😂 Just what I think too. Wrote this on another stack regarding Malone's post. He's just angling for a job in the Trump administration thru his Bobby connection.

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Malone appears to be succeeding in a 180 degree change in public perception. He's a gifted persuader and ruthless brute in one cute package. He's a study in self-service. A movie should be made about him.

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We can call it "The Garden Gnome Who Made It. Tales from the Dark Side."

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Nauseating isn’t it?

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They are all starting to come out and it’s pathetic.

One medical professional says “I have learned so much that I would just like to have a discussion with Trump on what he and I have learned”

One seeking a CDC position 🙄

Ah, NO maybe you should APOLOGIZE first for putting him through total HELL!

NOW orange man good! 🙄

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Please warn Trump!!!

Pray for him to have Wisdom!!!

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I love your honesty, your passion, your point of view, yet I have no skin in the game as an Australian observer! Please don’t fkn stop calling out the bastards.

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I was encouraged to hear RFK Jr say ( during Carlson interview ) that should Trump get elected, he (Kennedy) would be assisting Trump as he selects his advisors.

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If I had my way, “NovaWACKS” MUST, if they have any, use their own children! As much as I am against anything being “JABBED” into children, let’s see how fast they pull the plug? I can guarantee they will not give any of their children these shots! Unless it’s for a photo op with saline solution and a fake plunging needle!

I don’t and I won’t ever in my lifetime, remotely trust anyone who tells me I must or I’m older now and susceptible to whatever is the narrative of the year BS!


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I am missing all the fun because I don't know who you are referring too 😂 Other than maybe one guy. You also put an idea in my head now that will keep turning up whenever I take my car for a car wash 😂😂😂😂 Trump is such a good man, it is shameful how much hate he is attracting.

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Thanks for your observations . Full circle, hypocrites , name & shame them.

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The Donald needs to vet his appointees better next time.

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Hate to tell ya…Trumps VEEP was a strident Trump hater in the not distant past.

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Well… look how fast Trump seems to forgive & forget. Look at those right there now, directly by his side. And he’s all good with them. How do you tell one scoundrel from another? Birds of a feather…y’all know the rest. 🧐

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… you seem like Donald Trump’s “mini-me.”

Meanwhile, I’m gonna watch “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing” AGAIN ! It’s a documentary inspired by a book by Julie Behling. This clearly SHOWS how Con-you-must governments actually infiltrated in history and, then, murder masses for “compliance only TO the top.” It’s HOW persons are so-obviously and unconsciously involved NOW through beLIEving massive, censoring, Mind-CONtrolling Media propaganda in America TODAY.

Check it out @


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The UK government fell in 2015.

They made the mistake of giving a parking ticket to a grumpy old man with principles and he destroyed them.

There is no government.

The is no law.

There is no justice.

More details here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/how-to-destroy-the-matrix

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Trump shouldn’t have Pompeo anywhere near him. He wants everyone to love him and that’s dangerous. Not everyone is going to love you, face facts. He needs rock solid people who will tell him the truth and serve him loyally.

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Ya just gotta know that a particular class of people are sad sack liars and deceivers.

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