Dr. Tenpenny interviewed Dr. Jim Thorpe, who revealed that the American OBGYN organization has been getting mucho dinero ($$$$) to promote the Covid vax to pregnant women, "safe and effective at all stages of pregnancy." Meanwhile, more babies and newborns are dying and the oblivious Establishment nurses and doctors "can't figure out why." I'm tired of hearing the phrase "it's an Orwellian nightmare" but the phrase fits again, and again, and again.

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Agree! Crimes against humanity.

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FAKE MONEY is the sponsor of this insanity. Honest efforts to contribute to society are marginalized or crushed while those to advance a Globalist Agenda are "REWARDED" with FAKE MONEY printed out of thin air.

It is NOT a sustainable situation. And it's being #EXPOSED.

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These lockdowns have destroyed so many lives, relationships and trust in the ruling class.

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Our Colleges of Physicians and government medical authorities could not be more wrong, or more corrupt.




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I don't need to go very far. My 13 yo grand-daughter is type 1 diabetic and has been in the most modern Children's hospital complex of the Province for three weeks . She has not been able to eat in over a month and a half after a bad gastro. They find nothing wrong, run out of medication, ignore the signs of deep dehydration, cant' properly find a vein but for one nurse; refuse her basic tests such as parasitic testing. I seriously suspect if my daughter had not been by her side 24/24 she would be dead by now, either home -they want to send her home eventhough nothing has changed since her admission- or at the hospital. My paranoia is getting bad, I came to the conclusion they are willfully killing children with health challenges. Ok, I just let some steam out, but please beware of hospitals.

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All medical colleges are nothing more than indoctrination centers of the worst kind.

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pre meditated pre medicated MURDER IS WAY OVER Harmed People by this cpso

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Agree 100% we need trials! Life time sentences or the death penalty. They cannot escape accountability. When those that lost children realize what they’ve done there will be nowhere to hide. Doctors hung at Nuremberg trials. And they will again. It’s only a matter of time. They will be the scapegoats. Wait and see.

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How about a list of names? Let's see who these people are. You can't name and shame faceless people. Who is the head honcho in Alberta? Nothing like personal exposure. Let the sunshine in doc!

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USURPER joe biden POS NOT potus all of the demonicrat regimes Laws are NULL AND VOID DUE TO TREASON IN OUR USA government byy demonicrats and republicrats UNITE NOW, We Are Under Attack - It Is Either you UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED OR Succumb to communist atheist left globallist evil death at least share before you die - Thank You --- Anti WEF Lumberjack Breaks The Internet In Epic Video https://banned.video/watch?id=64667438a9ffe2a55ab1761

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I went to a docs appt yesterday and they still have a sign saying masks are currently optional but recommend. Insanity

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Agreed! We seem to know in the USA about hospitals, doctors an likely their associations getting profits from government

and likely big pharma can we prove the same here in Canada! Doctors are paid by Government, they work for Government!

PHAC and Big Pharma and doctors and the Colleges of physicians and surgeons! As well in Canada it's easier to suggest MAIDS then to try and cure you.....and cheaper! Arrrgh!

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i agree and there needs to be a team that investigates schools and one that does hospitals and one that does gov. pushing it all and the military as well there is blame to go everywhere.

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Absolutely. Totally. Agreed. All of these Physician Colleges.

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