Personally...I am no fan of public schools. This is now the primary indoctrination point for globalism, Luciferianism and grooming...for all children.
It is like a herion addict trying to clean up...but we hand him another syringe to mainline.
The solutions to our problems do not exist in public education today...unless your desired outcome is a blend of fascism, communism and tech-big money authoritarianism...all while sexually grooming your children into sterile lives of delusion.
And every time I try and teach them that 1) none of it was necessary 2) it was the grown-ips fault and 3) they do not have to be worried about the earth coming to an end
I get hauled into the principals office because a parent has complained.
With all due respect Dr. Alexander, this is part of a plan a hundred years in the making. By shortening our lifespan and attention span with mercury and aluminum from vaccines; inflating 97% of the dollar away, raising the retirement age, the groundwork has been laid. After paying into the system for 50 years, no one will even know anyone who lived long enough to see retirement.
The father, who wears a mask, stands at the podium and addresses 5 school board members, all seated at the dais and all masked. The rumble page describes this as "Frustrated Va [Virginia] Parent Goes off on School Board"]
FATHER: You should all be fired from your day job because if your employers knew you were more inefficient than the DMV* you would be replaced in a heartbeat. I literally just finished a conference call because I'm having to multi-task to be here to address you guys. You're a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed. You think you're some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you're making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from this virus. [shouting] The garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day! More than anyone in this school system! Figure it out! Or get off the podium! Because you know what?! There are people like me and a line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out! It's not a high bar. Raise the frigging bar!
[walks away from podium, off camera]
FEMALE VOICE (PRESUMABLY CHAIR OF SCHOOL BOARD, WHO IS MASKED): I'm going to give staff an opportunity to make sure that, um, the podium and microphone have been —
FATHER'S VOICE [from back of room] : [inaudible] wipe it down [inaudible] because we don't want anything to infect us.
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Sir, your time is finished. Can you please leave the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE [off camera]: It's OK, don't worry about it.
FATHER'S VOICE: I'll be back next time. And the next time. [shouting] I won't be a frigging fool!
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can I ask the deputy to please make sure the gentleman leaves the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE: Cone on, I'll walk out with you.
MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]
[sound of door closing]
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can the people in line in the hallway hear me? The school board welcomes the public comment. It is very important to remember the decorum of this room when you come in. We understand emotions are high. But we ask that you respect the time and when your time is up to please yield the floor to the next speaker. Thank you.
GABRIEL DALMAU: Hi, my name is Gabriel Dalmau. I worked for the Department of Sanitation for about five years. I remember feeling proud when I first got the job. I'm a welder. Welding on garbage trucks is not glamorous at all. A lot of the city jobs that we take and that we do are not glamorous, but we show up every day, even during a pandemic. Nurses, firefighters, teachers, EMTs, police, you name it, we were there, we were good enough then, we should be good enough now.
In April of 2020 my mother Cynthia, God bless her soul, she passed away, I took my four days bereavement, and I went back to work. I went back to work every single day during the pandemic, when my mother passed away, took my four days, I went back to work. It's not because I'm an outstanding employee or anything like that, it's because it's my job, that's what I chose to do, and I said, I'd rather be at work keeping my mind busy and doing something at least for the city in my own little small way to help out rather than be at home going crazy.
We're not where we were before. These things don't make sense. The mandates don't make sense. People are hurting out there, people are losing their jobs, their homes.
All the people that we call on when we're in trouble, police, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, schoolteachers, all those people that were good enough then, but they're not good enough now? How does that make any sense?
All I got to say is that, end the mandates, it's unconstitutional, it's illegal, and it's just downright not human the way that we've been treating people.
We got treated like yesterday's newspaper, we got treated like the trash, that we help to take out all the time. And the same with a whole bunch of other people in this city, this great city that we love that we all signed up to take care of, that we're all a part of, we need to be less divisive and more inclusive and get everybody back to what they do best because you cannot replace the amount of experience that these people have with new hires. It just doesn't work that way.
You, m'am, you said you've been around for a long time?
GALE A. BREWER: Long time.
GABRIEL DALMAU: Long time. You could probably attest to what experience means and why it matters.
GALE A. BREWER: I know, I know, I appreciate it. Absolutely. Thank you.
GABRIEL DALMAU: Thank you for your time.
# # #
You can listen to a podcast interview with Gabriel Dalmau at this link:
DANNY HULKOWER: Hi, my name is Danny Hulkower. I worked for the New York City Department of Sanitation, I was terminated for refusing to take the vaccine.
I think the hardest part of this is the fact that we could have actually ended all this, my department could have done it, but our union said to us, the mandates weren't going to happen, and then it went from, it's not going to happen, they can't do that to you, to, aw, just take it! Just take it!
It was disgusting the way that they handled it, and it was disgusting the way the city handled it. Because we don't even work around the public. You see us working, you don't come running up to us. I mean, it's not like we're interacting with people all day long. And there weren't even that many of us that the union would have had to fight for. But they just didn't bother.
And the worst of this is the fact that I begged my guy, I said, listen, fight this now. Whether or not you're going to take it, whether you believe in it, fight for it now, get, end this. Do not let them do it to you. Why? Because they're going to step up next and take something else from you.
And just yesterday morning the MLC [Municipal Labor Committee, umbrella organization of unions representing city employees] voted to slash 12-126 of the city admin code, which is the city subsidizing the health care for both retirees and current workers. So everybody is pretty much affected by this. And then what's going to happen is, that they're going to force you onto a single payer for-profit health service that is not going to benefit anybody but them. And this is going to go before the City Council soon, and nobody knows about this. I go, I talk to my guys, nobody knows about it.
We went to our union meeting yesterday to confront Harry, and these guys— and there's no shop stewards here. I had information to give to these shop stewards. Nobody's there! Nobody knows what's happening. These guys are living in a tunnel vision, I'm just gonna retire and I'm outta here! Well, good luck with that, because the minute you try to go down to Florida and your healthcare service is gone, you're not going to have any options, you're going to be coming up to New York every time. You can still get GHI in Florida, there's still places to go, it's not going to work if the city has a specific plan just for everybody that's going to be for their benefit only.
# # #
See also the podcast interview posted June 28, 2022 with Danny Hulkower about the vaccine mandates and why he refuses to comply.
CRAIG: Hello my name is Craig. I'm here for city workers. I want to thank Mr. Holden, Ms. Ariola, Ms. Paladino, and [inaudible] for standing up for city workers.
We won't forget when it's time to vote. Our city council members who hasn't stood up and you know it's wrong what they're doing to city workers, city workers has voted for y'all throughout your political career, from Adams, de Blasio, you name them, city workers has came to bat and City Council should not sit by and not speak up for them. When y'all didn't have a vote, you was begging for votes and didn't have a window to throw it out, you came to city workers and asked them to vote for you. And to watch them, to see what's going on, while they getting ready to hire 25 teachers from another country.
And you sit here and you don't say nothing!
And these people paid union dues. For years!
It's a shame! And we are going to remember! You better make sure we going to remember! When you come asking for our votes in front of train stations.
And now we got to beg! We got to beg these people that sitting up here lying.
While they're eating rice with no gravy and everybody else is getting a check. [Time alarm sounds] You better talk up for them because we gonna remember! We gonna remember because you're going to come again. [Time alarm sounds] That's why they want us to vote now.
GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much, sir, I appreciate it. Thank you. [Applause]
CRAIG: [Holding up the book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI]: Get the book! [Applause]
GALE A. BREWER: Quiet, please, quiet!
CRAIG: We will not forget! That's how y'all got your jobs!
1)what specific skills and learning have been lost (I can see it in all grades, but cannot quantify it or qualify it...because learning is so mixed in with social skills, and we have decimated social learning -these poor kids cannot even sit in a chair) so that we can REMEDIATE THEM and
2) I think public schools are hopeless and need to be abolished ...I want schools returned to the TOWNS..I don't even want the state involved anymore...our state education departments are worse than useless.
3) There has to be a different mechanism for funding schools...and I want total transparency and the state and federal government out of it.
Children will recover from lockdowns, But the homosexual agenda orchestrated by Trilateal/CFR thru their fake mass media and for profit non profit NGOs are THE major problem for children both prepubescent and post. The hormones under normal conditions cause confusion; now the CFR attack push to legitimate homosexuals to change gender (boys to girls) attacks kids culturally during the hormone attack period. Add to that the nono-hydogel layer!
Of course the Covidians would say, "But if we can save just one life, it would be worth it..." Not only is that nonsense, but all the school lockdowns saved zero lives at best and cost lives at worst.
Teaching people how to avoid or reverse metabolic syndrome would have not only saved many lives whose ends were ascribed to Covid, but also would materially reduce many things more serious than Covid: heart diseases, diabetes, many cancers, strokes, Alzheimer's...
The only good thing was that maybe some kids avoided some of the tranny-grooming? Oh, and parents started finding out what their kids were being taught due to the remote classes.
Not much math or English. That's all very "racist" you know). Better to teach kids to hate their country, love communism, and how to have perverted sex.
I am a huge fan of Sharyl, but there are other factors, that will affect this (I know this wasn't the thrust of her piece).
The shift from teaching those skills she alludes to - to grooming as many kids, as quickly as possible into the trans-cultist-movement (TCM). The time and effort once used to teach the fundamentals is now used to infuse the curriculum with this empty filth. I t would be like sitting your kids down to a meal and between bites of healthy/real food - you're shoving 2 Twinkies down their throats - between each bite. Of course they are going to be behind thoe who didn't get the Twinkie infusion. That needs to be addressed and accounted for.
Another factor is the illnesses these kids will be dealing with. There was a post, about micro-plastics being found in lung tissue samples.. The most likely source would be the masks, that contain these same plastic fibers. From the post:
"According to thoracic surgeon Dr. Osita Onugha, the presence of microplastics in the lungs is a public health ticking time bomb with the potential to cause an explosion of cancer cases in the coming years."
Think about all those kids who were made to wear them and now choose to, daily. Thanks Fauci!!
Lastly, I wish they had talked about UBI. These kids will be in the generation that pushes and votes for it and the politicos will have a platform to work from - as they will blame the earning disparity on a lack of equity, and long covid damage - "that would have been worse without the jabs."
There are 1001 "new" consequences, that while not planned (in some cases), turned out to be happy coincidences, for the orchestrators, regime and system. They all win...while we all lose.
If there is enough money to spend a million dollars on a past athlete's name brand sneakers, greater progressivity in the income tax is indicated until philanthropy pervades the neediest part of the population and eliminates government welfare.
Personally...I am no fan of public schools. This is now the primary indoctrination point for globalism, Luciferianism and grooming...for all children.
It is like a herion addict trying to clean up...but we hand him another syringe to mainline.
The solutions to our problems do not exist in public education today...unless your desired outcome is a blend of fascism, communism and tech-big money authoritarianism...all while sexually grooming your children into sterile lives of delusion.
I think that apprenticeships should become common in all fields of endeavor.
I was lucky enough that the first public schools I attended were a couple junior colleges (taking one class at each).
Children were taught to be afraid...of everything.
And every time I try and teach them that 1) none of it was necessary 2) it was the grown-ips fault and 3) they do not have to be worried about the earth coming to an end
I get hauled into the principals office because a parent has complained.
When I was growing up, we were fearless.
Yes we were, weren't we?
When I was growing up, adults were afraid of me (i.e., my intellect, not my diminutive size).
With all due respect Dr. Alexander, this is part of a plan a hundred years in the making. By shortening our lifespan and attention span with mercury and aluminum from vaccines; inflating 97% of the dollar away, raising the retirement age, the groundwork has been laid. After paying into the system for 50 years, no one will even know anyone who lived long enough to see retirement.
Frustrated Parent Goes off on School Board, posted January 27, 2021
The father, who wears a mask, stands at the podium and addresses 5 school board members, all seated at the dais and all masked. The rumble page describes this as "Frustrated Va [Virginia] Parent Goes off on School Board"]
FATHER: You should all be fired from your day job because if your employers knew you were more inefficient than the DMV* you would be replaced in a heartbeat. I literally just finished a conference call because I'm having to multi-task to be here to address you guys. You're a bunch of cowards hiding behind our children as an excuse for keeping schools closed. You think you're some sort of martyrs because of the decisions you're making when the statistics do not lie that the vast majority of the population is not at risk from this virus. [shouting] The garbage workers who pick up my freaking trash risk their lives every day! More than anyone in this school system! Figure it out! Or get off the podium! Because you know what?! There are people like me and a line of other people out there who will gladly take your seat and figure it out! It's not a high bar. Raise the frigging bar!
[walks away from podium, off camera]
FEMALE VOICE (PRESUMABLY CHAIR OF SCHOOL BOARD, WHO IS MASKED): I'm going to give staff an opportunity to make sure that, um, the podium and microphone have been —
FATHER'S VOICE [from back of room] : [inaudible] wipe it down [inaudible] because we don't want anything to infect us.
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Sir, your time is finished. Can you please leave the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE [off camera]: It's OK, don't worry about it.
FATHER'S VOICE: I'll be back next time. And the next time. [shouting] I won't be a frigging fool!
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can I ask the deputy to please make sure the gentleman leaves the board room?
FATHER'S VOICE: Cone on, I'll walk out with you.
MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible]
[sound of door closing]
(PRESUMABLY CHAIR): Can the people in line in the hallway hear me? The school board welcomes the public comment. It is very important to remember the decorum of this room when you come in. We understand emotions are high. But we ask that you respect the time and when your time is up to please yield the floor to the next speaker. Thank you.
# # #
* Department of Motor Vehicles
Oh yes, the point about the garbage collectors was in my mind the entire time also.
So many things made no sense. And the sanitation workers, some of them had some choice things to say-- for example:
New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022
GABRIEL DALMAU: Hi, my name is Gabriel Dalmau. I worked for the Department of Sanitation for about five years. I remember feeling proud when I first got the job. I'm a welder. Welding on garbage trucks is not glamorous at all. A lot of the city jobs that we take and that we do are not glamorous, but we show up every day, even during a pandemic. Nurses, firefighters, teachers, EMTs, police, you name it, we were there, we were good enough then, we should be good enough now.
In April of 2020 my mother Cynthia, God bless her soul, she passed away, I took my four days bereavement, and I went back to work. I went back to work every single day during the pandemic, when my mother passed away, took my four days, I went back to work. It's not because I'm an outstanding employee or anything like that, it's because it's my job, that's what I chose to do, and I said, I'd rather be at work keeping my mind busy and doing something at least for the city in my own little small way to help out rather than be at home going crazy.
We're not where we were before. These things don't make sense. The mandates don't make sense. People are hurting out there, people are losing their jobs, their homes.
All the people that we call on when we're in trouble, police, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, schoolteachers, all those people that were good enough then, but they're not good enough now? How does that make any sense?
All I got to say is that, end the mandates, it's unconstitutional, it's illegal, and it's just downright not human the way that we've been treating people.
We got treated like yesterday's newspaper, we got treated like the trash, that we help to take out all the time. And the same with a whole bunch of other people in this city, this great city that we love that we all signed up to take care of, that we're all a part of, we need to be less divisive and more inclusive and get everybody back to what they do best because you cannot replace the amount of experience that these people have with new hires. It just doesn't work that way.
You, m'am, you said you've been around for a long time?
GALE A. BREWER: Long time.
GABRIEL DALMAU: Long time. You could probably attest to what experience means and why it matters.
GALE A. BREWER: I know, I know, I appreciate it. Absolutely. Thank you.
GABRIEL DALMAU: Thank you for your time.
# # #
You can listen to a podcast interview with Gabriel Dalmau at this link:
Here's one more:
New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022
DANNY HULKOWER: Hi, my name is Danny Hulkower. I worked for the New York City Department of Sanitation, I was terminated for refusing to take the vaccine.
I think the hardest part of this is the fact that we could have actually ended all this, my department could have done it, but our union said to us, the mandates weren't going to happen, and then it went from, it's not going to happen, they can't do that to you, to, aw, just take it! Just take it!
It was disgusting the way that they handled it, and it was disgusting the way the city handled it. Because we don't even work around the public. You see us working, you don't come running up to us. I mean, it's not like we're interacting with people all day long. And there weren't even that many of us that the union would have had to fight for. But they just didn't bother.
And the worst of this is the fact that I begged my guy, I said, listen, fight this now. Whether or not you're going to take it, whether you believe in it, fight for it now, get, end this. Do not let them do it to you. Why? Because they're going to step up next and take something else from you.
And just yesterday morning the MLC [Municipal Labor Committee, umbrella organization of unions representing city employees] voted to slash 12-126 of the city admin code, which is the city subsidizing the health care for both retirees and current workers. So everybody is pretty much affected by this. And then what's going to happen is, that they're going to force you onto a single payer for-profit health service that is not going to benefit anybody but them. And this is going to go before the City Council soon, and nobody knows about this. I go, I talk to my guys, nobody knows about it.
We went to our union meeting yesterday to confront Harry, and these guys— and there's no shop stewards here. I had information to give to these shop stewards. Nobody's there! Nobody knows what's happening. These guys are living in a tunnel vision, I'm just gonna retire and I'm outta here! Well, good luck with that, because the minute you try to go down to Florida and your healthcare service is gone, you're not going to have any options, you're going to be coming up to New York every time. You can still get GHI in Florida, there's still places to go, it's not going to work if the city has a specific plan just for everybody that's going to be for their benefit only.
# # #
See also the podcast interview posted June 28, 2022 with Danny Hulkower about the vaccine mandates and why he refuses to comply.
I've got more. I'll stop with this one:
New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022
CRAIG: Hello my name is Craig. I'm here for city workers. I want to thank Mr. Holden, Ms. Ariola, Ms. Paladino, and [inaudible] for standing up for city workers.
We won't forget when it's time to vote. Our city council members who hasn't stood up and you know it's wrong what they're doing to city workers, city workers has voted for y'all throughout your political career, from Adams, de Blasio, you name them, city workers has came to bat and City Council should not sit by and not speak up for them. When y'all didn't have a vote, you was begging for votes and didn't have a window to throw it out, you came to city workers and asked them to vote for you. And to watch them, to see what's going on, while they getting ready to hire 25 teachers from another country.
And you sit here and you don't say nothing!
And these people paid union dues. For years!
It's a shame! And we are going to remember! You better make sure we going to remember! When you come asking for our votes in front of train stations.
And now we got to beg! We got to beg these people that sitting up here lying.
While they're eating rice with no gravy and everybody else is getting a check. [Time alarm sounds] You better talk up for them because we gonna remember! We gonna remember because you're going to come again. [Time alarm sounds] That's why they want us to vote now.
GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much, sir, I appreciate it. Thank you. [Applause]
CRAIG: [Holding up the book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI]: Get the book! [Applause]
GALE A. BREWER: Quiet, please, quiet!
CRAIG: We will not forget! That's how y'all got your jobs!
GALE A. BREWER: Thank you very much, sir.
I am a teacher. I want to know
1)what specific skills and learning have been lost (I can see it in all grades, but cannot quantify it or qualify it...because learning is so mixed in with social skills, and we have decimated social learning -these poor kids cannot even sit in a chair) so that we can REMEDIATE THEM and
2) I think public schools are hopeless and need to be abolished ...I want schools returned to the TOWNS..I don't even want the state involved anymore...our state education departments are worse than useless.
3) There has to be a different mechanism for funding schools...and I want total transparency and the state and federal government out of it.
PS. 4) and of course, the unions have to go.
Children will recover from lockdowns, But the homosexual agenda orchestrated by Trilateal/CFR thru their fake mass media and for profit non profit NGOs are THE major problem for children both prepubescent and post. The hormones under normal conditions cause confusion; now the CFR attack push to legitimate homosexuals to change gender (boys to girls) attacks kids culturally during the hormone attack period. Add to that the nono-hydogel layer!
Of course the Covidians would say, "But if we can save just one life, it would be worth it..." Not only is that nonsense, but all the school lockdowns saved zero lives at best and cost lives at worst.
Teaching people how to avoid or reverse metabolic syndrome would have not only saved many lives whose ends were ascribed to Covid, but also would materially reduce many things more serious than Covid: heart diseases, diabetes, many cancers, strokes, Alzheimer's...
The only good thing was that maybe some kids avoided some of the tranny-grooming? Oh, and parents started finding out what their kids were being taught due to the remote classes.
Not much math or English. That's all very "racist" you know). Better to teach kids to hate their country, love communism, and how to have perverted sex.
I am a huge fan of Sharyl, but there are other factors, that will affect this (I know this wasn't the thrust of her piece).
The shift from teaching those skills she alludes to - to grooming as many kids, as quickly as possible into the trans-cultist-movement (TCM). The time and effort once used to teach the fundamentals is now used to infuse the curriculum with this empty filth. I t would be like sitting your kids down to a meal and between bites of healthy/real food - you're shoving 2 Twinkies down their throats - between each bite. Of course they are going to be behind thoe who didn't get the Twinkie infusion. That needs to be addressed and accounted for.
Another factor is the illnesses these kids will be dealing with. There was a post, about micro-plastics being found in lung tissue samples.. The most likely source would be the masks, that contain these same plastic fibers. From the post:
"According to thoracic surgeon Dr. Osita Onugha, the presence of microplastics in the lungs is a public health ticking time bomb with the potential to cause an explosion of cancer cases in the coming years."
Think about all those kids who were made to wear them and now choose to, daily. Thanks Fauci!!
Lastly, I wish they had talked about UBI. These kids will be in the generation that pushes and votes for it and the politicos will have a platform to work from - as they will blame the earning disparity on a lack of equity, and long covid damage - "that would have been worse without the jabs."
There are 1001 "new" consequences, that while not planned (in some cases), turned out to be happy coincidences, for the orchestrators, regime and system. They all win...while we all lose.
If there is enough money to spend a million dollars on a past athlete's name brand sneakers, greater progressivity in the income tax is indicated until philanthropy pervades the neediest part of the population and eliminates government welfare.
Not a problem. You can always get a new population of young males and girls too from Central America, Africa and Asia. Already happening.