Child, oh PULLEEASE! The balls cupping, balls washing of 45 is so funny now, hilarious, we have so called anti-COVID scientists & doctors, who are really money whores pimping on unsuspecting donors,
now BEGGING, writing openly how much they NOW like Trump after 10 years of insulting him, smearing him, slandering him, now think he may win so pimping for jobs & stating the type of job they seek
they writing the types of agencies they could lead etc. ha ha ha….so you think life is a nepotistic incestuous playground? for you and your ‘friends’? are these people delusional? do they think it works like that? are they not ashamed? so transparent.
they ran to DeSantis, did not work, ran to Kennedy Jr., did not work, ran to Biden, did not work, like headless chickens, just pimping where you thought you could get a job…now they see Kennedy Jr. in a role with 45, they think that’s their key in…they got a back door…but so tactless they are writing love letters now to Trump…ha ha ha…washing balls…it’s actually repulsive…so sit back, others now getting as bold, following each other, so see who next will tell us “why I decided to endorse Trump”….ha ha ha…and read what they write as they grovel…prostrate…
thing is, I was in meetings 1, 2, 3 years ago with many of these same grovellers, as they laughed and smeared Trump, with vile evil statements and words. They said they would do anything to take down Trump and work to damage him. And some told me that their hatred of Trump made it easy for them to go against the OWS and vaccine…if he was involved, they would reject it. The statements and views were very extreme.
So, I am amazed at the ease of turn around and I guess the universal lubricant comes into play…
again sit back, they are competing against each other now with social media love letters to Trump…ha ha ha
IMO most of you are traitors, Johnny ‘come Latelys’…you only ‘support’ Trump NOW and sing praises today pimping for jobs…with an overly inflated ego and sense of self. You hate him, always did. For your own ‘democrat’ leftist reasons for that is what you are. I know so for many of you told me so. A sense you gained based on pimping donor money. You confuse poor people who were tricked into donating money to you, to actual capacity and merit.
I say….they are writing, saying what jobs they seek….what they think they can do…and get this, these people want to run federal agencies too….ha ha ha…a misguided grandiose sense of self…
what they can do…so they tricked enough poor people out of their money in their COVID grifting, and it has dried up, so now want to get a job from Trump? using Kennedy Jr.? so just like that? one minute hating the man and declaring it so, next minute scrubbing your media pages and prostrating groveling for a job…you democrats (that’s who you are now pretending to be a Trump admirer) have no shame…you don’t even know who you are…some say you will sell your mothers for the right price…I don’t know…maybe. Is this what America has come to? that these self-entitled grandiose sense of self people, can now make demands in media, self-congratulate, they feel so HUGE about themselves…its very interesting to me. COVID and the grifting doctors and scientists linked to it are a different breed. IMO many are worse than the thief who comes in the night. For with yours comes deceit. Duplicity. Medical doctors and scientists revealed the underbelly in humanity, the devilish part we heard about but never knew really existed until COVID showed us…our doctors were prepared to help end our lives…for money…for grift…and many doctors and scientists in the anti-COVID movement emerged as among the most baseless bottom feeders around, just pure grift, self-enrichment. Grifters and grafters? Is this what you think of Trump? One top dog grifter said he thinks he would be best suited to head FDA…
but ssshhh, do not ask them what they did before….ssshhhh….don’t ask them what they did in COVID, what role they had…no no no…sssshhhh, they famous, oh so they think in their heads, so they should head the FDA…he he he
😂 Just what I think too. Wrote this on another stack regarding Malone's post. He's just angling for a job in the Trump administration thru his Bobby connection.
Please warn Trump!!!
Pray for him to have Wisdom!!!