I just urge everyone to find and watch the videos of the police brutalizing innocent people. There are many citizen journalist reports with videos on Telegram. Cops kneeing and beating people who are on the ground and no threat. Only scorn and contempt should be shown for the police. None of this would be happening if they had stood down. They are now complicit in the destruction of the country. And they are no better than the Nazi guards. I always reminded my clients. The cops are not your friends. Call them only if you are being shot at and you run out of bullets or you are in a car accident that wAsnt your fault. Otherwise steer clear. Watch the videos. You will never have any respect for the cops again. And that is a good thing. They deserve none. At least not in Canada.

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"Call them only if you are being shot at and you run out of bullets" best line ever! 😁😁

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Are you sure it's not to let Trudeau have his way with the rabble and permit optics to bring him down? SaraCarterDC

Look at what is happening - a person is being trampled by the Canadian Police horse #FreedomConvoy Sources telling me it’s getting far worse.

Absolutely disgusting and disturbing to hear that a woman was killed today during the protest. The police trampled on her with their horses and continued to stroll away.

THIS IS RIDICULOUS @JustinTrudeau #Ottawa #horses #ottnews #OttawaPolice @OttawaPolice https://twitter.com/conserv97858743/status/1494839080886149120

And then Ottawa police tweets out a lie saying a bicycle was thrown at the horses. It was an elderly lady's walker, she was one of the people trampled by the horses.

Ottawa Police delete the tweet, too late, we have it

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Candice Malcolm is reporting from True North News and she has not received confirmation that she passed away.

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Two sides of the police... 1. They chose this job and are put in harms way daily. 2. They hate the political crap, but also have family, a desire to do a good job. I'm also willing to bet there are thugs Trudeau hired to be put in police uniforms to get tough. Sick/sad. A full accounting of every LEO to participate and their role should be known minute by minute, as if presented to a jury.

I hope yall got that clout.

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You are just plain funny Chompp...You know nothing about the mentality cops develop after only a couple of years on duty...I do, and it is just plain sickening...They are better than you and can tell you what to do and when to do it and if you don't there are so many different charges they can cook up it would make head swim...I know about from their perspective not as a victim...!

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Despots cancel governmental representative government meetings when they know they have lost moral authority. No entity should enforce illegal "emergency actions."

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Seems pretty convenient. The cancellation allows Trudeau's totalitarian regime to proceed unimpeded through the weekend, at the very least.

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Mmm... So what prevents Dolfie from cancelling Monday's sitting, etc? :)

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I’m having a tough time understanding how everyone in parliament allowed this to happening. Does Trudeau really have total control?

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How many ways can you spell “cowards?” Neo nazis. Despicable. Lost. Replace them.

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Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles, but that of a woman with a walker being trampled by a police horse.

Toronto Police Mounted Unit officers push through a crowd at the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa and trample at least two demonstrators on Friday, Feb. 18, 2022

To protect and serve...Tell me about it...! Oh, and is was said she passed away from the injuries...!

Just in: Roberta Paulsen is the dead elderly woman trampled by a police horse in Ottawa...Just to think, it could have been a police officers mother...!

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Thank you

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Hi Dr. A, I've been out of the loop past couple of days taking care of my mum and have fallen behind on the latest goings-on. What was the vote on? Thanks.

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