Fauci is an obvious sociopath, so tripped out on vaccine acid that it consumes his every thought and action. He actually believes the garbage he spews out on a regular basis. He's one sick little imp.
He does not believe any of it. That's why he disavows it and says he can't recall.
You are conflating schizophrenia with Falsie's psychopathy. He could likely pass a lie detector, but not because he is telling the truth, but because he doesn't care about the truth.
Seen John O'Looney's recent video? These "migrants" coming to the UK illegally in boats across the English Channel. Military whistleblowers from the Black Watch (British army brigade) told John they're training north Africans and others in Western Ukraine and Turkey to go door to door and these people are being mixed in with the migrants on these boats. It's an army to be used against the British people.
I hope he got this one horribly wrong, but he has a pretty insightful track record.
30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any.
Canada's puppet Prime Minister stated a few years ago how much he admired how China deals with it's citizens. Trudeau dealt with Canadian trucker/citizen protests in the same CCP brutal way in Feb 2022 in Ottawa. Now Trudeau is chirping that he supports the Chinese people's right to protest!! We're led by a narcissistic psychopath that changes his mind more than Joe Biden. Of course, Biden is another story.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans murdered, tens of millions of livelihoods destroyed, hundreds of millions of lives destabilised, and barely a whimper from the Deep State bureaucracy, or MSM. Trump said something crude about women once, half America and the MSM goes nuts.
America is in big trouble, and the enemy is within.
I thought this was very well written - too: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
The Initial Contract with General Dynamics
The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.
There is no clause in the contract giving the CDC an option to cancel or suspend the contract in the event that vaccines would not be authorized. Also, the contract stipulates that the contractor would have everything up and running within 60 days of the contract, which means by the end of October. But what if the vaccines were never approved? Or what if they were approved much later, say in February, April or June? Was the CDC just going to hand over [redacted] millions of dollars to the contractor for nothing? Or did the CDC know something about the impending approval of COVID-19 vaccines? It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: see below
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.
So the next time somebody says that VAERS data is worthless, ask them why the Federal government paid contractors at least $45 million dollars over 2 years to maintain this “nationally critical function.”
An anonymous source has sent me (Josh Guetzkow) two key contracts obtained via FOIA between the CDC and two contractors hired to assist with COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, including reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “Assist” is not quite the right word, since the contracts essentially outsource VAERS maintenance and reporting for COVID-19 vaccines to these companies. Both contracts are embedded above, of this post.
The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow – which I happened to come across.
Question: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27, but It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion - from January 2021
So the CDC knew that Covid-19 vaccines would cause approximately 1,000 injuries or deaths per day (x41), once they were released for public use – yet the mRNA vaccines went ahead anyway, care of Trump first and Biden later and no mention has been made of the 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology in the Lipid packages, which were injected in their billions in each mRNA vaccine shot – so what do you think of the above – when you “volunteered” to be mRNA vaccinated, but now?
What an excellent, well-written piece that gets right to the point. People need to get off their arses and rise up. Apathy must be replaced with a desire to thrive, not just survive. Thank you for sharing.
When you stop whining and begging and substitute genuine economic incentives for real preventive care, nutrition value, epidemiology, rapid curative care for Al in the free-market of Percentage As You Earn %PAYEment Mutual Medical Finansurance of Humsne Investments (HI), then you’ll win.
Stop being stuck in email hell, there are 50 media distributors we have put together for you to do more than phony resistance to 4% if the population. Nobody is stopping you. Pick up the phone and call Brock d’Avignon after you’ve looked at the links above 858-226-4822 Brock@Freedomi.tv
You are right, as I have said several times because there will be no fast end to this murderous insanity, it will be up to the population to end it if the police and moral politicians that are in government can't. Because these people think they are above any law or have any need to be a morel human, there will be no, in their minds, one to stop them. They see us as below them and inconsequential in all aspects concerning their plans. they will kill all, if they can, who stand in their way. They can't however kill a few million if they storm them at their homes and places of work etcetera and that is all it would take.
Humanity has been under the yoke of government tyranny for the last 10,000 years. Even if you think the US government gives you freedom (or at one time it did) you are sadly mistaken. No government can afford to allow its citizens to be completely free because that would negate their presumed purpose...that of control of the citizens for their own good. Government is the biggest lie ever invented. Until governments as we know them are banished from existence, we will be in a constant battle for survival as free living individuals.
Rumble - UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS (2022) Full Documentary. Time capsule of when Canadians rose up together in love, peace and unity to stand up for all of our rights.
Fauci is an obvious sociopath, so tripped out on vaccine acid that it consumes his every thought and action. He actually believes the garbage he spews out on a regular basis. He's one sick little imp.
He does not believe any of it. That's why he disavows it and says he can't recall.
You are conflating schizophrenia with Falsie's psychopathy. He could likely pass a lie detector, but not because he is telling the truth, but because he doesn't care about the truth.
He believes the vaxx - HIS vaxx - is the savior of mankind.
lewrockwell.com should be an every day read by every thinking American.
They've been doing this step by step for a long time. I think they are inspired by satan,
Corbett has ben tracking
A very long time. I haven't clicked yet, it will be interesting to see how far back he traces.
He's exhaustive
Dr. Paul knocking it out of the park right now on “Warroom”! 🔥
Seen John O'Looney's recent video? These "migrants" coming to the UK illegally in boats across the English Channel. Military whistleblowers from the Black Watch (British army brigade) told John they're training north Africans and others in Western Ukraine and Turkey to go door to door and these people are being mixed in with the migrants on these boats. It's an army to be used against the British people.
I hope he got this one horribly wrong, but he has a pretty insightful track record.
30 years never had a virus or bacteria infection = never ill: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of clean warm water - cup a hand and in stages, sniff or snort the mugful up your nose spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, you have a virus and the salt solution is disinfecting it, so wait 2-3 minutes until burning sensation goes away, then blow out your nose on toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night or more often if you want, until it feels like you are flushing with water only - job done. 3 minutes idea to job done - simple. No virus, no Covid or Long Covid in your head possible. You cannot catch Covid, you have to catch a Coronavirus first and let it become Covid in the nasal passages of your head, later transported down into your body in the one liter of snot, or mucus, we each produce daily - the engine oil of the body. Vaccines - what for - I never have any.
Canada's puppet Prime Minister stated a few years ago how much he admired how China deals with it's citizens. Trudeau dealt with Canadian trucker/citizen protests in the same CCP brutal way in Feb 2022 in Ottawa. Now Trudeau is chirping that he supports the Chinese people's right to protest!! We're led by a narcissistic psychopath that changes his mind more than Joe Biden. Of course, Biden is another story.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans murdered, tens of millions of livelihoods destroyed, hundreds of millions of lives destabilised, and barely a whimper from the Deep State bureaucracy, or MSM. Trump said something crude about women once, half America and the MSM goes nuts.
America is in big trouble, and the enemy is within.
I thought this was very well written - too: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.
The Initial Contract with General Dynamics
The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines.
There is no clause in the contract giving the CDC an option to cancel or suspend the contract in the event that vaccines would not be authorized. Also, the contract stipulates that the contractor would have everything up and running within 60 days of the contract, which means by the end of October. But what if the vaccines were never approved? Or what if they were approved much later, say in February, April or June? Was the CDC just going to hand over [redacted] millions of dollars to the contractor for nothing? Or did the CDC know something about the impending approval of COVID-19 vaccines? It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion.
BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652 but by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher, (bearing in mind that VAERS represents only 1% of all injuries and deaths recorded and multiplying the numbers given by 41 (x41) gives a much better appreciation of just how many American’s were being injured or had died, after vaccinations began in early 2021), on a daily basis: see below
CDC Expected Huge Increase in VAERS Reporting
The contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature:
According to the contract, VAERS had been receiving an annual average of 53,000 reports in recent years, so in contracting for up to 1,000 reports per day, the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), with a rate of serious adverse events that could be up to 8 times higher.
The initial total amount specified (with options) under the contract with Eagle Health Analytics was $5,925,388.58 or $7,077,054.90 “with all options” (which presumably includes the extension of the VAERS work through July). This amount also includes the CISA project assistance. However, it does not include the increased hours in the Oct. 29 revision, nor the increase for the V-SAFE pregnancy registry work. However, I have not been able to find the contract in any Federal contracts database. Perhaps one of my readers will have better luck.
How Much Did All of This Cost?
The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added, though it’s not clear for what since the contract had presumably expired by then. (Best guess is that General Dynamics continued some or all of its work on COVID VAERS reports with Eagle Health brought in for additional support.) Grand total? $35,425,642 of your taxpayer dollars.
So the next time somebody says that VAERS data is worthless, ask them why the Federal government paid contractors at least $45 million dollars over 2 years to maintain this “nationally critical function.”
The Contracts
23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te...
23 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Ll
An anonymous source has sent me (Josh Guetzkow) two key contracts obtained via FOIA between the CDC and two contractors hired to assist with COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, including reports to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). “Assist” is not quite the right word, since the contracts essentially outsource VAERS maintenance and reporting for COVID-19 vaccines to these companies. Both contracts are embedded above, of this post.
The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow – which I happened to come across.
Question: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27, but It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion - from January 2021
So the CDC knew that Covid-19 vaccines would cause approximately 1,000 injuries or deaths per day (x41), once they were released for public use – yet the mRNA vaccines went ahead anyway, care of Trump first and Biden later and no mention has been made of the 99% Graphene Oxide and nanotechnology in the Lipid packages, which were injected in their billions in each mRNA vaccine shot – so what do you think of the above – when you “volunteered” to be mRNA vaccinated, but now?
I don't know where this came from, but it seems relevant to the above: https://acrobiosystems.com.cn/A1111-SARS-CoV-2-Related-Products.html#module=kit4
It won't be over until they are convicted and jailed.
Government facilities are still and continuing their full-on Jim Jones covidian cults. Here come the mask mandates again at many military bases.
What an excellent, well-written piece that gets right to the point. People need to get off their arses and rise up. Apathy must be replaced with a desire to thrive, not just survive. Thank you for sharing.
When you stop whining and begging and substitute genuine economic incentives for real preventive care, nutrition value, epidemiology, rapid curative care for Al in the free-market of Percentage As You Earn %PAYEment Mutual Medical Finansurance of Humsne Investments (HI), then you’ll win.
See PAYEhome.org/tool-kit
Health Portal Home TV, HealthPortalHome.com
The Women Leading Interactive Television Network WLIT WomenLeading.info ramping up and needing you as content, see FreedomTVnetworks.com/producers and study the downloads, then you’ll win.
Stop being stuck in email hell, there are 50 media distributors we have put together for you to do more than phony resistance to 4% if the population. Nobody is stopping you. Pick up the phone and call Brock d’Avignon after you’ve looked at the links above 858-226-4822 Brock@Freedomi.tv
You are right, as I have said several times because there will be no fast end to this murderous insanity, it will be up to the population to end it if the police and moral politicians that are in government can't. Because these people think they are above any law or have any need to be a morel human, there will be no, in their minds, one to stop them. They see us as below them and inconsequential in all aspects concerning their plans. they will kill all, if they can, who stand in their way. They can't however kill a few million if they storm them at their homes and places of work etcetera and that is all it would take.
Humanity has been under the yoke of government tyranny for the last 10,000 years. Even if you think the US government gives you freedom (or at one time it did) you are sadly mistaken. No government can afford to allow its citizens to be completely free because that would negate their presumed purpose...that of control of the citizens for their own good. Government is the biggest lie ever invented. Until governments as we know them are banished from existence, we will be in a constant battle for survival as free living individuals.
Dear Dr A,
Rumble - UNACCEPTABLE VIEWS (2022) Full Documentary. Time capsule of when Canadians rose up together in love, peace and unity to stand up for all of our rights.
https://rumble.com/v1ylnxm-unacceptable-views-2022-full-documentary.html HONK, HONK