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1. You have much to learn about the history of war.

2. You have much to learn about the history of children and childrearing, especially among tribal cultures, the more primitive examples of which include both Marxism and Islam.

3. It’s the height of reductionism to raise an ideologically-derived, morally-dubious banner and then appeal to that as the sine qua non to judge any particular social outcome, whether education, war, medicine, or one political structure (jihadist Islam or progressive socialism) trying to eradicate another (whether Dar Al Harb or “the infidel” or non-Muslims or Western free market industrialism or a Constitutionally-defined, from its inception anti-big government, representative republic (the progressive socialists of the US), or the bourgeoisie (the bugaboo of the pre-20th century socialists and socialism’s idiot bastard son, Marxism), or the “established order” (revolutionary France).

The radical environmentalist branch of world communism has already been doing that with “do it for the children,” though, given their enthusiastic embrace of abortion, birth control, sterilization, and trying to push viral RNA products in ever-greater numbers on ever-younger children, they, like Muslim families in Gaza and elsewhere training their children from infancy to hate all things non-Muslim, to consider Jews to be the source of all evil, and to consider it an honor to kill Jews and “crusaders,” they don’t really seem to care much for kids beyond the degree they can use them to promote their cause (like little Iranian kids given plastic keys to Paradise to use as soon as they got blown up slowing down Iraqi tanks or Hamas and Hezbollah hiding their missile launchers and weapons stashes in hospitals, schools, and mosques).

As Golda Meir said, “We can forgive them [the variety of attacks on Israel both by mostly Arab, mostly Muslim terrorists and Middle Eastern states such as those that launched attacks in 1948, 1967, and later, I guess, by extension to Iran funding continued terror attacks against Israeli civilians based solely on identity politics) for killing our children, but we cannot forgive them for making us kill their children.”

So leave off with the virtue-signaling bloviation of “not a single child must be harmed” about which Hamas and Hezbollah give not a single shit beyond the degree to which it can be used to protect their own asses while they gear up to murder even more of them, if for no other reason than that Israel has always bent over backwards trying to distinguish between non-combatants of any age and terrorists. Israel can’t do much more than they’ve been doing consistently since the early part of the 20th century and terrorists don’t give a shit.

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go read my work, I stand with Israel's right of defence...I know what you mean but a child is a child...be careful you lose the 'street'...this is about narratives too as you wage a battle...the public must be there too...this is a war of narratives...be careful...and hate must not consume...and I love you for being here and your sage too...thank you...we learn from each other

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Bingo !!!

Well said.

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The way I see it, when you setup military bases around the children, you have only yourself to blame when children are killed. JS. How many schoolbuses has Hamas blown up? Crowded marketplaces? They weren’t too concerned about killing kids. Not saying it’s ok, but let’s not lose perspective.

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Yo people are all naive. Did the USA kill civilians at Hiroshima or Nagasaki? (They tried by dropping leaflets of warning same as Israel did). Did USA and allies in Europe WWII worry about civilians during the bombing of Dresden, Germany? NO. The place was annihilated. This is WAR. There will always be civilian casualties. And I see that you are all more concerned for Palestinians than for the civilians slaughtered in Israel. Israel has coped with similar attacks for decades. You want them to continue to pile up Jewish civilian bodies to protect Palestinians? Disgusting, cowardly, ignorant relativism.

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Oh i think you are the naive one if you think this whole scenario was not instigated by israel.

As an occupying power Israel has no right to defend itself and is therefore the sole reason for this whole shit show. In these last three weeks over 3000 palestinian children have been killed.

This is not retaliation, this is genocide.

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That is not naïveté on your part...it is Jew-hatred hiding behind a contemptibly false narrative of the history. No, Israel is not an *occupying power*. Israel handed over self-governance to Gaza in 2005 have you been hiding in a cave, a la Hamas? THERE ARE NO JEWS OR ISRAELIS IN GAZA. Stop defecating this twisted history. Nor is there a *palestinian* race, ethnicity or nationality...learn the meaning of 'genocide' before you perversely lay an evil upon THE JEWS, that is factually being perpetrated by the *palestinians*.

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Nor is there a *palestinian* race, ethnicity or nationality.

I bet 99% of the people don’t know that fact. Glad your added it to your comment.

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Thanks for your opinion. Next?

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Israel occupies land given to it by international agreement, legal purchases and territory won in a fair fight. Israel also gave back willingly much land to placate the situation, such as the Gaza strip, and the Sinai Peninsula. The Palestinians have no more right to any of this land than anyone else. History demonstrates the Jews occupying this land way before anyone else. The Bible is filled with accounts of the Jews living in and owning this property

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The Israel of the Bible is not the Israel of the Rotschilds.

You obviously haven’t done your homework!

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Yes linda the United States did kill civilians at hiroshima but the US was attacked first at pearl harbor the HAMAS attack was at a concert/festival celebration the Jewish holiday of Sukkot

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Tell that to Hamas. They store their explosives under buildings and houses. They have headquarters under hospitals.

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Holodomor said what?

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IDF shows it on their twitter page.

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Of that, have absolutely no doubt

No need to trust but verify, trust is enough here

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HAMAS is nothing but pure evil... https://rightisright.co/hamass-new-deadly-threat-video Palestinians were living in a terrorist/dictator country. as this admin thrives on wanting to turn the United States into a socialists/Marxist country (all part of Obummers plan) we now have unknown amount of terrorist setting up camp in the USA, something horrific will happen here or in Europe. Fact every war that the USA has been in was due to and started by there being a democrat in the oval office

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And how do you do that? Hamas brought it upon itself.

It kidnapped the children just for that, as human shields.

How did Hamas get the misses in first place? They had to be shipped thru Egypt. Where is the accountability from Egypt?

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Yes, but we are to take a “pause” in the murders says Biden and his supporters. 🤬 Let’s pause the war so the terrorists can get their shipment of new bombs, bullets and knives. Let’s pause so the terrorists can move their captives to a new tunnel.

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That's a nice Disney-fied thought, but it's unrealistic. Palestinians---and I DO mean most of the citizens---are fully on board with eradicating Israel and exterminating Jews. Nor do they have any resistance to not indoctrinating their own children into feral, genocidal hatred of Jews. They ARE Hamas. Most of the ones who oppose Hamas, have left already. Remaining are the largely young demographic of parents, who themselves have been inculcated into an animalistic Jew-hatred, through their mosques and schools, and are avid to force-feed their own young the same genocidal intent toward Jews. Realistically, this can not and will not be overcome by deprogramming, as if there is some way to even do that to a contingent of a couple of million people. Israel has systematically abided ethically and by the tenets of international law, to warn the civilian population of imminent attacks targeting Hamas---which cowardly and viciously installs itself behind the safety of their own people, as human shields---, warning them to vacate the area, but unavoidably there is going to be collateral damage. The only alternative, is for Israel to refuse to protect itself as a nation and as a people, by refusing to eradicate those who have openly dedicated their lives and deaths to the extermination of Jews. Another Holocaust, unarguably. You are going to have to leave the moral vapidity of fence sitting, or face some culpability for the centuries and centuries of pursuit of the extermination of Jews, and ultimately, all *unbelievers*.

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" we hate the Palestinians. They force us to kill their babies". Or something like that.


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Fact. Any more lazy intellectually and morally deficit arguments to add? Rhetorical question only, hun.

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Israelis harvesting organs from palestinian corpses without family permission. When they return the body to the palestinian families, they force them to do the burial on spot at night.


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Hamas propaganda knows no limits

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It is not propaganda. This is the truth. Like it or not

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Are the body parts kosher? 🙄

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The whole zionism is not kosher. For all I know, they are upgrading.

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When they chant “death to Israel,” does it make you smile? https://www.ynetnews.com/article/r1jhzzzx6

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No. It doesn't.

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