I don't currently know any Mennonites. However, despite the guilt-tripping about not being a good member of the Church if you don't heed the Prophet's counsel to get the jabs, quite a few Mormons (40%?) abstain, also including many very devout. The most adamant Mormon for the jabs I know doesn't believe most any of the doctrines (though …
I don't currently know any Mennonites. However, despite the guilt-tripping about not being a good member of the Church if you don't heed the Prophet's counsel to get the jabs, quite a few Mormons (40%?) abstain, also including many very devout. The most adamant Mormon for the jabs I know doesn't believe most any of the doctrines (though probably doesn't tell the Bishop that when renewing a Temple Recommend).
I don't currently know any Mennonites. However, despite the guilt-tripping about not being a good member of the Church if you don't heed the Prophet's counsel to get the jabs, quite a few Mormons (40%?) abstain, also including many very devout. The most adamant Mormon for the jabs I know doesn't believe most any of the doctrines (though probably doesn't tell the Bishop that when renewing a Temple Recommend).