare you not get a booster. How dare you use profanity. You have stolen my dreams ... etc"
Thank you for speaking out!
Toronto World Wide Rally, Ontario, Canada
March 20, 2022
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: How are you Canada?
CROWD: [cheers]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Yes, give it up for the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Let's give it up for the US trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Listen! We are doing the Lord's work now. Right now I'm in DC, we are holding in Maryland, we are 60 miles north of Washington. I'm every day we look the Beltway. We have the government under pressure. They let me go for a day so I had to come here.
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Look, let me get straight to the point. Everything about this was a lie.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Everything about covid.
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: What our governments did to us was devastating. What the federal, provincial, city-level governments did was devastating. And I always say—
MALE VOICE: Lock them up!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We take them into our court room and we let them defend themselves. One by one. Tom!
CROWD: Yes! [cheers, clapping]
DR PAUL ALEXANDER: We're going to take Njoo, we're taking Howard Njoo into the court room. We're taking De Villa, we're taking Ford*, we're taking every one, one by one, and let them defend themselves, and if they cannot, if they costed lives, we lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We lock them all up!
WOMAN'S VOICE: To the gallows!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Listen! We strip them! We strip them of all their money. We put them on the streets. Just like what they did Canadians for two years. They suffered our children. Children died across the world because of these lockdowns. So now we lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We lock them all up one by one! Nobody, nobody should escape. None! And the world, the world deserves to give praise to the Canadian trucker. It is on the back of the Canadian trucker that we stand here today. And the United States is bubbling. United States will finish what the Canadian trucker did. Long live the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, horns, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: I have allegiance to two flags, the Canadian flag and the American flag. I love both countries. Canada is a unique country. I came to Canada 30 years ago, but Canada is not the country I came to 30 years ago. Something has happened here. And we have to change this country back. This fight, the trucker, you thought, you thought this was about the gut feeling and the common sense of the trucker when they went to Ottawa.**
Yes, the trucker has 100% of the science on their side. It is the government that is wrong. Long live the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers, horns, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: But this fight, this fight is about your freedoms. Your liberty. Your Charter of Rights and Freedoms*** that the government stole. Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And I will say it again—
MALE VOICE: Lock them up!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: I come from a good governance society, this one. And we let everyone enter a court room, always. We need a proper defense. We're going to let them defend themselves. But they had no science on their side. We told them two years ago, we told them, don't lock this society down. I told them! Dr. McCullough told them. Dr. Risch. Dr. Malone. I worked with [inaudible] we begged them, do not lock the society down. Do not close schools on children. We had children 7 and 8 years old in America
hung themselves, they couldn't take the anxiety and the depression. So we have to lock them up!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We cannot let them go. We have to hold each one, each one, Doug Ford, anyone, Prime minister, all the way down. If you cannot, if we can show, you have to be careful how I'm saying it, if we can show that your actions costed lives and
people died and children died, then we have to strip you of your money and put you in the jail!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: We have to do it. Long live Canada!
CROWD: [cheers, clapping]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And I will end with a story, short because rain is coming. On the back, on the flatbed of the lead truck in the United States right now**** there is an American flag, it is flying. And right now we're going to put a decal for all the fallen the soldiers in United States and in Canada, all the fallen police, all the fallen military. We're going to put it up because that lead truck signifies all our military, all our veterans, all our police, all our firefighters in America and in Canada. And that flag, had you not seen it, I saw it, because I am with that convoy now. You know I was in Ottawa. Three weeks I stayed there on the floor with the trucker. The Canadian trucker was the most peaceful, loving, inviting person in the world. What Primer Minister Trudeau did to them was a crime!
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: He should have never done what they did. Never! These people were peaceful. Crime in Ottawa went down 90% So it was terrible, it was terrible what he did to trucker. And I will end. The flat-bed. I walked up to the flag in America and I looked at the flag and I could tell that that flag was overseas. I could tell that flag saw battle. It has blood on it! And when I found out the story, the owner of the flag gave to the trucker, the lead, Brian Brase and Mike Landis, listen, this is my husband, World War II. They brought him back in a casket. Draped his casket. But that was the last time I saw America fighting for freedom. And this is the first time since then. So I am giving you this flag and I want you to fly it on the back of that truck. It has tattered ends because as we convoy the wind is shredding it. But she tell us, I want two things. Two things for that flag. Get that fag into DC because the police locked it down. Well, last week I had an appointment with Senator Cruz and Senator Johnson in DC, so mission accomplished! One!
CROWD: [cheers]
DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: And then she said, she said one more thing. Keep the flag. Keep it and fly it across America. Let it represent American truckers and Canadian truckers. But bring it back to Texas. Bring it back to me, even if it's in pieces. Bring it back so I can put it to rest. So long live America!
CROWD: [cheers]
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
CROWD: Freedom!
Dr. ALEXANDER: And I will close by saying, Canada is the best country in the world. Long live the Canadian trucker!
CROWD: [cheers]
# # #
Dr. Paul Alexander blogs at https://palexander.substack.com
*Dr. Howard Njoo, Deputy Chief Public Health Officer of Canada; Eileen De Villa, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto, Ontario; Doug Ford, Ontario Premier.
**The Trucker's Convoy to Ottawa, to protest covid mandates and restrictions, late January -February 20, 2022.
***For more on Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms, see:
****The People's convoy, a truckers freedom convoy from California to Washington DC, February 23- March 5, 2022. See https://web.archive.org/web/20220223003221/https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/
Dr. Scott Jensen
March 31, 2022
DR. SCOTT JANSEN: Dr. Scott Jansen and I'm running to be next governor of Minnesota and I need your help. I need you to write down or go directly to DrScottJenson.com/join. What does that mean? I'm asking you, please join our email list because that's the one way we can assure that we can communicate with you.
[spells out the URL].
Why am I asking you this? I'm asking you this because on our FaceBook reach we are having the same super high levels of engagement from people watching our FaceBook videos and our content, but our reach has absolutely been flattened for the last 6 - 8 weeks, and that's never happened before. So some way or another we're being throttled.
Same thing is happening on our Twitter account. It's flat. Typically we can predict growth, but we've not been able to the last six weeks. Something's happening.
Today YouTube notified me that they were pulling down a video whereby I had a FaceBook live conversation with a 10 year-old boy who had some perspectives on various aspects of what's been going on recently, and that was pulled down.
Do you get the message?
I've had trouble with TikTok, too.
I think it's all over, what we're seeing is, Big Tech is willing to flex their muscles, and they will censor. And we've seen that.
So I'm asking you, does the increased censorship as we approach elections concern you? Because it does me. And that's why I'm asking you, please, take an action for us, join our email list so that we know we can communicate with you [spells out the URL again]. Thank you so much.
Also relatedly:
"Doc" Pruyne, Warwick, Journalist, The Faces of Vaccine Injury MA
Posted June 8, 2023
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
DOC PRUYNE: Hello, my name is Doc Pruyne. I am a resident of Warwick, Massachusetts, very small town in western Massachusetts and I am a journalist. I work for the largest news organization in western Massachusetts.
I was told not to submit any ideas or stories, to do stories about vaccine injuries. At all. I can't tell you how ashamed I am of my industry. I started publishing on Substack under Doc's Takedown* and sent a lot of columns to papers and ah, they were rejected for the most part.
But I should tell you about my personal injuries. I received the shot because I didn't want to see my wife in a big room alone if she had a reaction. She has a brain injury, so I went in and got a shot with her. Next day, I knew I made a big mistake. Two viral infections I have, chronic, flared up dramatically. My wife— I mean, I'm in perfect health, I really have great health, so this was a danger signal, but my wife also got two two boosters later on. She thinks the vaccines are fine. She now has brain fog. She has a hard time thinking. Earlier this year she began with a, some kind of a cold. That led to shingles, she had shingles for a couple, few weeks, just like Diane Feinstein, the Senator for California. Then she had a cold, she couldn't get rid of it. It became bronchitis. She said to me, I think it's my immune system.
MIT senior researcher Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough published a paper documenting exactly how our immune systems are damaged by these shots.**
She [voice breaks] spoke to me recently about going to Vermont for assisted suicide. And I said, well, we're a ways away from that, honey. And that's as much as I want to talk about now.
I want to tell you that if you go home and you want to publicize the damages that have been done to you, call up your local editor of your newspaper and say, I've been injured, I want you to do an article about me. They will say, no. They're all being controlled by the federal government, from the inside because they took money to say good things about the shots and minimize the damage.***
We are in a spiritual war and this has been instigated by the federal government. Keep fighting. And don't let it go inside and become sadness. Try to keep it directed outward as anger and allow you to do what you can to inform the people around you. Thank you.
# # #
This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.
For more about the event, see co-founder Julie Booras' introductory speech:
* "Doc's Takedown" https://docpruyne.substack.com/
See his report on this event:
Vaccine injured rally on Beacon Hill
by Doc Pruyne, June 17, 2023
** "Autoimmune Inflammatory Reactions Triggered by the COVID-19 Genetic Vaccines in Terminally Differentiated Tissues" by Panagis Polykretis, Alberto Donzelli, Janci C. Lindsay, David Wiseman, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Michael Merz, Paolo Bellavite, Masanori Fukushima, Stephanie Seneff, and Peter A. McCullough
*** See "ON JOURNALISM: I know why the caged birds don't sing" by Doc Pruyne, April 8, 2023.
It’s not an attack on scientific dissent. It’s an attack by those assholes intent on taking over the world on whoever says anything that goes counter to their narrative, meaning anything
A. that calls into question anything they assert, and
B. that posits the existence of any sort of authority not under their direct control (the favorite targets have always been: 1. Cultural traditions, 2. the family, 3. religion, 4. free trade, 5. professions, trades, and personal experience, especially on matters of highly technical expertise).
They are offended by the spontaneous self-organization of the extended order of human existence because it accomplishes things they claim only they should be capable of and are obviously totally shit at doing.
When assholes are continuously bitch-slapped they take it as deliberate provocation. But when obviously crazy assholes are continuously bitch-slapped by reality, they will, to the extent they can exercise power, engage in an all-out war on reality itself because they have defined their own beliefs (as weird and fluctuating as they have been over time) as reality.
That is the essence of socialism. It’s a thought disorder reinforced by a completely insular moral absolutism. It literally is a deadly enemy to all that exists.
FA Hayek in The Fatal Conceit, the Errors of Socialism (1988) and his earlier The Road to Serfdom (~1945) does a better job than anyone at describing their true nature as well as the nature of human civilization against which they have declared themselves total enemies.
How about James Lindsay? Just one of many: https://youtu.be/y6rk1mYiOAw?si=w0Y93Lpjw2TweP6J
Where did you get the idea there was some kind of “emergency” going on? First of all there was a tremendous amount of over exaggeration by the media. Here in NY the Javits Center for example was empty. I met people who went down there and spoke to EMS drivers who said so. As for the hospitals many were not overflowing as many would LIKE to believe. If some were crowded that's because of the panic instilled by these exaggerated news reports. Most of the deaths were typically in the elderly due to pre-existing conditions. In China and Northern Italy atypical pneumonia due to longstanding air pollution. Many deaths were caused by iatrogenic treatment--giving people Remdesivir which caused kidney failure and then putting them on ventilators. The PCR tests cannot diagnose infection. It does not measure viral load. All it does is declare that you have a "case" of Covid, the vast majority being asymptomatic. But the CDC falsely uses these "case" numbers to make people believe there is a "pandemic." The problem is that so-called "science" today is nothing more than a religion. It's because too many people trust the "experts" and believe whatever thy’re told without investigating viewpoints outside the mainstream.
THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-emergency
Bravo Doc. This essay is one of the records I intend to rely on. Very well done. We, the people are just getting warmed up. Thanks again for your diligence, honesty and intrepidity. And God bless you, Dr. Alexander.
Sources please.
Who will pay the toll ?
When the mob tells everyone, follow us if you want to be safe.
The mob means, if you don't you will be stoned.
All of this is very well, but can we ask the BIG question! WHY?
Is there some sort of marking system in the jabs. Like an I.d or something which could take an id if it were “activated”!
This isn’t about “failed policies” by accident. This was meticulously planned and executed globally.
What’s in the jabs that is so important. Because it certainly doesn’t help Covid very much. AND it’s dangerous. So WHATS IN THEM?? Nanotech??
Never again! Eyes wide open to the decay and corruption of our gov and institutions. Also the “medical society” including oh hail the great (hack) American medical association. NEVER again to the journals these corrupt institutions print. Mostly by Chinese scientist???? I will not comply! Only reason I did was my trust in Trump. Our government completely corrupt. Tear it down! I will speak truth until they cut my tongue out! Banned for warning my fellow Americans.