We're being chased around at work and reminded, used to be known as harassment!!! It's become a game of cat & mouse...

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That was a great run down - thank you.

My little girl started a new school during the covid-madness. She was the only one in the whole school who didn't wear a mask (it was compulsory here in NZ, but there was no way I was going to let them muzzle my child - especially given she has heart valve disease, and the health of her oral microbiome is hugely important). She has never worn a mask. I won't stand for it. It was really hard for her to be the odd one out. She got bullied. She stood up for herself, but she cried about it when she came home, and it broke my heart. But I'm happy that she didn't spend years breathing in all the crap (and even happier that she didn't get that bloody awful jab). I feel so sad for the other children.

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The thing that really got me - I know lots of the parents agreed with me, but not one of them stood up alongside me and said "no." I just can't believe it. It wasn't such a hard thing to do. It wasn't like going to war or anything. It didn't require much bravery. Just a bit of conviction. Not one of them.

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You need a license for nearly everything...drive, work, etc but nothing required to burden society with another dumbass kid. ;)

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Well done you 💖💖

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Any face mask will increase you carbon dioxide levels and lower your oxygen levels especially if you are on the move. That's all you need to know after all surely the whole world knows that they have absolutely no benefits for the wearer or those in the vicinity following extensive data analysis. Time to be blunt and if required to wear a mask tell them you will if they can find definite evidence of any advantage that is if you can still think straight.

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Are you prepared for the consequences? I have done just that and will continue. The result is zero converts and the loss of most of my jobs. Have a friend from overseas flying over to buy at least of a collection I have. After that, where do I earn income from? If we all did this, this would have ended immediately.

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Surgical mAsKs outside of surgery, worn by the general population in the practical environment, simply are Slave mAsKs.

Ignorance + Fear + mAsK = Slave. A symbol in old law for SLAVE.

The mAsKs DON'T WORK US Army Nuclear Biological Chemical weapons school. Period.

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And, this was known long before covid. I think that the majority of the worldwide medical community had a collective lobotomy between Fall 2019 Spring 2020 if not earlier.

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The 6 foot distance was not arbitrary, it was deliberately chosen by the psychopaths to ensure human to human contact was lost, to isolate, to control. Nothing healthy about it.

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There some people where I live on SoCal that never stopped wearing them. It’s ridiculous.

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What’s concerning to me is it was known before 2019 that masks do not stop aerosol nor flu transmission; and can be a source of disease when dirty. Not all people are healthy enough to wear one. As well there are other considerations also in that a mask may impair or worsen respiratory concerns, those who cannot hear are further impaired,children certainly should not be wearing one never mind adults. And on and on it goes.

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Exactly. “Lost” knowledge.

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Presented at an Alberta emergency room with a senior who was having trouble breathing and stated such. "Can you both please put on masks and take a seat"? "Uhh... didn't you hear me - they are having trouble breathing, no they aren't wearing a mask. Forget your fucking theater" End of story.

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Outstanding article!. In addition, a major flaw in the covid mask science is that these are studies about a tool in which to reduce exposure to risk. ..yet none of the papers adhered to "exposure science" principles as a litmus. ( yes exposure science is a real thing ) Whether a mask study is "anti" or "pro" mask, they both have a single thing in common...they both insist that the masks are the thing producing their data. Ok...what if it isn't the masks? That is actually a real and very likely possibility. We have established science that tells us the Order Of Strength, of all the mitigations taking place...and guess what...masks are on the bottom. But suddenly The Hierarchy of Controls is flipped upside down and PPE is now the most powerful....because CDC Magic. Oh..and source control?....The irony is that none of the CDC mask studies demonstrate anything close to how that's supposed to work. Most importantly however is the question any advocate can never answer. If it's source control...then How Long is it source control? Because every tool transitions to a risk eventually. I have read every line, of every CDC mask study. I discuss a number of things regarding the missing exposure science components, as well as a summary quick sheet of every lab experiment. If ya'll need some toilet time reading material, hehe. head on over. my open letter to Vinay Prasad is a good starting place. I also go over the CDC mask health studies in the "Beware" article. If you are an exposure scientist, then I recommend the butt chewing in "if I was in a room full of industrial hygienists, this is what I would say to them"

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This is good and needed, but I am sure you know that we knew why and how masks could not stop viruses long before covid. They ignore what was known and what is learned. Personally, I think they know and have known. Their goal is in part achieved by everyone masking and their goal has nothing to do with maintaining good health of the masked.

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Once the vaccine's rolled out and everyone started getting sick, I went to visit a new mom on a Covid Unit. What struck me was how all the nurses at the station were coughing, hacking and not wearing masks. (not that they worked anyway)

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On page 5 of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Handbook for Hospitals, it clearly states that surgical masks are not protective against small particulates. Furthermore, I secured the services of a Certified Industrial Hygienist and a Certified Lab to find out how much C02 a person was being exposed to over an 8 hour time weighted average period. We measured levels that were 2 times over the OSHA exposure limit for C02. The CDC sponsored a study in 2012 where they measured levels that were 7 times over the OSHA exposure limit inside unvented N95 masks. There is a reason we need to exhale, cough and sneeze. It's to get what is inside of us out and away from us. Masks force us to rebreathe that which the body is trying to get rid of. The consequences are that it will only make us sicker and ultimately protects no-one.

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The members of the face mask cult, suffer from deep psychological problems, namely various levels of paranoia, narcissism, and negative self-image. The masks enable self-worship-virtue-signaling, and alleviate fear and self-doubt in their own mind, absent logic, and evidence-data. All behaviors are sourced in the mind.

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Allan Stevo from Lockdown land writes a substack regarding ineffectiveness of masks.

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Yah…what about lowering oxygen levels? Is that another concern?

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Thanks Doc for addressing this issue of useless mask wearing...it is another prescribed harm inflicted upon the innocent by the conflicted faux experts. Jesus is coming back to punish them.

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Nov 20, 2023
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Asian by chance? They seem to luv wearing them. Maybe it's a ching thing? ;)

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