It was not the “catastrophic event of Covid” that forced lockdowns; it was a group of leftist assholes who used the scarcely noticed effects of Covid to force lockdown.

Here are some comparisons between what was done or not done regarding C19 versus some real diseases.

From March 27, 2020, responding to people claiming that medical personnel were “getting run ragged” by Covid.

It was obvious at the time that the “problem” was opportunists on the Left using a literally undetectable common cold virus (because up until 2021 the antibody test couldn’t distinguish C19 from other pathogens) for their own purposes:

Coronavirus: 100,000 per 340,000,000 people is 29 per 100,000.

About 12% hospitalized or 3.5 per 100,000.

Deaths: 0.45 per 100,000.

2017/2018 Seasonal flu: 45,000,000 cases of flu in 2017/2019 per 340,000,000 population is 13,235 per 100,000.

Over 300,000 hospitalized or 88 per 100,000.

Estimated flu deaths: 61,000 or 17.9 per 100,000.


Incidence per 100,000 US population:

Coronavirus: 29

2017/18 flu: 13,235

Hospitalization per 100,000 US population

Coronavirus: 3.5

2017/18 flu: 88

Deaths per 100,000 US population:

Coronavirus: 0.45 deaths

2017-18 flu: 17.9 deaths

By the actual numbers, no one is getting run ragged by the disease.

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As an Economist, I assure you the proper model is Shutdown Costs vs Benefits, as economics pays for food/housing/healthcare, ergo Poor Economy = Deaths.

The Costs have a negative slope, the Benefits have a positive slope. Where those two Opposite Sloping Regression Lines meet, in the Golden Mean Middle, is the Least Amount of Objective Negatives to the Population, period. Best method to plot lines is Sum of the Least Squares.

Proper model is Costs vs Benefits, Opposite Sloping Regression Lines Plotted Sum of the Least Squares, meet Golden Mean Middle, Least Negatives to Population, period.

The masks, shutdowns, and covid19 vaXX DON'T WORK

Single Variable Focus is Never Objective Course

The proper neutral objective course model is Costs vs Benefits

Improper model: 2 weeks to flatten the curve

The masks DON'T WORK US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical Weapons School

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The global lockstep lockdowns benefitted the killing fields.

It cleared the hospitals of 90% patients and all visitors so the staff could dance.

It cleared the nursing homes of visitors who came to feed their loved ones three times a day - staff don’t spend an hour spoon feeding these folk. A plate get delivered and removed.

These folk died of neglect, staff didn’t show up, bed sores inches deep from lying in urine and shit. And they died of starvation and dehydration. The lucky ones were knocked off with midaz.

It ensured the lonely test bunnies could be coerced into hospital protocols designed to injure and kill.

It created a fear based market for novel, untested, one size fits all, no ingredient list, no warranty of claims, endless big pHARMa jabs.

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The Unwelcome Unvaxxed..... Satire? You can't tell anymore these days.

"In our infantilized Skip the Dishes culture, we’ve lost sight of the big picture. Citizenship and democratic freedom carry responsibility. It’s not unencumbered. Vaccination is our moral imperative.

The ongoing hacking cough of the unvaxxed is our call to arms: COVID has tested us and we are failing. But 2024 can be our turnaround year.

In a world where so much is beyond our control, here’s something simple and free that those who feel powerless can do to make a huge difference: get vaccinated, get boosted, get healthy, carry on."

Freelance journalist Patricia Dawn Robertson thanks those of you who are vaccinated. She continues to hurl invective on outliers.


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